How often do you masturbate?

I once had an infection in my prostate. The Nurse Practitioner gave me a prostate massage (Not fun when its a medical procedure, actually kinda hurt) , then told me I had to ejaculate as much as possible in the next several days. So had a doctor's excuse to whack off!
I've been 1-2 times a day. I do it sometimes more on the weekends depending on what I have happening :)
I go a long time without it when work and other things keep me busy.

Once I do start again it's impossible to control. A minimum of 3-5 times a day.
I don’t masturbate anywhere near as much as I should or want to.

Probably twice a week at the moment. This pandemic has proved a nightmare for my sex life as well as my ‘self-care routine’ as I just don’t get any alone time. It’s driving me insane :-(
When I am alone at least once daily. Usually in the morning before I need to wake up. Usually get a few more hours of good sleep after rubbing a fantasy out....
During the day is bonus but happens 3 maybe 5 times a week.
If the girl that needs me is here, well... I come for her how she wants.