I need a little personal help thru advise please.......

Dropping off more prayers and :rose: s.

We are all here for the both of you!!!!! :kiss:
3:47 I just stoped home to get the kids after school and she had it done. Surgery went well the said. We I was able to see her she was in a ton of pain. They have her on some pain meds and when I was leaving the Dr. was back in and thought she might have a small blood clott causing the pain. The did a few things and she thought it was a little better but they where giving a script for more pain meds.
I'll check back tonight when I get in.
So a ton of pain right now but things will be better, she has been stuck on the couch for the past few weeks unable to move. After she heals she will be back as she was......

So far so good folks thanks for the well wishes and prayers....I mean it........Thanks.....

Well one just walked in the door so the other can't be to far behind.

Gota go guys....
I'm very happy to hear the surgery went well. She is otherwise young and healthy and should heal quickly. You have my best wishes for a speedy recuperation.
Desdemona said:
I'm very happy to hear the surgery went well. She is otherwise young and healthy and should heal quickly. You have my best wishes for a speedy recuperation.

Thanks des, she will heal quick, your right about that.

Well I made it back again, still ton of pain and it kind of looks like a C section has been done on her. Can't tell with the wrap on it still.

Whew.........Night one down. After 2 kidney transplants and being an emt for years I think I do better in the bed myself or as the caregiver than a support person.........Wish I could be there in her place. I do much better with pain. <sigh> On day down. Don't feel right not being able to look up and see my skitten in the other room watching tv.......

chow guys.........
What an emotional rollercoaster this thread is. I stumbled in late, was scared and crying... sent off pm.

Then went on in thread, then was happy and wild...

then got frightened again.
Now worried she will over do it. Is hard to keep a woman like skitten down for long. He might need to tie her down. Do you know anything about that wiz? How to tie a lady so she doesn't hurt, but cannot get up??? wink.....
Good morning Wiz and Skitten. :kiss:

Letting you know I am thinking of you. We are all here for you.
Glad to hear that skitten has had her surgery and all is well. Keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers.

Merelan said:
What an emotional rollercoaster this thread is. I stumbled in late, was scared and crying... sent off pm.

Then went on in thread, then was happy and wild...

then got frightened again.
Now worried she will over do it. Is hard to keep a woman like skitten down for long. He might need to tie her down. Do you know anything about that wiz? How to tie a lady so she doesn't hurt, but cannot get up??? wink.....

Merelan dear, it is all good.............She was in so much pain the poor girl had to just about crawl up to the bathroom and then right back down to our loveseat she would be. The bitch is the presure on her insides made her "think" she had to pee and to only get there and have nothing happen.
She will be so much better after she has time to heal. I could tie her down but don't think I'll have to right away at least. ;)

If everything is ok I get to bring her home tomarrow.........It will be nice to feel her in the bed with me again at night. Been on a few days but I miss her. I worked on the road for about 5 years , she would be home alone and I in hotel rooms all over the USA. Only time I have ever been home like this was 11 years ago When our daughter was born. Other than that she has been here.......We hit our 16th wedding ann. today. I can't wait for 16 more......I made sure to send her nice flower to say Happy Ann.

Again many thanks to everyone. It has been helpful to come to the board and talk sbout this stuff...
Thanks again and again guys.........:cool: ;)
Wiz, when you bring her home, if you have a recliner, she may sleep better there. One thing that helps people with abdominal incisions is to not lie flat. Even in bed, if you can put pillows under her knees, it will reduce the stress and pain in her belly and she will probably rest better.
Desdemona said:
Wiz, when you bring her home, if you have a recliner, she may sleep better there. One thing that helps people with abdominal incisions is to not lie flat. Even in bed, if you can put pillows under her knees, it will reduce the stress and pain in her belly and she will probably rest better.

Yep, yep. and yep..............Great advise.........haven't thought of that......Sounds right to me....I will make sure to pull the lazy boy chair to where she can watch tv and rest.
I have tons of large pillows we use to play with , I get them out and on the bed too......

Thank you des, a big help again.......;)
You're welcome. Good luck. I'm sure you'll do a fine job taking care of her.
I am so happy that things are working out for you two Wizard... you have both been in my prayers...
Glad to hear everything is going well for you both, and skitten is feeling positive about everything. Would have sent our best soner but only arrived back from the US today. You are both in our thoughts.

