How did you meet?

I met my first husband when I was taking a night geology class at SJC in Pasadena, TX. He wasn't attending that school; he was a Texas A&M grad and was carrying a bunch of his friends to school because he had wheels and they didn't. I saw him across a crowded room...actually, I saw one of his friends across a crowded room and thought it was a guy in my night geology class, and wanted to commiserate with someone about what a bitch the test had been. I wasn't wearing my glasses because they were awful late 60s cateye glasses and I looked extra dorky in them. The guy in my geology class turned out to be someone else, and it was his friend I met. He was from Persia, as I've mentioned. He was taller than most Persians at 6'4" and had a wrestler's body. In looks he resembled a young Anthony Quinn with a smile like James Coburn's. It was lust at first sight, although being very young and romantic, I thought it was something else. I resolutely ignored every red flag and every warning my friends gave me and married him. It lasted 4 years--five, technically. There's a reason I've never felt the slightest desire to see Not Without My Daughter. We were separated the last year.

I met my second husband at UH. Actually, I don't remember actually being introduced to him or any moment of meeting. He was in the bunch I hung out with in the student union building and I remember how amazingly long his eyelashes were when the afternoon sun caught them, coming through the big windows of the cafe. I didn't realize how strongly I felt about him until he came to a small party at my house and my friend put the make on him. We were always easy together. His family seemed more normal than they turned out actually to be. We got married after...oh, about a year and a half, I guess. (I didn't even invite my erstwhile friend to be in the wedding--Ok, I'm a sore winner). It'll be 25 years this July. We have a son.

I always tell other women who are looking for men to go to school to look; they have a 50/50 chance of finding a good one.
Tatelou said:
Mhari, that's so sad, honey.
Sad. Yes, I suppose so. I was totally devastated, and obviously have never gotten over it. One of those life-warping things. Also the cause of that situational depression I mentioned back in the depression thread...

I am, however, working on it. It is perhaps time and past that I started practicing what I've been preaching to other people all these years. Just because you lost one great love doesn't mean there isn't another one somewhere. And there's no point in turning aside real love because it might cause pain later on.

It's hard, but I'm getting there.

I just don't know how I'll tell our kids that we met in Chardok... (That's a place in EverQuest for you non-players. ;))

/semi-threadjack off

Svenskaflicka said:
So, the shock is what has made you wanna crawl right back..?:p ;)

Just teasing, des!

lol :D

I could tell you in detail what makes me want to get back in but it might make you blush :eek:
Met my first wife whilst I was on vacation in Toronto - funny thing was, she was English too. Her parents had emigrated to Canada a few years back.

Go figure.
In high school I worked at McDonalds . . .

and my husband (who was in college at the time) worked there, too.

We were friends but as I was already dating someone from high school we never connected.

Until two important things happened:

-I dumped the jerk I was dating at a Van Halen concert (I know, this really should be in the story idea thread)

-my girlfriend and I stole toilet paper from McDonalds and TP'd the manager's houses and were subsequently fired!

Instant angst! The world seems so difficult when you are 17!

The crew had a big party for us and that is where he and I finally danced, kissed, and began to date.


OK - I'll go write this up as fiction now, because it sure as hell doesn't sound realistic!

(But we've been happily married for 16 years!)

perdita said:
My first husband was my best friend's brother. My second husband was my professor (sociology). My last husband was my brother's friend. The love of my life was another brother's friend.


What we'd really like to know is how you met pop.

Vincent E said:
What we'd really like to know is how you met pop.
Awk! I'm so embarrassed, forgot he's my cyber-wanker, um, hubby. Silly boy, I met him the same way I met you. Must run and send emergency webcam message.

Perdita :p
if anyone is interested...

I have been married for over 33 years.
I met my wife at a dance hall in Brighton. But I had been looking out for her all night. She was (still is) very attractive, but the initial attraction was that she boarded the train for Brighton at the same station I did. As I didn't have a car at the time I felt it would be less of a problem if any girl friend lived locally.

Who said romance was dead!


My Stories

“Encase your majestic tree of manhood in the sublimely soft wondrous wet hallowed depths of my body,” she implored.
“Oh,” he replied, “you mean you wanna fuck!”
Mhari said:
Sad. Yes, I suppose so. I was totally devastated, and obviously have never gotten over it. One of those life-warping things. Also the cause of that situational depression I mentioned back in the depression thread...

I am, however, working on it. It is perhaps time and past that I started practicing what I've been preaching to other people all these years. Just because you lost one great love doesn't mean there isn't another one somewhere. And there's no point in turning aside real love because it might cause pain later on.

It's hard, but I'm getting there.

I just don't know how I'll tell our kids that we met in Chardok... (That's a place in EverQuest for you non-players. ;))

/semi-threadjack off



I hope you find your other great love soon, Mhari. If anyone deserves it, it's you. I can tell you have a heap of love to give someone, and that person will be very lucky.

BTW, I met mine in a supermarket, in the canned fruit and veg aisle to be precise. We both worked there as Saturday assistants and his first, immortal, words to me were: "Have you been shown the fire drill yet?" He's still just as romantic now. :rolleyes:

Lou ;)
The fire drill gambit. That brings back the memories.

"yes, I think you're in the blue group."

"Blue group?"

"Yes blue group. In the event of a fire blue group has to assemble here, in this alleyway."

"So who else is in blue group then?"

"So far, just me and you."

smartnsassy said:
His room-mate had company who apparently liked me, and kept calling me during the comercial breaks for Xena. For some reason I decided to call the guy back and ended up talking to L. instead. We were chatting away, exchanging playfully rude comments when the guy walked by and said, 'can I talk to her' and I said, 'tell him I said no,' thinking the guy would realize that I was just kidding. He just kinda said, 'oh" and walked off. So I ended up talking to L. most of the night and we got to be friends, and eventually- well you know the rest!

Wow, that's the same way I met *MY* boyfriend! What a coincidence!!!!!!!!!!
perdita said:
Good grief, I thought it was just a Detroit move.

Perdita :rolleyes:

Sadly, no. ;)

Gauche, have you been talking to my hubby? You've repeated the conversation almost word for word. :D

So, I'm driving along and my truck starts to overheat. I pull over to the side of the road to check the radiator for leaking and a bus pulls up behind me. And off come the New England Patriots! *swoon* After much manly posing, one comes up with some water to refill the radiator, and I'm on my way. But, not before some serious smooching by one of the players. My word, he had some "serious" lips on him. Arriving home, I decide to leave a message on the answering machine at his apartment and pull out the number he gave me. Calling, a woman answers, and tells me she is his sister. And WOW, does she have a SEXY voice. "So hon, are YOU doing anything tonight?"......

Oh all know how I met my sweetie.....

Whisp :rose:
Svenskaflicka said:
Life is never realistic. Only fiction is.
And there's a reason for that. Life doesn't have to sell. Fiction has to sell to its readership. If you only write for yourself, you still have to want to read it.

Life can do anything. Imagine, if you will, an author going to a publisher with a political cliff-hanger 500 pages long. The synopsis reads:
Presidential Election in a democratic western country. The campaign is close, the vote is close, the vote is so close it's virtually a tie. There are court cases over a few voting papers which will decide the result. Are holes punched in them properly? The Supreme Court gets involved. Finally a fix is put in place because otherwise there will be no President.

Said author would be thrown out because his tale is too unbelievable.

The sequel (about this President ignoring the UN and dragging his, and other countries into a war of invasion on a country which posed no real threat to his own in any but economic terms) would also get a reject slip for the same reason.
I met my husband online at a now long dead chat site called dougs (columbus chat)

A friend of mine from college gave me the address of the aforementioned chatsite and one boring afternoon i tried it out...from that first visit i was hooked! a couple of months later I met hubby....unfortunately I was cyber dating a "guy" in australia at the time.

Anyway we chatted online then on the phone then he moved back to the wirral to his parents house and was then only an hour away by train from my home. One day out of the blue he came to visit me,we met,we kissed he got his hand dowqn my pants in a public park and it was love at first sight.

That didn't stop this silly immature 19 year old getting freaked out and dumping him for my old cyber long distance "boyfriend"

(I bet you're wondering about the " " bits aren't patient!)

Anyway Hubby kept on wooing me and when it came to light that my "boyfriend" was infact a young teenage girlie!!!!!(eeeeekkkk!) I ran back into the open arms of hubby.....and well the rest is history! :D
Exerpt from How To Write And Sell Your First Novel:

A Martian youngster got tired of living underground on Mars and crashed the spaceship he had stolen to joyride. He landed on Earth. He hadn't the faintest idea of how to fix the ship or how to build a device to communicate with Mars - he had been studying ancient litterature in his Martian school.

Wandering around New York City, after stealing some clothes off a clothesline, he spotted some books in a drugstore with pictures of all sorts of strange and fascinating creatures on them. Making himself temporarily invisible, he grabbed several, went to a quiet park, and decoded the language. With his Martian intellect, he quickly read them.

"Ah!" he cried. "I know how I'll be able to make a living on this queer planet. I'll write the history of Mars and sell it as science fiction!"

Easily solving the problems of getting a typewriter and paper, he wrote his first story and sent it in to a science fiction book editor, Right away it came back with a letter.

"This is the most unbelievable stuff I've ever read," the editor wrote.

The Martian was outraged. He rushed to the editor's office, pushed aside the receptionist and secretar, and in the editor's office, tore off his shirt and brandished all four of his arms.

"How can you say this is unbelievable! I really am a Martian. This is the true story of Mars!"

The editor replied, "You writers are all alike. You always offer the same tired excuses. When somebody criticizes your work, you claim it really happened!":rolleyes: :p
Tatelou said:
Gauche, have you been talking to my hubby? You've repeated the conversation almost word for word. :D


One of the things that they take the boys aside at school to explain. Also, frustratingly they hypnotise us and make us forget entirely what is and where to find the 'clit'.

whispering_surrender said:
My word, he had some "serious" lips on him.
Thanks for the expression, Whisp. I know exactly what "serious lips" are, just didn't know they had a label.

Perdita :kiss:
gauchecritic said:
One of the things that they take the boys aside at school to explain. Also, frustratingly they hypnotise us and make us forget entirely what is and where to find the 'clit'.


...or what to do with it...
The thing Hubby remembers the best from our first evening together, is that I took off my mittens and gave them to him when his hands were freezing. He thought that was very romantic.:heart: