Is Jack Smith Operating Ultra Vires?

Behind a pay wall, but how is an appeals decision a bitch slap? I will remind you that the same court just threw out all of the orchestrated complaints against Judge Cannon on the 3rd of June.
And I don't know what paywall you're talking about. I had no problems accessing the article simply by clicking on the link. Maybe you're so incompetent you can't even do that correctly. More likely, you're lying so you can ignore the truth.
So you think Merchan has violated the rules guidelines and ethics of the Court, but Cannon hasn't. Well, Ms. Cannon's superiors are the ones who bitch-slapped her for overstepping her authority, and I believe they will do so again. You may want Merchan to be punished for his imaginary corrupt acts, but none of his superiors agree with you at this point.

Getting reversed on appeal ISN'T a violation of judicial ethic rules. On the other hand, getting a letter of censure from the Judicial Ethics Board means that Merchan DID in fact violate those rules.
The appellate court order that I'm referring to reversed her decision to appoint a special master in the case, saying that she had no authority to do so. With prejudice.
Okay, so what? It's highly unlikely that there is a federal district court judge who has never been reversed by a higher court. Federal district court judges handle a significant volume of cases, and appellate courts regularly review their decisions. Appeals are a normal part of the legal process, and it's not uncommon for district court rulings to be overturned or modified on appeal.