Holy Sh*t They're NAKED in Here!

Bijou's forced me to write this

I bend for you
acquiescent to your will,
softly caressed globes
parted, opened, accepting
the hardness of your desire
filled where none have
nor will but you.
I yearn I yield I beg
fill this last virgin temple
I would have never written a poem if it weren't for sex.

It was Valentines Day. I was broke, in love, and very, very horny. I wrote an erotic sonnet as a gift to the object of my affection. Not my best work, for sure, but there is no arguing its effectiveness.

Posting those erotic poems I wrote on Lit led to poets that I admire telling me to get serious about it. Now, I am as proud of some of the poems I've posted here as I am of anything I've ever written.

Special thanks to Tara Blackwood for the encouragement. More than you know, darling.
It wasn't supposed to come out like that (oops a pun!) it just sorta wrote that way *stomps foot and pouts lip*
To dare is not the same as to force. Besides, I did say I'd do it too.

Just off the top of my head:

confession #17

not the first
choice in my mind, perhaps, but
something I think about
is how you might
decorate me. You could
measure the aesthetics
of burgundy, or black
thick fabric wrapped round
an ankle, a wrist, a waist.

when I was young
and couldn't sleep
I'd imagine two red ribbons
threading symmetrically
through my toes, around my ankles
and winding like twin snakes,
like a double helix
all the way up
round waist, over shoulders,
down to the fingers
crossing, and parallel
round and round
till I drifted off
and securely bound
by power

I've never been whipped I don't think I would like it .... would I?

Oh shush you I keep imagining this hairy bear creeping up behind me and leering undressing me with his eyes
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I've never been whipped I don't think I would like it .... would I?

A proper flogging is likely to please virtually anyone. It depends on how they're wired, but a flogging can range from a feather whisp across heated skin the a pwerful massage to liquid fire burning a path to your brains, and loins.
I've never been whipped I don't think I would like it .... would I?

Warning note to Anschul: this is wandering toward a discussion of BDSM. You might want to skip a page or two, sweetie. Love you and hope your trip is going well.

That would depend entirely on who's doing it, how, and with what.

And whether or not it's within your basic lovemap, the idea of high sensation, control and surrender, that sort of thing.

These are all various kinds of topics - being "whipped" as a simple exercise in sending you to a place of high sensation and personal power, versus having that happen within a 'scene' in which you're playing with issues of who's in charge, confessing what you really want, that sort of thing. There's a purely physical aspect, a purely mental aspect, and a whole scale in between.

I would never try to talk anyone into anything. My job, and I believe Homburg would agree, maybe, is to allow people a context in which they can consider and explore the unique ways they approach power, sensation and control. Part of my job is to know what the fuck I'm doing, so I don't cause actual injury, and so I can provide a safe, trustworthy context in which someone can explore those issues.

But I don't think BDSM is something one is converted to, or talked into, nor should it be. I mean, among other things, there's too goddamn many of us already. It's gotten almost *horrified gasp* trendy.

A proper flogging is likely to please virtually anyone. It depends on how they're wired, but a flogging can range from a feather whisp across heated skin the a pwerful massage to liquid fire burning a path to your brains, and loins.

bloody hellllllll ! now that is poetry!
Okayyyyyyy I confess if it were possible I am tempted to turn Homb loose on my body and see what the made of it grrrrrrrrrrr hope you're happy now !!

Edits to add Bijou too
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the true question is are you happy,
do you have the sweet satisfaction of truth telling
Okayyyyyyy I confess if it were possible I am tempted to turn Homb loose on my body and see what the made of it grrrrrrrrrrr hope you're happy now !!

Edits to add Bijou too

heh heh.

get in line, ma petite. He's got a major dance card going with the chicks in here.

As to me, well, I have rather a different style. More manipulative and hypnotic than dommy. But you might like it.

I'll just say that people who have spent time being a Toy for me generally enjoy themselves.

But Hat-boy is the true pro dom round here.

I would never try to talk anyone into anything. My job, and I believe Homburg would agree, maybe, is to allow people a context in which they can consider and explore the unique ways they approach power, sensation and control. Part of my job is to know what the fuck I'm doing, so I don't cause actual injury, and so I can provide a safe, trustworthy context in which someone can explore those issues.

Absolutely. Spot on.

But I don't think BDSM is something one is converted to, or talked into, nor should it be. I mean, among other things, there's too goddamn many of us already. It's gotten almost *horrified gasp* trendy.


Egads, don't I know it. Ugh.


bloody hellllllll ! now that is poetry!

Well, I wasn't trying to do so. It's just how I feel about it.
I don't know honey doesn't change anything does it? It can't happen and there lies the rub because when I think about it it just makes me sad that I will never know what it's like to have a master of sex

Never say never.

Honestly, I try not to forget that I don't know you or your situation well enough to assert anything, regardless of how intimate we are in here. We're still very far away from one another, geographically as well as in 'reality'. But I do know that hunger and desire, when driven by love and compassion, cannot help but create positive change.

If you create a space in your deepest heart and move happiness and good, healthy ecstasy into it, it will be a little bell that rings and attracts more of the same.

Now go make a nice long call on the Pink Princess Phone while you think about being spanked by Homburg and whispered to simultaneously by me, as I gently but firmly hold your wrists immobile.

Then come back and write some poetry about it.

*okay, fine, standing over you with a whip*

Okayyyyyyy I confess if it were possible I am tempted to turn Homb loose on my body and see what the made of it grrrrrrrrrrr hope you're happy now !!

Well, yes, I am happy. Thank you.

You've made me smile :rose:



heh heh.

get in line, ma petite. He's got a major dance card going with the chicks in here.


As to me, well, I have rather a different style. More manipulative and hypnotic than dommy. But you might like it.

I'll just say that people who have spent time being a Toy for me generally enjoy themselves.

But Hat-boy is the true pro dom round here.


I am not a pro dom. I don' tmake money off this :p


I don't know honey doesn't change anything does it? It can't happen and there lies the rub because when I think about it it just makes me sad that I will never know what it's like to have a master of sex


Goodness. I'm not a master of sex. I appreciate the compliment though :eek: