Guidance (closed for ericrodman101) [M/M]

“You want me to adopt you?”

Charlotte watched as Henry smiled warmly.

”You could always marry each other,” she said.

”The best I have right now is Metzler’s place….”

Charlotte saw Toby looking straight at her now. So he was staying there. With her parents. Not just overnight, but….what? A week? Longer? Indefinitely?

She gave it some thought as she nodded at Toby’s suggestion they explore the house and look for good places to take pictures. He meant sexy places to take sexy pictures.

“Yeah, let’s explore,” she said.

”Who wants to explore?”

Mrs Merton walked into the room, dressed in the tiniest bikini Charlotte had ever seen, dripping water fresh from the pool as she crossed the marble tiles, Miguel in tow, dripping just as profusely.

”Explore all you like,” she said. “I’m going upstairs to dry off and rest, but you kids enjoy yourselves. Martha is cooking lobster if you want to stay for dinner.”

Charlotte watched as Mrs Merton and Miguel left the room.

”Lobster….” she began as her mobile buzzed. “It‘s my mother texting. Wants me home for some reason.“ ‘Don’t bring the boy,’ she read to herself.

She looked at Toby.

”I gotta go guys. On my own. Why don’t you stay for dinner, Toby? I can come get you later.”

What had he done to upset her mother?
Toby rolled his eyes at the tongue-in-cheek suggestion of him marrying Henry, but his cheeks did turn a little pink.

He nearly spit out his coffee when Henry's mom, all but naked, strolled in, with an even more nearly-naked Miguel, wet and dripping. His eyes went straight to Miguel, and not only to avoid having to look at the tipsy woman flaunting herself in front of her son and his friends.


He looked at Charlotte suddenly when she mentioned her mother contacting her to call her home. He felt his throat threatening to close up, knowing that the shit was about to hit the fan. How would Charlotte be able to look him in the eye again? How would she ever look her father in the eye? Her mom might have been the first one to cheat, but Toby was realizing that he was the one who's probably destroyed a family.

He opened his mouth to ask her if she was sure, if she was really sure, that she absolutely had to listen to her mother and go home right now, but he closed it again, knowing it was futile. She would find out soon, whether it was five days from now or five minutes from now. Might as well rip off the band-aid.

Biting his lip hard, he stepped forward and spontaneously wrapped his arms around the girl, squeezing her tightly.

"Thank you for being willing to be my friend," he whispered. "Thank you for helping me. I'll return your clothes as soon as I can - I promise."

Without waiting for any kind of reaction from her, he turned his back to Charlotte and stuffed his mouth with cake. There was a lot he wanted to forget right now, and cake might help. Cake, and lobster.
Henry watched Charlotte leave, giving her a little wave. Toby had spoken to her, but too softly for Henry to hear. He wondered how much she knew about her father and Toby, but guessed that it wasn't much, or maybe nothing. She would have said something, surely. And not been so obviously convinced that Henry was fucking Toby, and not Gerry.

And did any of it matter? They were all adults. His mother had a fuck buddy. And his father. Henry fucked the chaplain and the janitor, and filmed them doing it. Fucking without boundaries was liberating. Just going with it, fucking whomever and whenever he liked, had freed Henry from the angst that went with teen sex and self discovery. He was over it and out the other side and could go on with life while he fucked as regularly and undramatically as he ate and washed.

"Do you want another coffee?" he asked Toby who had a mouthful of chocolate cake. "Or we could take this into the pool room or the audio room, maybe play video games or watch a movie? Dinner won't be ready for hours. Do you want to stay the night?"

So many questions. Henry was warming to the little guy, He was hot and pretty, had a beautiful cock and didn't mind playing with it and Henry's cock in public. It wasn't like he needed a boyfriend. Henry felt no compunction to commit. In fact, a deliberate avoidance of commitment was what drove him through life now, confident and liberated, towards whatever goals he set himself, or the great unknown that was the future.

" you want to fuck?"
Toby looked up from his cake plate, his face obviously clouded with concern. He felt especially apprehensive being this vulnerable in front of someone like Henry, who was such a wildcard, but for now, at least, the kid was being... actually nice. Hospitable, even. He'd have to keep in mind the lesson he'd learned with Gerry and not start believing in anything or anyone just because things were good now. He wanted someone to talk to about life, to confide in, about everything. That person might have been Charlotte, but he had a feeling he was about to lose her for good. And it couldn't be Henry. Henry had no integrity except to his own pleasure. That wasn't something he had to hold against the kid, but it was something to be mindful of. Proceed with caution.

He shook his head at the offer of more coffee - he wasn't used to drinking it and would probably be bouncing off the walls if he had more caffeine in him. Toby considered all of the options presented until Henry threw a wrench in everything by offering a fuck.

He shouldn't have been surprised. Not even a little. Fucking was probably as consequential as TV or video games for Henry. A little light entertainment. It didn't have to have anything to do with how Henry might feel about him.

He rubbed the back of his neck nervously as he considered the situation. Maybe he could try to get something real out of Henry after all. He didn't have to show all his cards or start talking about his feelings - he just wanted to know they were on the same page. And he wanted to know some things that had been nagging at him that he couldn't bring up in front of Charlotte.

"Well... I dunno. Do you wanna fuck? Like, me specifically? Or do you pretty much ask any random dude you might be hanging out with? I'm not fussed either way; I'd just like to know."

He licked a few cake crumbs from his lips and drained the last of his coffee.

"There are a few things I'd like to know, actually, if you were up for some real talk. Just a little bit. Like... I'm not judging you for it - not anymore, at least - but I wanna know what the actual history is between you and Gerry, and how far it's gone. Only because I'd like to know just how much he's been bullshitting me."
Henry smiled as Toby laid everything on the line in response to his out-of-the-blue offer. Asking Toby if he wanted to fuck was just Henry being Henry. It's what he did for fun. Shoot pool. Play video games. Watch porn. Fuck. What did other eighteen year old gay guys do for recreation?

"Hey, Toby, you've sussed me. I guess I'm that easy to fucking read. Yeah, I pretty much ask any random dude to fuck. Pretty much. It's who I am...I guess."

He moved across to where Toby was sitting, cut himself a slice of cake, and sat next to his new friend.

"But since you asked I'll tell you. And just so we know exactly where we stand with each other, I know you're fucking Gerry and I know you fucked the janitor. I don't know who else you're fucking and I don't care. It's none of my fucking business. But I guess what it tells me is that we are much more alike than you think."

Henry took a bite of cake and chewed to let Toby digest the words.

"See, the one thing I know about the world is that sex is about pleasure and power. I guess you can have either, but I want to have both. And why not? Pleasure and power. Mommy fucks Miguel because she has money and he has a big cock. My Dad fucks Jay because he can make Jay a star and Jay makes Dad feel young and desirable. And introduces him to lots of hot young Korean guys too."

Henry laughed.

"I fuck teachers because it gives me control over them. There. I've said it. I enjoy the fucking and I enjoy the control. And maybe you haven't worked it out yet, but I film us doing it. The chaplain. The janitor. I'm the one in control. Me. Henry the lanky, weird-dressing, senior dramaqueen faggot. I fuck them. I film them. And when it suits me, I show them the film. And you know, they don't really care either, because I fuck them again as a reward for giving me what I want. Sometimes I'm so busy I have to schedule them in my diary. Tuesday is fuck the chaplain day. Wednesday is fuck the janitor, and so on. Are you getting my drift?"

He looked hard at Toby who simply stared back.

"Which brings me to Gerry Metzler. Facts first. I sucked him off, this morning before I found you posing for Charlotte in the woods. You know that because I left his fucking cum all over my face. And poor crazy deluded Charlotte thought I'd walked through a wet tree. Fuck!"

Henry looked hard again, but still Toby gave nothing away.

"And one time I stroked his cock in the library. Just through his pants, mind. No skin on skin. No cum. And no film. I've never filmed Gerry and you know why? There's something about him which just says...I don't know...that he's taken or he's not really interested, or....I bet you are the first student he's ever fucked, Toby. All those school sluts on heat in their hot little skirts and their tiny see-through panties waving their warm pussies in his face, all those horny muscled square-jawed jocks telling him how they jerk each other off, all those troubled pretty femboys gazing up at him with their dark eyes and tousled hair. And Gerry just keeps his hands to himself all these years. Goes home and jerks off to porn I bet. Maybe he's wanted to fuck other guys. Maybe he's even done it once or twice when he got drunk or his wife kicked him out. But you are the first student he's ever really fucked and until our little incident this morning, I bet that was one hundred fucking percent true."

He took another bite.

"And you know why I did it? Because I fucking could. Gerry was there, all sad and alone and mixed up. And I was horny and up for it and there was five minutes to spare. So I did it. And it meant nothing to me and I bet, Toby, it meant nothing to him. So before you go getting all morose and fucked up about Uncle Gerry not loving you anymore, if there's anyone else, no bullshitting, it's not me. And I bet there's no one else. Just you, Toby. Sweet lips, tight ass, slender hips Toby with his cute face and bedroom eyes and cock that's way too long for his little body. Yeah...."

Henry took a deep breath and paused, as if to say 'your turn, if you want'.
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Toby kept his lips tightly pressed together as he listened, making steady eye contact until the other boy finished. He crossed his arms and looked away, staring out a window at the drifting clouds. He needed a moment to construct a barrier against his stupid feelings. He realized after all this had been said that he'd actually been wanting to hear that Gerry had been fucking other students all along and lied to him about everything - it would have justified his anger, and anger was the easiest and safest emotion to seize hold of.

Henry might have been lying, but Toby was quite sure he wasn't. He'd given the whole truth about what happened in the library, and clearly didn't know Toby had seen them. Now, knowing that that was the first time and it hadn't gone that far, knowing that he almost certainly the only student Gerry had fucked, that Gerry was different from the other perverts because there was some invisible mark on him that said taken just made all this harder to handle. It was hard because Toby wanted to be his only - there was safety there, and a sense of caring and connection, unlike Henry who just fucked in whatever direction the wind blew and used sex as a tool to get what he wanted.

It wasn't that he thought he was better than Henry because of this. Henry probably had the right idea in all this, in fact. It was hard to find a sense of power and agency as a lonely, mixed-up teen with a broken family and an uncertain future, and Henry at least had gotten himself to a place where he wasn't taken advantage of, and had control over things. Plus, he had the opportunity to expose perverts and hypocrites, but only, of course, when it suited him. Toby wasn't sure he was strong enough for that, but maybe it was time to start trying. Look what he'd made happen at Gerry's little meeting yesterday, after all. Henry might even be impressed.

"The thing about Gerry..." he finally mused, with a heavy sigh. "The thing about Gerry... is I think he's been the 'good guy' all this time and is just... sick of it. They had this real actual suburban nuclear family thing going on, with the house and the marriage and the kid, and.... You wanna know how it started with Gerry? His wife cheated on him. Tale as old as time, I guess. He saw her fucking a couple of randos in their bed, and he was kinda devastated. Just really fucking sad, and... I hugged him. I don't really know why. I'm not the kind of person who does shit like that, and we'd mostly argued until then. It was weird, and kinda nice, and we were nice to each other. He helped me get out of my mom's apartment, because it was a bad situation, and he let me stay at his place, and I didn't really know how to thank him except...."

He dropped his head and rubbed his eyes, stopping just short of confessing to Henry that he'd been a virgin before that.

"We were... there for each other, when our lives were falling apart, and I guess that's why it was such a big deal. It's only been a few days, really. It seems impossible because it seems like we've fucked like, a thousand times, but it's been such a short time. Holy shit. I guess we were both dumbasses to think it was a real relationship. I mean, he basically pimped me out to a dirty cop to avoid getting busted for fucking in public, and I hated every second of it but I did it for him. How fucked up is that? I didn't want that. And I didn't want Freitas fucking me in that gross closet with a camera recording us. He was rough, and I'd just been fucked raw by like half a dozen perverts - including the chaplain - and Gerry just fucking waited quietly outside the door while the janitor taped me up and railed me. Metzler's got no balls. If he gave a single shit about me, he wouldn't have... I mean.... I don't wanna be treated that way. I don't wanna..."

He stopped himself from continuing with this terrible word-vomit and bit the inside of his cheek, trying to reel it in. Henry didn't want to hear this; Henry didn't need to hear this. Toby took a few deep, cleansing breaths. He didn't want to be this pathetic, self-pitying, heartbroken creature. He wanted to be confident. Powerful. Like Henry.

"I guess I've got no control here. Maybe I need to be... like you."
Henry watched and listened as Toby talked in a way he'd never heard the little guy talked in the brief time they'd known each other.

"Maybe I need to be more like you," Toby concluded.

Henry sat and chewed on the cake, eyes on Toby, nodding slightly, letting the truth sink in.

"Maybe," he said eventually. "Maybe that's the only way to get some control. And show Gerry that he doesn't have to do this on his own. I mean, Gerry is where you're at. It just took him a thousand years to get here. Fifty something guy in a fucking awful marriage, best years behind him, wife who thinks he's the maintenance man, kid leaves home, job is shit, cock's going to drop off through too much jerking off. And then when he's at rock bottom, beautiful Toby gives him a hug and they fuck and suddenly there's a whole new fucking world available to him. A world where he gets to fuck guys and live and be happy and he's just wasted his whole life not doing it."

He looked down at his empty plate and found some crumbs with his fingers.

"Sounds to me like Gerry doesn't know what to do. How to treat you right. I mean it's his first time falling it is yours, Toby. But you can pick yourself up and keep going, Gerry probably thinks this is it. His one chance. And he's fucking it up. Treating you like shit. Let me suck him off to show he's attractive to other guys, I guess. You know, maybe let Gerry grow some balls by letting him stew a bit longer. Charlotte says she's going to take us to look around the college this weekend. Let's do that and have some fun. And then after Gerry's had some more time to think things through, come back and have it out with him."

Henry looked hard to see if Toby was taking this in.

"Or if that's not enough, we're going to finish high school next month. Come with me to San Diego for a few weeks. For the summer. We will stay with Dad and Jay and just go fucking crazy. Swimming and clubbing and drinking. Disneyland if you want. Hollywood. Tijuana. Being gay in California is no big deal. Not like this fucking shit hole. Dad has lots of gay friends. Get to know what it's really like just to be yourself. I mean, some of these guys live like Dad and Jay, but some of them live in threesomes...throuples they call it...some of them live in sort of gay communes. There's this great gay beach in San Diego...Black's Beach I can swim and pose and watch and....well, you can fuck. Really. Guys just walk up to strangers on the beach and fuck. Whatever you want, Toby. Yeah, let's go to college this weekend with Charlotte, then get fucking school out of way and go to San Diego, while Gerry works out what he's missing and how to get you back."
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As much as Toby hadn't planned on spilling his guts to Henry, he also hadn't expected the other boy to offer what actually felt like... wisdom. He nodded slowly as Henry offered his thoughts. He really hadn't considered the idea that he and Gerry were going through basically the same journey, just at vastly different stages of life. Maybe Gerry was even entitled to struggle more with it, seeing as he had so much more life behind him to regret, and so much more now to lose. Toby's life was still a blank slate.

"I wouldn't count on Charlotte still taking us to college," he mumbled. "That was her mom that called her away. Her mom knows - she caught us mid-fuck. In a threesome, no less. With the doctor Gerry got his old man dick pills from."

Finally, Toby actually started to see a little humor in the situation and a little smirk teased at his lips.

"It was kind of awesome, actually. The way she freaked out. But anyway... Charlotte doesn't know, and I'm sure she's about to, and I can't imagine she'd still want to be friends when she finds out Daddy's been fucking little Toby. Even if Mommy started it, I'll still end up being the 'homewrecker'. But we can cross that bridge when we come to it."

He studied Henry for a few moments, as if by looking at him, he could determine whether the kid really meant to take him to San Diego.

"Sure, why shouldn't I?" he snorted after a brief silence. "Fuck my way through San Diego. Maybe I'll fuck Gerry out of my system, or maybe I'll fuck just long enough for Gerry to have learned that he doesn't have a damn thing to offer anyone else, and come crawling back. Who knows? Anyway... school-wise, I dunno if I'll even bother finishing. After yesterday, I was really considering never stepping foot in there again. I suck at it anyway, and the only way I'd probably graduate is for Metzler to pull a lot of strings for me, and I can't count on that now. What good is a diploma gonna do for me anyway? Not like I'd be going to college or getting some nice job. You don't need school to fuck your way through life."
Henry's eyes opened wide.

"You and Gerry and the doctor fucked and his wife caught you? Jesus fucking Christ Toby, that's hot. And I didn't know Gerry had it in him."

He rubbed his crotch in appreciation.

"Don't worry about Charlotte. She's got our back, especially while we play along with the photography. I'm enjoying it actually. I think we make fucking sexy porn models. And I love the idea of you coming to San Diego with me. Who the fuck cares if you get a diploma anyway, but let's see what Gerry can do, yeah? You want more cake?"

Henry took the dirty dishes to the sink 'for Martha'.

"So you want to look around? See where you're spending the night? Check out the pool? The entertainment room? How about I get you a robe to wear seeing as you're staying and we'll text Charlotte to see if we're still on for college tomorrow. You got a phone?"

Don't bring the boy, her mother had texted. As she walked home the long way to avoid the wood on her own, Charlotte realized that of course her mother knew about Toby. He was staying there while her father worked out how best to house him. A welfare case. That's what counselors did. So why not bring the boy? It seemed harsh.

Andrea opened the door to Charlotte as soon as her key was in the lock, as if she'd been waiting on the mat for her daughter to arrive. Andrea shepherded her inside, then stuck her head out to check Charlotte was on her own. Charlotte kissed her mother on the cheek and nearly tripped over the large suitcases in the hall.

"Are you going away again? Another conference?"

"Charlotte," Andrea said gravely. "I'm moving out. Your father and I...well..."

Charlotte crossed her hands, stepping back, legs apart, trying to exert some authority.

"Over some poor kid he's invited to stay while he sorts out what to do? Really!"

But even as she spoke, Charlotte knew it was a culmination of things over many years. Her mother and her father hadn't seemed close for a long time. Who said married couples become more like brothers and sisters than lovers as the years wear on? And without even thinking about it closely, it was obvious to Charlotte that her father was the same simple guy with the dead end job who'd come home from work every afternoon and bounced her on her knee or played ball or dollshouses. With Gerry it felt like nothing ever changed.

But her longer a homemaker, no longer motherly...if she'd ever been. Andrea was a high powered executive who'd outgrown the house and the family and the relationship. Charlotte teared up a little as she looked hard into her mother's eyes and wondered if she even knew this woman.

"He's fucking the boy," Andrea said. "There, I've said it now. Your precious sainted father is fucking a student. You get it now?"

"I don't believe you," Charlotte cried. "You fucking bitch."

Her mother wouldn't lie, though. Andrea was lots of things, but she wasn't a liar.

"If you're going to talk to me like that," Andrea said, "I'm going. I'll be at the flat at the college. Call me when you've calmed down."

Andrea picked up her bags, opened the door and left. Charlotte stood in the empty hall listening to her mother's footsteps fade on the path. When she opened the door, her mother had gone. Daddy and Toby. Fuck!
Toby's nascent smile grew a little more as Henry revealed how impressed he was with what he and Gerry had done. Maybe Gerry hadn't had it in him before Toby had come along - maybe Toby inspired something. That was a thing he could feel good about, even if he left Gerry behind.

"A robe? Sure, I guess! You can show me all around the house if you want. If I don't have a tour, I'll probably end up getting lost."

He glanced around, thinking about where that hot pool guy might be, and about how long he could go without pointedly asking Henry more about Miguel. Maybe he wouldn't want to try to get too close to Miguel if the guy had just fucked Henry's mom - ew! - but if he'd showered thoroughly....

What was he thinking? Miguel was probably straight anyway. He probably strutted around being smug about fucking the woman of the house and being a cocktease for Henry.

The question about a phone seemed to deflate a bit of his slowly growing confidence. He bit his lip for a moment and shook his head.

"No... I don't have a phone. I've pretty much had to start life with a blank slate. Schoolbooks, and a change or two of clothes."

He looked in Henry's direction with obvious embarrassment written all over his face. "I guess with the exception of alcoholic moms, we've had totally opposite lives."
“Alcoholic moms…..yeah,” Henry sighed. “You gotta gay dad?”

Henry led Toby out of the kitchen and back through the day room. He opened a door and stepped to the side, gesturing for Toby to go first. The smell of warm water and chlorine was strong, and when the boys turned, they stood in a long room filled with an indoor swimming pool.

”Don’t say anything,” Henry said. “It’s excessive, but fuck it’s nice to swim all year round. You see that closet? Robes and swimsuits. Lots of spares for guests. Mommy and Daddy party in here like fucking crazy. Just not at the same time, of course.”

Henry opened the closet which was more like a changing room. Brightly coloured robes hung from a rail along one wall, in a variety of fabrics: silk, satin, towelling. On the opposite wall was a long shelf, the bottom level held footwear like slippers and flip flops, and at waist height were folded a range of swimsuits, some modest board shorts for men and one pieces for women, but the bulk were skimpy bikinis and speedos.

”Take your pick,” Henry said. “Try some on. Pick a robe and a speedo. You wear speedos? They are the fucking best.”

Henry held up a yellow Lycra speedo for Toby to examine.

”Tiny yeah? And tight. You’re gonna look a million dollars strutting around in that. Gerry is gonna cream his pants.”

Henry handed the speedo to Toby and opened the next door, releasing a cloud of steam.

“If you’re feeling a bit shy all of a sudden, change in the sauna.”

Charlotte stood in the hall and cried. She couldn’t believe what her mother had just told her. But why would she lie? Daddy and Toby. How did that make any sense?

And where was Gerry? She called out, walking through the house, stopping at the bottom of the stairs, opening doors, and finding herself in the day room without a response. Toby’s clothes were neatly folded on the day bed, a small pile of ragged Tshirts and underwear, a pair of jeans and a stained hoodie. She picked up a shirt and felt how thin the fabric was, gazing into the yard with tears in her eyes. Slowly, the door of the garden shed opened and she watched as her father peeked out through the crack. Charlotte waited until she was sure she’d been seen standing at the window, then gave him a little wave. Gerry waved back then beckoned to her before closing the door. The stupid fuck is hiding in the shed, she thought, putting Toby’s shirt down and stepping into the yard.
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"I dunno anything about my dad," Toby admitted. "Obviously I must have had one. Probably just some random junkie, like everyone else my mom always hangs out with. Guess Gerry's been my 'gay dad'."

He snorted at this as he followed Henry toward the pool, his gaze sweeping across everything they passed, taking it all in. Luxury in every square foot. He bet his mom's whole apartment could have fit inside one of the bathrooms here. It would've been fully nauseating if he weren't so glad to be able to take advantage.

The pool and its surroundings were breathtaking. There was a lot he could have said, but he stayed quiet as Henry suggested. He felt a little choked anyway.

The swimsuit closet was something else. A whole room, just for swim accessories. He had no idea what he might want to put on, especially since he hadn't been in a pool or owned a swimsuit in years, but Henry fortunately chose for him. Henry managed to make one decision for himself - after running his fingers over all the different materials, he chose a short robe in black satin while Henry opted for a very Henry-appropriate electric purple speedo and a floral robe.

"Why would I be shy in front of you, after what we just did in the woods?" he chuckled, stripping off what he'd been wearing right on the pool deck, leaving a trail toward the sauna door. He was buck naked with his speedo and satin robe in hand when he stepped through the doorway, and stopped in his tracks. The sauna wasn't empty.
“Jesus, Daddy….”

Charlotte couldn’t finish the sentence. She didn’t know what to say. Gerry sat hunched on a threadbare armchair, trying hard not to cry or look at his daughter.

“And Mother?”

But she knew Andrea‘s position. She’d left the family home, at least for the time being. And as Charlotte had realized before, the surprise was that it hadn’t happened earlier.

”I mean, Daddy…..Jesus.”

Gerry sighed. ”The one thing I can say with absolute certainty, Charlotte, is that Jesus had nothing to do with it. So you can stop mentioning him.”

As he’d hoped, it made Charlotte laugh. She stepped over to Gerry and gave him the hug she’d wanted to give him right from the start of their brief conversation.

”Daddy, I guess you have to do what makes you happy. If being with Toby makes you happy…and makes him happy too, then I guess….Jesus….sorry.”

Did it make either of them happy? As he tried to hug Charlotte while sitting down and trying to stop her falling on top of him, Gerry wasn’t so sure.

Miguel sat in the sauna, legs apart, back against the pine siding. The tiny black vinyl swimsuit he wore constricted his cock in the nicest possible way. When Toby emerged from the cloud of steam, naked and holding a black satin robe and a yellow speedo, Miguel glanced up casually, expressionless. Henry emerged behind his friend, still dressed in the mesh shirt and black plastic pants, with a floral robe and purple speedos. Miguel raised his eyebrows and flared his nostrils.

Henry’s mother had gone to bed with a hangover. She and Miguel had fucked earlier in the day. Oral and anal. They both found vaginal a bit vanilla, not that they’d discussed it, but when you kept a buff Mexican pool boy, and when you sexually serviced a bored rich housewife, the meeting of minds and libidos had settled, unspoken, on his long thirty-something swarthy cock and her nearly pristine forty-something white ass as the two focal points of their relationship.

But the fucking had been several hours ago, and after a few laps of the pool, Miguel had been ready to fuck again when the boy had returned home, with his new boyfriend and a strange girl who, he was sure, neither of the boys were fucking. The girl was pretty enough, although a bit intense for Miguel’s liking. He liked young women to be blonde, big titted, slim waisted and stupid, and so far since he’d come to America, his type were plentiful. But they were also poor which is where Diane Merton came into the picture. He was aroused by her body and her bank balance in equal proportions, and it helped that her husband was both gay and absent. If only the boy was absent too. Miguel satisfied himself with the notion that Henry would soon be going away to college and whatever else transpired, in return for fucking his mother‘s mouth and ass twice a day, she’d suck his cock and shower him with money.

Henry Merton he could tolerate although the boy‘s flamboyant homosexuality challenged his masculinity. The boyfriend, however, whatever his name was, standing girlishly naked and wide eyed before him in the sauna, was a different proposition. Miguel had fucked men before, all of them old, ugly and rich. A mouth and ass were pretty much the same whether male or female, but a pretty young male mouth and ass were untrodden ground. And Miguel was hard. He peeled the vinyl swimsuit off his cock which sprang to life, then beckoned Toby towards him, not so much ignorant of Henry being in the room, but ambivalent. What was the boy going to do if Miguel stuck his cock down his boyfriend‘s mouth? Complain to his mother?
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Despite how quickly he'd gotten comfortable being naked with Charlotte and Henry, Toby still had the instinct to be shy for a moment when they walked in on Miguel. He was about to scramble into his speedo when the brown-skinned man took his cock out and tacitly invited him to help himself.

Holy shit! Still naked, Toby glanced back over his shoulder with a smirk to Henry that said, I could get used to hanging around here. He didn't think much of it now, assuming that of course Henry and Miguel must also be fucking. Tossing aside the meager garments he'd intended to put on, Toby stepped forward and knelt in front of the pool guy.

He almost asked Miguel if he spoke English, realizing he hadn't heard the man speak a word, but he decided not to say a thing. He liked the extra note of depravity of sucking off a complete stranger without so much as a "how do you do". It seemed like the kind of thing Henry would do, and probably had done, so... when in Rome, et cetera.

Toby met eyes with the Mexican man for only a moment before focusing his attention on the long, brown cock. He wrapped his fist around it, licking his plump young lips and giving the man a few encouraging strokes before taking him into his mouth.

A split second before putting his mouth on Miguel's cock, Toby remembered the guy had probably been fucking Mrs Merton this morning, and he really didn't want to know Henry's mom she tasted like. Fortunately, Miguel was clean and fresh, tasting faintly of chlorine and salt. Immediately, he took Miguel in deeper, bobbing up and down like the born cocksucker he was.
Henry stood in the steam and watched Toby go down on Miguel. They didn’t even exchange words. His mother’s fuckbuddy merely beckoned to Toby, got his cock out, and Toby obliged. The taller boy couldn’t help but smile. He‘d fantasized about Miguel for sure, but they hadn’t fucked. They’d hardly spoken. Miguel was barely proficient in English and Henry’s Spanish had fallen by the wayside in his Junior year. And besides, for all Henry’s libertinism, fucking his mother’s house cock seemed ever so slightly risky even if his mother might never know.

Toby was bobbing away in Miguel’s cock without a moment‘s hesitation. Miguel was hard and Toby was clearly up for it, much as he’d been in the woods while Charlotte filmed them. It was funny, Henry thought, how Toby was all reticence and forlorn when he spoke, yet when confronted by a hard cock the kid just leapt on like a starving man.

And the whole Gerry thing. All the jealousy and being wounded. Henry wasn’t really sure whether Gerry had any feelings for Toby beyond gratitude. The poor old guy was obviously a novice, but that didn’t mean he was a one guy fuck. He’d sucked Henry off after all, although Henry knew he hadn’t been going to leave the house without a taste of his school counselor, however little it meant as soon as they were finished.

The more time Henry spent with Toby the more he was convinced they were alike. Their backgrounds and back stories couldn’t be more different, nor their fashion sense or the way they faced the world. But their libidos were one hundred percent teen fuckboy.

Henry picked up the speedo and robe which Toby had dropped and placed them on the bench beside Miguel, just to be neat. He looked across Toby’s bobbing head and caught Miguel’s eye. The Mexican stud smiled and placed his hands behind Toby’s head and pulled him hard onto his cock. Henry heard Toby gag, then take a deep breath to allow Miguel to pull him on even harder if he wanted.

And for no reason other than camaraderie perhaps, Henry placed his own speedo and robe on the bench, and undressed.
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Toby threw himself into the experience of cock, savoring the taste, the texture, the size and heft of Miguel, the hand on the back of his head, urging him onward. Miguel fucked his mouth, fucked his throat, using him, the way he wanted. The way he was designed for, destined for. Wasn't he?

In the midst of it, sensing other movement nearby, he opened his eyes and glanced aside, for a split second expecting Gerry, but of course that was absurd - it was just Henry getting naked along with him. He was just so used to Daddy being the center of things whenever he was doing anything like this. He actually experienced a pang of sadness, almost loneliness. He thought about how much Gerry would have enjoyed watching this.

But he didn't need Gerry here. He didn't need the old man cheering him on, calling him "kiddo" and "fucktoy" and "boy cunt" and "Daddy's little slut"... all those things he liked to hear. He didn't need Gerry at all. He certainly didn't need the lies and the sneaking and the rough hand and temper, he didn't need the cowardice and the fickleness.

I love you, kiddo. And I love how you fuck other men for me.

Toby growled and sucked harder, took Miguel even deeper, deep enough to hurt. He let it hurt, so he didn't have to think about Gerry Metzler and all his manipulative moments of sweetness. This time he wasn't doing it for Daddy - he was doing it for Toby. This was for himself, to prove he could be a cock whore all on his own.

He reached out to one side, groping blindly with his right hand until it found Henry's cock, stroking it vigorously to the same rhythm with which he sucked Miguel's cock. Like during that meeting in the principal's office, he wanted to satisfy every cock in the room. And maybe this time he'd still be able to walk afterward.
Charlotte walked back into the house. Her father wanted to stay in the shed a bit longer even if her mother had left. They hadn’t spoken, he said, but had fled as soon as he’d heard his wife arrive home. Coward? Maybe not. She‘d hid in the shed from her mother more than once.

So her father had come out at 53. Come out to Toby at least. But now what? Charlotte knew enough about a teacher‘s duty to their students to know you didn’t fuck them even if they were over the age of consent. It was a fucking awful mess. Except maybe they were happy. Maybe….

And yet, if her father had been Toby’s boyfriend all along, how the fuck did Henry fit into this relationship? Was her father fucking Henry too? Were Toby and Henry fucking each other? They’d sure convinced her they were an item what with all that groping and fondling and kissing in the wood. Or were they just leading her on to keep off the scent of what was really happening? Henry could be that deceptive, Charlotte was sure. But Toby? Nah….the kid was an open book. He wanted to tell people stuff, but he hadn’t confided in her which made Charlotte more than a little cross. Tomorrow maybe, when her father drove them all to college for the weekend, she’d have it out with him. She would tell Toby she knew everything, Charlotte decided, and she didn’t mind. They would be like brother and sister, except that wasn’t right if he was fucking her father, but she would find a way to describe it. And Toby, she would say, you can tell me anything.

Henry stood still and let Toby stroke his cock with Miguel in his mouth. It was as super fucking hot as it was super unexpected. Why Henry hadn’t imagined Miguel liked boys sucking his cock he couldn’t explain. Maybe it was simply because he only thought of the Mexican fucking his mother. But he had thought Toby was paying a lot of attention to Miguel in the short while they’d been in eyeshot, so what was there really to be surprised about?

And Miguel was giving Henry the eye even as he pulled Toby hard into his body. Toby was making the most of the situation, grunting and gagging, the sound of his sucking the loudest thing in the sauna. It was too late to make a plan or discuss risks or talk about anything. Toby was staying the night. Toby was fucking his mother‘s toy boy, Toby might yet reply to Henry’s offer to fuck, and tomorrow they were going with Charlotte to college. It was all a done deal.

Henry gave Miguel the eye back. The teen smiled slightly then licked his lips. Miguel raised his eyebrows, then lowered his gaze and pursed his lips as if to signal that he wanted Henry to join Toby sucking his cock. Was that a good idea? Henry looked down at his own cock which had hardened almost without him thinking about it.

“Fuck,” Henry said out loud, kneeling beside Toby and pushing his face against his friend’s cheek to indicate he was ready for a piece of the action.
Toby hummed happily when Henry squeezed in next to him. He didn't take his mouth off of Miguel but withdrew enough to slide his lips down one side of the shaft, opening his eyes to find Henry's overtop of the feast they were about to share. He slung an arm around Henry's shoulder to pull him in until the boys were slathering their lips and tongues up and down either side of Miguel's long shaft.

It excited Toby to feel Henry's mouth in this context. It gave him an illusion of connection. He didn't have to struggle so much with intrusive thoughts of Gerry being there with him, because Henry was here with him. Neither may have been a reliable or genuinely caring person, but at least in the moment, Toby didn't feel alone or afraid. He could relax and focus on worshiping a very nice cock.

He wrapped his tongue around the pool boy's shaft more than necessary, lapping against the other boy's lips and tongue. He made a mental note to suggest they do this with someone at school - the chaplain, maybe. Fucking hypocritical idiot Gabriel, acting like the idea of being tempted by a boy was so shocking and sinful, when he was so easily drawn into fucking the hell out of said boy. Maybe he could have more fun with the chaplain when Henry was with him, showing him how to get into the position of control.

After a few minutes of swapping spit with Henry, Toby pulled off and nudged his friend to take over Miguel's cock while he urged the man's thighs to spread wider and ducked down to lick and suck on his balls. Meanwhile, he reached down to stroke himself, feeling increasingly horny and hoping Miguel might fuck him. If not, at least Henry would be a good bet.
Henry placed his lips against Miguel’s cock, contacting Toby’s mouth at he same time. The sensation was as wonderful as he’d always imagined and for a moment he was amazed why he’d never sucked cock in concert with another guy before. Far from being the experienced one, Henry had the sudden feeling that Toby had things to show and teach him. So much to learn…

He felt Toby’s arm round his shoulders, pulling him closer, an act of friendship maybe, of joint purpose, brotherliness. It felt so right.

Indeed, as they progressed, Henry was unsure what aspect he was enjoying the most, sucking Miguel or kissing Toby. And he wasn’t sure just how gay Miguel was. But Toby he was totally sure about. Whatever else the future held for them, he and Toby had their gayness in common and therein lay the basis for fucking, hunting, supporting, being together.

When Toby repositioned himself to suck on Miguel’s balls, Henry moved round so he could take the Mexican‘s cock front on, sucking him down deep until the fat organ blocked his mouth and airway, letting the oxygen run out and then pulling back with a gasp. The thought of oxygen deprivation was thrilling, much like being trapped or bound, and Henry wondered what Toby’s experience was. As for Miguel, Henry tried to make eye contact, but his mother’s fuckbuddy lay back, eyes shut, simply enjoying the assault.

And Henry couldn’t help notice that Toby was very aroused. He half watched, half sensed the smaller boy stroking himself, occasionally getting a glimpse of Toby’s impressive cock, so much bigger than he expected, bobbing around in the shadows their bodies made in the steamy sauna. He played out scenarios in his head. Toby fucks my ass. I fuck Toby’s ass. Miguel fucks both our asses. We fuck Miguel’s ass…..maybe not. Henry reached a hand down and touched Toby’s side, then ran his fingers round until he could slip them along the ass crack and locate Toby’s tight asshole which Henry fingered liberally, enjoying how Toby pressed back and withdrew rhythmically.
Toby moaned wantonly into Miguel's ballsack as he felt the fingers starting to explore him in behind. It was a comparatively gentle start compared to what he'd been through yesterday, and a refreshing and exciting one. Yesterday had been about breaking boundaries, proving some sort of mysterious point, maybe just pushing buttons until the weight of the world came down on him, like some sort of crazed sexual kamikaze pilot. Today was about pleasure.

It was refreshing. Maybe with Gerry it had started this way - just pleasure - but somehow it had gotten overcomplicated, corrupted, and destructive. Maybe Toby had felt at the time that he'd needed that. Some sort of self punishment. Maybe he just wanted to be fucked into oblivion and not have to feel anything anymore. But this? He wanted this. He felt like he was getting some power back. The pain in his ass from yesterday's poundings was still there, but only on the level of adding extra heat and excitement to this much friendlier penetration.

Toby rocked his hips as he continued painting Miguel with his tongue, encouraging the finger fucking, but soon he couldn't take the teasing anymore. He lifted his head, his chin wet and shiny with saliva - both of their saliva, mingled.

"Fuck me," he hissed urgently. "Do me, Henry. Can you fuck me while we do this? I need a cock in me."
"Fuck me....I need a cock in me."

Henry pressed his finger deep inside Toby's ass until he could push no further, and held it there. He pulled his mouth off Miguel's cock for a moment and the two boys locked eyes, then kissed. Their saliva and Miguel's precum flowed freely between them, slopping and sluicing as they explored each other's mouths.

Miguel stirred, and without speaking, sat up. He watched for a moment as the boys kissed each other between his legs. The steam was thick, condensing on their naked skin, droplets sliding smoothly down their flesh to the floor. The older man placed a hand behind each boy's head and pushed them gently together until their faces were tight against each other.

"You fuck him, Henry," he said hesitantly in a thick accent. "You fuck his boy cunt and I fuck his boy mouth."

Miguel stood slowly, letting the boys separate. Then he guided Toby up onto his feet, settling him on the bench on his back, a bunched towel under Toby's neck, his head bent back, hanging over the end into space, and his legs hanging off the other end.

"You fuck," Miguel said again, placing his hand on Henry's shoulder as he stood and guiding him towards the opposite end of the bench.

