Honest anal

I’ve never have given or received anal. Have thought about trying it but have not. Just before finding this post I was going to google how to prep for anal sex.

After reading this post I do not think I will be doing any anal sex.

I’ll stick to the sex that I have been doing all my life. Jacking off, fucking pussy, eating pussy, receiving blow jobs from both sexes, jacking another guys cock off.

I’ll probably go to my grave an anal virgin.
Same here!!

I kind of tried it once. But if I get to choose between a warm, wet, inviting pussy and her ass, I am taking pussy every time
A lot depends on the individual and their diet. If you eat plenty of fibre and not too much fat, then stools tend to be neat and self-contained, not to mention regular, and condoms can come out your arse looking as clean as when they went in, possibly with a small smear.

Never douched. Rarely any mess. My partner has times when she's good with anal (depending on what she's eaten, as above, and likewise so do I. Never messed any sheets. Never left more than a smudge on cock, condom or toy that wet wipes can take care of.

Don't over-analize. Sex is supposed to be fun and spontaneous.
I've been playing analy with objects, toys and real cocks for over 50 years. Plane water in a enama bag cleans me out pretty good. Once with a girlfriend I was concerned about cleanliness when she offered to fist me. She told me not to worry the the smell and mess was just part of it. I married her.
I've been playing analy with objects, toys and real cocks for over 50 years. Plane water in a enama bag cleans me out pretty good. Once with a girlfriend I was concerned about cleanliness when she offered to fist me. She told me not to worry the the smell and mess was just part of it. I married her.
Jackpot. :) Lucky guy.
I live in an off the beeten path neighborhood with oversized wooded lots. I can see no neighboring houses and they can't se me so on hot summer day I sometimes work and play in my back yard nude. One day I had been anal playing and needed to clean up so I used the garden hose. Being stretched out from play I inserted the hose end in my ass and slowly turned on the flow. It quickly filled me and being outdoors I spread my legs and just let it flow. The volume was such that it felt awsome. I sat in my lawn chair with my legs pulled up and fucked myself with the running hose. I was amazingly clean afterwards.
I thought I'd say something about anal. Because well, I feel a lot of central information is never mentioned by anyone.

I'll preface this by saying most of the time, I'm kinda meh on anal - but when I'm so deep in subspace I'm almost drowning, it's like the nectar of the gods, and it pushes me to a near-constant chain of orgasms. So ... I'm not saying it's bad.

I'm saying it's dirty. And I mean that in the literal way. You may or may not realise this, but the rectum is where what was once food exits the body in a new and substantially less appealing state. This is part of why I'm sort of meh on the concept, most of the time. If I'm really horny, I like to lie on my side, on my bed, and use two dildos at the same time. It's not quite the same as the subspace thing, but it's a close-enough second. But it's problematic.

For one thing, to even get started, you need to realise that either you clean yourself thoroughly - or you're going to quite literally get shit everywhere. Now, cleaning propably means a douche, a convenient little invention that um .. flushes out what you don't want to get everywhere else. Keep in mind, it's not a 100% solution. Often it mostly does the job. Sometimes it doesn't. And ... it's your rectum - it's never precisely clean.

But ... I'll say this: Whatever precautions you take, if you like to do what I like, from time to time you'll need to change the sheets after. And it really does detract from the whole experience. Meh.

The other thing is that ... lubricant doesn't last forever. In my experience, oil lasts longer than waterbased, but waterbased is better, and you can't use oil with latex. So ... waterbased it is. Only, I dunno, it evaporates, or get's absorbed by the skin. Whatever the mechanism, it goes away. I've never timed it, but I'd say you get a good 10-15 minutes of bliss - then you kinda need to reapply if you want to keep going. People never mention this.

So ... bottom line: In order to do anal - and enjoy it, in a relatively non-messy way - you need to flush your hindside, apply lube, get going, reapply if you're like me and can easily enjoy an hours worth of fun - then afterwards, clean everything. And maybe take a bath. You need douche, water, lube, dildo, usually a towel on the bed, more lube (times x), more water, soap.

It's a lot of hassle, and most of the time, frankly, it's hardly worth it. To be completely honest, when all the prep work is done, I'm often no longer in the mood.

Central information - revealed!
Just do it in the shower ,,, ;-)
So .. these two are part of the reason why I've called the thread 'honest anal'. I don't particularly want to make any accusations against anybody, but both of these look hugely dubious to me.
I live in an off the beeten path neighborhood with oversized wooded lots. I can see no neighboring houses and they can't se me so on hot summer day I sometimes work and play in my back yard nude. One day I had been anal playing and needed to clean up so I used the garden hose. Being stretched out from play I inserted the hose end in my ass and slowly turned on the flow. It quickly filled me and being outdoors I spread my legs and just let it flow. The volume was such that it felt awsome. I sat in my lawn chair with my legs pulled up and fucked myself with the running hose. I was amazingly clean afterwards.
A garden hose up your ass? Ok, that's VERY cold water compared to your body temperature, and you're just letting it flow right on in - no skin or body fat to protect you? No, this didn't happen.

Furthermore, you just fucked yourself with a hose? Well, any type of anal sex really requires lubricant, or it's either very unpleasant, or actually impossible.
Just do it in the shower ,,, ;-)
Which is why this one is equally suspect. You really want lubricant. Vaginal sex is tricky enough because the water in the shower washes away the natural lubricant. Anal ... well, I wouldn't go there at all.
I live in an off the beeten path neighborhood with oversized wooded lots. I can see no neighboring houses and they can't se me so on hot summer day I sometimes work and play in my back yard nude. One day I had been anal playing and needed to clean up so I used the garden hose. Being stretched out from play I inserted the hose end in my ass and slowly turned on the flow. It quickly filled me and being outdoors I spread my legs and just let it flow. The volume was such that it felt awsome. I sat in my lawn chair with my legs pulled up and fucked myself with the running hose. I was amazingly clean afterwards.
Just from what I have read about using a shower attachment / hose... you should be careful as you can't always easily control the flow of water coming out of something like that, and it could potentially cause a rupture inside you...
After being pegged with a 9 inch dildo for a good twenty or thirty minutes, I hopped off it, got out her vibrator, put it on her clitoris and gave her a nasty blowjob. She wanted to get the effect of a man cumming from oral.
It's my experience it's more trouble than it's worth as a female. Sure the anal region is an erroneous zone, but so what? For the man, it's mainly pumping his cock into a backside that probably doesn't need that kind of stretching or contamination for either party.
[A]s a female ... the anal region is an erroneous zone[.]
That sums it up nicely for most women I have been with, though if asked nicely, a surprisingly large number will try it, particularly in an LTR or a torrid romance.
A lot depends on the individual and their diet. If you eat plenty of fibre and not too much fat, then stools tend to be neat and self-contained, not to mention regular, and condoms can come out your arse looking as clean as when they went in, possibly with a small smear.
Agree completely. I guess we must be in the minority from what it sounds but rarely have any issues. My wife has always been a high fiber girl. When we first met in our 20s she was always eating Fiber One, etc which I always thought of an old person's cereal. When we first started doing anal she would do an enema because it seemed like the thing to do, but we eventually found it wasn't needed. If you've had a BM very recently, that area should be pretty empty. When we do anal now, there's no smell, no residue 9/10 times. Zero.
We don't do it a ton because honestly the pussy feels better but we like to be "dirty" (figuratively) once in a while. Wife almost always uses her Hitachi with a butt plug in because she cums a lot easier with something in her ass.
I read an article awhile back that said "you have to keep your sense of humor when playing back there. Sooner or later something will happen that you'll just have to laugh about."

More often than not, I'm not fully successful in cleaning out before using my toys, and it gets frustrating when you've gone through two bulbs and still have smears.

I've also run into situations where the stimulation leads to the complete opposite result of a glorious orgasm (i haven't leaves to cum through anal stimulation alone yet) and need to dive for the bathroom before my massager becomes a projectile. Not sure how to prevent that.
Just from what I have read about using a shower attachment / hose... you should be careful as you can't always easily control the flow of water coming out of something like that, and it could potentially cause a rupture inside you...
There’s an adjustment knob to control flow on the one I have, it’s very safe and being stainless it’s easier to clean and sanitize
I do not like it.

For me it feels like an urgent need to go to the restroom. He cannot move as strong as in me normally. it is not arousing me.

Afterwards you have to clean him before doing something else with him/his member or chage a condome. That disrupts the flow of action.

I did it as my husband wanted to try it and I try new things, too. For him, it is not an issue that I do not like it. The main motiviation for him was that it is "dirty", "normal" woman do not do it, so his kick was more to have a tabooless wife.
I'm impressed by those of you who go for it without any kind of prep. I've had two horrific experiences after the guy I was with tried to go anal without asking me first. I've yet to get over it lol
I'm impressed by those of you who go for it without any kind of prep. I've had two horrific experiences after the guy I was with tried to go anal without asking me first. I've yet to get over it lol
My wife has never prepped for annal. They have all been impromptu. She has always been clean so no messy experiences.
Been there done that got the t shirt meh
Never have received though and think I might like it
I thought I'd say something about anal. Because well, I feel a lot of central information is never mentioned by anyone.

I'll preface this by saying most of the time, I'm kinda meh on anal - but when I'm so deep in subspace I'm almost drowning, it's like the nectar of the gods, and it pushes me to a near-constant chain of orgasms. So ... I'm not saying it's bad.

I'm saying it's dirty. And I mean that in the literal way. You may or may not realise this, but the rectum is where what was once food exits the body in a new and substantially less appealing state. This is part of why I'm sort of meh on the concept, most of the time. If I'm really horny, I like to lie on my side, on my bed, and use two dildos at the same time. It's not quite the same as the subspace thing, but it's a close-enough second. But it's problematic.

For one thing, to even get started, you need to realise that either you clean yourself thoroughly - or you're going to quite literally get shit everywhere. Now, cleaning propably means a douche, a convenient little invention that um .. flushes out what you don't want to get everywhere else. Keep in mind, it's not a 100% solution. Often it mostly does the job. Sometimes it doesn't. And ... it's your rectum - it's never precisely clean.

But ... I'll say this: Whatever precautions you take, if you like to do what I like, from time to time you'll need to change the sheets after. And it really does detract from the whole experience. Meh.

The other thing is that ... lubricant doesn't last forever. In my experience, oil lasts longer than waterbased, but waterbased is better, and you can't use oil with latex. So ... waterbased it is. Only, I dunno, it evaporates, or get's absorbed by the skin. Whatever the mechanism, it goes away. I've never timed it, but I'd say you get a good 10-15 minutes of bliss - then you kinda need to reapply if you want to keep going. People never mention this.

So ... bottom line: In order to do anal - and enjoy it, in a relatively non-messy way - you need to flush your hindside, apply lube, get going, reapply if you're like me and can easily enjoy an hours worth of fun - then afterwards, clean everything. And maybe take a bath. You need douche, water, lube, dildo, usually a towel on the bed, more lube (times x), more water, soap.

It's a lot of hassle, and most of the time, frankly, it's hardly worth it. To be completely honest, when all the prep work is done, I'm often no longer in the mood.

Central information - revealed!
A totally honest and truthful opinion. 100% agree. I didn't even want to read the other responses.
Thank you
I love it. Doing it and receiving it (dildo, by my wife). ..And neither of us have ever "shit the bed" despite NOT going through an elaborate cleansing process. I suppose it's because our usual sex time (10pm-ish) is many many hours before our respective "Go" times . Has there been occasional visual evidence? ..Yeah, occasionally, but not usually.

Why does it appeal to me? ..Well, it didn't when I first started having sex. Indeed, the first dozen times of doing doggie or giving oral I pretty much avoided looking at the woman's anus for fear of seeing something unpleasant that would turn me off. ..But eventually curiosity got the best of me and I'd peak at it. ..To my surprise I found it rather pretty looking and very sexually arousing. Thankfully, my partners were always pretty "tidy" down there so it was always clean - visually anyway. Soon, I began wondering what it would feel like to push my dick inside it, and once I finally did it it I found it felt AWESOME, augmented in part by the "naughtiness" of what we were doing. I will say that I have a very girthy dick, so the offers to do it have been fairly rare. It wasn't long after pushing my dick inside a woman's anus that I began wanting to push my tongue inside it too. I've done that a zillion times, and find it to be a huge turn-on as well.

"Ewwww!!! Don't you know what the anus is for? Don't you know what comes out of it?"

Yes, of course I do. ..But you know what else can be kinda gross? The vagina and the mouth - and we all love involving those in our sex lives, right?

Roughly one week out of four, during menstruation, a woman's vagina oozes blood and other bio-matter. And have you seen what it looks like when a baby is being born and then the afterbirth comes spilling out? ..Not pleasant to see, right? ..Nope it's not. Nevertheless, a woman's vulva is about the most beautiful thing I've seen in my life. ..And when I'm pushing either my penis or tongue inside a woman's vagina I'm in heaven. That is, so long as I don't think about menstruation, or child-birth. ..Which I find very easy to NOT do. And men are just as gross (more so maybe), but I'll leave it to someone else to list those reasons.

As for the mouth... When I'm deep-kissing my partner I DON'T think about the chewed up Fettuccini Alfredo mixed with saliva that filled her mouth an hour earlier or how a few months ago she projectile-vomited all over the bathroom after eating bad sushi. ..Again, I put it out of my mind. ..Just like most people do.

Bottomline: If you focus on the gross aspects of our being human, you won't like ANY kind of sex. ..So I put ALL of that out of my mind and end up enjoying it ALL, including anal.
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Usually I take an enema before I have a guy over to fuck me. A few times the guy asked me not to empty myself because he thought it was natural to have shit appear there. We did it under the shower. It was a race against time: what would arrive first, his cum or the content of my intestines.
At the end they arrived almost together. Of course it was a smelly affair, but for me, standing bent over and submit to his hard pounding, was the ultimate act of "honest anal".