IQ and BDSM ?

Desdemona said:
I'm with you babe. LOL.
Yeah, but you're both *struggling with the noun/adjective* useful and that beats the hell out of a four card flush any day.

ethereal~minx said:
as for the rest... as long as You don't deny it's work in progress *biting lip*... i mean, in my experience men in general are truly less emotionally intelligent or perhaps less willing to express it than their divine fem sisters

*squeezing eyes shut tight & sitting very very still*
As for you darlin', i'm not a T-rex. Think Raptor ...
ethereal~minx said:
as for the rest... as long as You don't deny it's work in progress *biting lip*... i mean, in my experience men in general are truly less emotionally intelligent or perhaps less willing to express it than their divine fem sisters

*squeezing eyes shut tight & sitting very very still*

To be fair, they aren't encouraged very well in this direction, on the whole.

Wow and I thought you guys'd cook me for that one.
i thought You were cooked for sure N.

Could be that not many men here identify themselves with the description You put forth or are unaware (alliteration horror) they fit the description. Either way, it was an honest, imo, perception on Your part. Doctor serving humble pie with a dose of inner reflection and emotional awakening. Sprinkled with sadism and served cold. Heh.

Wll you certainly took that one and ran with it everyone and thanx for the input greatly.

Now wondering what response I would have gotten had I asked so is chocolate essential to BDSM ( seems like it is grin)

I love chocolate too !
Not many people would admit that their intelligence is not quite on par with their sub or dom partners. Acknowledging the other intelligences (emotional, mechanical) as complementary always softens that whiffle.

And of course-- chocolate -- the answer is always lots of chocolate. (I pretend to be so much holier-than-thou when I'm at brunch and everyone's clamouring for their coffee like dying men and I coyly sip my water, but the truth is my evenings are replete with the most vile chemically substances ever)
This is ever so slightly off topic but, speaking of IQ and BDSM. I recently joined Mensa (international high IQ society) and to my surprise found that they have an S&M Special Interest Group. I meant to ask this in a seperate thread but I might as well just ask here.

Any members?

If we get a lot of responses that could answer the question the thread starter was asking.
I think this is a fascinating topic. I was just thinking about something like it today before I found this thread, how vanilla is just boring and the same thing over and over again, while kink takes creativity, imagination, role playing, and a deep connection to the unconscious mind.

I was pondering whether kink comes from within or if it is a learned trait, and my thoughts on the matter is it is instinctual, coming from within, from a connection to the unconscious, and then it is defined intellectually afterwards.

So I really think the intelligence factor involved is not so much IQ as the intelligence of the depth of the natural connection to the unconscious mind, a la Einstein's brain and the naturally well-developed corpus callosum connecting the right and left brain hemispheres together. Most humans do not have this connection very well developed... but he did, indicating high intelligence, and perhaps this is a physical definition of a connection between conscious and unconscious... true intelligence.

Well I've rambled on almost enough for my first post... just wanted to comment, MENSA and BDSM?! LOL... Ok, so I'm not a member, but I was invited to join as a young child... wonder what would have happened if i did?! How did you find out about this special S&M section - and what exactly is it for???

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They advertise all of their intra-Mensa clubs in their monthly bulletin. I'm not sure what sort of stuff they do though, cause I haven't really gotten involved. (Joined mostly on a bet).

By the way, there are incidents of extremely intelligent individuals who have had their corpus callosum surgically severed to prevent seizures.
tabitha5255 said:

Well I've rambled on almost enough for my first post... just wanted to comment, MENSA and BDSM?! LOL... Ok, so I'm not a member, but I was invited to join as a young child... wonder what would have happened if i did?! How did you find out about this special S&M section - and what exactly is it for???


Welcome to the fourms Tabitha:) very articulate first post...
You would think a bunch of geniuses would come up with something better than MENSA, which is the Spanish equivalent of stupid little girl:p
ghosst_K&H said:
You would think a bunch of geniuses would come up with something better than MENSA, which is the Spanish equivalent of stupid little girl:p

But latin for mind.