Here is a question that feminists would hate

Limbhugger said:
Champ? I like that. Champ. Meant in a condescending way but inadvertantly paying tribute. Thanks.

Roscoe, you enjoy your version of shock and edge and even biblical interepation all in an effort to reinforce what you wish to hear. Fine. I could give a rat's ass.

I haven't a frickin clue what you mean by the irony-meter. Guess it is just more "Roscoe-Knowledge" that I'm too humble to understand.

Blah, blah, blah.

Why is it Roscoe, everything must fit into your version of the world?

Oh well, hopefully you're online "Dom" friends and you will have fun. This was an ignorant thread topic to begin with. But I'm glad you've found a place to feel better.

Love it - LOL - thanks Limbhugger for the chuckle.

Roscoe - put what little tail you have between your legs (if it will reach of course) and squirm away back to the womb. ;)

See, Limbo? Even Charley gets it, and she can't even finish a sentence without using one of those little smiley faces!
the shadow of a boy said:
My gut instinct would be to prejudge the question, and respond with a knee-jerk reaction of "NO!".
Sometimes you just have to go with your instincts.

A couple of observations, more pertaining to how men and women tend to be socialized differently:
  • women are far more likely to avoid conflict by seeming to agree.
  • men are far more likely to assert their opinions as factual and valid, even when it is clear that they have absolutely no basis for thinking they could possibly answer the question.

  • I have no clue the number of times I have nodded my head and smiled in response to something I didn't agree with, and then done things my own way anyhow, all because I wasn't in the mood for an argument. Not to say I don't enjoy conflict sometimes, but only on my schedule. :)

    As for whether all women are naturally submissive... if you had met some of the women I know, you would have no doubts that there are naturally dominant women in the world.
HoneyRyder62 said:
It depends on the person, I know that in public I'm completly submissive. It's from how i was raised, woman as slaves or whatever the whole sitting on the floor next to my partner serving food and cleaning thing I can't seem to get rid of but when it comes to the bedroom I dominate, completly. I miss the days i was dominated but I like being in control. Especially over women, the power to do what you want and know they love it is wonderful.

This is totally off topic, but I wanted to say I love your sig line :)
My two cents into this foray of Dominant issues with a follower of history and civililazations,the Celts,who rules a great portion of Europe at one time(including the Roman Empire)always held women in high esteem,as preistesses,warriors(they fought bare-breasted woo-hoo),can you imagine the last thing you see before dying is a set of Irish breasts..but anyway,the women here were always Dominant AND problem here with that.. :rose: :rose: :kiss:
Originally posted by rosco rathbone

"just as some of us dominate masters do"

"and no dominate master will step up to the plate"
(italics mine)

So, rosco. If you're going to be playing at this Dom thing? You might want to remember to use Dominant master.

Dominate is a verb, as in "I'll dominate that cunt."

Have a grammatically correct day. *grin*

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I just wanted to thank everyone for the most amusing quarter hour I have had in quite a while. :D
rosco rathbone said:
See, Limbo? Even Charley gets it, and she can't even finish a sentence without using one of those little smiley faces!

Oh you are a lovely little man who keeps me smiling though, Rosco. just a kiss this time.LOL
AnelizeDarkEyes said:
(italics mine)

So, rosco. If you're going to be playing at this Dom thing? You might want to remember to use Dominant master.

Dominate is a verb, as in "I'll dominate that cunt."

Have a grammatically correct day. *grin*


At the risk of stating the obvious; let me say here that my use of the verb "(to) dominate" as a noun is entirely tongue in cheek.

:cool: :eek:
CharleyH said:
Oh you are a lovely little man who keeps me smiling though, Rosco. just a kiss this time.LOL

Right back at you, Charlize. Any time you feel the need to have your butt beaten like a gong, to experience the thrill of being used as a human mop in learned discourse; you know where to find me.

:D :D :D :cool: :eek:
NCShin said:
Are all women naturally submissive?

I'm not trying to suggest that every woman wants to be tied up and/or spanked.

But in recent discussions with some friends we found that we all agreed that most women that we've dated liked things that are often associated with D/s.

No, not all women are naturally submissive, as I have discovered! My lover is quite dominant, thank you very much.

I think, however, it's possible to view the world through D/s-coloured glasses (not a bad view!) and relate things to D/s which aren't necessarily.

After all, dominance and submission are such an inherent part of personal interrelationships.
CharleyH said:
Science is ineffective against nature. Science always tries to destroy her, but somehow, and we ladies know - patriarchy always ends up . . . . submitting, and correcting themselves.

Oooh, I need to be in the mood for a good argument for that one!

"Is this the right place for an argument?"
"I've told you once."

In a country that has women prime ministers, and is famous for being the first modern democratic country to give women the vote, I think I can emphatically say that women and men are equally inept (or ept, depending on point of view), and that gender really is pointless except for when it comes to sex.
I think a confused point needs to be cleared up.

When I say that "women are born submissive", I am not trying to assert that there are no strong, wise, intelligent, or wilful females out there. THere are a lot of asskicking, ballcutting, take-no-prisoners, CEO-golden-parachute, drill-sergeant, 9-to-5-suit-with-big-bow-tie bitches in this world. Queens ELizabeth and Victoria, Maggie Thatcher, Immelda MArcos, COuntess Bathory, Corazon Aquino, Ivana Trump the list goes on and on.

What I mean to say is that when THAT list is overlayed with the list of dominant masters ie Napoleon, and so on, (and on and on), the men will emerge victorious. In other words, a dominant woman who can kick most every ass around her (and they exist!) has simply not met, nor may never meet, the man who can tame her. But somewhere in history he has existed, exists, or will exist. This is simply natures law and is self evident to anyone willing to look about with open eye and with out bitterness caused by all the horrible, hurtful sexual warfare between the sexes.

Let no man say that strong women do not live, who can subjugate EASILY many of the lesser men of today. They can and they do. I only pity them that they will never meet the man who can show them the calmness and happiness that comes with surrendering your Yin to the greater Yang.
rosco rathbone said:
Right back at you, Charlize. Any time you feel the need to have your butt beaten like a gong, to experience the thrill of being used as a human mop in learned discourse; you know where to find me.

:D :D :D :cool: :eek:

You stoke my ego. You don't really need to call me mistress, it is a toy of a word, I define myself, by myself . . . you can call me the alpha and the omega. Your beginning of pleasure, my end with your pain.
FungiUg said:
Oooh, I need to be in the mood for a good argument for that one!

"Is this the right place for an argument?"
"I've told you once."

In a country that has women prime ministers, and is famous for being the first modern democratic country to give women the vote, I think I can emphatically say that women and men are equally inept (or ept, depending on point of view), and that gender really is pointless except for when it comes to sex.

Brilliant point my friend. :) :heart: for V- day
CharleyH said:
You stoke my ego. You don't really need to call me mistress, it is a toy of a word, I define myself, by myself . . . you can call me the alpha and the omega. Your beginning of pleasure, my end with your pain.

Anytime you are ready to move beyond two-line unsubstantiated claims of dominance well-larded with emoticons and into the world of discourse (where you will be trounced), let me know. I believe there is a nice post of mine awaiting your learned commentary.:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :D
I tried to respond to your PM, Charlize, but your box was clogged, no doubt with fan-mail from horney little gnomes.
I care and I also give

NCShin said:
Are all women naturally submissive?

So, I guess my question comes down to, does the natural instinct of being a caregiver (as apposed to a man's instinct to be a provider) force a natural instinct to be submissive?

I consider myself a masochist.
Does that also make me a sub?
Anyway, I also like to please.
If a man wants me to go down
on his ass or fist fuck it I will.
rosco rathbone said:
<snip>I only pity them that they will never meet the man who can show them the calmness and happiness that comes with surrendering your Yin to the greater Yang.<snip>

I was just wondering... have you by chance surrendered your "yin" to the greater yang, and thereby actually have a basis for comparison?
rosco rathbone said:
What I mean to say is that when THAT list is overlayed with the list of dominant masters ie Napoleon, and so on, (and on and on), the men will emerge victorious. In other words, a dominant woman who can kick most every ass around her (and they exist!) has simply not met, nor may never meet, the man who can tame her. But somewhere in history he has existed, exists, or will exist. This is simply natures law and is self evident to anyone willing to look about with open eye and with out bitterness caused by all the horrible, hurtful sexual warfare between the sexes.

Rosco you must have a Master's degree in tactlessness. In Europe we have a saying that it is very hard not to shoot in an open goal
, your logic is so easily reversed that it is like taking candy from a very innocent little child. I admire you for your tenacity and ability to defend a point which is so incredibly ignorant.

To quote your own words, you have been driven into a corner, you are being beaten to within an inch of your life but you are holding, must be pure stubbornness, and to make matters even worse all male dominants seem to have deserted you, no partners in crime for you.

Since it is Valentines Day and I know you enjoy signs of affection and really do not care if they come from male or female, here is a little Valentine’s gif for you.


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niteshade said:
I was just wondering... have you by chance surrendered your "yin" to the greater yang, and thereby actually have a basis for comparison?

I don't mean to sound condescending, niteshade (always glad to discuss chinese theory); but if you look into the chinese theory of Yin and Yang; you will see that; while both are essential expressions of the "Way" of the universe, it is the "natural way" for the Yang/the Light/the Male to dominate the Yin/the Dark/the Female. The Taoists were merely voicing, in mystical terms, something they had noticed both in their studies of the natural world and in their meditations (for each of us contains Yin and Yang within as well). So, just as it is naturally right and proper for the sun to outshine the moon, yet the moon is just as essential as the sun. As you say, it is important for each of us to harmonize and align our inner forces with the greater current of nature. (Still working on that one!!!)

The theories of the ancient CHinese are utterly fascinating. Modern times and the New Age movement have warped them into something a bit more palatable to our tastes today. ALthough the ancient Chinese respected the might of the Yin in nature and its natural expression in the family and in society, they thought of woman as something to be used, controlled and kept in check---a powerful natural force, like electricity; which can shock us or light our homes. For instance, the Black or "Iron" Emperor was admonished to beware those elements in his "harem" or sisterhood of concubines who would drain his seed/energy and bring about the decay of his kingdom. (A very common theme). He was admonished by his wizards, astrologers and philomaths to take the female energy rather than give up the male. (SOrry to blab on about this, I love the heathen chinee)
catalina_francisco said:
Rosco you must have a Master's degree in tactlessness. In Europe we have a saying that it is very hard not to shoot in an open goal
, your logic is so easily reversed that it is like taking candy from a very innocent little child. I admire you for your tenacity and ability to defend a point which is so incredibly ignorant.

To quote your own words, you have been driven into a corner, you are being beaten to within an inch of your life but you are holding, must be pure stubbornness, and to make matters even worse all male dominants seem to have deserted you, no partners in crime for you.

Since it is Valentines Day and I know you enjoy signs of affection and really do not care if they come from male or female, here is a little Valentine’s gif for you.



Sorry, masters is in Comparative Religion. ;)

I think that my arguments are rather strongly put; but I agree with you---I am defending an unpopular territory. I am suprised that more of my dominate master brothers don't show a modicum of spine and step up to defend what I believe that many if not most feel in their hearts to be true. Once again, rosco--lone voice in the wilderness.

I respect you and your intellect, cisco and if you don't truly believe that man was put here to have dominion over woman then that's your truth and I don't expect to make a dent in it. BUt I hold with holy scripture that "..I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence" (Tim 1, 2:11).

Anyhow, as you say, me thinks it befits a dominate master to hold his ground in the important matters; though of course he must be flexible and open to hear concerns. Thus, I staunchly maintain: Women are naturally submissive, men naturally dominant, this is the way of GOd or Nature/Evolution if you like. (TO me evolution is god in action).

I don't agree with all of rosco's assertions, but I do agree with his last few lines of his last post.

Thus, I staunchly maintain: Women are naturally submissive, men naturally dominant, this is the way of GOd or Nature/Evolution if you like. (TO me evolution is god in action).

I will believe this until one or more of a few things happen. This will have to include some form of contrast and compare scenario where it shows how a woman's biology gives her as much natural dominance as a man's biology.

I've already stated various times that I think chemically men are naturally more dominant. I'll say again, that I do not think that it means women CAN'T be dominant, I do not think men CAN'T be submissive. I still have not heard anything here that has compelled me to change my opinion, despite all of your personal assertions and examples of other mammals whose female gender is dominant.

I stopped posting here because I just don't know how many other ways I can say that. Every person on these boards can give me their opinion and it won't change mine. State some form of biological fact, I'll read it and then in the face of fact instead of opinion I'll change my opinion based on said facts.
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Major Chuckling

i avoided this provocative from the beginning just to see the fur fly. i dislike generalities and pigeonholing as a rule. After watching the foray into religion, mythology, and Mother Nature's rules, my amusement level peaked.

No, women are not born to be submissive. i don't buy chemical differences as a reason either. Societal enforcement might have a role, but every person reaching adulthood has the ability to break a mold any time they wish.

People, female and male, do what they damn well please if they choose to do so. In the end a person chooses, whether by action or inaction, how to behave.

As for "the funnies ..."
  • Humans wrote the Bible. Things get lost in translation and spun. God didn't deliver a load of stone tablets.
  • Eve got suckered by a snakeoil salesman.
  • Men that don't pay child support aren't fathers ... simply sperm donors.
  • Male dominance in nature exists ... so does female dominance.
  • The woman that doesn't avoid conflict ain't a bitch, ballbuster, PYL. She'll be the boss and you'll have to work for her.
  • The man that asserts his opinion without facts will rise to a level above his incompetence then get laid off by a female exec in the HR department.
  • Not all men possess a predisposition to superiority complexes. Some of us actually are superior, but sit in the corner quietly until extraordinary circumstances force us to use our superlative skills.
  • No, men aren't naturally submissive. i've been tied up a few times and the furniture lost. The only thing i've ever enjoyed submitting to concerned tickling, and even that turns into a control issue on whether i can keep still, or not laugh while enjoying the nerve spikes.
  • A bullwhip beats a crop at distance ... a good judo throw works wonders in close.
  • Smile softly and don't blink ... or you'll never see it coming.