I Demand An Immediate Retraction And Apology

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Life's full of fuckin' disappointments, I guess.

I've noticed that we haven't had any more pronouncements from On High today. Maybe she's fucked off at last.

Oh, her counterpart is alive and well (?) in the other thread.
Princess claimed to be a Dom. Hence, she wants an apology for being treated like a sub and not groveled to as she felt she deserved to be.

And here I thought one of the central qualities of a Dom is not giving a shit what people thought about you. :rolleyes:
So, she was on the wrong board...should have been over on the Yahoo! groups instead, huh?
So, she was on the wrong board...should have been over on the Yahoo! groups instead, huh?
Ah, if only that had been the case (contemplates this alternate universe and the peace we'd be enjoying now....)
{glancing both ways...whispers} That's what they told her in BDSM! :D

Now you've done it. You've insulted her. She'll never go away.

Maybe she'll join the Scouries thread and they'll entertain each other? :D
What's the matter with you people!! Just when it looked as if the thread had successfully been threadjacked, you returned to the subject! :eek:

Let's keep flirting, Lou.:kiss::heart::kiss::rose:
By the way, just thought I'd post this.

They are quite impressed in the BDSM Forum about how quickly folks in the AH caught on to the idiocy here. They are very complimentary of us. I thanked them.

And they are sorry that this person came from their forum. They'll all putting the person (with many alts) on ignore.

Just FYI.

I will premise this by saying first that I am new here, and second, that you're an IDIOT.
We don't know who you are in person, only that you're a complete and utter fool online, so any claims about taking ANYONE on this board to court is LUDICROUS, especially for a libel claim. How do we know if you're not some 16-year-old boy? How do we know if you are even playing with a full deck? We don't.
Stop with this ridiculous drama and keep it for your stories.

Also, in case you're wondering, the jury had decided, and we all want you to stop posting.

You call your attorney I’ll call mine, etc. Sorry girls and girls, time to shop! As much as all of you ladies gossip about me, you should have enough speculation and inaccurate information to make the National Enquirer jealous with envy…”Oh, she’s here, Oh, she’s there, no, she’s over here”, HAHAHAHA. It’s just tooooo funny! I was starting to wonder if I was really that popular, but reading the reactions here, I should be on “The View” Rosie can’t hold a candle to me… :D
You call your attorney I’ll call mine, etc. Sorry girls and girls, time to shop! As much as all of you ladies gossip about me, you should have enough speculation and inaccurate information to make the National Enquirer jealous with envy…”Oh, she’s here, Oh, she’s there, no, she’s over here”, HAHAHAHA. It’s just tooooo funny! I was starting to wonder if I was really that popular, but reading the reactions here, I should be on “The View” Rosie can’t hold a candle to me… :D

Well, send your daddy in to take your place. I'm beginning to get bored with you, anyway.
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