I Demand An Immediate Retraction And Apology

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She's the five year old in the pink tutu. Just don't give her a cupcake. She'll whine about the color of the icing.

Now lets return to the important people. Us :D


I have this poster on ignore now, almost couldn't find the thread.

I need to try to find all of the alts they have and add them as well.

Playtime over for me.

Try Svenska's thread. I heard there were panties.

The red ones have been given away and are now black.

Lou's arse is still worth chasing, even with an Arsenal badge on it. :eek:


PS. Edited for: And sweetsubsarahh's front is well worth ogling.
Oh, one last thing before I head over to Blaec to get this absolutely gorgeous Prada dress I found Saturday, I thought I would give you a little litigation update.

The long post I made here was almost the entire legal brief, and that will be ready to file this week. The attorney is out jurisdiction shopping. We are waiting for a visiting judge in particular to start hearing cases in this one court. When we file, we intend to request injunctive relief to take Literotica.com dark. No more gossip here for the gossip queens. (OK, everyone, all together, awwwwwww)

And one last thing, ladies: Even though I have no use for a male in my personal life, one easy way to get popular with guys is to get the ladies to constantly talk about you. Guys will hear it, and will want to know what the fuss is all about. Then, DATE CITY! :D

Date City?

I've heard junior high kids use that terminology.

Is someone driving you to the mall, or are you riding your bike?
Will a retraction and apology from just anyone do, or must it be from the entire Authors Hangout?
The long post I made here was almost the entire legal brief, and that will be ready to file this week.
And we'll be notifying your parents. Issuing threats of legal action to get something in return is a form of extortion, you know, and that is a very serious crime I hope your folks have the money to pay when we sue for extortion and libel...because your alter-ego called us all racists and that's libel.

See you in court little girl!
That first post is, according to MS Word, 14,788 words.

What a waste of effort.

DAMN! I've written stories shorter than that! And I bet they're a tad more interesting, too.

Um, whoever that PrincessGoddess person is needs to save the drama for her mama (or in this case her papa! LOL)

Why do they keep bringing their arguments here? Don't we have enough drama already?

All that said....who's up for a game of....um....twister? LOL (can we actually play twister on an internet message board?)
blah, blah, blah, blah

That's what I am seeing. Is there any specific reason you brought this to this forum?

Oh, that's right, for the attention! Well, looks like you've gotten the attention, just not the kind you wanted huh?

Yeah, send this post on with the rest of them to your daddy and his lawyers. Make sure you spell my name right: MICHCHICK98. So many people forget the second "ch" in my name.

Have a nice day, sunshine.
Hmmm. Do you suppose Scouries needs a new girlfriend?

Maybe PrincessGoddess is Gabby in disguise. We all know how full of hot air she is. Maybe she sprung a leak and the first post on this thread was a result?
Two semi-serious questions for the group at large:

1. Is it actually possible to libel someone's anonymous identity? I'm assuming that Goddess is neither a legal surname nor a registered DBA. (As in, "Betty-Sue O'Goddess, doing business as Princess Goddess.")

2.If the answer to the first question is yes, and a Lit writer were to sue for libel in defense of his or her alt, would that not expose the writer to possible criminal action as a pornographer?

In the USA at least, the Supreme Court has extended only the most vague protection to sexually explicit expression: that which does not offend 'community standards.' When the community is Literotica, it's one thing. When it's Poughkeepsie or Fort Lauderdale or some other real-world jurisdiction, community standards are a whole new bag of ball-gags.

Just saying.
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Two semi-serious questions for the group at large:

1. Is it actually possible to libel someone's anonymous identity? I'm assuming that Goddess is neither a legal surname nor a registered DBA. (As in, "Betty-Sue O'Goddess, doing business as Princess Goddess.")

2.If the answer to the first question is yes, and a Lit writer were to sue for libel in defense of his or her alt, would that not expose the writer to possible criminal action as a pornographer?

In the USA at least, the Supreme Court has extended only the most vague protection to sexually explicit expression: that which does not offend 'community standards.' When the community is Literotica, it's one thing. When it's Poughkeepsie or Fort Lauderdale or some other real-world jurisdiction, community standards are a whole new bag of ball-gags.

Just saying.


3. If they can't bring charges against a woman who harassed a teenager into suicide, how is a lawsuit about being called a monkey going to go over? It's not an obscene word, and despite miss princess's strident declarations, it is not, in this case, bigoted.

Bigotry would have been comparing PG to a monkey with the addendum that all of her race are like that. The way it's been used here is personal, and pointed, and a description of her actions.


3. If they can't bring charges against a woman who harassed a teenager into suicide, how is a lawsuit about being called a monkey going to go over? It's not an obscene word, and despite miss princess's strident declarations, it is not, in this case, bigoted.

Bigotry would have been comparing PG to a monkey with the addendum that all of her race are like that. The way it's been used here is personal, and pointed, and a description of her actions.

You say 'monkey' like it's a bad thing.
Could anyone summarize this issue in like four or five bullet-points?
Could anyone summarize this issue in like four or five bullet-points?



On behalf of anyone, anywhere, at any time, who might have offended Your Royal Magnificence in any way for any totally inadequate reason whatsoever; who failed to recognize the ineffable truth that flows from Your fingertips with each and every post that You deign to make; and who secretly wants to place his or her head beneath Your heel, I apologize.

ETA: By the way, that's sarcasm.
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