sirensiren said:I know men sometimes prefers to let a woman they are turned on by go, simply because they're very scared of rejection. In general how scared are you men of being turned down? And some tips for us women; how can we tell the difference between when a man is simply too scared of being turned down by us, or simply not interested?
Well, being married now (though late in life), I find it easy to forget just how shy I have always been, doubly intensified because of a strong attractions to women here and there... I never felt the courage to make any first move. The overwhelming majority of coupling/experiences - long or short term - were instigated by the women.
It's an easy call to say that shy men have the most grateful adoration for the bolder women.
I've always scorned the society where the man is expected to be the bold one and his masculinity or potency is questioned if he is the least bit shy or hesitant.
How little is understood.