I Demand An Immediate Retraction And Apology

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You Are An Idiot.

The final step prior to the filing of a lawsuit that involves an allegation of libel is, customarily, a demand for a retraction of the speech that the potential plaintiff contends are damaging, and an apology from the editor and publisher. Routinely, but not always, a publisher will simply agree to retract the speech that the potential plaintiff contends is offensive, and a public apology is issued. If the publisher chooses to defend the speech in question, then upon the filing of the lawsuit, the plaintiff routinely requests a temporary order to address the possibility that the publisher will continue to permit speech that led to the filing of the lawsuit in the first place. Types of relief include, but are not limited to: a court order compelling the speech to be removed, restrictions on what may continue to be published, and up to and including the suspension of publishing activities by the publisher. For Literotica.com, the last type of relief would mean that the website would be blocked from access to any server that would be capable of transmitting its contents online. The claim that has been made against me in writing, and published to the internet, is that I have been accused of threatening other people, and these statements have already been read by thousands of people. Since I have produced information that these claims have no basis in fact, there is a valid claim of libel to be made. It is my sincere hope that the website owners will do the right thing, and agree to my demands. If they choose to fight, then I intend to defend myself vigorously in court, and let a jury decide if I have been wronged.

I will premise this by saying first that I am new here, and second, that you're an IDIOT.
We don't know who you are in person, only that you're a complete and utter fool online, so any claims about taking ANYONE on this board to court is LUDICROUS, especially for a libel claim. How do we know if you're not some 16-year-old boy? How do we know if you are even playing with a full deck? We don't.
Stop with this ridiculous drama and keep it for your stories.

Also, in case you're wondering, the jury had decided, and we all want you to stop posting.
Well, I was going to rush right out and buy the latest bestseller by PrincessGoddessCreateashemale but since she's been maligned here at Lit, I guess I'll have to rethink that decision. I do have my standards, you know.
I know you! :eek:

You can't fool me. :cool:

Actually, I did what I always do. I read the first sentence, then went to read the last sentence. Unfortunately, by the time I found the last sentence I'd completely lost interest.

Oh, there was no last sentence. It just went on and on and on.
Nah, it's just three blind mice.

The poor fools actually read through the entire first post word for word.

Can someone please show pg how to copy and paste properly?
Oh, let's ALL have a Lou snog or shag. :D At least all of us that she knows by name. :kiss:

Well, what about the rest of us? I mean, what makes you more deserving than us poor noobs who never had the good fortune of knowing Lou before? Hmm? Sheesh.

I think I deserve to be snogged and shagged as much as the next guy. :cool:
Now... I am up too early because of jet lag so maybe I that is why I am having trouble following this...

Someone from the BDSM thread is feeling insulted and humiliated becasue some else on the BDSM thread felt threatened with pain?

Did I get that right? Isn't that the whole idea on the BDSM thread?

I am so confused.
Princess claimed to be a Dom. Hence, she wants an apology for being treated like a sub and not groveled to as she felt she deserved to be.

Remember, the movie about a pig?...No singing mice...
Watch it Stella! Referring to animals could get you called a racist. Or anti-semite. Or something. I'm pretty sure "mice" is a derogatory term for some oppressed minority.
Princess claimed to be a Dom. Hence, she wants an apology for being treated like a sub and not groveled to as she felt she deserved to be.

Watch it Stella! Referring to animals could get you called a racist. Or anti-semite. Or something. I'm pretty sure "mice" is a derogatory term for some oppressed minority.

Short furry people... hobbits, possibly.
Flying monkeys!

They're everywhere, they're everywhere.
If they're flying instead of dancing, does that make less overtly racist? Oh, wait, other thread. I think I'm bigoted against people with duo personalities who create contending "I'm offended" threads.
If they're flying instead of dancing, does that make less overtly racist? Oh, wait, other thread. I think I'm bigoted against people with duo personalities who create contending "I'm offended" threads.

So you're with the rest of us who just don't give a damn?
Princess claimed to be a Dom. Hence, she wants an apology for being treated like a sub and not groveled to as she felt she deserved to be.

Life's full of fuckin' disappointments, I guess.

I've noticed that we haven't had any more pronouncements from On High today. Maybe she's fucked off at last.
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