I need a little personal help thru advise please.......

Wizard said:
Well the bathroom was upstairs so we pretty much had to get her up there right away but she only stayed up there for about 2 days then started to slowly sneak down during the day. She came home from the hospital on weds. and each kid stayed home a day to be with her as I am the only one that dose my job at work so I couldn't miss any more than I had to. (My choice not theres) .....

Your above post is great info and I'll make sure skitten see it. She hasn't been able to sit in a desk chair very long to read the board or this post.

Thank you:cool:

well I am glad to hear she is getting around...getting out of the bed the day after the surgery was the worst experience of my life and I thought I was going to kill the nurse who made me do it, but I found sitting up at home was often easier on my tummy and my incision...good luck to you...

InnerDarkness said:
I dont know why I am dispensing all this advise today LOL, but I thought of one more thing...

I am sure you two arent even thinking of sex yet, but however long the doc said to avoid inserting anything into the vagina....listen to him! In a few weeks when she is feeling much better, she may feel adventurous, but hold off....

they told me 6 weeks and I didnt wait....I dont think there was any real complications because I didnt wait, but because her surgery was different than mine, I would definately wait the whole time...such an invasive surgery needs means your body needs time to return back to its normal state.

The only difference I have noticed with sex now is that I have trouble with depth of penetration...not sure why, but I feel like he "hits bottom" when he never did before...but with plenty of stimultation and arousal on my part, that subsides a bit....positions may become different, too...Doggy style tends to have the chance of being more painful for me now when it never was before...perhaps it is the angle at which he enters....dunno

but anyway....take the full time and ease into when it does happen again...

thats all for now...i promise!!!

Point taken..........I haven't even thought of sex yet...... I love our good old ass slapping sex so I have no problem waitting till we are told and when we do I intend to go easy for a while. I would never want to hurt her or ruin a great thing.

I see she is reading away on this thread as we speak......:D
Wizard said:
Point taken..........I haven't even thought of sex yet...... I love our good old ass slapping sex so I have no problem waitting till we are told and when we do I intend to go easy for a while. I would never want to hurt her or ruin a great thing.

I see she is reading away on this thread as we speak......:D

Great! If you have any questions or just want to talk about recovery and healing, let me know! I am by no means an expert and only have my own experience to go on, but as a woman who has been through a similar surgery, I know some of the issues that go along with it...The only person I had to talk to about it was my mother who had a hysterectomy when I was in high school and I just couldnt bring myself to ask her certain things LOL

Thanks to all of you for your concern and advice it means a lot to the both of us. Surgery went well the scar is not too big and have the dissposable bandages. The pain was real bad the first couple of days getting better now. First time I have been able to sit in a desk chair and see all you wonderful posts they mean a lot. I am trying to take it easy but it is hard as I would rather do more but it still hurts quite a bit. Wizzie and the kids have been helpful I am grateful to them for all they have been doing. Thanks again for your kind thoughts it means a lot to me.

Re: RE:

Skitten said:
Thanks to all of you for your concern and advice it means a lot to the both of us. Surgery went well the scar is not too big and have the dissposable bandages. The pain was real bad the first couple of days getting better now. First time I have been able to sit in a desk chair and see all you wonderful posts they mean a lot. I am trying to take it easy but it is hard as I would rather do more but it still hurts quite a bit. Wizzie and the kids have been helpful I am grateful to them for all they have been doing. Thanks again for your kind thoughts it means a lot to me.


Do not overdo skitten, and get well soon.
I am so happy that you are doing so well, skitten... Just take it easy... Life will be back to normal before you know it...
Re: RE:

Skitten said:
Thanks to all of you for your concern and advice it means a lot to the both of us. Surgery went well the scar is not too big and have the dissposable bandages. The pain was real bad the first couple of days getting better now. First time I have been able to sit in a desk chair and see all you wonderful posts they mean a lot. I am trying to take it easy but it is hard as I would rather do more but it still hurts quite a bit. Wizzie and the kids have been helpful I am grateful to them for all they have been doing. Thanks again for your kind thoughts it means a lot to me.