Miguel positioned himself against the wall, haunched slightly, his muscled thighs clenched as he lowered his cock to Toby's mouth and simply inserted himself between the boy's lips. Henry grabbed a bottle of skin lotion, squirting it liberally onto his cock and then pulling his friend's legs apart, onto Toby's asshole where he rubbed vigorously. He heard Toby moan around Miguel's cock, already deep inside Toby's mouth. Henry fingered Toby's asshole again, prizing the rosebud open with one finger, then a second, slipping them in to the first knuckle, twisting, working the lube inside, before positioning his own cock over the opening and applying the slightest pressure with the head. He felt Toby's sphincter resist for a moment, then relax and suck him inside. Henry looked up through the steam. Miguel fucked Toby's mouth with a long, steady stroke, eyes shut, focused. Henry adjusted his feet slightly before reciprocating the thrust, Toby held tight between their cocks, rocking on his back.
Toby looked up with delight and lust as Miguel spoke the first words he'd ever heard from the man. And the words were perfect, even if poorly pronounced. In fact, his accent was sort of sexy. He turned to grin at Henry. Lucky Henry, living in this house... with this cock. It didn't seem to bother Henry at all that the same cock fucked his mother - interesting.

He moved where Miguel wanted him, grateful for every moment. The man was dominant without being forceful.

I don't need Gerry. Clearly I don't need Gerry.

He opened wide to accept the invasion of his mouth and throat, and spread his knees wide to welcome Henry. It was the feeling of the slick lotion the other boy used that got him moaning - when was the last time Gerry, or any other douchebag who fucked him recently, had taken the time to properly lubricate him? Pathetic as it was, this one little thing made him feel like a prince, instead of just a slut.

A low groan rumbled through him, sending vibrations through the pool guy's cock as Henry pushed his way inside and started to fuck him.

"Mm... hm! Mm... hm!" he grunted encouragingly, grabbing his knees and holding his legs wide for Henry.
Henry pushed his cock gently but purposefully into Toby’s ass. It would have been nice to make eye contact with his classmate as well, but Toby’s head was bent back to receive Miguel’s cock. All Henry could see was Toby’s neck, stretched tight. He watched as his mother’s pool boy thrust deeper into Toby’s throat and was rewarded with the sight of the Mexican’s cock lifting the flesh, tenting it as the cock head eased to and fro inside.

And even better, in spite of being violated orally with all the concentration that act demanded, Henry was further rewarded when his friend reached back sight unseen and grabbed his own knees, angling his legs wide, holding them back tightly so that the taller boy had unfettered access to his ass.

Toby was moaning now, grunting around Miguel’s cock, and Henry enjoyed wiggling his body with each thrust, trying to find the sweet spot which produced the most fevered moan from his friend’s obstructed mouth.

So Miguel was gay, Henry thought. He wondered if his mother knew, and if she did, whether she cared. The boy had imagined that his mother’s fuck buddy was a chancer, fucking his way around the bored housewives of America. A gigolo. Or a male prostitute. He’d never seen his mother hand over cash to Miguel, but she’d probably given him a credit card or an allowance direct to his bank account.

Things would be different now that he and Miguel had fucked Toby. A different relationship. Not just nodding acquaintances, but fuck buddies. Like Miguel and Mommy. The thought made Henry a little scared. Was fucking your mother’s boyfriend ever a good idea? Only time would tell perhaps, unless he made this the first and last time.

And then there was Jay, his Dad’s boyfriend. If Miguel was a bit unexpected, Henry knew he would fuck Jay in an instant. In fact, fucking Jay was top of Henry’s bucket list for summer in San Diego. If only Toby can come too, he thought, and we can fuck Jay together. Jay and Jay’s hot Asian rapper friends, and Daddy’s friends and guys on the beach and…..fuck!

Miguel‘s eyes we’re open, and he caught Henry’s gaze.

“You fuck the little guy’s mouth,” he said, “and I fuck the ass. Yeah?”
Toby gagged and coughed as Miguel pulled out of his mouth, struggling to catch his breath but no less enthusiastic than he had been when they started. His cock was hard and throbbing. Even when the other two paused, he took the time to reach down and stroke himself, eager for more.

"Yeah, yeah!" he broke in hoarsely, between heavy breaths, before Henry could answer. "Come gimme a taste of my ass, Henry. Come fuck me, Miguel. Fuck my boycunt. Men love my tight little boy ass - I want you to feel it. Put your big, beautiful cock in me and fuck me real good."

He spread himself wide to welcome Miguel in. His cock dribbled onto his belly as the Mexican man started pushing inside, the initial burst of pain reminding him of yesterday's out of control orgy. Meanwhile, Henry's cock was keeping him from watching Miguel fuck him, but he didn't mind. He just opened his mouth and swallowed back his new friend, savoring the flavor of his own body mixed with the slightly soapy taste of the lotion Henry had used for lube.
As Henry swapped places with Miguel, Toby coughed and spluttered.

"Gimme a taste of my ass, Henry," his friend said, gasping for breath. "Fuck me real good."

The taller boy looked down into Toby's upturned face, spit and mucus and precum smeared everywhere, dripping from the corners of the mouth into the steamy air. He watched Toby adjust his legs for Miguel as the big Latino man simply pushed himself inside without ceremony, filling the greasy hole Henry had vacated moments before. And then Toby opened his mouth to let Henry slip his cock inside. Henry felt Toby swallow, again without ceremony or hesitation, taking the cock as far down as Henry could reach in the first thrust.

"You really are a pretty little cock whore, Toby," Henry said, delighted at just how willing the teen was to accommodate he and Miguel. It was just like in the woods, stroking and sucking each other off before Charlotte's camera, except now it was just men, three cocks, one stretched asshole and one full mouth. While Miguel pumped away silently, Henry took Toby's head in his hands, feeling the boy's warm ears in his palms, and holding him still, steadied his rhythm, leaning in gently, filling Toby's mouth all the way to the back until he could feel the top of the throat closing around his cock head, and then sliding back, letting the boy's lips and teeth tease his shaft.