Is The US Ready For An Invasion Of Eastern Europe?

And Ogg, I might add that he is doing it for the same reason all tin pot dictators do it;
they need enemies to keep their people in fear and thusly keep them in power.

(We even see it domestically and increasingly in our politics here:
those who would rule others have to have enemies.
Les Despicables need Deplorables. The
Political Scientists need "Deniers."
And Ogg, I might add that he is doing it for the same reason all tin pot dictators do it;
they need enemies to keep their people in fear and thusly keep them in power.

(We even see it domestically and increasingly in our politics here:
those who would rule others have to have enemies.
Les Despicables need Deplorables. The
Political Scientists need "Deniers."

I know. It is a rerun of 1938 and the Sudetenland. Hitler claimed the ethnic Germans there were being attacked and oppressed (attacked by Hitler's own) and therefore needed protection from Czechoslovakia. Once he had the Sudetenland (and Czechoslovakia's border defences), he took over the rest of the country which was not remotely German.
Well, we let him go into Georgia and Crimea,
why would we be now shocked, SHOCKED!
to discover that he is not appeased...

And President Xi is paying attention too,
he still needs to solve the problems of
Hong Kong, Taiwan and the Uighurs.

And Iran has a Jewish problem, but hey
the appeasers will probably cheer,
fund and arm them.
Obama and Biden are in that camp.
It will purchase Peace.
Like the pipeline.

They're going to invade Ukraine?

No, but while we're looking at Putin they are busy planning the invasion of Taiwan and building forces large enough to deny American access to international shipping lanes and worse. The Russians and the Chinese are now allied against the US.
You guys (L and R) are so creative.

You consistently manage to convert any world politics matter
into 'Trump versus Biden'.


Do you have any doubts that Biden's weakness didn't precipitate Putin's actions?
Now let us imagine the Soviet Union enlisting Latin American countries into the Warsaw Pact. Latin American countries remember and resent previous U.S. interventions in their countries. Mexico remembers that we conquered and annexed half of their country. How would we feel with Soviet tanks, jets, and maybe soldiers on the other side of the Rio Grande?

I think Putin has a legitimate beef. I mentioned the Mexico and Cuban scenario in my earlier comments, but we don't have large numbers of troops and missiles stored in Ukraine and Putin should not be allowed to dictate political terms to Nato or the rest of Europe. BTW, we didn't annex half of Mexico, we could have but we didn't. We bought it.
Patriotism is commendable, but this "US is the greatest liberator" is ridiculous.
Eastern Europe came under Russian boots to start with, because of you guys:

"Roosevelt wanted Soviet participation in the newly formed United Nations and immediate support from the Soviets in fighting the ongoing war in the Pacific against Japan. Churchill argued for free and fair elections leading to democratic regimes in Central and Eastern Europe, especially Poland. Stalin, on the other hand, wanted Soviet “sphere of influence” in Central and Eastern Europe, starting with Poland, in order to provide the Soviet Union with a geopolitical buffer zone between it and the western capitalist world. Clearly there were some key conflicting interests that needed to be addressed."

Yep, a weak and damaged Democrat President like Joe Biden was guilty of signing away a 100 million formally free people to godless communism. I've said it before and have never disputed it.

I'm not saying the US could or should do this alone, but Nato has to stand for something, doesn't it?
RightGuide says trump was tougher on Russia than any other president ever

I know trump wants that Moscow tower deal, but how does his toughest sanctions ever strengthen ties with Russia?

Mutual respect creates an environment for negotiated terms favorable to both.
BTW, we didn't annex half of Mexico, we could have but we didn't. We bought it.

Payment makes the territory no less annexed. We annexed the Louisiana Purchase. Annexation does not necessary imply conquest -- but, the Southwest was taken by conquest.
Also, does the scholar quoted in the first post think that Ukraine is between Russia and the Baltic countries? Because ... that isn't the case.

Belarus today is all but Russian-occupied territory. It is the buffer state between Ukraine and the Baltic countries, all of whom are members of Nato with sizeable populations of Russian-speaking minorities that can be exploited and used as an insurgency against those national governments as they were in the Crimea and in eastern Ukraine.

Putin's purpose in the Baltics is to undermine Nato and eventually seize those countries. First however he will most likely do what he's doing right now, create a pretext to go into those countries in defense of Russian minorities and challenge Nato to do something about it. If they do put up a credible show of force he'll back off. If Nato starts to fall apart like some members are now. He will go in and take them back and accept the costs.
Of course, the USSR being what it was (successor state to the Russian Empire), every former union republic other than Russia has a substantial Russian minority.
Payment makes the territory no less annexed. We annexed the Louisiana Purchase. Annexation does not necessary imply conquest -- but, the Southwest was taken by conquest.

We purchased that territory and paid off all Mexican debt to the people living there. Read the 1848 treaty.
Putin said that he's worried about the 40% of Russians living in Donbas, who voted separatism. Also about NATO's/EU's expansion of influence near Russia's doorstep.

What RG wrote in his OP sounds like one of those 1940's American TV adds.

I wonder if TVs were even around in the 40s. Did you own one then?
Let's let Canada take the lead on this one.

They did send a special operation group the other day. So have we, and there are 100 members of the Florida National Guard there training Ukrainian forces. Probably others as well as instructors on some of these weapons systems that are flowing into Ukraine.
Yep, a weak and damaged Democrat President like Joe Biden was guilty of signing away a 100 million formally free people to godless communism.

What else could he have done? The U.S. did not, at the time, have the strength to force the Red Army out of Eastern Europe. And certainly not the political will -- turn on an ally at the point of victory? Start a whole new war of comparable scale to the one just finished? What would Congress have said to that?
You know a treaty from 1848 but not if there were televisions when you were born? Yeah, ok.

I haven't looked into the television industry in the course of my education. For instance, I know that Lucius Flavius Silva commanded the X Legion in 73 AD when he conquered Masada, but I don't know off hand when TVs became prolific among the American population, or exactly when your mom started selling her pussy.

PS: I was born in the 70s.:rolleyes: