I Demand An Immediate Retraction And Apology

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It does not matter if she's correct or not. If a jury thinks she is correct, she wins. The jury has yet to be seated.

There's a reasonableness aspect to cases, which basically means that if the judge thinks it's a pile of horseshit, s/he'll throw the case out on its ear. End of story.

And if ever there was a pile of horseshit, it's the bipolar manic ramblings we've been subjected to here. Christ on a pogo stick, PrincessGoddess could bore the fucking shoes off a crowd in 15 seconds flat! I'm hoping her caretaker gets her back on her meds and she calms down and goes away.
What the hell is going on here?

Has anyone actually read that first post?

does it have a point or is it just some form of elaborate spam?

Why is it appearing in the AH (or did I miss something major in the past few days)?

Why hasn't this thread been thoroughly jacked by the flirt police?

To answer all of the questions but the last (to which I have no answer): a person from the BDSM Talk forum, who I gather is quite popular there, has spontaneously taken some dispute with a moderator and others therefrom to the AH. Furthermore, on account of said moderator interpreting a comment as a threat and subsequently posting in at least one thread that the threadstarter threatened her, the threadstarter is now threatening to sue Literotica.
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If she has enough money, she can find a judge to hear the case. The identities of the accuser, the accused (plaintiff), and the accuser's employer (Literotica.com) are easily identifiable. Any person, even unpaid, who has a direct operational responsibility in the day to day operations of a for-profit, or not-for profit business enterprise (such as a moderator who demonstrates functional control and management over a website) is an employee. (see court records on lawsuits concerning distribution of funds from Red Cross' Katrina fund). If she proves that she is a published author, and a jury believes her future earnings could be jeopardized, she can easily claim injury. Maybe she is suffering from loss of consortium :D

Question is, is there any direct link between the Literotica nom d'plume and the published name? This has been drawing the confusion of the majority of the users here.

If Mr. Hyde is a poorman and his name is tarnished, does Dr. Jekyll get to lay claim to that?

Or rather, does the penniless company capable of monetary loss from a tort? In some cases it might, if the company is currently seeking financing. However, assume the pennyless company is truly pennyless and seeks no financing whatsoever, as is analogous with the case we speak here. What then?
To answer all of the questions but the last (to which I have no answer): a person from the BDSM Talk forum, who I gather is quite popular there, has spontaneously taken some dispute with a moderator and others therefrom to the AH. Furthermore, on account of said moderator interpreting a comment as a threat and subsequently posting in at least one thread that the threadstarter threatened her, the threadstarter is now threatening to sue Literotica.

I challenge the judge and jury to stay awake....
Biggest post E - V - E - R!!!!

It just kept going and going and going and going and going and going and going.

It is the Energizer Bunny of forum posts.

It was like listening to a months worth of my lit professors lectures all smushed together into one mega-lecture. This, in case you were wondering, is a very VERY bad thing.

Now my head hurts.

I just kinda wanted to smash my head against the wall repeatedly.

This was perhaps the most pathetic thing I have ever seen.
Biggest post E - V - E - R!!!!

It just kept going and going and going and going and going and going and going.

It is the Energizer Bunny of forum posts.

It was like listening to a months worth of my lit professors lectures all smushed together into one mega-lecture. This, in case you were wondering, is a very VERY bad thing.

Now my head hurts.

I just kinda wanted to smash my head against the wall repeatedly.

This was perhaps the most pathetic thing I have ever seen.

This is the second thread in as many days where I find myself longing for the cliffnotes.

Is this the same word spewer as last time, or did someone pour something into the BDSM coffee pot?
This is the second thread in as many days where I find myself longing for the cliffnotes.

Is this the same word spewer as last time, or did someone pour something into the BDSM coffee pot?

Same word spewer, yep.

But we did meet some other nice folks from the BDSM forum.
Rocket? No, I'm just glad to see ya!

Same word spewer, yep.

But we did meet some other nice folks from the BDSM forum.

Now... I am up too early because of jet lag so maybe I that is why I am having trouble following this...

Someone from the BDSM thread is feeling insulted and humiliated becasue some else on the BDSM thread felt threatened with pain?

Did I get that right? Isn't that the whole idea on the BDSM thread?

I am so confused.


I think everyone involved in this needs a good, hard shag.

I'll offer snogs (I don't shag peeps I only know via a username and/or AV).

My point? GET REAL! If this wasn't a discussion on the interwebz, but was an actual, real life encounter, there is no way on earth things would have descended to this tiring and fruitless level. We are typing stuff on a screen, but those reading the said typed words are real people. Be rational, for goodness sake.

Go and have a shag, you'll feel much better.
Wouldn't this be better received in the BDSM forum where the problem seems to have originated? We have no idea what you're talking about.

She posted one over there as well. . .rolleyes:
Biggest post E - V - E - R!!!!

It just kept going and going and going and going and going and going and going.

It is the Energizer Bunny of forum posts.

It was like listening to a months worth of my lit professors lectures all smushed together into one mega-lecture. This, in case you were wondering, is a very VERY bad thing.

Now my head hurts.

I just kinda wanted to smash my head against the wall repeatedly.

This was perhaps the most pathetic thing I have ever seen.

You actually read it? :eek::D
That first post is, according to MS Word, 14,788 words.

What a waste of effort.

But it just might be a record!

I think everyone involved in this needs a good, hard shag.

I'll offer snogs (I don't shag peeps I only know via a username and/or AV).

My point? GET REAL! If this wasn't a discussion on the interwebz, but was an actual, real life encounter, there is no way on earth things would have descended to this tiring and fruitless level. We are typing stuff on a screen, but those reading the said typed words are real people. Be rational, for goodness sake.

Go and have a shag, you'll feel much better.

I was going to have some coffee, but I'd rather have a Lou snog. And perhaps a shag down the road as my AV grows on her. :)

You know how it is though, we can't even stay out of the scouries thread. We get bored and want to poke things with a stick.
But it just might be a record!

I was going to have some coffee, but I'd rather have a Lou snog. And perhaps a shag down the road as my AV grows on her. :)

You know how it is though, we can't even stay out of the scouries thread. We get bored and want to poke things with a stick.

*snogs Jomar*

And, P.S. Liar... I know you, we've actually met in the flesh. Shagging you wouldn't be out of the question. :D
Oo! Oo! I want a Lou snog! :devil:

Ignore the green color I'm turning over Liar's good fortune. ;)
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