Historical D/s

PatPowers said:
That said, there's no reason why we can't study the forms of slavery in various historical times and pick and choose the stuff that interests us and use it in our fantasies.

I agree --- I just want to make sure that we are clear when we are superimposing our modern selves on past events.

RE - The Pear & Ball Gags

I was familiar with the torture device (as I pointed out earlier it's my religious upbringing), but not with the more innocuous form. The Pear of the Inquisition often had spikes or spines as well. They had all the nastiest toys.

As for inventing ball gags shortly after the invention or rubber balls -- Ain't that always the way? Any new invention we figure out how to fuck with it or kill with it right off the bat.

RE - Of Human Bondage and the Modern Lower & Service Classes

I think you have some very insightful points here. Recently someone mentioned to me that some 70% of Americans feel they are within 10 years of being in the wealthiest 5% of the population.

People here are so desperately deluded.

But they have to be, because they cannot admit to themselves how bad things have gotten. They cannot admit that they work as hard as they do to get as little as they do and that at the end of it they can still have nothing to show for it. This is no longer the country where if you work hard and play by the rules you'll own your own home and retire with a pension somewhere around 65.

I don't think that's the main reason why BDSM and slavery comparisons bother people, but I do think that the daily message of just how powerless we all are in the face of the socio-economic and political realities of our country make people especially touchy about anything that looks the least bit outside the norm.

When people most need to break free from the shackles of the old is when they're most inclined to cling to it --- hence the near-rabid return to Traditional Values in the last decade. People are scared and so they lash out at those things that they feel are most unlike them even if it isn't a danger to them.

catalina_francisco said:
Great post RJ, and yes, I still occasionally experience culture shocks, only now I get them in both countries when I move from one culture to another and need time to assimilate. Isolation is also a problem at times, though thankfully I have always been a loner so it id not as big an issue as it would be for some.

You might be interested in this , which has a series of writings from Tanos, one being about the research into collars, and also describing his household and hierarchy which is influenced by Victorain and Edwardian models. Of course, just reading through his article on Commercial vs Domestic Slavery , I found many things mentioned I can identify with.

Catalina :rose:

Ok those links were just plain awesome Catalina. Thank you so much.

I amde this comment in an earlier post.
The thing that hit me was that I seriously doubt anyone today with intent set up this type of hiearchy according to tradition of roman culture.

"Household D/s (HDS) is the name I use for my personal style of D/s and M/s. It centered on the idea of the household, in the Victorian or Edwardian sense, and is influenced by Victorian and Edwardian structures and manners, but also includes more positive attitudes to servants and slaves from Roman and Eastern models."

:D Puts salt on my egg and eats it. I was surprised by this but pleasantly so. I am still digging through it but am enjoying it.

When I read this I get the image of a big ranch or a big 2 story house in the country...I don't know why but that's what pops into my head. Maybe the house with the little white picket fence BDSM style? Chuckles...I don't know but perhaps a Dom/Domme couple with many submissives running a ranch just seems like a beautiful thought to me.

Living the delusion

bridgeburner said:
RE - Of Human Bondage and the Modern Lower & Service Classes

I think you have some very insightful points here. Recently someone mentioned to me that some 70% of Americans feel they are within 10 years of being in the wealthiest 5% of the population.

People here are so desperately deluded.

But they have to be, because they cannot admit to themselves how bad things have gotten. They cannot admit that they work as hard as they do to get as little as they do and that at the end of it they can still have nothing to show for it. This is no longer the country where if you work hard and play by the rules you'll own your own home and retire with a pension somewhere around 65.

I don't think that's the main reason why BDSM and slavery comparisons bother people, but I do think that the daily message of just how powerless we all are in the face of the socio-economic and political realities of our country make people especially touchy about anything that looks the least bit outside the norm.

When people most need to break free from the shackles of the old is when they're most inclined to cling to it --- hence the near-rabid return to Traditional Values in the last decade. People are scared and so they lash out at those things that they feel are most unlike them even if it isn't a danger to them.


This is the great "con" of American society. Everyone is sold the illusion that he or she is just a step away from unlimited success. And, of course, the tale is that if you don't seize the brass ring it is your own fault. The socio-economical structure of our country has nothing to do with anyone's falling short. And yet most of us are only one serious illness or personal crises from disaster.

Early in this tread I mentioned Glover's book: Mozart and his Women
A fuller review appeared last week in the NYT book review. The book doesn't conceal but it doesn't reveal much either. The relevant paragraph:
NYT said:
Some biographers have given Mozart's wife, Constanze, who could be flighty and superficial, a hard time. But Glover writes that life with this resourceful and musically perceptive young woman was "never dull." More basically, as Glover puts it with what seems typical British reticence, Constanze was "totally compatible with Wolfgang's physical needs."
bridgeburner said:
RE - Of Human Bondage and the Modern Lower & Service Classes

I think you have some very insightful points here. Recently someone mentioned to me that some 70% of Americans feel they are within 10 years of being in the wealthiest 5% of the population.

People here are so desperately deluded.

But they have to be, because they cannot admit to themselves how bad things have gotten. They cannot admit that they work as hard as they do to get as little as they do and that at the end of it they can still have nothing to show for it. This is no longer the country where if you work hard and play by the rules you'll own your own home and retire with a pension somewhere around 65.

I don't think that's the main reason why BDSM and slavery comparisons bother people, but I do think that the daily message of just how powerless we all are in the face of the socio-economic and political realities of our country make people especially touchy about anything that looks the least bit outside the norm.

When people most need to break free from the shackles of the old is when they're most inclined to cling to it --- hence the near-rabid return to Traditional Values in the last decade. People are scared and so they lash out at those things that they feel are most unlike them even if it isn't a danger to them.


I agree with this statement. People in the US are generally deluded about thier financial situations. Credit deludes people into believing they are weathly. That is why bankruptcy is topping the reason why people commit suicide. Dellusions are a comfortable thing for most people. Anything left of center may upset their fantasy world.
ThorkelGriersen said:
Early in this tread I mentioned Glover's book: Mozart and his Women
A fuller review appeared last week in the NYT book review. The book doesn't conceal but it doesn't reveal much either. The relevant paragraph:

Thank you. I just love Mozart and this little fact makes him even more appealing.
RJMasters said:
Ok those links were just plain awesome Catalina. Thank you so much.

I amde this comment in an earlier post.

"Household D/s (HDS) is the name I use for my personal style of D/s and M/s. It centered on the idea of the household, in the Victorian or Edwardian sense, and is influenced by Victorian and Edwardian structures and manners, but also includes more positive attitudes to servants and slaves from Roman and Eastern models."

:D Puts salt on my egg and eats it. I was surprised by this but pleasantly so. I am still digging through it but am enjoying it.

When I read this I get the image of a big ranch or a big 2 story house in the country...I don't know why but that's what pops into my head. Maybe the house with the little white picket fence BDSM style? Chuckles...I don't know but perhaps a Dom/Domme couple with many submissives running a ranch just seems like a beautiful thought to me.


LOL, well Tanos is a wealth of information and experiences from which to learn and muse. I also like his style in that he doesn't suffer fools lightly, is not ego inflated, and lives life his way and is happy for others to live thiers their way, as long as they don't try and spin BS and mislead people. F used to email with him many moons ago (before my time) and says it was interesting.

Catalina :rose: