In the Garden of Light and Shadow...

Personalized cards really are the best. 😁 I would treasure your doodled dick and keep it safe from prying eyes.

Safe from prying eyes? Oh, I see. What you're saying is you're ashamed of my scribbled dick and would be embarrassed for anyone to see it. Well, maybe my doodled dick isn't as grandiose as others you've received but, you know what, I'm perfectly fine with my penciled penis - I would say proud, but thought it best to avoid an unnecessary overabundance of alliterative expressiveness - and I deserve, no, demand that you grab a ladybug magnet and slap that sucker up on the fridge for all to see! It's at least as impressive as that child's drawing of...what the fuck is that even supposed to be? A three-legged elephant with a cat head? Pft!

I swear, I've never been so insulted. You know what? Forget it. Why don't you take that card and shove it sideways up your...


She is an October girl dark lace, shades of violet, honeyed hues and tempestuous storm clouds You will find her amongst the dead leaves, with her collection of chestnuts and skulls
~Ann Marie Eleazer

Um. All is forgiven. Put my dick anywhere you please.


She is an October girl dark lace, shades of violet, honeyed hues and tempestuous storm clouds You will find her amongst the dead leaves, with her collection of chestnuts and skulls
~Ann Marie Eleazer
October is my favorite month and this is just helping prove why.
Lead the way...:devilish:
Then please come right this way... don't mind the circle of candles...
Safe from prying eyes? Oh, I see. What you're saying is you're ashamed of my scribbled dick and would be embarrassed for anyone to see it. Well, maybe my doodled dick isn't as grandiose as others you've received but, you know what, I'm perfectly fine with my penciled penis - I would say proud, but thought it best to avoid an unnecessary overabundance of alliterative expressiveness - and I deserve, no, demand that you grab a ladybug magnet and slap that sucker up on the fridge for all to see! It's at least as impressive as that child's drawing of...what the fuck is that even supposed to be? A three-legged elephant with a cat head? Pft!

I swear, I've never been so insulted. You know what? Forget it. Why don't you take that card and shove it sideways up your...

Um. All is forgiven. Put my dick anywhere you please.
Aww.. I didn't mean to offend you! You're worth more than a ladybug. You're at least a dinosaur magnet and a crab magnet from last year's vacation! Is that better?

Um...are you sure about that? Because we may have vastly different ideas as to where it should go. 😳
October is my favorite month and this is just helping prove why.
Corsets, fishnets, and fake blood galore! Let's wander off into the woods and create some new haunted tales.

She is an October girl dark lace, shades of violet, honeyed hues and tempestuous storm clouds You will find her amongst the dead leaves, with her collection of chestnuts and skulls
~Ann Marie Eleazer
Let's go make have some screams in the forest... Passionate screaming 😘❤️😈
Oh, don't mind me.. just reading smut..
As long as you're not reading just smut because that way leads to madness... sure it might be a fun madness but it's still madness.

She is an October girl dark lace, shades of violet, honeyed hues and tempestuous storm clouds You will find her amongst the dead leaves, with her collection of chestnuts and skulls
~Ann Marie Eleazer
An October girl? I've never heard of that but it makes me think of Tim Burton and Nightmare before Christmas. Honeyed hues is clearly your hair and tempestuous storm clouds are your day to day struggles and emotions.

I would love to find you among the dead leaves making Autumn angels and I have no doubt you have a collection of nuts though a collection of skulls is a surprise. What types of skulls do you collect?

Aww.. I didn't mean to offend you! You're worth more than a ladybug. You're at least a dinosaur magnet and a crab magnet from last year's vacation! Is that better?

Um...are you sure about that? Because we may have vastly different ideas as to where it should go. 😳

Well, if I have a say in the matter, I'll just take the dinosaur. (I prefer to keep crabs away from my dick.)

As long as it's not down the garbage disposal, next to the bag of mixed veggies in the freezer, or defenestrated from a moving vehicle, I'm open to a fairly wide array of possibilities.
There are trees that have fallen and yet continue to grow,
branches straining skyward, leaves turning their face to the warmth of the sun.
And, in them, I recognize myself.
- Kirk Diedrich
The swaying of the bells made this picture more difficult than it should have been. 🫤 The poem may not be sensual but it still strikes a cord with me. I could have air brushed the stretch marks, hidden my soft belly but chose not to.. why lie about who I am? I am flawed,twisted, and still here, still trying to reach for the sun
As long as you're not reading just smut because that way leads to madness... sure it might be a fun madness but it's still madness.

An October girl? I've never heard of that but it makes me think of Tim Burton and Nightmare before Christmas. Honeyed hues is clearly your hair and tempestuous storm clouds are your day to day struggles and emotions.

I would love to find you among the dead leaves making Autumn angels and I have no doubt you have a collection of nuts though a collection of skulls is a surprise. What types of skulls do you collect?

My darling Rogue, haven't you learned over the years? I'm madder than a hatter.

You could have swooned me if you had only said, "your eyes are filled with tempestuous storm clouds. " But yeah,my daily life is an off/on again struggle. Who's isn't though? 🤔

You wish to know? Then step into my parlor and I'll show you my collection...
Well, if I have a say in the matter, I'll just take the dinosaur. (I prefer to keep crabs away from my dick.)

As long as it's not down the garbage disposal, next to the bag of mixed veggies in the freezer, or defenestrated from a moving vehicle, I'm open to a fairly wide array of possibilities.
How about a pretty starfish then? I'll hide the crab on the otherside next to report cards.

I promise it will remain attached to where it's always been. As for that... 🤫 .. least my mouth get me in trouble, again.
There are trees that have fallen and yet continue to grow,
branches straining skyward, leaves turning their face to the warmth of the sun.
And, in them, I recognize myself.
- Kirk Diedrich
The swaying of the bells made this picture more difficult than it should have been. 🫤 The poem may not be sensual but it still strikes a cord with me. I could have air brushed the stretch marks, hidden my soft belly but chose not to.. why lie about who I am? I am flawed,twisted, and still here, still trying to reach for the sun
Understanding and loving who you are is key to a fulfilling life! Everyone has their perceived imperfections, but to someone out there - you’re their wildest dream and treasure 😍
Understanding and loving who you are is key to a fulfilling life! Everyone has their perceived imperfections, but to someone out there - you’re their wildest dream and treasure 😍
And you're a dear for saying so. 😘 Thank you for the positivity you bring to this place.
How about a pretty starfish then? I'll hide the crab on the otherside next to report cards.

I promise it will remain attached to where it's always been. As for that... 🤫 .. least my mouth get me in trouble, again.

A pretty starfish, you say? I can get behind that.

I would hope the trouble only starts with your mouth.
There are trees that have fallen and yet continue to grow,
branches straining skyward, leaves turning their face to the warmth of the sun.
And, in them, I recognize myself.
- Kirk Diedrich
View attachment 2401860
The swaying of the bells made this picture more difficult than it should have been. 🫤 The poem may not be sensual but it still strikes a cord with me. I could have air brushed the stretch marks, hidden my soft belly but chose not to.. why lie about who I am? I am flawed,twisted, and still here, still trying to reach for the sun
I’m glad you didn’t hide who you are, the lines, the marks, the little bits and bobbles are what make you, you. Your body tells the story of your life, of your struggles and successes. The tale of bringing life to a world, and keeping that life safe.

I for one think they’re all beautiful and wouldn’t wish them away from you. 😘
A pretty starfish, you say? I can get behind that.

I would hope the trouble only starts with your mouth.
To each their own on if the starfish is pretty or not, I think it's kind of cute. Oh! There's a clam, too. Rosy pink with a glossy texture.. maybe you'd like that one more?

Trouble does tend to follow close behind whenever I open my mouth, but in good news, I usually finish it just fine.
I’m glad you didn’t hide who you are, the lines, the marks, the little bits and bobbles are what make you, you. Your body tells the story of your life, of your struggles and successes. The tale of bringing life to a world, and keeping that life safe.

I for one think they’re all beautiful and wouldn’t wish them away from you. 😘
I daresay you are too sweet and pure for this damned board. Fly away you innocent soul before your wings get burned. 😇

You are a gem. 😘 Thank you..
There are trees that have fallen and yet continue to grow,
branches straining skyward, leaves turning their face to the warmth of the sun.
And, in them, I recognize myself.
- Kirk Diedrich
View attachment 2401860
The swaying of the bells made this picture more difficult than it should have been. 🫤 The poem may not be sensual but it still strikes a cord with me. I could have air brushed the stretch marks, hidden my soft belly but chose not to.. why lie about who I am? I am flawed,twisted, and still here, still trying to reach for the sun
As others said, acknowledgment and acceptance of who you are is the basis of peace and contentment. All of us are flawed in some way, but that doesn’t keep us from trying to find a good life or from treating everyone else with compassion and respect. Trying to reach for the sun is much better than curling up and hiding in a dark hole of misery. Keep in mind that you have the support and well-wishes of everyone here.

In addition to your innate basic temperament, all that you have done and been through, and all of your physical aspects are the things that make your unique self, and an amazing being, and you should relish that. We all struggle at times, but hope (and a measure of just plain bullheaded determination) keep us going and working for a better day. The sun’s warmth nourishes us all.
There are trees that have fallen and yet continue to grow,
branches straining skyward, leaves turning their face to the warmth of the sun.
And, in them, I recognize myself.
- Kirk Diedrich

The swaying of the bells made this picture more difficult than it should have been. 🫤 The poem may not be sensual but it still strikes a cord with me. I could have air brushed the stretch marks, hidden my soft belly but chose not to.. why lie about who I am? I am flawed,twisted, and still here, still trying to reach for the sun
You've fallen and you can't get up? I better take advantage of that situation... I mean I better call for help.

Yeah, string those last two together and let your mind run wild. 😜

I got an R-rated Cinderella vibe from this one JaF. I guess the star became a tiara, the bow tie made me think of an elegant party and the bell called for the phrase "I'll be there with bells on".

Feel free to show up anytime with those bells on and we'll have a ball. Heck I'll even find a convenient spot for a bow tie.

Our flaws are part of what makes each of us unique and interesting to many people. Removing the flaws is like sanding off part of the sculpture that is you. I applaud you putting the sander down and playing with other tools. 👏🗜️
