Is this how we want to welcome new members to the board?

saldne said:
You could've gone about it a nicer way.

SEE! Thats what I'm talking about. The go about it a nicer way crap. Why should I mince words? I had whole paragraphs about why the poem sucked {the same goes for this post} but instead I chopped it all out and gave a blunt suggestion to work on the poem structure, something thats fairly easy to work on.

I thought that was constructive in and of itself. Apparently not though.

[sarcasam]From now on I'll just wander around telling everyone how great all their poetry is reguardless of what I really feel in the intrest of not garnishing two pages of worthless crap everywhere I post. It'll be easier than bitching about the worthelss posts that honesty brings.[/sarcasam]
Sins666 said:
SEE! Thats what I'm talking about. The go about it a nicer way crap. Why should I mince words? I had whole paragraphs about why the poem sucked {the same goes for this post} but instead I chopped it all out and gave a blunt suggestion to work on the poem structure, something thats fairly easy to work on.

I thought that was constructive in and of itself. Apparently not though.

[sarcasam]From now on I'll just wander around telling everyone how great all their poetry is reguardless of what I really feel in the intrest of not garnishing two pages of worthless crap everywhere I post. It'll be easier than bitching about the worthelss posts that honesty brings.[/sarcasam]

Um, maybe you should've kept those paragraphs. <grins>

Hint: if someone appears they're going through pain in their poetry, don't add to it. For some, it's not easy to write when going through a crisis. But honestly, I really thought she did quite well.

This time I'll remember to post the link to her response, but also quote it. I can feel the anger, and I don't blame her one bit.

Stefani said:
Angeline and saldne, thanx for the welcome. :)

Everyone else, thanks for the comments... i think.

To whoever said, "I don't like the structure"... why? What exactly is it about the structure you have a problem with? What made it so difficult to read? Are you saying you couldn't understand the poem (it's awfully simple), or you just found it annoying because I didn't put it in a cute little rhyme with a rhytmn you could tap your foot to?

If that's the case, sorry, I've got white man's disease... no rhythmn. Nor do I rhyme all the tyme. Was just trying to evoke a feeling of loneliness.


What advice did you actually give her? None!! You were in a pissy mood, just like you are now.

Also, you want to talk about sarcasm? May I correct your typos? You made quite a few in this post.
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saldne said:
Yeah, I know, I'm bold. Free speech and I speak my peace.

" Freedom of Speech is a great principle, but Silence is generally better practice and if you cannot achieve that I always recommend Brevity" :rolleyes:

Randolph Churchill (I think).
ishtat said:
" Freedom of Speech is a great principle, but Silence is generally better practice and if you cannot achieve that I always recommend Brevity" :rolleyes:

Randolph Churchill (I think).

Burp :rolleyes:
Sins666 said:
SEE! Thats what I'm talking about. The go about it a nicer way crap. Why should I mince words? I had whole paragraphs about why the poem sucked {the same goes for this post} but instead I chopped it all out and gave a blunt suggestion to work on the poem structure, something thats fairly easy to work on.

I thought that was constructive in and of itself. Apparently not though.

[sarcasam]From now on I'll just wander around telling everyone how great all their poetry is reguardless of what I really feel in the intrest of not garnishing two pages of worthless crap everywhere I post. It'll be easier than bitching about the worthelss posts that honesty brings.[/sarcasam]
Sin, I'm trying to figure out why you had whole paragraphs of why it sucked? What made you feel that it was necessary to tell this person her poem sucked? You don't have to praise a poem you don't like. Simply offer some constructive feedback, and if you can't find anything of value in the poem, then move on. If you tell her it sucks, you make that person feel bad, and what does it do for you? There are other poetry boards on the web where people want critiques, without minced words. It's different here for some of the posters--not all. We have a mix of poets, and people who just want to write words and they have no desire to grow. I do recall the comment you left about structure. It was constructive enough, but you did need to go into more detail and explain to her how the structure didn't work for you. And yes, your comment could have been softened. It doesn't hurt to mince words a little when you're dealing with someone's feelings. One last thing for us all to remember, because many times we don't: tact.
Sins666 said:
SEE! Thats what I'm talking about. The go about it a nicer way crap. Why should I mince words? I had whole paragraphs about why the poem sucked {the same goes for this post} but instead I chopped it all out and gave a blunt suggestion to work on the poem structure, something thats fairly easy to work on.