Down girl...LOL....if all else fails, just think of your inactivity as a form of submission, giving up of control...may work wonders. Hope you recovery continues to go well. :rose:

((((((((((Skitten and Wizard))))))))))))))

Glad your feeling better Skitten. Just take it easy and relax..
Well Been a week since I picked skitten up at the hospital and brought her home. She can move around alot better now. Kind of walks with a cross between a waddle and a shuffle.
My skitten in coming along just fine Dr. called her and told her cists where not cancer and again not to drive and relax let her body heal.
Things are looking good , each day is better . Last night was a bad night and she wakes up topain from the night if she don't toss and trun ll night but things are ok and getting better each day.;)
Thanks for the update. It truly sounds like she is well on the road to recovery. :)

Just an update to let all of you who were concerned and quite helpful through this ordeal. That I am finally feeling better. No more pain and feeling much better I am not allowed to go to work yet. It is almost 5 weeks in and finally able to have sex again which is great! Especially since before surgery sex hurt too. Everything seems to be good being free of pain and getting back to the way things used to be. I have an appointment on 21st of october then we can get back to work.
It has been a tough couple of months for wizard and I and I truly appreciate how much he has done for me it has taught me a lot and has shown me how much more I love him. He has been my rock through all of this. I wanted to let all of you know how we are doing and thank you for all you well wishes.

That is great news Skitten....it is fun having an adventurous and exciting partner, but so reassuring when trouble stikes and they are right there by your side sharing every moment with you and helping to pull you through the tougher moments. It is what makes love so special and treasured.

Sorry, Skitten and Wizard, I have not been online during the period of your medical drama.

I am so glad Skitten is making a good recovery.

My SO went through the same experience many years ago; and our sex life went downhill, along with her personality, until she went onto HRT.

She is still on HRT 16 years later, she understands the risks but considers them minor in comparrison to the severity of the symptoms HRT alleviates.

jon:devil: :devil: :devil:
Wiz and skitten,

I am new here and would like to offer a bit of advice that was told to one of my friends after her partial hysterctomy.

I am not sure what the latest news is but my friends surgery was 4 years ago and last year she began having problems again. The doctor she saw this time told her that even though they still do partial hysterectomys that always a full hysterectomy should be done. That eventually it will cause problems with the parts that were left. He also told her that most doctors do not offer this information to their patients but they definatly should.

I hope things are going well for you now and all has been worked out. You shall be in my thoughts and prayers


Thanks to all of you who have helped us through this ordeal it has meant a lot to the both of us. You prayers and concern have helped a great deal. And all of you wonderful advice has been more helpful than I am able to put into words. You all have been so kind and we appreciate all that you have done for us.

It was quite difficult and now looking forward to the no pain as eveyone tells me there is. That is something that has not been in so long. Thank you to all it means so much to me and Wizard.

ps Welcome Rain

lady skitten
Just an update to let everyon who was so kind during the past couple of weeks. That I went and so the doctor today and everything is good. Healing is good do not need to see him for 1 year and has released me to go back to work I am extremely happy. Thanks for all your thought and kind words during this whole process it has meant a lot to the both of us.

lady skitten
Congrats on such a successful recovery....I hope the "no pain" part is still there and I hope you are enjoying it...before long you will feel so good that you won't be able to comprehend how you lived with the pain before...I am sometimes still amazed at how much BETTER I feel...all the time...during sex....during work...just in LIFE...

Congrats again :)
Thank you all so very much and I do like the no pain. Doc said he was amazed I was walking as well as I was and moving good. But everything is good and doc said there is no way they can grow back so there will not be any more problems that he can see. Which I am glad about. This is the best I have felt in a very long time. Thank you all so very much.
I'm glad to hear you're in no more pain, too! YAY!

hugs to you both, I'm glad you have each other. :rose: