I'm the expert (a feel good thread for everyone)

Re: beating a dead horse.

rhinoguy said:
Ogg, (pop, earl...or any brits)

Do Bobbies still not carry firearms? (just batons/clubs).

Normal on the street bobbies nope, no guns, but there are always exceptions to the rules, within certain homeoffice guidelines.

Strange thing on the beat Bobbies wear, more often than not, body armour.

I know the police "force" HAS weapons beyond just "bashing ones".
and SWAT teams...etc

Yes and Yes.....
Armored underwear

Why said:
Normal on the street bobbies nope, no guns,
Good grief, who would want to be a copper if you didn't get to carry a gun? Probably not even allowed to drive fast, which is another prime reason to join the police. Kevlar garter belt sounds very uncomfortable.
Re: Armored underwear

MathGirl said:
Good grief, who would want to be a copper if you didn't get to carry a gun? Probably not even allowed to drive fast, which is another prime reason to join the police. Kevlar garter belt sounds very uncomfortable.

Oh they drive fast ;) and for some reason don't like you too, tend to sit hidden on country lanes with a radar gun..... (Why, who has 6 points on their drving license and likes to go fast....*sigh*)

Garter belts should be velvet, silk and lace with small ribbons and bells....:rolleyes:
Re: Re: Armored underwear

Originally posted by Why Garter belts should be velvet, silk and lace with small ribbons and bells
Dear Why,
Bells? Oh, dear.
Pookie's favorite subject

If we go back to the thread about cross dressing singing cowboys, I could understand garter belts with bells.
Rhin-Oh, Madame Perdita finds rough *and* romantic intriguing. ;)

Re. chaps, I went to an opening night at the SF opera once (being one of the handful of people who actually go to hear the music on opening night) when all the society babes and dudes dress up. But being SF I can still vividly recall a young studly queer thing who wore only black leather chaps below the waist. Can't recall what else he looked like for I waited for him to turn around and walk away; the arse and flapping leather is imprinted in the lewdness sector of my mind's eye. Yummy sight to behold before Puccini.

rhinoguy said:
I'm pretty tame about the "rough"...

Tame about the rough, nice turn of phrase. Same sensibility here (not always tempered with common sense).

Purrd :rose:
Uhm, to get back on topic...

I remember random stuff. All SORTS of random stuff. So random I can't even categorize most of it. Lines from books and movies, mostly, but other things as well.

I can do fake falls really well. I'm not sure where or why I learned this, but at any given moment I can just tip over and not get hurt on the landing. It's very useful in some comedy situations.

I proofread papers. This is a handy talent for a college student. Most of the time I just tell people, "Write as if you were speaking," but they never do. The stilted prose some people produce is extraordinarily depressing.

I took karate for ten years and ended up with a black belt before I left it (due to unrelated but incapacitating injuries). I'm not entirely sure why they gave me one, because I don't think I'm that dangerous. My teacher is one of the most respected martial artists in the world, though, so I guess I ought to trust his judgement.

I like singing. I'm part of one of my college's choirs and am proud of it.

I am TRYING to learn ballroom dancing. This is where the ability to fall down without hurting yourself comes in handy.

I would LIKE to learn how to shoot, but I'm not sure how wise it would be for me to become more violent than I am now. I'm also trying to learn European swordwork--the cutting swords that knights used, not the fencing blades of the Renaissance--but I'm somewhat stalled without someone to spar against.

I listen well. When the time comes, though, I can also talk a lot. Like now. I'll shut up now.
Re: Yo

pop_54 said:
I can recite, "I'm not the pheasant Plucker, I'm the pheasant Plucker's son, I sit here Plucking pheasants til the pheasant Plucker comes", very fast without cocking up:D

Ah, the tonguetwister game. Observe:

The Earl
Used to be when the programming department was contemplating a purchase of film showings, they would call me up to vet them.

Now, they use www.INDb.com I believe, rather than admit they don't know their job.