Is it bad to have a variety of categories / topics / pairings on one author account? Would you annoy or lose your followers?

I would say that you just write your story, and then when it it finished, figure out what category it goes in, then put it there. I think you are more likely to irritate readers if you miscategorize a story, than if you try a diffeent genre. A few followes might choose not to read a specific story becasue it is in a specific category, or they might miss its existence entirely, but they are highly unlikely to unfollow you over it.
Picking your category is the key, per story, I think. Though, it's hard to categorise a FFM romance that also includes themes of quantum mechanics. Boy oh boy, did the LW trolls not take well to that one.
Which one was that? Sounds fascinating.
I would say that you just write your story, and then when it it finished, figure out what category it goes in, then put it there. I think you are more likely to irritate readers if you miscategorize a story, than if you try a diffeent genre. A few followes might choose not to read a specific story becasue it is in a specific category, or they might miss its existence entirely, but they are highly unlikely to unfollow you over it.
That's fair enough! Sometimes I struggle if I should put my spanking stories into BDSM or Fetish. That's maybe a whole other topic.
I must have completely missed the quantum mechanics. Was this monogamists or devil and the sea?
It's his backstory... can you really say you've fleshed out a character until you know whether they lean towards the many-worlds or Copenhagen interpretation?