I need a little personal help thru advise please.......

I would suggest you ensure she does as the doctor said, no vacuuming etc as tis easy to do it again, treat her with kid gloves sir I suggest
Bachlum Chaam said:
I would suggest you ensure she does as the doctor said, no vacuuming etc as tis easy to do it again, treat her with kid gloves sir I suggest

Advise well taken.........Thats what the teenagers and pre teens are for...
We talked and work isn't going to make her lift (She did have a Dr. excuse) they don't want to losse her.

I don't want to see any more harm come to my lovely lady.......:cool:
Wizard and Skitten ~ Just stopping in to let you know you are both in my thoughts and prayers. :kiss:
Having lurked here for months......I found this thread........
each post made me want to reply.........so I read it through first.

I was thrilled to see a happy ending........
*hugs* to you both!!

Personally, I've gone through some very difficult health issues and can totally relate to alot I read.........

What a wonderful bunch of caring people I see........

Wizard.......you and skitten are a wonderful couple and I am so glad things worked out for you both. :)
lrisheyes said:
Having lurked here for months......I found this thread........
each post made me want to reply.........so I read it through first.

I was thrilled to see a happy ending........
*hugs* to you both!!

Personally, I've gone through some very difficult health issues and can totally relate to alot I read.........

What a wonderful bunch of caring people I see........

Wizard.......you and skitten are a wonderful couple and I am so glad things worked out for you both. :rose:

lrisheyes , Please jump in any thread and join in if you see something that intrest you. There really are a great buch of folks here. To share info with or lean on in hard times like we thought we thought we where going to have.

Morning kayte,
Off in the rain to take the kids ot a local amusement park today........

;) ;) :
Wizard said:
lrisheyes , Please jump in any thread and join in if you see something that intrest you. There really are a great buch of folks here. To share info with or lean on in hard times like we thought we thought we where going to have.

Morning kayte,
Off in the rain to take the kids ot a local amusement park today........

;) ;) :

Thanks Wizard.......

Wow.....just clicked on your pic thread and realized I viewed them all last week!!!

You two have a great relationship..........:)

Have fun at the park................rain won't stop those kids from having fun..........*lol*
lrisheyes said:
Thanks Wizard.......

Wow.....just clicked on your pic thread and realized I viewed them all last week!!!

You two have a great relationship..........:)

Have fun at the park................rain won't stop those kids from having fun..........*lol*

Cool glad to hear you where checking them out, we need to add more again. We had planed to do pictures this past week while we botth where off but health issues made a change of plans......LOL so we are going to be backontrack and posting more here soon in the future........
Glad to see you posting ...........:cool:
Wizard said:
lrisheyes , Please jump in any thread and join in if you see something that intrest you. There really are a great buch of folks here. To share info with or lean on in hard times like we thought we thought we where going to have.

Morning kayte,
Off in the rain to take the kids ot a local amusement park today........

;) ;) :

Wiz ~ Have a great time at the park, don't melt!!!! :)

{{{IE}}}} Nice to see you here. :)
Wizard Sir and skitten -

i just wanted to peek in and wish you both the best. i see the support system you to have in each other and know that skitten will come through fine under the caring hand of her Master.

Good luck and i will be thinking good thoughts for you both.


Well Folks more bad news for an update…..

Spent last night in the E.R. again. Skitten was in great pain again for the past several days. She was sent home from work cause she was ready to past out . Seems we have two things going on, the prolapsed uterus and the cists. She called and called her Dr. they once again gave her pain pills and once again they did not good at all. She would then call again and a nurse told her if it got worse to go to the E.R.
We did and the E.R. Dr. this time was outstanding! Bottom line he feels she needs a hysterectomy right away. The cists are growing and there are more now. Many ,Many on both sides. We where told one is 6 cen. wide. I’m no Dr. but that sounds pretty large to me.
She then calls her Dr. this morning and she said we really should wait a little yet. Skitten don’t take that and says we need something done NOW. She can’t move from the couch just to use the bathroom only.
Her D.R. then calls her back telling her she called the E.R. Dr. and maybe we do need to do something sooner. Appointment we both have to be at is Sept. 15 and she would do surgery the 19th. Now call me an asshole but having had my share of surgery and things done during the transplant I feel we need to feel comfortable with what we decide to do. The Dr. lady is now changing her tune. There are several forms of surgery that can be done and we want to make sure the right one is done.
We both have read a ton of stuff regarding this on the Internet and it has to be done right.
I then talking with her got the name and number of another Dr. that I was told by several that was great. She called and made an appointment with him for sept. 2 so we may know more then. I just doing feel real comfortable with this lady Dr. changing her mind back and forth. I thought it to be a real smart move to have a second option done right away before it is too late.
I didn’t want to hit the panic button to soon again but I did want to post and update to those of you guys that cared so much to talk to us while this was going on last time. You all shared your personal info. I was great.
I will be sure to post any updates as we learn of them.
Good luck to you both. 6 cm is about the size of an orange if that helps. I think the 2nd opinion is a great idea. This kind of pain is her body's way of telling her to do something. Please do keep us posted.
Desdemona said:
Good luck to you both. 6 cm is about the size of an orange if that helps. I think the 2nd opinion is a great idea. This kind of pain is her body's way of telling her to do something. Please do keep us posted.

Once again I say thank you Des, I could never ask her to not have surgery , She is so miserable and full with pain.
I want to make sure she has the right person to do the surgery.

Just from what I hear as a guy, an orange anywhere has got to hurt........
Wizard said:
Once again I say thank you Des, I could never ask her to not have surgery , She is so miserable and full with pain.
I want to make sure she has the right person to do the surgery.

Just from what I hear as a guy, an orange anywhere has got to hurt........

It does. You'll both be in my thoughts and prayers.
Thanks for the update and good luck to skitten and you.

I hope you keep us posted.
Hi, Wiz & Skitten -

I don't post too often either anymore, but I wanted to let you know you'll be in my thoughts. I hope she is getting the best care that's out there - good for you for reading up and not letting Drs push you around!

Our thoughts are with you both. Hope everything works out well and skitten is soon on her feet, smiling, and free of anymore pain.

F & C
I am not an expert, by any means, but I would think of seeing another dr.
O/our thoughts are with you too Wiz.

If you want more personal info ... I did PM you a while back. :)
WillowPuss said:
O/our thoughts are with you too Wiz.

If you want more personal info ... I did PM you a while back. :)

Yep, I got it and she looked like she was out of the woods willow, I will be pming soon. Thank you.:cool:
Again Thank you all for your well wishes, they di mean alot. I will fill you guys in as well know what is up.
Don't know if I meantioned it but skitten talked to her boss yesterday and she is now on a medical leave for 8 weeks, what we read said she would need 4 to 6 weeks before going back to work after this is done. Plus she can't very well work right now so she is here at home and I'm happy to do a few extra hours at work to make up for her income loss. I would rather her relax and be safe here at home till we get things worked out.
Oh Wizard and Skitten, I am so sorry to hear all the news. You are both in my prayers. :rose:

I am so glad you are getting a second opinon. It sounds like more than the right thing to do.

Please do keep us informed. :kiss:
Wizard said:
Again Thank you all for your well wishes, they di mean alot. I will fill you guys in as well know what is up.
Don't know if I meantioned it but skitten talked to her boss yesterday and she is now on a medical leave for 8 weeks, what we read said she would need 4 to 6 weeks before going back to work after this is done. Plus she can't very well work right now so she is here at home and I'm happy to do a few extra hours at work to make up for her income loss. I would rather her relax and be safe here at home till we get things worked out.

I hope skitten has a speedy recovery, Wiz, and try not to worry about her and get yourself sick in the process.