I need a little personal help thru advise please.......

a girl i used to date had this exact same thing happen to her. she ended up having all her plumbing taken out. she was very bummed out because she felt that since she had lost the ability to make children, she was somehow less of a woman. (i reminded her repeatedly that she was a lesbian who called me a breeder for liking men, but logic rarely sways a depressed woman)

she and i parted ways as friends, and she is now fine and dandy living a normal happy life with lots and lots of sex.
Wizard and Skitten you have gotten some really good advice... I just want to add my support to the two of you whatever may happen... You are both dear to me and in my thoughts....
I know I'm an infrequent visitor here, but I'm gonna add my twopennorth anyway...
I think you have a big role in whichever way this goes for you and skitten. I have had a lover in the past who had a hysterectomy. One of the reasons she took lovers (it was a long time ago, when I was 21 and she 42) was because her husband regarded her as having been changed by the hysterectomy. The fact that, as a lover, I desired her and wanted her, scar and all (British docs at the time maybe weren't as careful about the cosmetics of the thing as they could have been) reminded her that there is more than one version of femininity, and that being desired is just as reliable a marker of femininity as being able to get pregnant....
Look after her my friend, and with your love and the best wishes of lots of people I reckon you'll be fine...
cellis said:
Wizard and Skitten you have gotten some really good advice... I just want to add my support to the two of you whatever may happen... You are both dear to me and in my thoughts....

Thank you cellis , your thoughts mean alot to us........

exiledmaster said:
I know I'm an infrequent visitor here, but I'm gonna add my twopennorth anyway...
I think you have a big role in whichever way this goes for you and skitten. I have had a lover in the past who had a hysterectomy. One of the reasons she took lovers (it was a long time ago, when I was 21 and she 42) was because her husband regarded her as having been changed by the hysterectomy. The fact that, as a lover, I desired her and wanted her, scar and all (British docs at the time maybe weren't as careful about the cosmetics of the thing as they could have been) reminded her that there is more than one version of femininity, and that being desired is just as reliable a marker of femininity as being able to get pregnant....
Look after her my friend, and with your love and the best wishes of lots of people I reckon you'll be fine...

Exiledmaster, Thank you and you don't have to post alot to get a thought here, hell I don't post that often anymore but I know where there are friends to talk with when I need them. I'm with you . I want her all not matter what happens. we will go thru this togethere.........

Ok folks 8:20 here her app. is at 9:30 , we got her up and moving, she is in a ton of pain and we will be leaving soon to see the Dr.
Many thanks to all, this has helped us so we will share what we find out when I get back.......
Good morning Wizard and skitten. :rose: :kiss: :heart:

Keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers.
Dear Wizard

Although I am new here I would like to give my 2 cents.
First of all I wish you both the best for the upcoming hill.
An ovarian cyst does not warrant removal of the ovaries plus a hysterectomy, as the ovaries are not even connected to the uterus. There must be something else for a physician to tell you to expect that procedure: something in the fallopian tubes or the uterus itself. The most common thing are fibroids, which are benign tumors (not cancer) that can cause excessive bleeding or pain.
Anyways, in the worst case scenario where the ovaries, tubes and uterus are removed, after the healing period there should not be any physical consequences that affect sexual relationships. As a matter of fact, most of the problems seen are of psychological origin: the feeling, either by the male or the female, that the woman is not a woman anymore, fear of pain, guilt (this happened to me because I did such and such), etc.
The hormone replacement after removal of both ovaries (if the removal is done on only one ovary there is no need for such replacement) is to replace female hormones produced by the ovaries, which basically take care of the menstrual cycle (which a person with a hysterectomy does not have to worry about anymore) and secondary female characteristics (breasts development, distribution of body hair, voice, distriburion of body fat, etc.).
The hormones that take command or our lust are the male hormones (for both women and men), which in females are being produced by the adrenal glands. As a matter of fact, a woman whose ovaries have been removed experiences a surge in libido because the male hormones increase slightly until thefemale hormonal replacement is adjusted.
With respect to the vagina, which you may have told that it could be shortened by the surgery there is nothing to worry about. A properly healed vagina stretches without problem, so it will still accomodate the penis, or a vibrator with no problems. And with respect of loosing sensibility on the vagina, there is also no problems as the part that feels is located within the first 2 inches (there are no nervous terminals from the middle and beyond).
The best for both of you.
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I can't go all indepth because i don't know that much about this, my friend sean's mom had her ovaries removed, i think they did them one at a time becasue only one was reallybad at one point and the other was fine.. than eventuitally the other went bad too... I remember seeing the the evening before her second operation and she was actually very very complacent. She was a sensible woman who was able to say, "I've had my kids, this is causing me unnecissary pain." And in the end her life was obiviouslly better for it... as far as i know she's still out on dates and doing other intresting stuff (sean's mom and dad are separated).

both my grandma's had ovarian cancer... i'm waiting for my time to come, heh. i wanna have kids very early 30's if i can, so i can pop them out before any of my "tubing" goes sour.

My love and best wishes goes out to skitten, you, and your family.
Wizard said:
I need to seek advise from our brothers and sisters of the board, This is not all BDSM and I hope the thread is allowed to stay as I really need to hear from you guys on this matter. It will have to do with our BDSM lifestyle.

I will try to be brief and explain the best I can. I’ll tell you right now some of the things I can’t spell so make fun of me or what ever it don’t much matter to me.

As many know I am always in control and like to know how things will be handled.

I have a situation here at home I know very little about.

Many of you guys also know skitten is my wife of almost 16 years now; we have gone thru a ton of things in our life. We went thru a kidney transplant together and so much else.
This starts about 2 months ago I believe. skitten had irregular periods, like every other week etc. She went to her family Dr. and they did blood work and sonogram, and told her to go see her oby/gene which she had just been seeing a family dude for years.
The sonogram showed 3 cists on her ovary 2 right sides on left side. She is 36 years old. They told her that she might have to have a hysterectomy (sp).
We waited till what would be the 20th of this month to get her appointment and get her checked. Last Thursday she woke to major, major pain. Called off work and I would up a little latter at the hospital with her. About 8 hours latter they said one of the cists had ruptured. She has sonograms, blood work, Pap smear, X rays again you name it.
They gave her a shot of morafine and a bottle of perks and sent her home.
I thought for sure they would keep her and she would have them removed. They ask on a scale of 1 to 10 where was the pain. She said 8.5. I took her home and the past few days she has been on the couch unable to move. Going to the stairs to use the bathroom caused the utmost pain for her.
This morning we call the Dr. she is to see and climbed up their ass to get in ASAP. We will go see them Tuesday morning at 930 and I’ll know more then.
One of my concerns is for the girls who have gone thru this what is the best thing to do? If she just has them removed they tell us they will come back in a few years. I do not wish her to go thru this again.
If she has the hysterectomy what will we expect for a 36-year-old girl? Is it true some never care for sex? Others I have heard it didn’t change a bit…
We often talked about what would happen if one of us couldn’t play like we used to…We both love to play and play hard… We both agree we are with each other for the long haul, sex or no sex…
Please let me know what you know and what life has taught you guys. I really have no clue where this is going or what to do.
Input is very welcome here. If I missed anything ask and I’ll post the correct info.
Thanks folks, I am very concerned at the moment. Sorry so long and spelling is poor.


My best to you and skitten, Wiz. I hope everything turns out well.

Did you ask about if they intend to take out both ovaries? If they can leave one that will help.

If they have to take both ovaries, then she will need hormone replacement therapy, and there is a lot of controversy about it.

I do not take synthetic hormones cause I am allergic to them all. I take herbal stuff.

If she gets her hormones straightened out, she will not have any trouble with her sexual desire.

I know cause I am post menopausal, and have gone through the problems that having low hormones can put you through.

Thank you all for all of your advice and wishes they do mean a lot to Wizzie and I. We did see the Dr. on Tuesday and it seems that everything will be all right. It seems that my uterus had dropped. (which I never heard of before either) And since it had dropped and the muscles were weak that was causing all the pain I was having. I still have cysts on my ovaries which the Dr says will go away. They want to see in 2 months and do another sonogram then. I am not allowed to lift over 20 lbs for the 2 month period to allow the muscle to stenthen and get stronger. They are weak now. She was able to move my uterus back up in the office and I am in no pain now what-so-ever. She says that because of the uterus not being where it was suppossed to be that caused all the pain for the last couple of months.

The cysts are going away they did the first sonogram in June and had 4 cysts totally 2 on the right and 2 on the left now I have 2 . The one that ruptured on the left is gone and 1 little one on the right is gone so we are just waiting for the next 2 months. But the dr says they should just go away. For now at least no pain, and no surgery .

Thank you all for your thoughts and wishes we appreciate all of them.

I tell ya, it was the darndest thing. I had to help her into the office, she couldn’t move well at all. I have never seen this girl in so much pain other than maybe childbirth but that didn’t last as long as this.
No shit it was like the Dr. hit a “reset” button on her… Reached right up there, hit the button and she was a world better.
I was sitting in the waiting room till they needed to call me, skitten came out told me she needed 20 bucks for the co pay and walked away normal, I was like WTF? Just happened? I mean I forgot about the co pay but that was no problem but she was walking pretty normal.
I also have never heard of such a thing and may not believe it if I didn’t see it myself. Walked in, in such pain and out doing pretty well.
I feel sorry for making a big deal out of this and need to hear what we where up against. Many thanks to all that shared info with us. I am now a little better educated to these kinds of things.
Again I am sorry for hitting the panic button but I was scared and thought this was the best place to talk about it.
Thank you guys and gals………
Re: RE:

Skitten said:
Thank you all for all of your advice and wishes they do mean a lot to Wizzie and I. We did see the Dr. on Tuesday and it seems that everything will be all right. It seems that my uterus had dropped. (which I never heard of before either) And since it had dropped and the muscles were weak that was causing all the pain I was having. I still have cysts on my ovaries which the Dr says will go away. They want to see in 2 months and do another sonogram then. I am not allowed to lift over 20 lbs for the 2 month period to allow the muscle to stenthen and get stronger. They are weak now. She was able to move my uterus back up in the office and I am in no pain now what-so-ever. She says that because of the uterus not being where it was suppossed to be that caused all the pain for the last couple of months.

The cysts are going away they did the first sonogram in June and had 4 cysts totally 2 on the right and 2 on the left now I have 2 . The one that ruptured on the left is gone and 1 little one on the right is gone so we are just waiting for the next 2 months. But the dr says they should just go away. For now at least no pain, and no surgery .

Thank you all for your thoughts and wishes we appreciate all of them.


{{{{{{Skitten}}}}} Thank you for the report!!! I am so happy for you. You will still be in my thoughts and prayers. :kiss:
Wizard said:
I tell ya, it was the darndest thing. I had to help her into the office, she couldn’t move well at all. I have never seen this girl in so much pain other than maybe childbirth but that didn’t last as long as this.
No shit it was like the Dr. hit a “reset” button on her… Reached right up there, hit the button and she was a world better.
I was sitting in the waiting room till they needed to call me, skitten came out told me she needed 20 bucks for the co pay and walked away normal, I was like WTF? Just happened? I mean I forgot about the co pay but that was no problem but she was walking pretty normal.
I also have never heard of such a thing and may not believe it if I didn’t see it myself. Walked in, in such pain and out doing pretty well.
I feel sorry for making a big deal out of this and need to hear what we where up against. Many thanks to all that shared info with us. I am now a little better educated to these kinds of things.
Again I am sorry for hitting the panic button but I was scared and thought this was the best place to talk about it.
Thank you guys and gals………

{{{{Wizard}}}} I am so glad it worked out!!! I am so happy to hear all of it. :)
I'm just glad it turned out so well! No apologies please. You turned to a safe place for help. That's a good thing. It also brought some lurkers out into the light. That is also a good thing.
Wizard and skitten...

I am so very happy for the two of you... I love these kind of endings!

And Wiz never apologize for turning to friends... that is what we are all here for!
So happy to know everything is okay.....and no need to apologise or feel embarrassed. Doctors can make things sound pretty scary sometimes, which added to our layman's niavity, and understandable anxiety of seeing our loved ones in pain, can make it a terrifying prospect.

Francisco & Catalina
Funny thing is why didn't the ER Dr. do this when we spent all day there to one day.......
Apparently this is why we need to go see specialists, less than hour and a half things where like night and day regarding her health.:)
Wizard said:
I tell ya, it was the darndest thing. I had to help her into the office, she couldn’t move well at all. I have never seen this girl in so much pain other than maybe childbirth but that didn’t last as long as this.
No shit it was like the Dr. hit a “reset” button on her… Reached right up there, hit the button and she was a world better.
I was sitting in the waiting room till they needed to call me, skitten came out told me she needed 20 bucks for the co pay and walked away normal, I was like WTF? Just happened? I mean I forgot about the co pay but that was no problem but she was walking pretty normal.
I also have never heard of such a thing and may not believe it if I didn’t see it myself. Walked in, in such pain and out doing pretty well.
I feel sorry for making a big deal out of this and need to hear what we where up against. Many thanks to all that shared info with us. I am now a little better educated to these kinds of things.
Again I am sorry for hitting the panic button but I was scared and thought this was the best place to talk about it.
Thank you guys and gals………

I have heard about it, but had never known anyone with that problem. I am so happy things turned out well. I love to here good news, especially when it happens to people I know.
Wizard said:
Funny thing is why didn't the ER Dr. do this when we spent all day there to one day.......
Apparently this is why we need to go see specialists, less than hour and a half things where like night and day regarding her health.:)

It happens all the time, if the doctor has never encountered the problem, he would not know what to do.

And when it comes to women's health, many doctors will go for the obvious solution, rather than order a lot of tests, that medical insurance may not pay for.
Wizard said:
Funny thing is why didn't the ER Dr. do this when we spent all day there to one day.......
Apparently this is why we need to go see specialists, less than hour and a half things where like night and day regarding her health.:)

ER doc tend to specialise in trauma. Unless the uterus is hanging out and swinging in the breeze, a prolapse isn't likely to be recognized as a problem.
Ebonyfire said:
It happens all the time, if the doctor has never encountered the problem, he would not know what to do.

And when it comes to women's health, many doctors will go for the obvious solution, rather than order a lot of tests, that medical insurance may not pay for.

As usual, I have to agree.

I've heard of a dropped uterus, but never knew of anyone who had such a condition.

Hmmm...maybe us gals do have "reset" button up there somewhere? Now, that would be interesting!

Glad to hear all went well and that skitten is no long in pain!

Oh, and I found this website that might prove helpful to you or others. Heck, I didn't know the whole uterus could come right out of the vagina! Now, that is a scary thing!
SexyChele said:
[B Heck, I didn't know the whole uterus could come right out of the vagina! Now, that is a scary thing! [/B]

Is very disconcerting after coming out of anesthetic to be told by the doctor they have taken your uterus out, checked it and everything out, and put it back in place....you have visions of everything being back in the wrong place, or back to front. LOL :eek:

Wizard said:
I tell ya, it was the darndest thing. I had to help her into the office, she couldn’t move well at all. I have never seen this girl in so much pain other than maybe childbirth but that didn’t last as long as this.
No shit it was like the Dr. hit a “reset” button on her… Reached right up there, hit the button and she was a world better.
I was sitting in the waiting room till they needed to call me, skitten came out told me she needed 20 bucks for the co pay and walked away normal, I was like WTF? Just happened? I mean I forgot about the co pay but that was no problem but she was walking pretty normal.
I also have never heard of such a thing and may not believe it if I didn’t see it myself. Walked in, in such pain and out doing pretty well.
I feel sorry for making a big deal out of this and need to hear what we where up against. Many thanks to all that shared info with us. I am now a little better educated to these kinds of things.
Again I am sorry for hitting the panic button but I was scared and thought this was the best place to talk about it.
Thank you guys and gals………

The thing is sir tis because for one of the few times we as men are helpless and unable to look after our lady as we feel we should.

I had a sister in law with a prolapse which is what we are talking about more or less and is an easy operation except you are unable to lift things after.

So glad you lady is feeling better now
Bachlum Chaam
Bachlum Chaam said:
The thing is sir tis because for one of the few times we as men are helpless and unable to look after our lady as we feel we should.

I had a sister in law with a prolapse which is what we are talking about more or less and is an easy operation except you are unable to lift things after.

So glad you lady is feeling better now
Bachlum Chaam

Wow, this is turning out to be a great thread. I like the threads where we all learn a few things. After I went to bed last night skitten went thru this thread clicked on SexyChele’s link she posted for all of us (which was a great link, thanks Sexy). She feels she must have a moderate prolpase .
Bachlum Chaam, the Dr. did instruct her not to lift over 20-lbs. For the next two months.
She went from this such terrible pain to wanting to have sexy again right away… Dr. said she was aloud if it hurt to stop but she was just fine….
Still mind blowing. I find this all very interesting.

Again I want to thank everyone for his or her well wishes and comments on this topic.


I forgot to mention skitten doses work at a nursing home and dose a good bit of lifting, this may also have help cause this situation.
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