Is this board elitist?

Is the Author's Hangout elitist?

  • Yes!!! I have intoduced myself but been ignored. Help ARGH!!!

    Votes: 12 52.2%
  • No! We are one big happy family who value everyone's input *hugs*

    Votes: 10 43.5%
  • What's elitist mean? *As you stare blankly into the netherworld.

    Votes: 1 4.3%

  • Total voters
rhinoguy said:
mostly kidding:
Everyone here has a crush on TateLou (well..ok I do) naturally we hate you. (not REALLY). and we HAVE to be nice to you so we stay on her good side.:D

We ought to be prejudiced in your favour because you are supporting and encouraging Tatelou who is supporting and encouraging the NaNo-ers.

Whether you like it or not you are propping up this elitist (or not) community. Thank you.

Now all you have to do is ask MathGirl the question, post something about sheep, four foot BMs or garderobes and write something for the DurtGurl group and then you will be an integral part of this forum.

Just don't call Svenskaflicka "Sven" but tell her to get back to her NaNo writing. That might do it.

Regards Og (who should get back to NaNo)
Wills said:
... forced me to write a story, which by the way I've just posted and may possibly get through - it's a disgusting little alien incest story, but quite attractively told (I hope).
Can't wait to read this, Wills ;)

Buen dia, Adam and Loulou!

Perdita :heart:
Hello, DL,

Welcome to the AH. I never formally introduced myself, but 'stuck in my comments' when the mood struck.

I don't like your poll because it's the kind of questions that too many pollsters use that doesn't allow a proper answer. So, like some others, I will not answer as none of the answers makes sense to me. Personally I find the posters here to be an above average lot. And while some will take that to be a reference to the 'smarts', which is probably true, I mean something different by that.

To me, the best part of the AH is the overall lack of 'flaming' that is part and parcell of so many internet forums. Post something controversial here, and most will give you some well thought comments and not just deride you for not thinking the way they think. I like that. So I visit, probably more often than I should.

I often do not post, nor respond, as there are others that have already said many of the things I thought while reading through. But sometimes I decide to say similar things because I use different words or feel strongly about the subject. And, in case you had not figured it out, when I finally do speak, it is usually not short. ;)

I do feel that your posts at the beginning of THIS thread showed a certain 'chip on the shoulder' attitude, from which I inferred that you were not interested in what anyone said as much as you wanted to 'stir the pot'.

I know you are a newbie here, but am not sure how new you are to bulletin boards in general. If this is 'old hat' to you, I apologize, but there are some things about internet posting that is VERY different from real life.

I like Gauche's summary and think many other observations about this group by its own members on this thread make an excellent introduction. But remember you do not get all the clues of facial expressions, body language and tone of voice that help you in real life. And WE do not benefit from the same regarding your posts. And just like real life, the perception of another can be the reality, even though the perceived does not intend it.

As an author, I would think you would be interested in how your words are received as much as how you deliver them. It can be a learning experience.

So 'listen' with both eyes and an open mind and you will 'hear' a chorus of voices that is not necessarily in complete harmony, nor even in the same key. But, for the most part, they are all good voices; human and sincere. They make me want to be better at the things I do, and I hope I return the favor.

hay darklight how's the misses, nobody much talks to me here, but then i never say anything that asks a question, i just take the piss or post general replies. hiya everypeople:D

just come in and take a seat, then watch what goes on and chat a bit as and when, you'll find they all talk when it's needed, but are a quiet bunch normally if there's nothing to say.

lorri xxxxx nano widow.
Re: hiya

LorriLove said:
hay darklight how's the misses, nobody much talks to me here, but then i never say anything that asks a question, i just take the piss or post general replies. hiya everypeople:D . . .

lorri xxxxx nano widow.

Hiya, Lori,

I cannot speak for the others, but for me it's your av. I usually have to leave the computer, find a towel to wipe the drool off my chin and then as long as I have the towel . . .

What was the question?
2-cents early Monday morning

Good morning all:

I found this tread early this morning, read pages, and thought for awhile about a response.

I have been "in lit" for 2-months. Early, and often, I frequented the AH. Interested in getting to know other authors, learning the craft here, and was interested in how we could do more as a core group.

As in any group, in any environment, a core group forms, and is responsible for about 80% of the activities, leadership, etc. One of those "rules" learned over the years by researchers.

I participated in numerous threads, with I hoped comments that got responses. I still do not have a tremendous amout of posts, but with little, actually no response to questions or comments, I have since read threads, but have ingnored the desire to put my 2-cents in. No use. Unless the core is breached, it seems like the time is wasted. I was typing to myself, for my edification.

Elitist..... perspective, and results of the voting indicate a feeling of such an environment here.

I have shared some pm's with several of the core members. I do appreciate that. I hope to be more involved in the future. We will see how that goes.

Who was it that said "I don't want to be a part of any club that would have me as a member"? ....damn...dunno if I even quoted it right.

I could look it up...but I'm not gonna. the risk of what other people might think of me (yeah...right).... PLEASE people....stop yer whinin! If you want to be a part of a group...then be one. Post, post and post some more. Don't wait for people to pave you a yellow brick road and then spend all your time whining about why you don't see any flying monkeys yet.

Good lord... don't people get it yet? Life is NOT a junior soccer league. You don't get a trophy just for showing up. In have to DO something. Period.

Personally, I don't especially like it when someone "welcomes" someone else to the board, or to any board. It suggests that one person speaks for the board or somehow represents the establishment, which in term implies that there is an establishment here that you have to petition to join. Secondly, it seems presumptuous that someone take it upon themselves to speak for others.

A personal welcome, fine if you like, but it's an open forum. There's nothing to welcome someone to, and no one to welcome them. Very Zenny.

Re: 2-cents early Monday morning

mtnman2003 said:
I participated in numerous threads, with I hoped comments that got responses. I still do not have a tremendous amout of posts, but with little, actually no response to questions or comments, I have since read threads, but have ingnored the desire to put my 2-cents in. No use. Unless the core is breached, it seems like the time is wasted. I was typing to myself, for my edification.

Elitist..... perspective, and results of the voting indicate a feeling of such an environment here.


Not getting answers to questions happens to "core group" members as well. It depends whether the question, which may be important to you (or to me), strikes a chord with others. Not receiving an answer indicates nothing except about the question. The question might well be valid but if it was explored a few weeks ago then it won't get answers.

As for the results of the voting: I can't vote because none of the options fit what I want to vote. The poll is flawed because it has an in-built bias. I can't answer "When did you stop beating your wife?"

There have been several threads about the AH being elitist and a clique. It is almost impossible to defend against such accusations whether they are true or not.

The core does not have to be "breached". Communication with its members has to be treated like any other human interaction, with tact and discretion, and some understanding of the responses.

It is very easy to offend in any forum because the only tool available is words on a screen which can be misinterpreted. The members of the AH are not all US citizens, not all of them have English as their first language, and there is a wide range of cultural backgrounds. References to events or people that you and your friends are aware of might mean absolutely nothing to the reader, or worse might mean something completely different.

All anyone can say about posting on the AH is to be yourself and allow others to be who they are. If other members don't like what they see of you they will probably say so.

As for "doing more as a core group" - this is the Hangout, not the Editors Forum nor Story Discussion. If you look back over the threads for the last few months you will find many discussions about the mechanics and techniques of writing and encouragement to participate in competitions like the NaNoWriMo.

You do not have to participate in threads that don't appeal to you, or continue in threads that have served their purpose. It is your choice as it is for everyone on the AH.

The only way to join any core group, if you want to, is to participate.

Last edited:

Yes! I'm here, not writing. Let it be known that I'm on a break from that God-awful thing called studying and memorization for the other thing I do sometimes. Man! I hate rote learning. I will write for my NaNo today though! I promise. Let me get my head cleared so I can go learn more first though!

Enough of that! I try not to say much until I have something to say. If you haven't noticed already, pretty much what I do say remains, with me, right there on the fence, sitting, waiting for a push.

I had my emotional outpouring a long (relative to the AH) time ago, when I aroused some folks into a response. I doused some folks, too, when their flames were getting a little too hot. All over a ridiculous bit of trivia. With all of that behind me, I contemplated, sifted through the dross in case I missed some treasure and found, eventually, that some things are better left unresponded to.

There are various reasons for that. Sometimes I feel so strongly about a subject that I know I can't be objective. It would force me from my fence and that would be uncomfortable, though some would say, "Not as uncomfortable as you are with a picket up yer arse, girlie."

At other times I would like to play Devil's Advocate and provoke debate, but that would be 'shit-stirring' and I only like to walk with that stink on my character if I know pretty much everyone can be good-natured about it.

Perhaps I try too hard for approval, but that's my thing and I'll live with it. I like to think that it's me, avoiding controversy, mainly because, frankly, I don't have the energy to spare for the arguement.
harsher than meant to be........

Well, went, had breakfast, and now back.

Rhino....... thanks for the "hey"

I did not mean to make my response hard. I reread it, and it is harder than meant to be. In this little box, did not seem so.

I enjoy reading the responses of others here! Insights from various individuals have been valuable. Even some funny! Some with little thought........ Others with great thought. And the level of ability to repsond amazes me.

Depth, perception, humor, puns, verbose, trite, and more. A real world experience wrapped up and spit out for all to read.

Dr. M states it real clear, no one speaks for all, etc..........

Here is what we make it.

OnD, no whinning, I promise to play more!


PS: Actually over 8000 ft high.... light headed