I'm the expert (a feel good thread for everyone)

I wouldn't say I was an expert at anything but I have been told I was good at some things, such as...
I'm a good listener and am helpful in solving other peoples problems(now if I can just figure out my own):(
I write good stories
I'm a great mother to my children
A good wife
I make people feel special, wanted, needed and loved when they think there is no hope
I am good at making people laugh
Also, if I should even mention this here, I've been told that I'm great in bed:eek: I have a very open mind.:D

My expertise lies in the following areas:
  • Being arrogant and egotistical.
  • Being insecure while I'm being arrogant and egotistical. It's a talent.
  • Baking. In particular muffins, cheesecake, and pizza.
  • Writing.
  • Carrying on and on and on about exciting writing related things like adverbs until people look for duct tape.
  • Reading.
  • Shooting. .45s are my faves.
  • Managing to possess just enough knowledge about most any given subject to be truly dangerous, but not enough to be effective.
  • Self-deprecation.
  • Fighting, though lately I seem to have misplaced that go-for-throat killer instinct. Drat.
I wouldn't call myself an expert but I am good at

designing (fashions)
painting drawing sculpting(with clay) and airbrushing.


SexySoBeChick said:
I can do that "live long and prosper" thing with both my hands.


Hey so can I, good aint it:D should see some people try it:( get in a right twist they do;)

I can rub my tummy and pat my head at the same time as well:D

I can recite, "I'm not the pheasant Plucker, I'm the pheasant Plucker's son, I sit here Plucking pheasants til the pheasant Plucker comes", very fast without cocking up:D

Sports stuff, well MG love too old now.

I used to play Rugger, (on the wing mainly Earl), too old now though.

I used to drive stock cars, (British version, heavily armoured things racing round a short oval track trying to run each other of the road in order to win), too old now though, and an injury sustained while the car rolled 6 times one day put a stop to that anyway.

Used to ride grass track speedway bikes, (solo and sidecar), stock car injury put paid to that as well, and of course too old now.

I'm pretty good at tech drawing, freehand on a board, electrical schematics, building layouts, and such like, 'boring'.

I have lots of engineering qualifications, mainly electrical again, 'even more boring'.

Oh and I can cook believe it or not, anything from a boiled egg, through a roast lunch to other stuff like spag bol and chinese/indian tackle, kids love it when I do the cooking, wifey gets a bit shitty jealous though when they say it's better than hers, so I don't do it often.

Re: Yo

pop_54 said:
Hey so can I, good aint it:D should see some people try it:( get in a right twist they do;)

Aren't we a talented pair. Now, if only I could learn how to tie a cherry stem into a knot with my tongue . . . damn, those suckers are slippery.

Oh, by the way, did you read the rest of my explanation about the Thesaurus on the other thread. I think I might've cleared up some confusion.

SSBC :cool:
KillerMuffin said:
[*]Shooting. .45s are my faves.
Dear Muffin,
We're probably the only female shooters around here. I can't get my hand around a .45, but I'm pretty good at trapshooting. Even have my own shotgun with the stuck cut down to fit me.
Re: Ruger

bridgetkeeney said:
I prefer my 22.
Dear Bridget,
I have a Ruger Single Six .22 that fits my hand nicely. Looks kind of like a cowboy gun. Single action. It's great for cans, but if I ever had to defend my life, I'll take the shotgun.
Boom! Crack! Reeeoooooooooo!
Ps. Dear Chickie,
I'm very safe with a gun. It's those who don't know anything about them that make me nervous.
gun racks


I agree with you there, it is just hard to keep a shotgun in the Suburban without it being rather obvious.

I do like the dispersion of a shotgun... it appeals to the engineer in me.. "Close enough".

I live in a part of the country that encourages you to kill trespassers. The shotgun is handy for this.

:rose: b
Young Pops

pop_54 said:
...Sports stuff, well MG love too old now.
I used to play Rugger, ,,, too old now though.
Used to ride grass track speedway bikes ... and of course too old now.
Dear, dear Pops,

You, Rumple and Gauche make me nuts with saying you're old. I am older than any of you and I am NOT old. Cut it out. I hate being called a "mature" or "older" woman. What the fuck does that mean? I am in a fine prime of my life, don't look 'old' and rarely feel mature. ;)

Pirate man, you've got so much boy in your head (where it counts) you make Earl sound middle-aged*. This girl knows.

luv, Perdita :rose:

*sorry Earl, had to use a strong illustration.
Re: gun racks

bridgetkeeney said:
I agree with you there, it is just hard to keep a shotgun in the Suburban without it being rather obvious.
I do like the dispersion of a shotgun... it appeals to the engineer in me.. "Close enough".
I live in a part of the country that encourages you to kill trespassers. The shotgun is handy for this.
:rose: b
Dear Bridget.
You don't carry a gun in your car in Calif. Also, if you shoot a trespasser, you'd better be sure he's in your house. I can live with that. Also, I like the idea that a shotgun allows a margin of error. It also rarely causes the type of damage that lets a shootee recover and sue.
Back again

I'm an expert web application developer using ASP, PHP, JSP, ActiveX DLL, Perl, C++, Visual Basic, and Java against Oracle9iAS, SQL Server, MySQL, DB2, Access, and FoxPro.

I'm also an expert in graphics and web design, teaching both using Photoshop, Illustrator, Flash, Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Poser, Final Cut, Premiere, and Cool Edit Pro.

I feel I am an expert in these areas, because I teach, consult, and work at them daily for a living as a career.
Re: Re: gun racks

MathGirl said:
Dear Bridget.
You don't carry a gun in your car in Calif. Also, if you shoot a trespasser, you'd better be sure he's in your house. I can live with that. Also, I like the idea that a shotgun allows a margin of error. It also rarely causes the type of damage that lets a shootee recover and sue.

I like your way of thinking, honey. ;-)

I'm interested in learning to shoot, but have not yet had the opportunity. Yeah, kids change your perspective--I would go for a shotgun too, though I doubt I could handle anything larger than a fourteen-gauge. The question is where to keep it when I have two enterprising boys who like to climb.

Re: Re: Re: gun racks

Madame Manga said:
I like your way of thinking, honey. ;-)

I'm interested in learning to shoot, but have not yet had the opportunity. Yeah, kids change your perspective--I would go for a shotgun too, though I doubt I could handle anything larger than a fourteen-gauge. The question is where to keep it when I have two enterprising boys who like to climb.


Try out a 12 gauge with an 18 inch barrel. Load a slug as your first round followed by two OO'bucks and end with two more slugs. The idea is to live to tell your story.

If you find that you have an unwanted person at your door. Yell "Go Away" and then be silent. Stand closer to the door and rack a round into the chamber. Pause to hear footsteps running away from your door. If it is an idiot, lower the weapon to your hip pressing it against your hip with your forearm while point the business end about waist level at the door. Hold your trigger finger straight parallel to the trigger well. Wait and hope that the idiot has decided to live another day. If you are dealing with an extremely stupid person, wait for him/her to breech your domicile and pull the trigger. Don't squeeze it, pull it. You would not be holding a handgun. The first round has the power to stop a vehicle. Immediately rack the second round in the chamber. If you detect any movement whatsoever pull the trigger again, rack another round and pull the trigger once more. You maybe dealing with more than one idiot. Raise the butt to the socket of your should and rack another round. At this point you want to stop any suffering from the previous rounds. Aim and fire for effect.

When you go to court there should only be one story that's told...yours.
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Solid slugs? Now that's how to deal with a situation when a situation arises. ;-) A gal I used to work with told me that she had never gotten past the 'rack the round into the chamber' step; that took care of anyone with an ounce of gray cells, no matter how drunk and disorderly.

There aren't many things I'm real good at, but i'm okay at more than a few.

Business - My partners always get a good return, whether I make money or not. I seldom have trouble putting a deal together.

Chess - Used to play tournament chess and won a few.

Driving - Handle a car pretty well and used to drive a whole lot.

Handyman - Can fix damn near anything and probably have a tool for the job. Hammer drill, pipe bender, duct tape

Poker - Love to play poker and i'm not going for any easy jokes - feel free to make your own

Politics - Never lost a race and everybody I've managed has won.

Sales - Used to make my living selling.

Sports - Coached and played baseball, basketball and football. Play tennis and golf. Water and snow ski on occasion.

Couldn't help but notice the guns mentioned and the names involved. Let's see:

KILLER Muffin prefers a .45 - Doesn't want to chance a survivor, I suppose.

MATH Girl likes a scatter gun - Going with the odds on sure fire hits and loves the high db's.

BRIDGETkeeney opts for a dainty little .22 - She can get off more rounds while staying on target and inflicting more wounds.

Now, I literally cut my teeth on a nickle plated, pearl handled, Smith & Wesson .38 revolver with a 6" barrel. I have been shot at and chased through the streets while wearing nothing but a Bulova and returned to retrieve my clothes. Guns don't overly frighten me.

But the thougt of KM, MG and BK armed, armed to suit their names mind you, gives me a little, just a little, pause for concern.

Re: Guns

Awful Arthur said:
But the thougt of KM, MG and BK armed, armed to suit their names mind you, gives me a little, just a little, pause for concern.


Ah, but AA you wouldn't be foolish enough to mess with anything important to the three of us, would you?

If anything, knowing that the three of us can handle guns and protect ourselves should give you comfort. If more women were proficient I hazard to guess that fewer would be victims. The anti-gun people never mention the number of crimes averted because of weapon possession by law abiding citizens.

I like the sequence you have outlined. I know what I will be getting for Christmas this year.


I got my concealed weapons permit for the times when I travel where the cell phone won't pick up. I live in the RURAL South. Every law enforcement official that has seen my permit has said "Wish there were more like you."

In our state, as long as you can drag the pieces inside, trespassers are fair game. It's amazing the rarity of them around here. ;)


I didn't get any boys. I do store my clips separately from my gun and make sure that the chamber is empty every time I remove a clip. I also make the girls go shooting with me. They really don't like the noise and the kick of the gun, but they are getting better. They have seen the damage the bullets can do and are rather in awe of the gun.

:rose: b
Reasonable Force?

In the UK owning a handgun is illegal.

Using a shotgun to protect yourself or your property is illegal.

You can only use "reasonable force" if your person is threatened.

The safest thing to do and stay within the law is to run away - even inside your own house. Use of any weapon to defend yourself is not "reasonable force" unless there are special circumstances e.g. recently a blind man used a knife to defend himself against a young drunk who kicked the front door down. The young drunk died and the blind man was NOT prosecuted. That decision offended the local layabouts so the blind man's house was torched. The blind man is now reluctant to return home.

Trespass is a civil offence, not a criminal one, so finding someone inside your house does not mean a crime has been committed. If you are threatened it is your word against the trespasser's. It is a no win situation for a householder. The law MIGHT be changed shortly but as it is now, someone breaking into your house has more rights than you do and will get a public defender. You as the victim get no help at all.

If the trespasser is high on drugs and therefore does not feel pain immediately the amount of force necessary to stop the trespasser is likely to be considered "excessive" and the householder is at risk of going to jail.

It is madness but that is the state of the law in the UK.

Re: Re: Guns

Did I just hear a 12 gauge being racked? Did I just hear BRAACCCKK-WHACK?

I didn't mean to offend any of you ladies and I sincerely hope you don't think that I did. Sometimes my remarks come out wrong. I think it is from chewing on nickel when I was a baby.
Sincerely and affectionately,
Awful Arthur :rose: :rose: :rose:
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Shooting is great fun and very relaxing. I used to go to our local gun range about every weekend to cap off a few 100 rounds. It's been close to 7 years since I've shot off any rounds, I think I'm getting an itch for it again. I owned a 380 at the time and found it pretty easy to shoot. I was also pretty fond of a 45. My step father was a big gun collector so I have been around guns most of my life. When I became a teenager he insisted that I learn to shoot for self defense purposes. My first gun was an itty bitty 22, which I didn't like at all, too small and didn't like the way it felt in my hand. So I bought a 380 and was happy.
When I divorced my ex got all the guns, I sure miss my 380.

Re: Re: Guns

Those are almost impossible to get in Calif. Besides, it's kind of hard to conceal a Browning O/U 12 ga.
Re: Re: Re: Guns

MathGirl said:
Besides, it's kind of hard to conceal a Browning O/U 12 ga.
MG: Have to laugh at the thought of you concealing anything. You've never been at 100 lbs. right?

your friend, Perdita