How did you meet?

I can't believe that no one has mentioned the venue where I met my hubby (well, considering what kind of site this is, maybe I can.)

I met hubby at church. It was love at first sight and we got married several months later. We have been married for 8 years now (with four kids.)
PierceStreet said:
It was 20 below zero Celsius that day, and thus a moderate day above the Arctic Circle, so she didn't really need them.

I'll have you know it was 25 below zero Centigrade, so it was "nippy". *sticks nose in air*
I met my love on the first day of Fresher's week at university. Everybody was moving into Halls and they and their parents were struggling between car and room with bags. She was struggling to get in through one of the doors while carrying a box of stuff and I opened the door for her. Didn't get to talk to her properly until a bit later, but we hung together for the first and second day, before I finally plucked up the courage and kissed her on the second evening of university.

Best decision I ever made.

The Earl
Let's see, how do I explain this without losing all anonymity? I'll just leave out the best details <G>. No, not the sex, silly, the where and when ;)

I met my wife when I was dating one of her best friends. Well, 'dating' would be a euphemism for 'sleeping with', since, at the time, I was really dating someone that lived about 50 miles away and we only saw each other every few weekends. In the spring when both 'local' and 'distant' were traveling, I took my wife out a few times. Had an 'epiphany' of sorts and dumped 'distant' and 'wife' and became exclusive with 'local'.

About six months later 'local' dumped me and I moved on, got engaged, got unengaged (her choice, later, my gratitude) dated some others (also a euphemism) .

A year or so later, reconnected with 'distant'. Slept with each other for the next two years whenever neither of us were dating someone else.

Four years after first meeting 'wife', ran into 'local' at a watering hole, she was now roommates with 'wife'. Local and I had one last date, she was sitll going out with the guy for whom she dumped me. Six months later, got a letter from wife. I went to see her.

Six months later we were married. 'Local' was one of the bridesmaids. 'Distant' was not and was not invited.

It will be 32 years since our first date this month. 27 years of marriage this spring.
OnD, that's terribly complex.. Couldn't you have just labelled 'em A, B and C and made it a bit easier on us poor confused mortals.
Tatelou said:
I hope you find your other great love soon, Mhari. If anyone deserves it, it's you. I can tell you have a heap of love to give someone, and that person will be very lucky.
I think I have, I do (er, to the "heap of love" bit), and he is. *grin*

When I said the thing about meeting someone in Chardok, it wasn't just random. And I'm going to see him tomorrow. :)

Thanks for all the kind words, Loulou! :kiss: :rose:

Oh yes, I somehow forgot to mention...I'm awfully lucky myself. Really very awfully lucky.
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Mhari said:
... I'm awfully lucky myself. Really very awfully lucky.
Mhari, love, I daresay it's not luck. If you happen to meet someone, romantically or otherwise, who is good/sweet/fine/intelligent/etc. it may seem like chance but it is most likely that they are attracted to the same in you. You have made friends here because of who you are, nothing to do with luck.

kisshugs, Perdita :heart:
*blushes and hugs Perdita*

You are far too kind, ma'am.

But I do consider myself blessed with all the friends I have made here!

:kiss: :rose: :heart: