~ Honey's Blanket Fort of Bliss ~

I have to say, blanket forts and coloring appeals to my Daddy Dom side :x

Oh..... and here I was hoping you'd spread out the blankets and cushions for me to get comfortable, make me a cup of tea and serve it to me with my favorite chocolates and then give me a nice foot massage while I got out my sketch book.

Well you could *start* with a foot massage ....
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I used to charge $60/hr for foot (and other) massages. $45 minimum for driving to location and setting up the table/ chair. I was kinda low rate for an in-home service, and even that didn't pan out well.

I guess that's another story.

we like a good story!:cattail: go ahead, tell us if you like.

*sips hot chocolate*
All I can find are pictures of blankets that I'd have to knit myself. And that would be disastrous.