Here is a question that feminists would hate

catalina_francisco said:
No rosco this falling in the catagory.

I am a coward and do not want to be whipped or cropped by an angry woman.

One of the differences between and a sadist and a masochist is that a sadist enoys giving pain not receiving.


alright alright

dont forget what your countryman, Friedrich Nietzsche said in his THus Spake Zarathustra:

"So, you go to visit Woman? Do not forget your whip!"
Recall Roscoe, the patriarchs cum always for the Matriarchs - they go 'into' the vagina dentata - it is nature - get a grip on it - lol

Always relying on others to make your arguments - bad and silly boy - Sunfox can do some damage I'm sure ;) And so could I - but apparently you might enjoy it too much. :)

Priapus has it right.

Science is ineffective against nature. Science always tries to destroy her, but somehow, and we ladies know - patriarchy always ends up . . . . submitting, and correcting themselves.

rosco rathbone said:

As far as the distant, pastoral, Arcadian matriarchal pagan past goes; we'll return to those glory days on or about the same date we give up our iPods, SUVS, plasma TV's and what short, the fruits of dominate white male science (ok, Greeks too--are they white?).

So you are saying there are only male scientists and engineers!! I beg to differ. Some of the finest scientists and engineers I have had the pleasure to work with and have work for me have been women. I also happen to know two very wonderful women who are the bread winners of the family being vice presisents of the companies they are employed by.

Not only men use the toys of this century.

As far as color (white) goes, science also transcends that barrier as well as religion.
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I don't believe any of this silly vagina dentata business....the patriarchs used females as mere fertile receptacles of seed; just as some of us dominate masters do to thi very day (not enough alas...) they went into them and they knew them and they spilled their seed on the fertile soil of the womb which did bring forth fruit in due season....fine, manly sons to continue the line.

As for science not overcoming nature, I think all you need do is look about and see the modern miracles of manly science such as aspirin(male); which cures the uncomfortable and always irritating (female) headache and ELectricity (male) with which our light bulbs do overcome the inconvenient and selfish (female) darkness. I think that about puts paid to that.

As for others making my arguments...I only quote the greats! Nietsche, the bible, and other great males....I honor them, for they paved the way.

:p :p :p
Priapus2004 said:
So you are saying there are only male scientists and engineers!! I beg to differ. Some of the finest scientists and engineers I have had the pleasure to work with and have work for me have been women. Only men use the toys of this century? No!

As far as color (white) goes, science also transcends that barrier as well as religion.

yes yes yes, educated in the ways pioneered by men, of course. I am not calling women stupid or incapable at all, I am not a dolt. BUt, enough of this "women rule over men" business, it's simply unconscionable.
rosco rathbone said:
I don't believe any of this silly vagina dentata business....the patriarchs used females as mere fertile receptacles of seed; just as some of us dominate masters do to thi very day (not enough alas...) they went into them and they knew them and they spilled their seed on the fertile soil of the womb which did bring forth fruit in due season....fine, manly sons to continue the line.

As for science not overcoming nature, I think all you need do is look about and see the modern miracles of manly science such as aspirin(male); which cures the uncomfortable and always irritating (female) headache and ELectricity (male) with which our light bulbs do overcome the inconvenient and selfish (female) darkness. I think that about puts paid to that.

As for others making my arguments...I only quote the greats! Nietsche, the bible, and other great males....I honor them, for they paved the way.

:p :p :p

Hm - I will comment because I am here and it amuses me.

The vagina can actually rip your cock off . . . it sucks out your energy - do I really need to do anything, but let you exert yourself, tire yourself out until I get what I want? I can actually go on, and on, and on within minutes - as most 'ladies' can. Seems like asparin was made for men, or for ladies who are bored with them.

Black widow spiders that we are- other things have been discussed. We steal your seed - lol - you don't give it to us unless we want it.

In fact I think certain species in the animal etc. kingdom, can actually change their sex. The virgin Mary, was in fact autonomous. Can a male be? Don't think so . . . how do you know in certainty that the bible is right? It is interpreted by men? Going to have to go read Dead Sea Scrolls now . . . could it be that "womb" man - actually refers to you coming out of a female? And that we 'ladies' (semiotics - such a strain) are actually really the 'males' talked about? Did Eve submit to Adam?

LOL - Seems like he whined and complained all the way to god. The light blinds you my friendly sub. One can really only see the truth under the Dionysian moon.

As you say yourself - men paved their way - but they really can't pave thier way all over nature - can they. Nature destoys societies before that happens.

;) Pat on your head. You might just please me afterall.
I guess I'm too post-sex-as-gender to get riled up.

Neitzche fucked a young Wagner and wound up sobbing with his arms around the neck of a horse.
Netzach said:
I guess I'm too post-sex-as-gender to get riled up.

Neitzche fucked a young Wagner and wound up sobbing with his arms around the neck of a horse.

There is nothing unmanly about A homos and B crying. Were not Alexander the Great's elite shock troops all fuits? Did not Abraham shed tears for Issaac.

Charley, Eve was made from Adam's rib: so much for that!
A agree.

B, agree.

But I don't think your pig essayist would agree with either of us, do you?
CharleyH said:
Hm - I will comment because I am here and it amuses me.

The vagina can actually rip your cock off . . . it sucks out your energy - do I really need to do anything, but let you exert yourself, tire yourself out until I get what I want? I can actually go on, and on, and on within minutes - as most 'ladies' can. Seems like asparin was made for men, or for ladies who are bored with them.

It is becasue of this well-known energy-vampire quality of females that wise doms learn chinese sexual Kung fu, and retain the seed. Thus, once again, male Science (technique/innovation/creation) overcomes brute sucking female chthonic nature.

I pay all due respect to the ancient, the reptilian and the female...Lilith preceeded Eve after all...but the reason we are here today with antibiotics, spaceships and Sports Illustrated swimsuit issues is because of male dominance over female nature, which squirm though you may, you will never refute.

*pats your head*

I would like to add that I think it's pathetic. Here I am like a battle scarred ronin with a broken blade, backed against a wall, bleeding from every limb, facing down a circle of slavering hellcats, and no dominate master will step up to the plate. Even the Writerdom pissed off after shooting his biblical wad. Cisco is an appeaser. And you call your selves men, for shame for shame.
Nature is neither female nor male. It's a myth. It's an imagined space, when the inventors of nature claimed it was "unpopulated" they meant it was populated by people who could easily be subjugated and eliminated.

There's just land and history, and the gender associations we put on it are purely our own psychosis.
Netzach said:
Nature is neither female nor male. It's a myth. It's an imagined space, when the inventors of nature claimed it was "unpopulated" they meant it was populated by people who could easily be subjugated and eliminated.

There's just land and history, and the gender associations we put on it are purely our own psychosis.

Oh thats REAL sexy.....I do not wish to subdue and crush an imagined space beneath my boots heel. Stop demystifying and taking the fun out!
RR, I actually agree.

But the reason we have novels, words, and the tendency to write our long winded opinions in cyberspace is because of the cult of interiority. While many men did the work, there's something very vaginal about self-creation, self-expression, self-obsession. And without it, we wouldn't be fully human.

Assuming you're down with assigning gender to everything like a Euro language.
Oh, sorry. I guess it's like saying "hey let's play tiddly winks" in the middle of playing kickball, true.

But the rib and all that shit, it's like the most acid trip fairy tale ever written.
rosco rathbone said:
It is becasue of this well-known energy-vampire quality of females that wise doms learn chinese sexual Kung fu, and retain the seed. Thus, once again, male Science (technique/innovation/creation) overcomes brute sucking female chthonic nature.

I pay all due respect to the ancient, the reptilian and the female...Lilith preceeded Eve after all...but the reason we are here today with antibiotics, spaceships and Sports Illustrated swimsuit issues is because of male dominance over female nature, which squirm though you may, you will never refute.

*pats your head*

I would like to add that I think it's pathetic. Here I am like a battle scarred ronin with a broken blade, backed against a wall, bleeding from every limb, facing down a circle of slavering hellcats, and no dominate master will step up to the plate. Even the Writerdom pissed off after shooting his biblical wad. Cisco is an appeaser. And you call your selves men, for shame for shame.

:) you do please me constantly - pat on your sore ass after I beat it with my . . . which did I use? Doesn't matter - you can't sit down ;) Might be tempted to use it again on the same welling spot.

Oh - Lilith was a lesbian and she stole Eve from Adam, which is why he always tries, tries so hard to get back to the garden. ;)

Why do you run for cover my sweet sub boy?

LOL - :)
All those troublesome fantasies of avenging your woes upon the male bottom will leave you when you accept your Yin status, Charles.

There is a time and place for females to spank men---the nursery!

After that, the roles reverse as a grown man takes up the burden of the responsibility of enforcing household order. Just as man enforces order over nature with his male science and technology. (I don't mean unfairly belabour that point, charles, as i know it is sore with you, but there are impressionable young minds about and you seem to insist upon your wrong headed and uppity ways.)
Netzach said:
Oh, sorry. I guess it's like saying "hey let's play tiddly winks" in the middle of playing kickball, true.

But the rib and all that shit, it's like the most acid trip fairy tale ever written.

:p :D :cool:
But they don't leave the nursery.

And the pig dude doesn't disagree.

Isn't rampant immaturity, boyishness the telltale sign of the "fake Dom" in Jizzo Jacobs speak?
Netzach said:
But they don't leave the nursery.

And the pig dude doesn't disagree.

Isn't rampant immaturity, boyishness the telltale sign of the "fake Dom" in Jizzo Jacobs speak?

Why do I have the feeling that you are about to pull some kind of rhetorical kung fu move on me?

BTW Iam going to see charlize theron in monster tonite, it seems apropos to this discussion (which also has a charlize in it!)
Alas, another ignorant topic perpetuated by the ego-sponges.

Are all women submissive? Spend a day with Shadowsdream and report back.

Rosco, you bore me.
Limbhugger said:
Alas, another ignorant topic perpetuated by the ego-sponges.

Are all women submissive? Spend a day with Shadowsdream and report back.

Rosco, you bore me.

Better give your irony detector a whack there, champ.
rosco rathbone said:
Better give your irony detector a whack there, champ.

Champ? I like that. Champ. Meant in a condescending way but inadvertantly paying tribute. Thanks.

Roscoe, you enjoy your version of shock and edge and even biblical interepation all in an effort to reinforce what you wish to hear. Fine. I could give a rat's ass.

I haven't a frickin clue what you mean by the irony-meter. Guess it is just more "Roscoe-Knowledge" that I'm too humble to understand.

Blah, blah, blah.

Why is it Roscoe, everything must fit into your version of the world?

Oh well, hopefully you're online "Dom" friends and you will have fun. This was an ignorant thread topic to begin with. But I'm glad you've found a place to feel better.
I'll translate for you, Limbhugger.

I think an irony meter is a device with which to lighten up.

RR is one of the few people I've ever seen use the net with both hyperbole and wit, head-up-ass as I may think his male on top worldview is. But thats because I believe the opposite and that's the hammer in my toolbox.
catalina_francisco said:
Talking here out of experience any woman with a riding crop and a brain is dangerous.

Me being big dangerous dominant male am in hiding until sunfox puts those riding crops away.


:eek: I could never conceive of cropping the Magnificent Domly One! *ponders* well, I could think of it.. but I swear I'd never really do it.... Cause I'm lazy, and you're far away. :D
Netzach said:
I'll translate for you, Limbhugger.

I think an irony meter is a device with which to lighten up.

RR is one of the few people I've ever seen use the net with both hyperbole and wit, head-up-ass as I may think his male on top worldview is. But thats because I believe the opposite and that's the hammer in my toolbox.

right, it's strictly a case of masterminds meet and hammers turn into a magnum of champagne

where the elite meet to eat and greet