Well here it is 7:04 pm and I got skitten ome after quite a bit of waiting.
I wanted to share with you a little small bit of humor. You have to understand skitten and I poke fun at each other all the time. Before we left to head of to the hospital to have this done I said when she get home I'll get her upstairs to the bedroom and she can hang up there , we'll bring everything she needs up to her........Main reason the bathroom is upstairs.
She argued we me that she would be fine and was going to be back downstairs on the love seat where we where. Needless to say she came home very very sore and went right upstairs to bed and is still there sleeping right now.

We made it, all is over tons of flowers in our bedroom . I went and picked up her pain meds and other things hospital told us to get.

So thats what is new in our life....

Catalina, Thank you for the post.

I belive we are in the home strech now....each day should be better and better....... well have to go help the kids with school projects so I'll check back tonight...;)
Glad all went weel.

Just make sure skitten doesn't do what I did and try and run before she can walk, so to say.

Take care both of you.
Hey Skitten and Wiz..

Just checking to let you know we're thinking of y'all out here. Hope S'kittens feeling a bit better.
Well here it is Sunday morning and skitten is able to make it up and down the stairs fairly well. Still pain but a world better than last weds. when she came home.
She sleeps with a pillow on her side and a few nights in a row she stole my pillow while sleeping. Lucky she is hurting or I would have normally yanked it right out from under her. I was nice and let her have it.

Things are moving along pretty well. slowly but surely she is able to do more and more.

Just a quick update..:D
I dont know either of you very well at all, but I just wanted to post my 2 cents...

I had a very similar surgery at the end of January this year to remove a massive growth on my right ovary...i was lucky and avoided the hysterectomy, but the recovery was long and pretty painful. My incision was 9 inches.... vertical....

one thing to perhaps ask the doctor about is scar therapy...my doctor said nothing to me about it, and I wish I had known to ask....of course at first you dont want to touch the damn thing any more than you have to, but what I have heard from people who have incisions elsewhere (like a knee) is that there is such a thing as scar therapy where you can massage the scar in an efort to help the tissue allign itself better and thus minimize the overall "noticeability" of the scar...

for me this would have helped me a lot with how I now feel about my scar. I had other complications with the healing of the incision and had to do unpleasant gauze packing in one spot, but if I had known that there was a technique to use to help the incision manage its scar tissue better, I would have done it.

Also...my advice is that when you think you are ready to go back to work or whatever...take one more week. I am very glad I took every bit of time offered to me and I think it is what helped me get back into the swing of things so quickly once I went back.

Sorry to ramble on, but if you have any questions about scar care, or anything with recovery, let me know :)

Good luck!
and I am impressed she is sleeping in bed!!! I was in the front room recliner chair for 2 weeks LOL!!
InnerDarkness said:
and I am impressed she is sleeping in bed!!! I was in the front room recliner chair for 2 weeks LOL!!

Well the bathroom was upstairs so we pretty much had to get her up there right away but she only stayed up there for about 2 days then started to slowly sneak down during the day. She came home from the hospital on weds. and each kid stayed home a day to be with her as I am the only one that dose my job at work so I couldn't miss any more than I had to. (My choice not theres) .....

Your above post is great info and I'll make sure skitten see it. She hasn't been able to sit in a desk chair very long to read the board or this post.

Thank you:cool:
I dont know why I am dispensing all this advise today LOL, but I thought of one more thing...

I am sure you two arent even thinking of sex yet, but however long the doc said to avoid inserting anything into the vagina....listen to him! In a few weeks when she is feeling much better, she may feel adventurous, but hold off....

they told me 6 weeks and I didnt wait....I dont think there was any real complications because I didnt wait, but because her surgery was different than mine, I would definately wait the whole time...such an invasive surgery needs means your body needs time to return back to its normal state.

The only difference I have noticed with sex now is that I have trouble with depth of penetration...not sure why, but I feel like he "hits bottom" when he never did before...but with plenty of stimultation and arousal on my part, that subsides a bit....positions may become different, too...Doggy style tends to have the chance of being more painful for me now when it never was before...perhaps it is the angle at which he enters....dunno

but anyway....take the full time and ease into when it does happen again...

thats all for now...i promise!!!