Hair down there, or not, in stories

Almost all my female characters have a full, natural bush, often an unusually large one. In two of my series, that's the whole point. It's my specialty, and anyone who complains about it obviously didn't know what they were getting into (pun intended) when they read any of my stories.

Fortunately, most if not all of my readers seem to understand that. I've never gotten any nasty comments about it.
Over the course of my story-writing, I've received comments from time to time, usually critical, about the female character being shaved or bare down there. I personally like writing stories like that because I think the act of shaving is kinky and sexy and fun to write about. Some readers evidently disagree -- "A real mom keeps her bush!", that sort of thing.

Has anyone else received reader comments on this issue re hair preferences?

I came of age when full bush was the norm, and in my personal life I've seen it every which way, and as far as I'm concerned, it's all good. But trimmed or shaved or waxed seems to be the norm in porn now, and my stories, to the extent they raise the issue at all, tend to reflect that.

I wonder if it's a generational thing, too. I imagine that for younger readers shaved or well-trimmed is the norm, but I don't know. I think there are older readers who pine for the bushier era.

Do your stories address the issue?

Is it a sexy/kinky thing for you?

How are the characters in your stories typically coiffed down there? Why?

What kind of reader reaction, if any, have you received?

Feel free to weigh in on the subject of male shaving, too.

Older couple here, and we both shave.

In my stories, my characters make a ref to "unwanted dental floss" in the swinger lifestyle. So, if you want a mindblowing oral experience from the wife, it's best to removal all impediments to full contact there. (I write what I know.)
My theory is that the trend toward shaved pubes has nothing to do with pedo fantasies and instead was spurred on by the porn industry and the emphasis on display and performance.

Shaving makes everything more visible.

I have friends and acquaintances who have very negative feelings about shaved pubes because of the alleged pedo associations, but I don't agree that for most that's what's going on.

This is correct. It has nothing to do with pedo, unless they are going after pedos!

Shaving has to do with oral sex, and the inconvenience of pulling hair out of your teeth! It also makes maximum contact between lips/tongue and the most sensitive skin there.

The danger of shaving cuts down there during the 60's thru 80's may have made people reluctant to shave then. But, today, personal electric razors are cheap and safe for everyone to use without cutting themselves.
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Always a fun question to tackle. 😆

The status of depilation in my stories is dependent largely on the time period it's based in. The farther back in time my story happens, the more likely a woman is to be au natural, but of course there are exceptions. Women have denuded their bodies for various reasons throughout history. Slaves in Rome and the ancient world were often shaved bare to display their status.]

Reminds me of a movie I saw that was set in Europe in WWII. A few softcore shots of the heroine showed her to be completely shaved. Didn't fit at all well. Most women in Europe didn't even shave their legs and pits until the late 70s and 80s.
I reviewed some of the comments on my earlier stories, since I couldn't recall anyone ever complaining about shaved or waxed pubes. I've had a few comments to the effect that Veet doesn't work on pubic hair, which I found unfathomable. That's exactly what the product is designed to do -- clear all the hair from the pubic area.

Where I have gotten negative comments like the ones Simon got on "Shaving Mom" is my stories that include busty women or well-hung guys. I get it; that's not for everyone. But it's tough not to laugh when those are in the story tags or even the story description, and then I get those comments. I imagine it is the same reason "Shaving Mom" attracted those comments. Readers only read the title and then wanted to crap on the story. My most-read story on this site is It Had to be Done, which just went over half a million views a couple days ago. It was one of my first standalone stories, and it got deluged with negative comments like that, many of which I deleted right away. I think it was a similar situation to Simon's story, though. The story has the description: Busty mom, hung son, isolated house.

Evidently having something that up-front pushes people's buttons. Not a bad way to garner more comments, I suppose, if you don't mind the negative ones.
I've had a few comments to the effect that Veet doesn't work on pubic hair, which I found unfathomable. That's exactly what the product is designed to do -- clear all the hair from the pubic area.

The commenter was correct. Chemicals used on other areas of your body are not intended for use around the most sensitive skin of the public area. For example, try putting liniment for skin pain relief around the testicles for a VERY UNIQUE new experience in burning painful reaction!

This is where the phrase "carpet matches the drapes" comes from. Women might dye their hair (drapes) a different color, but they can't use hair dye on their public hair. Veep is not recommended for the closest parts of the publc hairs.

Women should use the Cleancut T-shaped trimmer for the longer hairs and the Cleancut personal shaver for the stubble. Both are very safe and don't cut the skin, while she's feeling her way around down there.

I wrote the scene in several of my stories of the wife shaving with her personal devices, then the husband offering to help find those last elusive hairs.
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Pubic hair, or lack thereof, is featured in all my stories. Nude life drawing modeling is my usual subject, and detailed description (some would say tedious description) is my style; describing pubic hair is essential.

My usual main female character shaves from just above her clitoral hood to her anus but has left her bush untrimmed. She likes the sexual feel on her vulva but can't be bothered with the rest. I'm now working on a Nude Day story, hopefully for this year, where due to reasons, she has a professional wax for the normally shaved parts and gets the rest trimmed. Secondary female characters have been both fully shaved and completely natural.

The main male character is always completely shaved. His first experience of doing that is the subject of my one incest story.

Never had a comment one way or the other about public hair, but several, of course, complained that an incestuous mother would never have anal sex or that a woman would never refer to her own genitals with the word cunt.
The commenter was correct. Chemicals used on other areas of your body are not intended for use around the most sensitive skin of the public area. For example, try putting liniment for skin pain relief around the testicles for a VERY UNIQUE new experience in burning painful reaction!

This is where the phrase "carpet matches the drapes" comes from. Women might dye their hair (drapes) a different color, but they can't use hair dye on their public hair. Veep is not recommended for the closest parts of the publc hairs.

Women should use the Cleancut T-shaped trimmer for the longer hairs and the Cleancut personal shaver for the stubble. Both are very safe and don't cut the skin, while she's feeling her way around down there.

I wrote the scene in several of my stories of the wife shaving with her personal devices, then the husband offering to help find those last elusive hairs.

I had a roommate whose girlfriend used Veet to keep her pubic area baby smooth. He started using it, and raved about it, so I used it for years. I never experienced any painful reaction, and I was applying it directly to my balls and around my asshole. I'd put it on, leave it there for the recommended period of time, and then scrape away the gel and hairs. Then I would shower and wash that area thoroughly with soap and warm water. I really liked the results, and so did my girlfriend at the time. I only stopped doing it because my wife doesn't enjoy dining at that restaurant anymore. When she started accusing me of keeping my nuts clean and baby-smooth for someone else, I just stopped bothering.
I had a roommate whose girlfriend used Veet to keep her pubic area baby smooth. He started using it, and raved about it, so I used it for years. I never experienced any painful reaction, and I was applying it directly to my balls and around my asshole. I'd put it on, leave it there for the recommended period of time, and then scrape away the gel and hairs. Then I would shower and wash that area thoroughly with soap and warm water. I really liked the results, and so did my girlfriend at the time. I only stopped doing it because my wife doesn't enjoy dining at that restaurant anymore. When she started accusing me of keeping my nuts clean and baby-smooth for someone else, I just stopped bothering.

The Veep product recommends using it only to the bikini line. It may be due to sensitivity in the skin changing over time. If you started using it when your skin there was at a less sensitive time of life, you might have gotten used to the sensation. But, in general, chemicals made for the most durable skin and least sensitive skin may react poorly to the more sensitive nerve endings around the genitals. And a woman getting VEEP INSIDE the wettest part may have a diffferent reaction. So, I recommend the shavers as safe and easy.

Too bad about your wife's aversion to dining. Maybe she's looking for a new restaurant.
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I have a scar from an ill-advised attempt to use Nair in the nether regions. Severe chemical burn. But I have stupidly sensitive skin that gets a chemical burn from your average adhesive bandage.

And you shouldn't dye pubic hair or eyebrow hair with regular hair dye, but it did not have the reaction the Nair did.

Also, don't ever straighten any hair while in the nude.

I guess if you've gone grey then shaving it all off could be an option ;) Curling tongs a definite no-no when naked; same with cooking, welding or cutting chillies
Jamie, ogling topless Brenda, while cooking up some onion rings:

"You reckon you could take that apron off, babe? Sure would be a nice sight."

Brenda laughed. "Not yet, these rings are still hot enough I wouldn't want to drop one and scald a tender piece of breast flesh."
Unless it says something about the character I don't mention grooming. As its not something I notice in real life.

I have mentioned a male character being clean shaven with the additional context of him not expecting to be seen nude that day (meaning its something he keeps up for himself) to imply that he's self conscious about his hygiene. As he does later turn out to be the dude who compulsively showers after sex aswell as first thing in the morning. A plot point I needed to foreshadow for the morning after when his partner worries it was a one night stand.
Over the course of my story-writing, I've received comments from time to time, usually critical, about the female character being shaved or bare down there. I personally like writing stories like that because I think the act of shaving is kinky and sexy and fun to write about. Some readers evidently disagree -- "A real mom keeps her bush!", that sort of thing.

Has anyone else received reader comments on this issue re hair preferences?

I came of age when full bush was the norm, and in my personal life I've seen it every which way, and as far as I'm concerned, it's all good. But trimmed or shaved or waxed seems to be the norm in porn now, and my stories, to the extent they raise the issue at all, tend to reflect that.

I wonder if it's a generational thing, too. I imagine that for younger readers shaved or well-trimmed is the norm, but I don't know. I think there are older readers who pine for the bushier era.

Do your stories address the issue?

Is it a sexy/kinky thing for you?

How are the characters in your stories typically coiffed down there? Why?

What kind of reader reaction, if any, have you received?

Feel free to weigh in on the subject of male shaving, too.
I've never received any negative comments on the subject, even though I mention it in some of my tales. While I do mention it, it all depends on the character in the story. You aren't going to find many (if any) housewives who have never had sex with anyone but their husband, shaving their nether region. And it is definitely a generational thing. Not so much age wise as era wise. I know people in their 70's who go bare down there. But you didn't see much of it in the latter part of the last century. It really didn't come into vogue until after Y2K. I know women that love keeping it bare and others who abhor shaving. The ones I know who dislike it do so because of the uncomfortable stage of regrowth from bare to bush.

Sexy kinky thing? As far as I'm concerned, oh, hell yes it is! The first time I encountered it (in a magazine) I too wondered about the pedo connection, not only because of the look of it but at the time there were many wanna be experts who condemned it just for that visual reason. For me, that consideration went right out the door the first time I had the opportunity to have sex with a partner who was shaved. I realized it wasn't all about visual stimulation. The tactile experience of bare labia against my tongue and other parts instantly transformed me to a believer. From my experience, it magnifies the tactile input for both partners. That doesn't mean I don't appreciate a full bush. I do.

As I said, mentioning it in a story all depends on the character, who they are, where they came from and how much sexual experience they have. One of the most erotic and intimate types of foreplay (for me) is shaving someone. I have used that device several times in a story and have received no negative comments at all on it.

Sociologist who palaver about,"...young people nowadays are more frightened by their own upcoming sexuality than their parents generation was. The stated reason was the generally increased overall insecurity of the world today, so you at least try to get those aspects under control which you can control. Body hair is an easy target." are just trying to make a name for themselves by coming up with a complicated explanation for the phenomenon of keeping genitalia bare. I think it's a hell of a lot simpler than that. The 'keep it bare" trend didn't really hit its stride until after Y2K. Connections to the Internet were growing exponentially. The porn sites were also, and almost all of them were featuring bare genitalia. How many teens were looking at porn on the net in those years? I'd guess 90% or more. Occam's Razor: monkey see, monkey do, teens see, teens think "Cool!" and do.

As far as shaving verses other ways ( depilatory creams, waxing, ETC) of hair removal, it all depends on what a body can tolerate. Some skin cannot tolerate ANY type of chemical without getting irritated, while others can use stuff akin to sulfuric acid and not blink an eye.

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It depends entirely upon the character. I have had some bare as a waxed floor, some with full bush, and everything in between. No one has ever complained either way. If the character is younger, she is more likely to be shaved. If she is older, more likely to be full bush or trimmed. If she is active with many partners, more likely to be shaved. When sex with others is infrequent, probably more natural.
I knew one woman who liked to keep hair above the clit claiming it allowed the the two partners to slide over each other more easily. Skin on skin could be a bit irritating without lube. And regrowing hair can be quite irritating with pubis-on-pubis sex.
My predilections are perhaps irredeemable.

I cannot imagine erotic life without the golden triangle.
I've never received any negative comments on the subject, even though I mention it in some of my tales. While I do mention it, it all depends on the character in the story. You aren't going to find many (if any) housewives who have never had sex with anyone but their husband, shaving their nether region. And it is definitely a generational thing. Not so much age wise as era wise. I know people in their 70's who go bare down there. But you didn't see much of it in the latter part of the last century. It really didn't come into vogue until after Y2K. I know women that love keeping it bare and others who abhor shaving. The ones I know who dislike it do so because of the uncomfortable stage of regrowth from bare to bush.

Sexy kinky thing? As far as I'm concerned, oh, hell yes it is! The first time I encountered it (in a magazine) I too wondered about the pedo connection, not only because of the look of it but at the time there were many wanna be experts who condemned it just for that visual reason. For me, that consideration went right out the door the first time I had the opportunity to have sex with a partner who was shaved. I realized it wasn't all about visual stimulation. The tactile experience of bare labia against my tongue and other parts instantly transformed me to a believer. From my experience, it magnifies the tactile input for both partners. That doesn't mean I don't appreciate a full bush. I do.

As I said, mentioning it in a story all depends on the character, who they are, where they came from and how much sexual experience they have. One of the most erotic and intimate types of foreplay (for me) is shaving someone. I have used that device several times in a story and have received no negative comments at all on it.

Sociologist who palaver about,"...young people nowadays are more frightened by their own upcoming sexuality than their parents generation was. The stated reason was the generally increased overall insecurity of the world today, so you at least try to get those aspects under control which you can control. Body hair is an easy target." are just trying to make a name for themselves by coming up with a complicated explanation for the phenomenon of keeping genitalia bare. I think it's a hell of a lot simpler than that. The 'keep it bare" trend didn't really hit its stride until after Y2K. Connections to the Internet were growing exponentially. The porn sites were also, and almost all of them were featuring bare genitalia. How many teens were looking at porn on the net in those years? I'd guess 90% or more. Occam's Razor: monkey see, monkey do, teens see, teens think "Cool!" and do.

As far as shaving verses other ways ( depilatory creams, waxing, ETC) of hair removal, it all depends on what a body can tolerate. Some skin cannot tolerate ANY type of chemical without getting irritated, while others can use stuff akin to sulfuric acid and not blink an eye.

I'd agree that young people saw shaved bits on porn and thought 'way to go' in the same way boys started to ask their gfs for anal or deep throat. Young men are often pushy with their sexual demands but like any man, if they get a sniff of snatch, they ain't gonna be fussy with or without hair.

I don't think there's a single answer to those who equate shaved as looking under-age. It's what the viewer brings with them and if they've got baggage that's stops them distinguishing between under age and hot woman who likes it that way, then that's their problem.
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As I mentioned earlier, I present women in every part of the spectrum. But it's one device to get into what sort of person the character is. If some characters take time to shave their genitalia, it says something about their attitude toward their bodies and how they want to appear to other people. OTOH, a full bush and hairy armpits in a woman might indicate an independent streak, about defying popular norms of what women should look like. So I like to mix it up in stories, rather than simply be mannequins that readers can dress as they please.
I've written a variety of women and MOST of them have had some pubic hair.

First: because is is coming back. Even in porn.

Second: I think I intentionally make sure most of my younger women have at least a very neatly trimmed tuft, which almost always matches their hair color.

In fact I gave the main character of my Jenna series a bush strictly because she's a redhead, and I wanted her pubes to match. Because I personally think that's sexy as hell.

I also think I do that so there's no misunderstandings that I'm trying to create an "underage" visual with my 18 or 19 year old characters. (Although one of them is shaved entirely, mainly because her best friend the main female character isn't.)

Lastly: because variety is the spice of life.

I've yet to have a single comment that mentioned pubic hair or the lack of in any way.
I think it's a personal preference. Some people seem to have a fetish or preference for shaved vs unshaved. It seems the unshaved, all-natural folks are more vocal. It's akin to visible tan lines.

In my group scenes, different people have different grooming habits because it makes it easier to tell who is who.

Personally, I preferred shaved or closely cropped, so that's what shows up in my stories most often. I have lots of different reasons for my preference:
  • Lack of hair to chase down from the back of your tongue
  • The tactile feel for both partners
  • Visual appeal - personally, I feel "more" naked when I'm shaved down there
I guess that last bullet point is a big one for me - the increased exposure being shaved brings. I think that it sends a message to your partner(s) and anyone else who might witness your shaved, naughty bits. Same with how a lack of tan lines or going commando might send a signal, too. And, if that's the case, then it's character development or a plot point.
I tend to have the ladies in my stories mostly clean-shaven, with a few little curls on top, that seems to amuse their partners as well as the readers. I did one story where the lady had a very full bush, because a reader had requested it. I don't usually describe the women in my stories as clean as billiard ball, I just think a little hair adds to the reader's interest because they can visualize those little curls sitting over her sex.
As the for the men, I've only occasionally mentioned if their pubic hair is shaved or trimmed, mostly because their partner would notice and appreciate it when she goes down on him.
I also think, if either person in the story is more sexually active they're going to be more vigilant about grooming themselves. The opposite is true as well. If someone claims they haven't had sex in ages, they might not bother keeping everything trimmed and tidy, because they think, who's going to see it?
When it comes to kink, you'll never make everyone happy. Write what you like and find an audience that wants it. It's a good idea to be forthcoming with tags and story descriptions so that the "wrong" audience doesn't wander into your story world, but there is no one-true-way as to what is erotic.