Help me with my commitment phobe

LadyJeanne said:
I don't know how it would change the nature of our relationship, and at this point that's not under consideration.

Knowing that he doesn't see our relationship leading toward marriage is affecting my perspective, and that's going to change the nature of our current relationship. If we're not building a future together, then what are we doing?

Oh honey, I really feel for you. I have a friend who's partner is going through a similar thing, happily drifting though the relationship, no plans, no direction.
Don't let him make you feel bad for wanting a future, good luck, keep strong.
LadyJeanne said:
I can't just stop loving him, though. I do believe in us, so just walking away right now doesn't feel right. I want to give him a chance to reverse this "NEVER" just like he's reversed his other "NEVERS" he's been so certain about in the past.
Worth quoting again, after all I could "NEVER" see myself as a father. :rose: :rose:
LadyJeanne said:
But, you're right. I do deserve better than to be with someone who's not open to considering the possibilities. I can't just stop loving him, though. I do believe in us, so just walking away right now doesn't feel right. I want to give him a chance to reverse this "NEVER" just like he's reversed his other "NEVERS" he's been so certain about in the past.

That is a very good point, and like I said most people arent like me I have an internal switch that I am able to literally turn off my feelings and become completely numb and very cold hearted.

For the record that trait isn't always a good thing.

Seems to me like you are in a very good place mentally about this and I wish you the best of luck.