Hey baby! What’s your sign?

Apparently me and the SO have are a favorable match but 63% chemistry and commitment.

And here I was thinking my sign would be “Does not play well with others”...
i'm a virgo partnered with a libra

past partners include aries, virgo(s), sagittarus and scorpio.

soo, i ran a fairly decent qualitative study with lots of hands-on research and inclusive of a range of epistemological and ontological standpoints.


I love looking at those charts! I don't think they're 100% right though. I didn't marry one, by I've had some amazing sexual chemistry with Libras. Not Geminis though. That 28% compatibility match is generous imho.

Scorpio, married to a Leo and fooling around with a Pieces, a couple of Libras and another Scorpio :)
I don't pay much attention to these things, but I am a Scorpio and I think it makes the best tattoo. :devil:
I'm a Capricorn and my GF is Aries... We're certainly not volatile... But then neither of us are superstitious in any way.
Cancer. The Crab.

I'm a Cancer & it's generally been accurate for me, especially the full chart a friend did once. It's fun to think about.

I get along really well with Sagittarians - my best friend is one - other Cancers & Pisces.
Libra. So Libra. With Sagittarius rising. Air and fire. It's fun.