In the Garden of Light and Shadow...

I guess if you like a mess?

😆😆😆 You should see my garden... 😏😏

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Thank you, darlin'!
Oh.... You mean this odd face that I didn't notice till you said something? So weird.. since it's a gray blanket.

Thank you, sweetie! How did the rest of work go?

Good choice!!
Could be I wanted a better view, but it is eerie. Still you are the beautiful subject.
Mind blown...right?!
Yeah, "mind". Well my other mind. There are quite a few benefits to having multiple heads.

Omg.. are you going to sign up with Rogue to help cross the streams?! 😲
Of course! We need a Key Master and a Gate Keeper to open the door wide before there's any need to cross streams.

The guests in your bed might just be the early Slimers of your house. We need to see just how many are trying to get into your sheets.

...there lives a little flower. She likes to play with the dancing of light and shadow, and sometimes, even colors. She only responds playfully and at length to polite and respectful comments, whereas, rude ones will be reprimanded.

Yep, it's me, again.
I turn 40 in 20 days, y'all. Not really sure how I feel about it...😅

It's never a good idea to reward bad behavior, it'll only encourage more of it, but I didn't want the Peeping Tom to be too disappointed.
View attachment 2322533
Plenty of Life to Live yet! I'm 25 years older and still enjoying Life in all it's twists and turns, and turnons lol! Thanks for this elegant and erotic photo of a stunning beauty!
I hope you are having a great weekend. Some on so lovely, both inside and out, deserves all the best.
Yeah, "mind". Well my other mind. There are quite a few benefits to having multiple heads.

Of course! We need a Key Master and a Gate Keeper to open the door wide before there's any need to cross streams.

The guests in your bed might just be the early Slimers of your house. We need to see just how many are trying to get into your sheets.

I imagine you as someone who stares at a line that's just been drawn in the sand, pondering it's width, depth, and length. Then tap it with the toe of your shoe.. then step your foot directly ontop of it... then jump.

You jumped a mental line I didn't even know was in place with comparing any visitors to my bedroom as Slimers. 🤮🤮🤮🤮
Sure! Vine not? ;) 😁
(Or is that vine knot?)

That would be bound to please, and even the eventual disentangling would be de-vine!

Yeah, I know — :rolleyes::rolleyes:🤦‍♀️
Oh, the puns!! Was it painful for you to type all of that? 🤪
Plenty of Life to Live yet! I'm 25 years older and still enjoying Life in all it's twists and turns, and turnons lol! Thanks for this elegant and erotic photo of a stunning beauty!
Thank you, hon, and welcome to my little thread!
I hope you are having a great weekend. Some on so lovely, both inside and out, deserves all the best.
It's been relatively calm this weekend, I dare say it almost feels wrong for how peaceful it's been. And thank you for the kind words, dear detective. 😘 I hope the weekend is treating you well.

Oh, and since I've been reposting so much... Here's a ramshackle poem about this latest photo.
Fuck Love. Give me whatever this is. This beautiful pain that ceases with a look in her eye, the touch of her skin. Kill me with this knife - Kirk Diedrich
Hey.. There you are.. What a wonderful pic !!! Love the lighting
Yep, here I am. 😜 Just wasting some time
A very beautiful picture!
Thanks, hon! 😄
My dear those nipples are begging to be ravished.... But guessing you already knew that!
Well. I mean, they are attached to me so I kind of do know what they're begging for.. 🤪
You look spectacular
Thanks, Garfield!
Damn woman, those words, the light in the pic, and the focus...just the best.
Awww. Thanks, sweetie!!! The original photo was meh, the edits really changed the whole feel of it.
Delightful and sensual, as always 😍🥵
Thank you, darlin'. Want to steal some time with me? I'll read poetry aloud while you snap photos and let your fingers wander.
Fuck Love. Give me whatever this is. This beautiful pain that ceases with a look in her eye, the touch of her skin. Kill me with this knife - Kirk Diedrich
Happy August JAF.

I can tell you can't wait for fall to arrive from the way you tumbled so excitedly into the bed.

I'm not much of a knife guy so I'll do my best to make up for it with some extra forking and spooning and maybe a dash of the Aunt Jemima treatment.

