If you build it, they will come.

My drive to work on an Autumn day. The view is beautiful, don't you agree?


The same neck of the woods as the photo above, just colder.


Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening

Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.

My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.

He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound’s the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.

The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.

These! This looks almost identical to the canopy of tress on the road I live on. I also have a well.. let's just say I'm very acquainted with that poem. You are very, very talented. I haven't gotten through the whole thread yet, but the Native American pieces remind me of the ones I inherited. My uncle made them and my mom beaded her own buckskin top. It's quite heavy.
These! This looks almost identical to the canopy of tress on the road I live on. I also have a well.. let's just say I'm very acquainted with that poem. You are very, very talented. I haven't gotten through the whole thread yet, but the Native American pieces remind me of the ones I inherited. My uncle made them and my mom beaded her own buckskin top. It's quite heavy.

Thank you for visiting, I do appreciate the time you invested. There are many beautiful things in life that we just drive by everyday, I have been fortunate enough to be able to stop and enjoy some of them. Buckskin and bead work is very heavy, that's why it wasn't on everyday wear. only special occasion wear.

It's mushroom season y'all!

You just never know where you will find something truly amazing and quite beautiful. These mushrooms are growing on one of the weeping willows in my yard. Wonders are everywhere if you just stop and look.


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In October I traveled through thirteen different states on vacation. While in Maine, I went lobster fishing and caught this little feller.


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i liked Your pic - had to play with :)

The morning view overlooking my pasture. The railroad lies just under the horizontal haze. Trees are sycamore, maple, walnut, oak and locust. The fields beyond the trees will be soybean this year. It's a grand view, don't you think?


Just saw this girl running in front of Your pic :)


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After twenty-two years absent from drawing basically in any format, I was asked to draw something that represented an individual and myself. For us, lions were the obvious choice. Here is a lion and little lion drawn in the pointillism style, no straight lines only dots. There are thousands upon thousands of dots in the dark areas alone.



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I'm at a time and place in my life where it is ok to show you the artist and owner of this thread. I am 60 years old, I no longer have a job that could be affected by revealing myself, and most of you know what I look like anyway. I do ask that if you quote this to delete the link.



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Hello haha! I always remember your good nature and how fun you were to post with. My tastes for art here lean towards the macabre or off-kilter, stuff which makes your insides feel a bit gooey. I’m not your target audience, but you were always sweet so I’ll come by to visit. Even if it’s not my taste, I can definitely appreciate the artist.

Good to see you!

Absolutely exquisite work. So much patience and such a keen eye for detail!

I had not heard of pointillism style, until I saw this lion and cub artwork! Beautifully crafted.
Hello haha! I always remember your good nature and how fun you were to post with. My tastes for art here lean towards the macabre or off-kilter, stuff which makes your insides feel a bit gooey. I’m not your target audience, but you were always sweet so I’ll come by to visit. Even if it’s not my taste, I can definitely appreciate the artist.

Good to see you!
Have a wonderful day.

Absolutely exquisite work. So much patience and such a keen eye for detail!

I had not heard of pointillism style, until I saw this lion and cub artwork! Beautifully crafted.
Thank you for looking and commenting, there are many wonderful styles that aren't popular.
After twenty-two years absent from drawing basically in any format, I was asked to draw something that represented an individual and myself. For us, lions were the obvious choice. Here is a lion and little lion drawn in the pointillism style, no straight lines only dots. There are thousands upon thousands of dots in the dark areas alone.


A little quibble— "pointillism" is the use of small color dots, eg. Georges Seurat and "Stippling" is black and white, use of dots.
Very similar in concept/technique, tho' pointillism has additional challenges for optical blending of colors and values . *steps off that soapbox *

Well done stippling! :)
A little quibble— "pointillism" is the use of small color dots, eg. Georges Seurat and "Stippling" is black and white, use of dots.
Very similar in concept/technique, tho' pointillism has additional challenges for optical blending of colors and values . *steps off that soapbox *

Well done stippling! :)
Yeah thanks, I needed educated today.
Morning Haha. I have a mug with Sunday Afternoon on the Island of Grand Jatte. It’s one of my favorites and to think that you’ve done something similar is amazing!

Happy hump day.
Morning Haha. I have a mug with Sunday Afternoon on the Island of Grand Jatte. It’s one of my favorites and to think that you’ve done something similar is amazing!

Happy hump day.
Ok you lost me, what are you referring to?

Oh and good morning!😘
I have a mug with this, which is your art technique. I should have been more clear.

Art of Pointillism - The Dotted Technique of A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte. A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte was initially started in 1884

I have a mug with this, which is your art technique. I should have been more clear.

Art of Pointillism - The Dotted Technique of A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte. A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte was initially started in 1884

View attachment 2132380
I understand now that I have been schooled today. Like I'm the worst Irishman ever because I don't drink, I'm the worst artist ever because I don't follow other artists.
But you’re the best poster because you respond to comments! It’s only a mug, paint, pixels and an alcohol free beverage. Little stuff, don’t sweat it.
But you’re the best poster because you respond to comments! It’s only a mug, paint, pixels and an alcohol free beverage. Little stuff, don’t sweat it.
I always thought it rude to not comment on every post, whether you liked or agreed with it or not.

I don't sweat those but I do joke about it. I am my own individual, some don't understand it and some do. I feel that you relate.