Halgrim's Tower (PM to join)

Emmeline was dressed and then he left her alone. She began to roam the room. There had to be a way out, a way to escape. The window was little more than a slit so there was no help there. She inspected the walls but until her hands had healed it would be impossible to hold anything to scrape away at it. Not that she had anything like that.

There were the guards but again, until her hands healed swiping the keys would be impossible. A letter snuck out to her father also required the use of her hands. She looked down at the useless lumps.

Emmeline focused on the things she could control. She walked the room counting the steps. She stretched her body, mostly her legs as movement in her arms still caused the blood to pump into her hands and that made them ache.

By the time the lanterns were lit in the hall outside her cell Emmeline was tired and hungry. She heard the guards moving in the hall but no one came to her cell. No one opened the door and brought her anything to eat.

A frown formed but she wasn't concerned. She could go a day without eating. Without the kind guard Thom, she couldn't eat anyway. Hadn't the jailer told her he would have someone come and feed her, help her wash up everyday? Maybe he meant starting tomorrow.

Emmeline laid on the bed and tried to sleep.

The morning brought no one. Emmeline frowned. She got up and started walking the room. It would do no good for her to grow soft or weak. She worked on footwork as if she was in her sword fighting lesson.

When midday came round and her stomach rumbled Emmeline sat on the bed. No food had arrived yet or water. She let out a sigh. It was alright. Two days she could manage.

A cold fear ran through her. She was truly trapped and entirely at the mercy of those outside the door, those who seemed to forget she existed. No one opened the door, no one checked on her.
Tyann was there early the next morning, to see LaVonda at her place of work. He had decided to personally inform her of her promotion. It was his way of rewarding the slave for the incredible pleasure she had given him.

He noted with approval how clean the torture chamber was now. It had even started to smell a little better here - though thoroughly cleansing it of the stench would have probably required burning it down. He would miss her good work now that he was assigning her to a different position. No other slave had ever been that diligent.

The guards had not been kind to her, going by the bruises. She had also cried a little - he knew that this place would eventually get to her. Even slaves eventually broke under the hopelessness and violence, far worse than even the fate of the mining slaves. At least those were not constantly surrounded by pain, death and despair, and their strength was valuable. The slaves here could do their work even while they were half-dead from hunger.

For some time, he watched her do her duty. Her attention to detail and nimble movements had something amazing about them. It was as if she became her work, as if she ceased existing as a person. She looked oddly alluring when she did that, concentrated but relaxed expression on her pretty face, slender finger speeding over all manner of surfaces, polishing everything to the smallest nook.

"Slave," he said in a cold tone as appropriate for telling her that she had been sentenced to death as for giving her good news, "I have decided that you deserve better than this. Finish cleaning this device, then follow me to the kitchens. You will be a kitchen slave from now on. Better food, more interesting work and regular daylight await you. Not to mention that you will no longer have to listen to screaming while you work."
LaVonda was back in the torture chambers early in the morning, earlier then normal. The guard that came for her was older then Thom but agitated. The man that was whipped and stretched had left a trail of shit across the floor before firing on the rack.

She tried to follow but asked if he would unshackle her leg so she could leave with him. He accused her of telling him what to do and slapped her several times until he noticed she was chained to the wall.

He used the key and shoved LaVonda to the door leaving her in an thinner shift. She hit the door with a thud, she didnt know he locked it behind him when he came for her.

Now the door had been reopened and LaVonda went out and headed downstairs. Once inside she went over and gathered the supplies and went straight to work

LaVonda was scrubbing the floor near the cages when the Master Jailer arrived. She really didnt pay attention to him as she was making sure the floor was spotless and no longer smelled of urine.

Another guard shoved some chains at her for cleaning. "Be quick with it, whore."

Lavonda politely replied. "Yes Master."

She took them over where she had a full bucket of soapy water and scrub brush. She was thoroughly cleaning them for him when he kicked her bucket over. LaVonda silently bristled with anger that he wasnt making it easy to obey his wishes.

Several of them laughed as they took new arrivals to the whipping posts to extract their confessions.

LaVonda was drying the shackles and chains to check her work before putting them back on the table with the other implements of torture.


LaVonda turned her head to the voice and saw it was the Master Jailer and made a worried face. He sounded upset with her and made her wonder what she didnt get clean as well as she thought.

"I have decided that you deserve better than this. Finish cleaning this device, then follow me to the kitchens. You will be a kitchen slave from now on. Better food, more interesting work and regular daylight await you. Not to mention that you will no longer have to listen to screaming while you work."

LaVonda nods and softly answered. "Yes Master, thank you."

LaVonda finished drying the chains and then rubbed some oil on it to keep the links lined so it wouldn't rust to quickly. Washing her hands and drying them as well, she took the chains and shackles over to the table. LaVonda wangled she had the polishing cloth on her belt cause that table was getting dusty.

Now she followed the Master Jailer out of the chamber. She wondered if now would be a good time to ask about a garden and seeds to grow food to use for everyone here.
The slave followed him very obediently as they ascended the stairway to the first floor. He lost no time in "introducing" her to the other kitchen slaves mainly by pushing her into the hot room and closing the door behind him. No one looked up from their work.

He turned towards the old man who served as the...chef...of this hellhole. The grey-bearded skeleton had lost his hearing and half of his mind in here, so the master jailer approached him very closely before speaking to him: "Here is a new slave for the kitchens. She is very obedient, very diligent. Give her whatever work you think is best for her, and do not go soft on her, you hear me? She is here for ten years, and I do not want her to enjoy her stay."

He turned to LaVonda again. "Well, you are now practically slave royalty. You will eat well, you will do something else than clean all day, you will be around your fellow slaves. You have light" - he pointed at the narrow slit that ran along most of one of the corners of the wall near the ceiling - "no fresh air, admittedly, but you will get used to the smell."

He was not so sure about that last one. Whenever he entered the kitchens, it took him all his resolve to appear dignified and a little less closer to vomiting than he actually was. At least the slop they fed to the common prisoners was tasteless - that made it pure torture to live off for years, but it did not stink up the kitchen like the other pot.

The other pot - the one for the "privileged" prisoners. The privilege was that their food tasted of something. Depending on what shipment of leftovers from the market had come in, it even tasted good from time to time. The physical form was always the same, though - a pinkish-grey slime that was served to the prisoners in wooden bowls.

He closed the door behind her. In one of the less evil corners of his mind, he hoped that she would indeed find it more comfortable here than down there, constantly cleaning other peoples' bodily fluids from the instruments they had suffered on.

On the way out, he grabbed a bowl of the slime as well as a spoon. He was on the way to one of the cells across the hall, to Emmeline. He wanted to see if his guards had indeed fed her, or if the lazy bastards had forgotten again. The bowl was in case they had. With all his willpower, he sniffed the substance. Well... it did almost smell good today, though a little bit too sweet. That shipment of onions was being put to good use.

He unlocked the door to Emmeline's cell and entered it, locking it behind him. She was sitting on the bed. Had she eaten? Hard to tell. She certainly seemed weak and totally defeated - but that was no indication, given her circumstances. "Good morning, prisoner. Tell me: Have the guards fed you? Probably not. They keep forgetting such things all the time. I think they find it funny to make the prisoners starve. Well, I do not."

He came closer, but did not let down his guard. Two days without human contact, and probably without food, could make anyone desperate. And while she would probably not escape, he did not even want to give her the chance to try. He set the bowl down on the table and stood in front of her bed, examining her. Her skin was already dirty, her face had a resigned expression, but she was still beautiful, even dressed in slave rags.

"I just assigned a new girl to the kitchens. I think you will like her. She is about your age, but she has been a lifelong slave. Listen well to her. She can teach you some things about slavery. So many new slaves make stupid mistakes and catch beatings or even worse. But she has it figured out. In fact, she is so good at being a slave that I just promoted her all the way from torture chamber cleaner to cook - the steepest career you can hope for in your new life."

He was genuinely proud of LaVonda. How long would it take for Emmeline to forget that she had ever been a noble, and become as docile as her? Quickly, he hoped - for her sake.
Emmeline was almost terrified of the noise of the lock being unlocked and the door opening. She looked like a tired, dirty and very frightened animal as she saw the jailer enter.

"No, no one has come." Her eyes looked up at his face. "My name is Emmeline, not prisoner."

She sat up a little more. Two days of no food and water she could manage. She was glad he had come though. She was beginning to fear she was truly forgotten. Her eyes moved to the bowl he had put down. Her stomach hurt. It was as if she wasn't even hungry anymore but the pain was so strong she thought she might vomit if she did not get to eat.

"You said you would send someone to help me eat and bathe and yet no one came. Either you lied or they do not heed your orders. I have been left here hungry and dirty." Her voice was raspy from disuse. She had the look of an angry animal, ready to pounce.

"You speak like a proud owner or father about your slave." Emmeline looked up at him.
Everything she said was reason enough to punish her - but he decided to let it slide. Let her work through her anger, let her get used to her powerlessness. The punishments could come later.

"Your name is whatever I decide it to be. And this is your last warning - do not defy me like that ever again. I am being lenient because you are new, but if I ever hear such words from you again - there is a frame in the slave quarters. I can string you up in it and whip you in front of all the other slaves. You eat and get bathed whenever I decide you will be. And this was the last complaint from you that will not get you a beating."

"Well, yes. I am proud of her. If it was up to me, I would actually release her right now. That is why you people are down here - to have your wills broken, since your wills are what caused you to become criminals. Well, not you, of course. You are here because I have orders to make sure you disappear but stay alive. Do not ask me why - I am not very experienced in statecraft."
Emmeline looked down at her hands. Not because she was feeling chastised but because she was trying to work out the angle. Why was he to keep her alive? Killing her and making her disappear would have the same effect. Her father would not be able to marry her off and form the alliance. Without the alliance there was no stopping Halgrim.

What game were they playing? A show of power made no sense. It wasn't a show if no one knew she was here. Her mind was trying to work out the implications but it appeared as if she was effectively scolded by his words.

She remained sitting on the bed, making no move to get up or move for the food.
He sat down next to her, spoon in hand, and began patiently feeding her. At least she was not mouthing off anymore.

"You still do not understand that you have no rights here. If I have you fed and bathed, that is because I want you to. I am feeding you because I want you to eat. If I am not feeding you, I want you to starve. It is that simple, and I do not want to hear you question that ever again."

Well, that was only half true, but he did feel he had been to soft on her. She would never have dared use such language with him if he had not been so friendly. It was time she learned to behave. The reason he was feeding her, though, was more complicated. Ever since they had met, he had this strange yearning to be with her, and if it meant spoon-feeding her slime.
Emmeline was brought out of her thoughts by his movements. She looked up and her eyes softened, confusion in them as he lifted the bowl and brought the spoon to her mouth. She took only little bites. Being deprived of food and water had left her stomach aching and if she ate too fast she feared it would come back up.

The bad part of eating slow and in small bites meant she tasted it. Her face grimaced with the first two bites. She paused and lifted her eyes to meet his. "I am at your mercy and I do not know your name. Is that a question I am not allowed to ask as well?"

Emmeline leaned in and took another small amount off of the spoon. At this rate he would be here a while but she id not wish to risk getting ill. She feared he would find it a reason to punish her or worse, leave her to deal with it.

She shifted a little closer to him, not wishing to drip any between them onto the bed or her rags as if she were home were not already dirty or the place filthy.
He put his arm around her shoulder in an almost affectionate gesture as she leaned in closer.

"My name is Tyann. And, yes, you are at my mercy. A mercy I will show you if you behave."

He kept feeding her. Now that she had calmed down, his demeanor became softer, and his face relaxed.

"I can not come here every day to feed you, but one of my men is so soft-hearted that he would do it just because he felt for you. He will keep you bathed and fed while your hands heal."

Her hands, yes... the wrapped-up lumps that were the reason he was forced to feed her now. Well, if he was honest with himself, he enjoyed it. It almost felt...intimate...to feed her spoon by spoon, to lightly put his hand on the back of her head and look into her eyes as she swallowed her food. A slight smile spread across his face as he saw her eat. Yes, she was at his mercy. And soon, she would learn to appreciate it. She would learn to appreciate everything because she now had nothing.
“Master Tyann...” Emmeline bowed her head a little as if greeting a noble in her father’s home. “I apologize for speaking out of turn earlier.” She looked up, meeting his eyes. “Thank you for this.”

She took another small bite.

“I met a guard days ago...I called for help and he came. He fed me then. He was kind.” Another small bite, the movement of her slender neck as she swallowed. If she pretended hard enough she could almost not taste it.

He was being kind, gone was the harsh tone of earlier. He was careful, even gently holding her head as she ate. Tyann was even smiling a little and it caused Emmeline’s cheeks to warm.

“I know I should eat it all but my stomach is protesting. I am sorry.” She tensed fearing he would go back to the harsh, hard man from before.
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"I think we are talking about the same man. The tall one-eyed one? Yes, he is very friendly. A little too friendly. Though I must say I still prefer that over the ways some of the men amuse themselves down here. I let them because it's just prisoners they are tormenting, but that does not mean I like that kind of silliness."

She was probably just pretending out of fear, but it was a first step. He rewarded her with an encouraging smile. "See? You are already learning to speak properly. It is not that hard if you try."

"Ah yes, the food. Another thing you will have to learn. Believe me, you will get used to it. There will be nothing else, and once you start working, you will be ready to eat anything. But for now, I understand. It is a steep drop from the roasts and wine you are probably used to to..." - he sniffed the bowl - "what smells like cat stew with entirely too many onions. I will be reasonable. I do not expect you to learn everything about being a slave at once. I just expect you to learn quickly, or I will help you with a caning or two."
"Yes that is him. Thom. He was very kind. I feared he would - " Emmeline blushed and looked away. She looked back at Tyann. "I am simply full, Master Tyann. I am grateful for the food. I did mean to sound as if I was not."

It seemed the more she behaved like a doe eyed noble, the kinder he was to her.

"May I have some water, Master Tyann?" Her eyes met his.
Still smiling, he continued. "Of course. You must be incredibly thirsty, what with all the screaming you did."

Her docile behavior pleased him so much that he even managed to sound a little bit guilty. After all, he had been the cause of that screaming.

He took the bowl, left the cell, threw the bowl in the pile of dirty bowls the slaves would have to wash later, and returned with a bucket of water, a ladle and a rag. That last one was because she was dirty, and had really earned herself a thorough cleaning. That he would have to peel her out of those rags for that would be his reward.
LaVonda quietly followed to the kitchen and the smell she recognized immediately . This room needed a strong cleaning just like the torture chambers on her first day.

There was old food caked on the floor in certain places. And some of the meats hanging on the wall had turned rancid. LaVonda could see her work that was meant for her to do.

There was a grey-bearded skeleton of a.man that the Master Jailer approached him very closely and speaking loudly to him: "Here is a new slave for the kitchens. She is very obedient, very diligent. Give her whatever work you think is best for her, and do not go soft on her, you hear me? She is here for ten years, and I do not want her to enjoy her stay."

The Master Jailer told LaVonda "Well, you are now practically slave royalty. You will eat well, you will do something else than clean all day, you will be around your fellow slaves. You have light"

LaVonda looked up and replies "Thank you Master."

"no fresh air, admittedly, but you will get used to the smell."

LaVonda thought to herself. I vow this place will smell differently in three days even if I have to miss sleep. I will not let the Master take ill from the food in here.

Then he left and the cook began talking loudly. "Clean those dishes and put them on the table over there. "

LaVonda nodded and went to the station. The water was cold with a layer of slime. That wouldn't do, so she heated a pot of water over the flame of a fireplace. While that was boiling LaVonda began picking at a section of floor. She actually found the true floor when the water was making the right sound. She took a large bowl and scooped water from the kettle to the basin. In fifteen minutes she was scrubbing at some pans taking off a layer of spoiled grease.

Then she was ordered to prep the onions and put them into a stewing pot.

By supper time, there were no dirty dishes and the area she picked clean had grown to the whole west wall. LaVonda was cleaning the ash from the oven and scrubbing the grate.

The man shook his head, as much work that he gave her she didnt make one complaint. She had done more then she was ordered to and even offered to wash the last meal dishes unsupervised.

He just couldn't make heads or tails of her service nor did she try to get out of any of the work given.

She was going to be a challenge
Tyann set the bucket down next to Emmeline and filled the ladle with water, holding it up to her lips. "Poor girl. I will assign Thom to caring for you from now on. Soft-hearted fool he may be, but he will certainly not neglect you like that. He would probably die of guilt if he did."

"I will send the healer by tomorrow. She will change your bandages and then tell me when she believes you will be able to work. Then your boring life in this miserable cell will be over."

"I brought more water so I can probably clean you afterwards. But no hurry. Drink as much as you need first. Your thirst must be tormenting."

He was starting to develop something like pride in Emmeline, too. Sure, she was not as obedient as LaVonda yet - what slave could ever be? - but she was learning. She was developing into a proper prisoner, and she would soon become another grey figure down here, toiling away for the dungeon and grateful for small kindnesses like water and food.

Unless, of course, she was just pretending. She was a smart woman. Maybe she had some kind of plan and was pretending to be obedient so she could set it in motion? If so, she was very good at pretending. And besides, whatever her plan was was unlikely to succeed and very likely to lead to some painful lessons applied to her back. Either way, for the moment, faked obedience was as welcome to him as real.


On his routine patrol, Thom came by the kitchen. As he glanced over the slaves working there, he noticed - LaVonda! His heart jumped for joy. She was now free of the torture chamber! She seemed as happy as ever, tirelessly working on cleaning the cooking instruments as she had the torture instruments. It seemed to make no difference to her. And yet, he now knew more about her - it did make a difference. She was just very good at hiding it from people, including herself.

When he was sure no one was looking, he flashed her a fond smile. No longer would he have to worry about her slowly going insane in that screaming hell. And since the kitchen was mainly run by the slaves themselves, the guards could no longer play their cruel games with her that easily. She was probably actually happy now...

As before, he found the sight of her at work entrancing. Not only did she not complain, she did not even mind the hard labor. Somehow, she became even more beautiful in this state of concentration, her mind completely dissolved in scrubbing the bowls as clean as they had never been before. Every fiber in her little body was devoted to that task; she was passionate about doing everything to perfection.
It was getting late when LaVonda and the other slaves were sent to their sleeping chambers. A few of them grumbled about LaVonda doing so much work they were concerned rhat their work would double.

LaVonda heard them talk among themselves and silently wept. She never meant to cause any hardships for the others it was what she was taught. She turned from the rest of her roommates and drifted into a fitful sleep.

The next morning LaVonda asked a guard to escort her to the kitchen. He was surprised she asked so politely and two hours early.

LaVonda took the time to work on the floor, LaVonda believed if the filth was off the floor, then the room would smell better.

The floor was spotless when the other slaves came into the room. LaVonda was busy scrubbing morning dishes and pots.

The head cook mentioned baking bread and choose LaVonda to grind the wheat and maybe that would change her cheery mood.
Emmeline watched him leave. She wasn’t sure he was actually going to return. He had made a statement about the fact that she was thirsty but never offered to fix it.

The door was opened again and Tyann returned, bucket, ladle and rags in hand. She resisted the urge to tell him she liked the cell, that it was quite preferable to where she had been before. She kept her mouth shut though. He was being kind to her and she did not wish to ruin that. If she could get him on her side perhaps she would have a way out of this.

He held the ladle for her to drink out of. At first Emmeline took big, gulping drinks but it immediately set her stomach aching. She slowed and after two full ladles she was done.

“Thank you Master Tyann, that was most gracious of you.”

She eyed the bucket then the rags and then her hands. “I appreciate the water for washing but I fear it is not something I can manage.” Emmeline smiled sadly. “Do not worry, perhaps I can simply dump it over my head.”

It occurred to her that he could wash her but that would mean undressing her, and then letting him wash her naked body. Her cheeks flushed at the thought of it. He had already seen her naked, his hands had brushed her body briefly when he dressed her but this would be...intimate.
Her greedy drinking clearly made her stomach ache a little when the icy water hit it. Tyann was used to seeing much worse pain, of course. Causing it, even. But still, he could not help but wince a little when he saw this delicate, beautiful woman do that to herself. Fortunately, she quickly realized her mistake and slowed down, much to his pleasure. He patiently watched the cold water soothe her dried-out throat.

Her thanks made him smile warmly. It could be so easy as long as she was being good!

"My pleasure. Drink as much as you want."

It had been most gracious of him. Even water was something that had to be earned here. And she had earned it. Tyann did not care if she was actually surrendering, or just learning how to pretend. Either way, she was learning. By the time he let her work in the kitchen, she would have lived underground for as long as she could remember.

Her blush told him that she had guessed now exactly how she would be washed. And she would be. Because she needed to get used to obeying. Because he wanted her clean so she stayed healthy and healed quickly. And, yes, because she was absolutely gorgeous.

"Yes, exactly. Show me your best behavior, and lie down on that bed, naked. Spread yourself out, close your eyes and just relax. Too bad the water is cold... I am sorry about that."

Would she obey? Acting like a demure slave was one thing, but now she would have to let him touch in her most intimate places - and hold completely still. Daily life for a slave, but incredibly shameful for a lady. Now was her opportunity to show him which of these she truly was. If she did what he asked of her, she was either a model prisoner, or an extremely strong-willed escape risk...

"Take your time. I know this is all very new for you. Just take off that robe and get comfortable. Well, as comfortable as you can get. Believe me, you will soon learn to appreciate what I am doing for you. Normally, we do just dump a bucket of water over the kitchen slaves each morning. You are getting bathed - what a luxury! Think how easy it would be for me to just keep you starving, thirsty and dirty instead."
LaVonda was given a large barrel filled with unmilled wheat, a smaller bowl, and a marble rock oddly shaped but LaVonda recognized it from the orphanage.

"I want it done in two hours." The skeleton man shouted then pointed out two other women and handed them bowls and grinders. "TWO HOURS!"

LaVonda picked up a few handfuls of wheat and began to clean off the shafe before grinding it into flour. The other two just started pounding the kernels. LaVonda tried explaining that the papery shell would make the bread taste bad and could make someone sick. They ignored her so LaVonda kept her flour separate from theirs.

However with three doing the work they were done quicker. Another woman in charge of baking took their bowl and started to mix the dough. It didnt take long to recognize the problem as it wasnt mixing correctly. "Didn't you clean the wheat?"

LaVonda stood and handed over the half barrel of flour. "Yes Mistress I did."

The other two got stern smacks from her spoon and had to sort out the shafe which they weren't happy about.

LaVonda was sent to wash the guards breakfast dishes and then clean their dining area. LaVonda nodded moving over to the tub of dishes and adding heated water.
Emmeline stiffened as he told her to undress and lay down. She looked at the dress he had put on her.

He seemed to understand her dilemma and removed the dress. She immediately started shivering. It was clear she was terrified of what was about to happen. She bit down on her tongue in an effort to stop herself from crying as she moved to the bed and laid down.

Emmeline closed her eyes, whimpering softly and opened her legs. Her hands went to move to cover herself from his eyes but then she remembered he said to spread out. Tears trickled down her face as she put her arms out.

She was naked, laying like a starfish on the bed. She was ashamed and embarrassed, knowing he could see every part of her.
Tyann smiled encouragingly as she prepared to obey. Her slave rags were not hard to remove. One quick pull on the rope that served as the belt, some tugging, and she was naked.

Spread out like that, even while she was still dirty, she was like a shining sun in the dungeon's gloom. Tears were flowing over her face, and he could see that it was taking her her entire willpower to remain like that. Brave Emmeline. He knew the overwhelming shame she had to be battling just to remain still like that. And yet, she did. He was so proud of her! Her reward would be the gentlest cleaning anyone had ever received down here...

Tyann wet the rag and carefully wrung it out until it was just a little bit moist. He rubbed it in his hands a little to warm it up and reduce the shock of the cold water. Then he put it on the inside of her left leg, just above the ankle and began vigorously rubbing it up and down, wiping away all the grime that had collected there. He wrung it out again, then continued with her right leg, then with the outsides, up to her hips. She had to know what came next...


Thom tried to glance at LaVonda as she entered the guards' dining hall without the other guards noticing. That turned out not to be so hard. Mostly, their eyes were fixed on the shapely young slave anyway. His was just another gaze at her. Only, he hoped, she could tell that his gaze was slightly different from the lecherous stares she was getting from the others. Or maybe not. Was he really better than them?

Suddenly, one of the guards got up and strode towards her in a very determined way. Just as she bent down to wipe up some spilled soup, he suddenly appeared behind her and placed a hand the size and hairiness of a bear's paw on her rounded butt. He looked back at his fellows and gave them a wide grin with his tongue out before he began to mimic some movements that made it very clear what he wanted to do to her.

Before Thom even realized what he was doing, he had gotten up, anger on his face. Oh damn! Now the other guards had to notice what was going on between her and him...
She was trying not to move, trying not to curl up and hide from him. She feared what he would do if she did. Her thumbs would take a month he said. If she disobeyed in this what came next might be worse.

Emmeline willed herself to remain there, like a starfish on the bed. Shame and humiliation washed over her body. She didn’t even move her head to look at him. The cloth, despite his attempts to warm it was still cold on her body. Emmeline inhaled sharply and tried not to flinch. She was immediately grateful that he started at her ankle. Tyann worked his way up her legs, her hips. Emmeline was trembling but willed herself not to close her legs. She wanted to and she was certain he could feel the tension in them as she fought to keep them opened.

Her blue eyes looked up at the ceiling. They were glassy and shiny from her tears. The corners of her mouth were turned down as Emmeline was unable to hide her fear and sadness. She was at least thankful he was not roughly manhandling her.
Poor girl. It was not only his face which showed him how hard her inner struggle had to be. Her muscles were also tense, rock hard, trembling from the effort to control herself.

And now the hardest part... He wet the rag again and began carefully cleaning around her genitals, running the tip of the cloth through the crease between her hips and her groin, removing even the tiniest specks of dirt there. As he was rubbing her, he looked into her eyes, curious how she was feeling about being touched in her most intimate area. It was so hard to tell her feelings... it was as if they were drowning in lakes of tears.

Finally, he was done and moved on, up her belly, taking great care to even polish the inside of her bellybutton until her skin was bright there again. Further up, along her sides and up to her armpits. Then, after another change of water, he set down his rag below her breasts. It was more than a desire to clean her as well as possible that made him run the wet cloth around them again and again, working his way up to her nipples...
He was touching her. Emmeline bit her lower lip as she felt the cloth move over her sex. He was rubbing, ensuring every fold and spot was clean. She was confused, a slight frown forming as the way he touched her actually was starting to feel good. It was still shameful that a man she was not married to was seeing her naked, touching her but the way he was doing it was causing other feelings in her body.

Then he moved on and Emmeline found herself with a strange tension, a desire for him to keep going but she said nothing and did not move.

He was taking such careful care of cleaning her that Emmeline almost smiled at him in thanks as he washed along her sides. She reminded herself that this man held her future in his hands, hands that were about to move over her breasts. The cloth sat just under her breasts, the mounds rising and falling with her breathing. Her back arched, just a little and again Emmeline frowned. Why was her body doing that? Shame mixed with gratitude and it was all tinged with a strange sense of enjoyment from his touch. She was utterly confused and terrified.