I thought that was constructive in and of itself. Apparently not though.

and thats the only poem your commented on as far as I can see
why that one if I may ask?

if I walk into your place of work and say to you " You can do that alot better, the way you do it pisses me off" and walk away how much attention are you going to pay to me.?
Chances are you'd say " Who the fuck is this guy and what does he know about it?"
which is where your " writing credentials" come into play.
You can voice an opinion but if you can't demonstrate to me theres a reason for your suggestions , or that you at least understand what you are talking about, why should I give a shit what you say?

[sarcasam]From now on I'll just wander around telling everyone how great all their poetry is reguardless of what I really feel in the intrest of not garnishing two pages of worthless crap everywhere I post. It'll be easier than bitching about the worthelss posts that honesty brings.[/sarcasam]

Please continue to spread your honesty among us all
every man is our teacher
but don't be surprised if people either ignore you or argue about what you say.
You make a statement and people disagree they get to voice their opinion too
that's the way it works

good luck
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Sins666 said:
SEE! Thats what I'm talking about. The go about it a nicer way crap. Why should I mince words? I had whole paragraphs about why the poem sucked {the same goes for this post} but instead I chopped it all out and gave a blunt suggestion to work on the poem structure, something thats fairly easy to work on.

I thought that was constructive in and of itself. Apparently not though.

[sarcasam]From now on I'll just wander around telling everyone how great all their poetry is reguardless of what I really feel in the intrest of not garnishing two pages of worthless crap everywhere I post. It'll be easier than bitching about the worthelss posts that honesty brings.[/sarcasam]

Don't equate honesty with cruelty.

Constructive criticism is about presenting whatever you have to say in a diplomatic way. You're a smart person, right? Then you should have no difficulty understanding that people respond better when you are kind than when you are cruel. If you really want to help someone improve, you point out weaknesses, sure, but you make it clear that it's about making the writing better, not implying some value judgment about someone's ability to write. That's both common courtesy and more likely to yield a positive result. And I've been an editor for a long time, respected and well-paid for it, so I speak from experience. My way works and leads to improvement; yours alienates people.

Of course, you can say whatever you want--it's freedom of speech, but if you want to argue (or note your sarcasm) about why you shouldn't make an effort to either be tactful or (if you can't) be silent, then you're the one with the issues, with some other agenda--not the person or poem you purport to be trying to help. That's what others here are trying to explain to you.

This forum is about helping people, not saying things that make them feel inadequate. If you understand that, your comments are welcome here. If you can't, you'd probably do better at a forum (and there are plenty out there) that thrive on the bashing approach.

Peace to you either way.
WickedEve said:
Are my panties oil or water?
Hi, I'm kind of new here, I was looking for the poetry feedback and discussion. I seem to have found the panties feedback and discussion, instead. Before I go can someone explain what pink justification is? and bumping?
anonamouse said:
Hi, I'm kind of new here, I was looking for the poetry feedback and discussion. I seem to have found the panties feedback and discussion, instead. Before I go can someone explain what pink justification is? and bumping?
"Justification" usually refers to how a line of type is aligned on the page/screen (which margin is fixed in a line of type).

This is "left" justification.​
This is "right" justification.​
This is "center" justified.​

I suppose "pink justification" could refer to making the color of the text display as pink, but the comment was probably tongue-in-cheek and meant to imply "What could ever justify/excuse/give good reason for making something pink?".

"Bumping" is the act/process of moving a thread back to the top of a forum without making a new post that is relevant to the thread. This is usually done by making a post of just the word "bump", or sometimes "ttt" which means "to the top".
This Is Great!

I feel like the question I want to ask myself is how I helped create or perpetuate this circumstance. If we all ask this of ourselves then, perhaps, when a similar circumstance arrises again (which it will) we can be better prepared and, perhaps, better people, better able to forestall such things before they start.

I have noticed that many here are quick to jump to conclusions about things. This happened to me personally when I first started to post here and, again, more recently. If we take a moment and communicate privately between ourselves to clarify any potential confusions, it prevents them from flaming out on the board.

Of course, I do not intend this to be a form of enforcable censorship but, rather, a personal guideline for interpersonal communication.

I believe that, with the great minds and hearts we have here, we can be open, honest, supportive, and kind with each other. If we choose that as our intention, nothing can sway us from it.

Just my two cents.

I love you all, and this forum!


Fflow said:
I believe that, with the great minds and hearts we have here, we can be open, honest, supportive, and kind with each other. If we choose that as our intention, nothing can sway us from it.

Just my two cents.

I love you all, and this forum!



Now that, boys and girls, is the type of sentiment I would expect to receive when I post any of my work here. First and foremost I hope for guidance; advice is always needed, but only if constructive, honest, and with the best intentions - both for the author and their work.
I come here primarily for the Poetry, but yes I expect erotic/sex filled poetry, as well as non-erotic versions, BUT it's the process more than the content that encourages me to post.

For heaven's sakes, give us a few threads where us shy lot can be encouraged !!

he came, he saw,
she came, she conquered
midwicket said:
Now that, boys and girls, is the type of sentiment I would expect to receive when I post any of my work here. First and foremost I hope for guidance; advice is always needed, but only if constructive, honest, and with the best intentions - both for the author and their work.
I come here primarily for the Poetry, but yes I expect erotic/sex filled poetry, as well as non-erotic versions, BUT it's the process more than the content that encourages me to post.

For heaven's sakes, give us a few threads where us shy lot can be encouraged !!

he came, he saw,
she came, she conquered

welcome to the poetry board. :)

post away, shy one.

you will get advice, and as soon as you show that you are amenable to honest and constructive criticism without taking it personally, plenty of that will be available to you as well. many poets here refrain from constructive criticism because of numerous episodes in the past where best intentions were misconstrued as something else, and were answered with non-sensicals like "i only write for myself" or "what makes you so smart," etc., etc.

since you seem to be asking for honest critique from the start, i'm sure you won't have any trouble getting opinions.

Advise and Consent

I've had really wonderful supportive experiences with fellow writers here. When I've asked for advice, they've given it graciously and provided me with suggestions that were truly meaningful.

There are, however, a few things that can cause hurt feelings and conflict.

The first is unsolicited suggestions about how to make things "better". As I've said before, in other threads, there are no objective rules to poetry. There is no form, grammatical rule, or syntax that is inviolate. Poetry can follow rules of form, grammer, and syntax but it is, by no means, required to. Further, following such rules does not, by necessity, does not a "better" poem make.

If a person expresses a thought, idea, feeling, or image in an honest way, using the best of their ability and craft to do so, I believe it is the unmitigated height of pretense and arrogance to come along and say, "Do this and your poem will be better."

I think it is fair to say "I don't like this because..." or "This line didn't work for me." That's subjective and personal, without imposing one's own ideas or esthetics on another. If, however, as a result of your comment the author asks for suggestions, go for it.

Another thing I personally have encountered is an attitude from people making suggestions about "improvements" that, if I choose not to take their advice, I'm an idiot. I know that this may test your credulity, but I kid you not! This has happened, and more than once.

So, if we keep these kinds of things in mind, conflicts and hurt feelings will probably not be an issue at all.

Just my two or three cents.


midwicket said:
First and foremost I hope for guidance; advice is always needed, but only if constructive, honest, and with the best intentions - both for the author and their work.


just wanted to let you know i read the poem you posted. if you want comments from readers, you have to check "YES" where it says "allow public comments".

as for the poem, in my opinion the alliteration is overdone. i found that having every word start with "S" was too distracting to the ears and eyes.

PatCarrington said:

just wanted to let you know i read the poem you posted. if you want comments from readers, you have to check "YES" where it says "allow public comments".

as for the poem, in my opinion the alliteration is overdone. i found that having every word start with "S" was too distracting to the ears and eyes.


Thanks for the comments, presumably on Shocking Stockings......
BTW as far as the "allow public comment" check is concerned, for all my poems - it is switched on.
Comments, therefore, greatfully received, from all and sundry.
Just a Lil Bump~

I found this thread very interesting.
It def. deserves a Bump~

Ok so I am new here too. Thanks for the great welcome.
I have read quiet a few poems and commented already.
Love all I have read so far.

Please feel free to give your Honest opinion on all my
submissions. I am no shrinking violet, think I can handle it.
Thanks for your time, an *Very Happy reading~*

Keep writing an live life to the fullest~ at least in your poetry.
If you are a very busy gurl like me, then poetry is life~
