Guidance (closed for ericrodman101) [M/M]

Henry was elated. There was nothing he liked better than showing his videos. Toby wasn't the first guy he'd invited up to his bedroom to watch homemade porn. Nor indeed, the first he'd invited up there to make it. He had a few regular video partners, and more than a few one-offs. But there was something about his personal interests which didn't always click with other guys his own age. Maybe he was precocious. Maybe it wasn't every guy his own age's idea of a fun afternoon. He'd imagined inviting older men to his room, and there wasn't any real barrier to his doing that unless Mommy or Martha, or even Miguel objected. They didn't care much what he did in his own room, although he wasn't going to test their limits by having them meet strange men in the hall. Unknown eighteen year old boys was OK. They were just his friends. Like Toby. But the chaplain or the janitor or the school counselor in his room? Even Henry conceded that might be seen as a little odd.

So some of the videos he took were with his camera secreted in the janitor's storeroom. It wasn't the best angle and it was only one angle. He knew where the camera was so when it was Henry fucking a guy in the store room, he could play to the camera. But it was the best he could do for now. The store room and the camera on the tripod over his bed, which was also only one camera, but much better located and easy to adjust.

"The chaplain," Henry said, licking his lips. "Gabriel 'mad for cock' Dance." He found the USB and pressed it into the port on the flatscreen. "What is it with churchy guys. God says don't sin, but show them your fucking cock and the devil makes them do it every time."

The screen lit up, Henry made a selection, and the wall filled with a movie of two naked bodies, one bent over a chair and the other fucking him from behind. The receiver was unmistakable. The chaplain.

"Nice vid, huh?" Henry said. "For a thirty something guy. I don't think he works out much. Just lucky to stay so fit for his age. Watch this."

The chaplain looked around, oblivious to the fact he was being filmed and smiled broadly, then closed his eyes as his fucker thrust into him extravagantly, looking down at the floor.

"No fucking sound. Can you believe it? It's not working for some reason. Now watch."

With the chaplain looking away, the person behind him leaned down so that his face was in shot. Henry himself. The eighteen year old smiled and waved, almost as if his twin was looking back at them through a window.

"Fuck," he said. "I almost want to wave back at myself. Now watch the good reverend suck my cock straight from his ass."
Toby could almost have laughed at how tunnel-visioned Henry was once he'd agreed to watch the videos. Henry was ready at a moment's notice to put the chaplain up on the big screen. Gabriel was naked and bent over like a little bitch for the man enthusiastically topping him. Toby was delighted to see the chaplain taking it up the ass. So Gabriel Dance was such a cock hound, he had it both ways!

"Awesome," Toby breathed, already wriggling out of his bottoms to free his cock. "Wow... look how happy he is to be railed like that! This is fucking amazing..."

When he saw Henry on the video, looking so happy and smug to be fucking the chaplain on camera, he lit up with delight, laughing at how Henry waved at himself. It was cute as well as sexy, and Toby's hand was starting to move steadily up and down his cock.

He watched what happened next on the screen and moaned. The Henry in the video didn't seem to be forcing anything - he was just in charge. He pulled out of the rev and guided his sloppy cock to the man's mouth. The chaplain took it hungrily, sucking away at it like a starving man.

"Holy shit, look at him go!" Toby chuckled, stroking himself more urgently now. "He loves cock, and he loves ass. What a sick puppy. Holy man can't get enough of it. Slurping up his own ass - damn! How did you first get him, Henry? Tell me!"
“How did I first get Gabriel Dance?”

Henry spoke but couldn’t take his eyes off Toby stroking his cock. And why shouldn’t the little guy stroke himself. Henry knew the video with the chaplain was hot. And if and when he posted it online his followers would agree.

”Slurping up his own ass.” Henry laughed. “I like that. Slurping. The slurping chaplain.”

He looked back at the flatscreen. The chaplain was indeed slurping, greedily, enthusiastically, licking Henry’s gummy cock with long strokes, rapid and breathless, his own ass goo glistening on his face.

”I went to his office. He wanted to talk about drama and some Jesus play he wanted me to perform. Fuck Jesus, I said, and he looked all pained so I laughed and I don’t know. He was hard. He just sat there with this hard on in his pants like thats how teachers sit and I said do you want me to touch it, and he pretended he didn’t know what I was talking about even though he was flashing his open legs at me, and I said do you want me to touch your cock and he got up and locked the door and sat down again, so I unzipped him and sucked him off. I didnt play hard to get or pretend I wasn’t happy to do it. I mean, once it was done the stupid cunt was mine, if you know what I mean.“

On the screen Henry was cumming in the chaplains mouth, holding his cock over the mans upturned face, mouth open, tongue out, begging like a dog, the cock discharging across his lips and face, spraying into the opening and then across his eyes and into his hair.

”I sent the stupid cunt a copy of this video,” Henry said, “just so we’d all be on the same page. He hasn’t said anything, but I can wait until I need something. I mean, you might think when a teacher gets a video like this he might be worried, but I bet Gabriel Dance is proud to have made his screen debut. Yeah?”

The video ended suddenly and the screen went to black.

”I quite like that one,” Henry said. “Except for the sudden ending. A fade out on the stupid fuck licking his lips might have been nice. So….”

Henry sat on the bed next to Toby and placed a hand on his friend’s hard cock.

”Want to watch another one?”
Toby wanted to cum along with the Henry on the screen, but after a busy day, he wasn't a hair trigger. He took it easy, edging and easing back. He couldn't help chuckling at Henry's story.

"The way I got him was... so similar. I stood next to him at the urinals and just stood there showing him my dick, and he was hard, so I just got him to let me touch him, and him to touch me. I made him say a lot of unholy words - it was fun. He had a big moral crisis but it wasn't ten minutes before he was fuckin' me."

Knowing that the video of Henry and the chaplain was potential blackmail material gave Toby a brief moment of moral compunction. Gabriel deserved it, though... didn't he? He was a bad guy pretending to be a good guy. That's as bad as you could get. Henry was certainly no good guy, but he wasn't pretending to be one.

It took some mental maneuvering to keep from ruining his own good time, but as long as Toby specifically steered way around letting himself consider the concept that Henry was making revenge porn, and made a personal commitment to not doing anything with Henry that might destroy him to have posted online somewhere, he could remain at ease and in good spirits.

"God, yeah," he agreed, thrusting into Henry's fist. "Show me more. Let's see who else you've got."
Much as Henry wanted to sit still and let Toby fuck his fist, the kid wanted to see more. So more it was.

"Do you remember that student teacher Max?" Henry stood and used the touchscreen to find the next video. "He was oh so cute. Floppy hair a bit like you, Tobes. And all pout and awkwardness and nervous eyes. I never fucked him, goddam it, but if I ever bump into him again...."

The screen filled with the janitor's store room again. The janitor, Aleksander Freitas, was semi-naked, his overalls pulled down to his waist exposing his heavily tattooed body. The student teacher, Max, was dressed in his preppy clothes, white button up shirt, tight brown cords, striped tie undone. The boys watched him kneel and the janitor grab the younger man's head tight, hair bunched in his fists. The janitor was already hard, his long cock rubbing the teacher's nose. And then without ceremony or foreplay of any kind, the janitor plunged his cock inside Max's mouth and fucked him. Hard and deep, tugging the teacher's head onto him, forcing him back against his restraining hands.

"No matter how many times I watch this it makes me catch my breath," Henry said. "Makes me hard and breathless."

He looked round to gauge Toby's reaction. On the screen, larger than life filling the bedroom wall, Max's head was bouncing and jolting as the janitor raped his mouth.

"I know. No fucking sound. But you can imagine him gagging. Look."

The young man was obviously overwhelmed. The janitor was big and strong, and giving no quarter, but simply fucking him as hard as was physically possible. Even without sound, the idea of the gagging was discomforting and arousing in equal measure. Henry fetched his cock out and stroked himself, making sure he was at an angle where Toby could watch both shows. Max was swallowing hard, tears running down his pretty red face, opening his mouth wide to avoid choking, but the janitor just increasing his thrust.

"And he cums inside. Watch."

After a few short minutes the janitor suddenly stopped, pulling the teacher's face onto him painfully tight. The boys watched as the bigger man's torso convulsed and then as he pumped himself deep into the teacher's head.

"Pump. Pump. Pump." Henry was close again now too. Cum on the floor? Cum on Toby? Cum inside Toby? He paused the video.

"I gotta cum, Toby. I gotta cum."
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Toby vaguely recalled a teacher fitting Henry's description - he hadn't been at Fillmore an especially long time, but he gasped with delight when the next video came on.

"Whoa," he exhaled, stroking himself vigorously as he took in the physical power of the janitor, stunned by the gorgeous body now that he wasn't personally being threatened by it.

It was beautiful to watch, but Toby didn't quite understand the other boy drawing attention to the gagging. In his experience, that wasn't fun. But maybe he wasn't supposed to be empathizing.

His mouth hung open as he watched, but soon his attention was more on Henry than the screen, enjoying the less complicated pleasure of watching his friend jerk off. In fact, it was getting harder to watch the video, at least when he noticed the tears running down the teacher's flushed cheeks, and the janitor's mercilessness.

Is he okay....?

Toby was on the verge of asking Henry this very question, but then Henry was about to cum.

"On me!" he urged at the spur of the moment. "On my cock!"
Henry wanted to watch the video of the janitor cumming in the student teacher's mouth, and he wanted to cum in Toby's mouth. He couldn't do both at the same time and enjoy reaching the height of pleasure that he wanted. And then when he paused the video so he could cum, Toby refused to open his mouth, wanting Henry to cum on his cock. It was too late to argue. Henry was already discharging as he turned to Toby, his swollen cock inches from his friend's face.

"On your cock.....ughh."

Henry held himself back, directed his cock down, and sprayed his seed onto Toby's cock, and across his lower body. It was a fine orgasm, strong and rich, several impressive pulses which splattered against Toby's cock, his body, and onto the bedding. Toby was hot, Henry couldn't deny, but he somehow wasn't quite adventurous enough. Or maybe there were some things Toby didn't want to do. Even as Henry's cock slackened, the teen tried to piece together what the two youths had experienced, together and separately as far as Henry could tell. Sex was just like any other bodily function for Henry. You did what you wanted, when you wanted, and pretty much used whoever was proximate to have your fun. Sex was like eating. You get hungry, you eat. Sometimes you eat too much, gorging yourself until you are bloated with pleasure. Sometimes you have an appetizer and go back for a second course when you can, hungry and greedy. Sometimes you just eat what you can and move on to the next bodily need.

Henry unpaused the video and let the film run through to its end. The janitor flooded the student teacher's mouth with semen, holding the young man onto his cock with no respite. The teacher coughed and gagged, spitting and struggling long after the janitor was done, as if the bigger man had a point to prove and there was no way out for the weaker guy except to serve as a plaything, a dumpster, a drain. When the janitor finally withdrew his impressive cock, his goo spilled out of the teacher's mouth, spraying onto the hard cock and gushing down his chin.

"Wow....every time," Henry said, half turning his head so he could gauge Toby's reaction. "Every fucking time." His friend's concerned expression didn't relax, but if anything intensified.

"Is he okay? Of course he's fucking okay. He's got that fucking gorgeous cock in his mouth, he's enjoying a tsunami of semen, he's being a happy little sub, yeah? It's just completely fucking beautiful...."

What the fuck didn't Toby get about a hard face fuck? Watching the janitor fuck Toby bound in red duct tape was going to get really interesting.
It was with mingled lust and horror that Toby took in the remainder of the video, using Henry's cum as lubricant. The janitor's raw sexual power, along with the cum that had just been sprayed over him, kept him going until he couldn't hold back anymore, even as he felt a roiling guilt in the pit of his stomach. His own throat was burning as if it were the one being forcibly fucked, and the tears on the young teacher's cheeks might as well have been his own.

He came suddenly, grunting at the force of it, though there wasn't a spectacular amount of cum - he'd already emptied his balls several times today already. He flopped back on Henry's bed and closed his eyes for a few moments as he caught his breath.

"That was hot," he panted. And then, as if trying to convince both of them he was telling the truth, he added, "Yeah. Hot."

Toby rolled toward Henry, reaching for the other boy. He wasn't sure he wanted to watch any more of Henry's secret movies, but there was plenty of fun they could have.

"You wanna make out?"
"You wanna make out?"

Henry was already searching for the video of the janitor fucking Toby bound in red duct tape when Toby proposed they make out. Make out? They could make out anytime. Anywhere for that matter. But watching Henry's new favourite porn vid? He was hard just thinking about it. How the janitor completely wrecked Toby, just took him. Raped him, if Henry was being honest. Being honest.....

"Sure," Henry said. "I guess...make out. Yeah."

He paused the search and sat still on the bed as his friend rolled towards him, running his fingers through Toby's hair and down his cheek to his neck.

"You're a funny guy, Toby Keller. Fucking the teachers, fucking your school counselor, fucking the janitor, fucking who the fuck else, like some crazy sex crazed twink whore, and we're sitting here in my bedroom ready to watch your triumphant debut on film, and you just wanna make out instead. Anyone would think you might like me. It's almost sweet. No, it is sweet. You're a sweet guy. Sometimes I think you'd rather be spooning or kissing or running hand in hand through the countryside like some old fashioned film, than fucking. Or just posing and pouting for crazy Charlotte like some artist's model."

Henry leaned in close and kissed Toby gently on the lips, opening his friend's mouth slowly with his tongue, as softly and tenderly as he could muster. It was a long kiss and when he pulled back, Henry discovered he was breathless. In the shadow of his body he watched Toby, still expressionless like some lost waif, washed up on a shore or abandoned somewhere, waiting to be befriended or swept up or captured or used. An innocent, a babe in the woods. But Toby was no innocent. Henry had the video to prove it.

"I think, Toby, you're just an old fashioned romantic looking for love and affection. Yeah?"

Henry leaned in and kissed him again, pushing Toby backwards onto the bedding.

"Well," he said, perched on his elbows across Toby's body as if ready to pounce, "A couple of days with Charlotte and Henry at Assfuck State College might be just what you need."
Toby didn't mind being thought of as a "sex crazed twink whore". It was something he might have liked hearing from Gerry, and made a joke about having tattooed across his ass. Being called an old fashioned romantic, though, caught him off guard. It almost felt like an insult. Maybe it was, coming from Henry, despite the fact that they were kissing.

He let himself be pushed back and gazed up thoughtfully at the other boy. What was he looking for, anyway? Love and affection? Crazy fucking? Maybe something somewhere in the middle. Maybe something he hadn't even experienced yet.

"For the record... all those guys fucked me. It wasn't always my idea. Just because I don't like being hurt doesn't mean I wanna be in some bullshit rom-com fantasy and romp through meadows. I just wanna be treated decently. I've been treated like garbage enough growing up. This is my time. I'll have what I want. And I want you to make out with me... and fuck me... nicely. Not like the janitor. I don't want you to be my boyfriend. Just don't be an asshole to me and we'll get along just fine."

He spread himself wide, his body inviting Henry to help himself.
Henry looked down as Toby composed himself on the bed, inviting Henry to fuck him. There was no artifice to it, nothing false or theatrical. The kid simply looked tied and comfortable and ready to be fucked. Henry thought back on the times he'd fucked guys his own age. They weren't his first choice originally. And not now either, if he was being honest with himself. There was something powerfully arousing about taking an older guy. being taken too, but Henry was a predator, and taking older guys, the older the better, for their first time maybe, was a drug he craved.

But he was developing a soft spot for Toby. He was lean and pretty and available. And was a lure for older guys which wasn't a bad thing. Gerry. The chaplain. The janitor. Maybe his Dad when they met. Older guys Henry might not want to fuck, but just use for whatever purpose felt good at the time. And the idea of Henry and Toby as boyfriends, however temporary or superficial, worked in his head. Toby didn't want a boyfriend, but it didn't have to official. Just a label for public display. Charlotte would go along with it. And his family. Not that Mommy cared about much unless it was not being sober as quickly as possible. Martha would do as she was trained and Miguel was just a big cock attached to a life support system.

Even as he lowered himself onto his friend, everything seemed to make sense. They would fuck. They would spoon. They would wake up together ready to go to college for a few days with Charlotte. Toby would need clothes to wear. He'd need a phone....

"Hey little guy," Henry said. "You gotta phone? Or can I lend you one? Maybe we should send a selfie to Gerry. Just you and me. Fucking or spooning or kissing."

He leaned down and kissed Toby.

"Gerry can get off on a hot pic of us. Both our faces or your face and my cock or what?"
Toby grinned, wrapping his legs around the boy on top of him and sliding his hands down to cup Henry's ass, getting off on the mutual nakedness and arousal, the closeness, the visceral immediacy of having another sexual being here with him to share pleasure.

"I've never had my own phone," he admitted between kisses. "And I might as well be homeless now... so if you want to give me one, and get me started, I guess you could be my sugar daddy. Except that you're not a daddy. Sugar... wingman?"

He laughed at this and kissed Henry harder, shoving his tongue into the other boy's mouth and bucking his hips with excitement.

"We'll send the old guy a few pics. Let him have a nice little album of his two secret fuckboys having fun without him. He can jerk off in his bed all alone and then lie awake worrying about the ways we might be conspiring to leak all his secrets..."
“How about sugar bro?”

Henry smiled, then leaned into the kissing, the boys’ legs entwined. With his free hand he reached down beside the bed and found his phone.

”So what should we send Gerry first?”

Henry held the phone at arm’s length, pressing his face against Toby.

”Kissing? Tongues?”

He snapped the phone before Toby had much time to consider either suggestion.

”Look. Nice one. My tongue in the corner of your mouth and you look like you’ve been caught fucking some guy from school. In his fucking bed while his mother and her toyboy are going at it along the hall. Ewww!”

Henry pulled himself a little more upright.

”Actually, I think that one’s more for Charlotte. I mean, we know she likes cock pics, but a kiss pic might be nice for bed time. But what I think Gerry needs is a big fat dick pic. Yeah?”

Henry turned so his groin was facing the camera. His cock, flaccid but plump, flopped against his leg. The phone clicked again.

”So that’s boy cock at rest. Do you want to suck me for the next pic, or should I suck you?”
"Sugar bro," Toby practically purred, enjoying the sound of it. "I could get used to that..."

Henry snapped a picture while they were kissing, and Toby looked up eagerly to see the shot. It was fascinating, seeing his own face so candidly, mid-kiss.

"I think you're right. Charlotte would like that one. She would probably find it meaningful, or like... complex. We'll send Gerry something really hot."

Upon consideration of Henry's question, Toby rolled over, pressing Henry back down on the bed and leaning over him, taking the other boy's cock hungrily into his mouth. He felt it gradually harden beneath his tongue and between his eagerly sucking lips.

His eyes flicked up to follow Henry and his camera as it was raised. He thought about Gerry seeing this visual and spontaneously lifted a hand to display an upraised middle finger, making it unmistakable what he wanted to communicate to the old man.
"Nice one," Henry said, turning the phone to his face as Toby sucked his cock. He leaned back, savoring the pleasure, weighing up whether to stay like this and encourage Toby to finish him off, or to take a few more shots for Gerry. And Charlotte.

"We're gonna have to go shopping in the morning," he said dreamily. Toby was sucking him in hard now, pulling his cock deep inside. Henry could feel Toby's teeth and tongue, and the top of his friend's throat if he raised his ass a little. " you've got...something to wear for college. You know, something....yeah, like that...ohhh...something preppy and something sporty and something....for dancing at night. You got anything at all suitable? Anything leather or vinyl or sparkly?"

Toby made Henry want to cum, way too quickly for a guy who liked to be in control. But there was little else he could so besides go with it, let the mood take him. It wasn't a strong orgasm when it came. After all, they'd been fucking all day. But it was an orgasm, in Toby's mouth. And Henry didn't even have to pull his friend's head on to him, so hard was Toby sucking him. He just tensed, then relaxed, and let his cock drain as if nothing was more natural and normal than two eighteen year olds filling each other's mouths with their cum.

"How about one of my cum on your face or of me sucking you," he said when he was done, pulling himself up onto his elbows. " about one of your cock in my ass? Yeah?"
Toby collected what little cum he could on his tongue and slowly pulled off, sealing his lips until he could gesture for Henry to take another picture. He opened his mouth and let Henry's cum drool down his tongue, down his chin, and grinned with his tongue out as the picture snapped.

"You wanna buy me clothes, sugar bro? I don't have anything but trash - the jeans and t-shirts I wear to school. Half of it's from the shit people donate that kids can get from the nurse's office. I never had anything new but underpants."

He flopped down next to Henry and snorted at the sorts of clothes his friend was describing.

"I don't know if I could ever put on leather or vinyl or sparkly things... but I'll try on whatever you want me to."

He reached down to grip his own hardening cock and gave it a wiggle.

"Yeah, let's get some good shots of you sucking my cock. Then maybe we can fuck both ways and take lots of pics. We'll do everything, Henry. Snap all of it. Then we can look through later, and pick out our greatest hits."
Henry smiled as the camera snapped. Toby's mouth brimmed with goo, white and slimy and tasty-looking. His friend was speaking, but Henry was distracted by how Toby gripped his cock and waggled it like a joystick.

"We'll ask Charlotte to stop by my favorite emporium," Henry said, rolling into his stomach so he could suck Toby's cock. "You know how much girls like to dress guys. Even gay guys when they have no hope of getting them into their pants. Yum."

He took the cock in one hand between his thumb and forefinger, and examined the end as if it was edible, before snapping a close-up.

"Enrique can dress you," he said. "Enrique's is the premier gayman's outfitter in the whole state. In my humble opinion."

Henry kissed the end of Toby's cock, then drew back and stuck out his tongue, giving the cock head a languorous lathering.

"I can't believe about you and leather and vinyl and sparkly things," he said. "When Enrique and I are done with you, Tobes, you're gonna look like a film star. You know what I mean? One of those film stars who dress all fancy and then get their gear off for the camera. Ha!"

He handed the phone to Toby.

"You snap whatever you think Uncle Gerry will like," he said, suddenly sucking Toby in hard and deep.
Toby just smiled contentedly as Henry spoke. He had little to no frame of reference for how gay men dressed, or how girls liked to dress them, or what might make him look like a star. He was just happy to be along for the ride. Happy to be spoiled for once. Gerry had spoiled him with kisses and sexual attention, but there was still so much he craved.

Henry was spoiling him with not just sexual experiences, but also things. Things other kids at school had that he never got. Even just the necessities of life. Gerry hadn't gotten him so much as a toothbrush, and Henry was ready to give him a phone and the wardrobe of a gay movie star.

"We'll see," he chuckled. "We'll see how you and Charlotte and Enrique do with dressing me. Maybe I'll even start to believe I can look hot even when I don't have my cock out."

He took the phone, handling it gingerly. It was warm and heavier in his hand than he'd expected. He stared down at it with fascination, somehow more amazed that another boy would trust him with his phone than he was that Henry had offered his body.

Toby gasped, careful not to drop the phone as Henry suddenly took his cock into his mouth. He eased himself back, propping himself up on pillows so he could lounge back a bit without fully lying down.

The camera app was intuitive enough. He tapped the circle, and snap. There was a picture of Henry looking up at him while he gave him an enthusiastic blowjob. He took a few more, trying different angles, even raising the screen above his own head and looking cheekily up at it, trying to get both of their faces in the frame.

"Would you care if these pictures got around?" he asked between heavy breaths, his hips starting to thrust as Henry worked up to a steady rhythm. "Like, at school even? Because... I don't think I would care."
"Would you care...."

Henry thought about Toby's question as he sucked his friend's cock. For a newbie, Toby showed lots of enthusiasm taking photos. But that was the way with first timers. The thrill of the new and all that. Henry couldn't speak given his mouth was fully engaged, but he held up his right hand, made a thumbs up sign then thumbs down, then waved it midway, just to be confusing.

Toby was thrusting his hips firmly into Henry's face now. As always, Henry enjoyed the feeling of his mouth being filled, first by warm cock and soon by warm spunk. And of the way a good mouth fucker tested your limits. Toby was good. No lying back and letting the sucker do all the work. He wondered how Gerry felt when Toby thrust into him. A revelation for sure. And maybe for Toby too.

He leaned into the mouth fuck, letting his face slap against Toby's torso, the cock sliding in deep, tickling the back of his throat, teasing and taunting, promising to set off his gag reflex if it went down just that little bit more. Just that little bit...God, this next few days was going to be fun. So much fucking fun. Charlotte helping to choose clothes for Toby, sad old Gerry driving them, then college and who knew what delights it would hold? And little Toby? The fresh new debutante at the ball. Waving his cock and his tush in the company of older men. All ages. College guys. Lecturers. Visitors. Maybe some dads. Just random guys on the street who always hung about colleges looking for conquests, young warm flesh. Henry shivered with pleasure at the very moment Toby unleashed in his mouth.
Toby was not, by nature, a "good mouth fucker", with specific desires to make a man gag and struggle, but his nature was to be the ideal lover for the man he was with, to the extent of his ability. Thus, he followed the many cues Henry had already given him and got aggressive with the other boy, pushing, testing, and using him. He paid close attention to Henry's face and reactions, adjusting to accommodate, almost forgetting his own pleasure until he was on the verge. He also almost forgot to take pictures near the end.

Right at the crucial moment, he managed to snap a great shot of Henry's excited expression, receiving his load, and another as he was withdrawing, before his cock had softened, and a little rivulet of cum was dribbling down the boy's chin.

"Awesome," Toby exhaled.

He fell back on the bed with a smile and cuddled close to Henry so they could both look through the photos they'd just taken while they waited for their overworked cocks to recover.

"Hey... did me and Miguel freak you out a bit with the piss? I guess it's probably not, like... normal. But me and Gerry pissed on each other a lot. I even pissed all over his desk at school the other day after he fucked the hell out of me."

He smirked at the memory and glanced aside to gauge Henry's reaction.
Henry lay back and caught his breath. Toby was a surprise packet. All that coyness and timidity and concern at the video they’d watched. And yet, he’d just dispensed a mouth fuck which left Henry unexpectedly tested. Now Toby fell back on the bed talking about pissing on guys. Was he trying to freak Henry out? Or trying out a new persona as he felt more comfortable?

”Pissed all over Gerry’s desk? Jesus fucking Christ. Wish I’d been there.”

So Gerry fucked the hell out of Toby. Was Henry surprised? He couldn’t quite decide who wore the pants in that relationship, Gerry or Toby? Sure the teacher was way older and in everyone’s eyes, the obvious predator. But Toby was…well, a hot young pleasure seeking gayboy. A twink. Fresh, energetic, out there. Which was Henry to a tee, but Toby?

”Hey, show me the photos. Let’s pick one for Charlotte and one for Uncle Gerry….and maybe one for Gabriel. Yeah? Just us kissing for Charlotte. But cum on face for Gerry? And….I don’t know…did we get a cock in ass pic? Somehow I want something for the chaplain which says sodomy. Old Testament. Let me look.”
"We still gotta fuck," Toby chuckled. "Get those cock-in-ass pics. Some for Gerry, some for Gabriel. Maybe we can even take a slightly more 'tasteful' fucking pic for Charlotte. I mean, how can she even deny it at this point? She wants to watch gay boys fuck. Maybe she's off somewhere getting off on thinking about it."

They continued to sort through their collection, deleting poor quality shots and admiring the better ones. Toby's mind kept returning to what Henry said about Gabriel. Sodomy. Old Testament.

"It really is fun making the chaplain squirm, isn't it? We're like two little devils on his shoulders, whispering in his ear to be bad. I wonder if we could do more than just rub our dicks and asses in his face."

He smirked to himself, thinking about just how naughty they could be. How to be not just slutty, but blasphemous.

"Like... cum all over a bible or something?" he giggled.
“Cumming all over a bible….hmmm.”

Henry reached out and placed his hands behind Toby’s head, pulling him close and kissing him on the lips.

”Sometimes I think I’m not the most fucking perverse guy at Fillmore. Cumming all over a fucking bible.”

He leaned his head back against the pillows.

”It‘s a fucking great idea. I only wish I’d thought of it myself. Mind you, the chaplain is Episcopalian. He‘s probably no more religious than you or me. Cumming all over a bible is probably art to him. A sign of heavenly love. Jesus, I wish I’d thought of that in Art class. Cumming all over a fucking bible…..”
Toby grinned proudly, enjoying the opportunity to impress the most shamelessly slutty gay at Fillmore. He enjoyed the fact that he himself had been a bit of a dark horse, perhaps a late bloomer, waiting for the opportunity for his own inner gay slut to be released, and now he was unleashing a torrent of filth capable of shocking even Henry Merton.

"I don't know what the fuck Episco-whatever is, but we should do it anyway. I wonder what Charlotte would think of that, as 'Art'. I bet it could get you into a world of trouble at school, but college? I bet they get away with a lot of weird shit. I mean, she's managing to make naked gay boys with hard cocks into serious college photography. We could just cum and piss all over a church and say it's... what do you call it... subversive, and avant garde. Someone, somewhere, will think we're geniuses."

He rolled on top of Henry, straddling his middle and toying with his nipples.

"Let's say you were with a priest, doing that confession thing, and you wanted to have some real fun. What would you say? And do?" He lowered his voice: "Tell me your sins, my son."
"With a priest...."

Henry closed his eyes for a moment to contemplate Toby's suggestion. When he opened them, his friend was sitting on him, rubbing his nipples, a wicked look on his face.

"Tell me your sins, my son," Toby said.

"Well.....Father Toby....."

What could Henry confess? Such a long list. And so many sins he wanted to add, especially over the next few days at college.

"Father, I have sinned...I lust after men....especially priests. Hot young ones, old wrinkly ones, the ones who look at you with their side eye, inviting you out the back...not that I go to church. Do I have to confess that too?"

Toby looked down, nodding, encouraging him to go on.

"And I let men suck my cock, father. And I suck their cocks. And stick my cock inside their asses....hmmm...just all the usual gay stuff, I guess."

He reached down and tugged Toby's cock which was lying flat on Henry's stomach.

"I think we should go find a bible and take some pics for the chaplain, yeah?"