Is this how we want to welcome new members to the board?

saldne said:
I don't understand ;)

Assuming you're still here..................

The "pink justification" was a reference to the member in question who consistently posts in pink.

The Visine was a joke about getting rid of the pink.

never mind - perhaps I need more coffee.
The_Fool said:
We can only hope. Do you think she ever wears underwear except to take it off? Whould you do a study on that for me and report back?

I think she should write a poem about that vicarious dildo.
Are you talking about me??!!!
There must be a West Virginia somewhere in Portugal. A place where marryin' yer cousin is still a sight better'n too much time among the sheep.
Tristesse said:
Assuming you're still here..................

The "pink justification" was a reference to the member in question who consistently posts in pink.

The Visine was a joke about getting rid of the pink.

never mind - perhaps I need more coffee.

Yeah, I knew what you meant. I was just playing.

Coffee? I think we all should go for a cup.
I'm leaving! West Virginian and Portugese incest plus Eve''s knickers are just too potent, a mix for these jaded eyes.

Tristesse said:
I'm leaving! West Virginian and Portugese incest plus Eve''s knickers are just too potent, a mix for these jaded eyes.

I leave for a few minutes and come back to Portugese incest? :confused: Does Lauren have a brother? I mean... sister...
WickedEve said:
I leave for a few minutes and come back to Portugese incest? :confused: Does Lauren have a brother? I mean... sister...

She has a brother. :devil:

I'm really just here on a thread bumping mission
Tristesse said:
I'm leaving! West Virginian and Portugese incest plus Eve''s knickers are just too potent, a mix for these jaded eyes.


Sooooo....when do we get to talk about your knickers????
WickedEve said:
Are you talking about me??!!!

Eve, you and panties are oil and water....unless they are around your ankles and you are bent over the couch in proper spanking position.....
The_Fool said:
Eve, you and panties are oil and water....unless they are around your ankles and you are bent over the couch in proper spanking position.....
Are my panties oil or water?
The_Fool said:
Oil, because I am sure they will glide down your legs effortlessly...
So, I'm water? That makes me sound... runny.

Seriously, write a poem. The whole water/oil thing could be some cool erotica. ;)
WickedEve said:
So, I'm water? That makes me sound... runny.

Seriously, write a poem. The whole water/oil thing could be some cool erotica. ;)

I have a thought.....let me get back with you....
WickedEve said:
So, I'm water? That makes me sound... runny.

Seriously, write a poem. The whole water/oil thing could be some cool erotica. ;)

Nope... I'm only getting images of scrubbing sea-birds...
The topic should be "How much useless/pointless bickering should be allowed in threads.". I seriously see more bickering and flamming in most of the threads here than I do actuall constructive criticism's. Then if its not one of those two its sugar coated ass kissing for either long term member or "newbies" to the boards to make them feel better and come back.

The only place here you can actually get a real opnion is in the "Not for the thin skinned section". Everywhere else you can pretty much take a crap, call it poetry and everyone says good job or something along those lines. THEN if you actually voice a "negative" opinion about a poem you then draw about 40 flames calling you an asshole blah blah blah..etc...etc. For example, I told a new poster here that the way she constructed her poem made it more annoying than it did help it and so on and such forth. The rest of that page and the next one or two were full of people just talking crap about "mean" people like me who ruin "it" for the new commers. If it was not about me being mean it was about the amount of poetry I have contributed, which in no way should affect the validity of my opinion.

Bottom line is you get pursectued if you even attempt to post something even remotely negative.
The_Fool said:
Sooooo....when do we get to talk about your knickers????

Hmmmm! Talking about "jaded eyes."

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Sins666 said:
The topic should be "How much useless/pointless bickering should be allowed in threads.". I seriously see more bickering and flamming in most of the threads here than I do actuall constructive criticism's. Then if its not one of those two its sugar coated ass kissing for either long term member or "newbies" to the boards to make them feel better and come back.

The only place here you can actually get a real opnion is in the "Not for the thin skinned section". Everywhere else you can pretty much take a crap, call it poetry and everyone says good job or something along those lines. THEN if you actually voice a "negative" opinion about a poem you then draw about 40 flames calling you an asshole blah blah blah..etc...etc. For example, I told a new poster here that the way she constructed her poem made it more annoying than it did help it and so on and such forth. The rest of that page and the next one or two were full of people just talking crap about "mean" people like me who ruin "it" for the new commers. If it was not about me being mean it was about the amount of poetry I have contributed, which in no way should affect the validity of my opinion.

Bottom line is you get pursectued if you even attempt to post something even remotely negative.

i think it was the tone of the message you left, rather than the content, that was objected to. its bluntness, offering such strong opinion without constructive suggestion.

everyone is entitled to their opinion. you certainly are. i was one of the ones who disagreed with your statement that the structure of Stefani's poem was a weakness that made the poem annoying and harder to read. that was also an opinion.

Sins666 said:
The topic should be "How much useless/pointless bickering should be allowed in threads.". I seriously see more bickering and flamming in most of the threads here than I do actuall constructive criticism's. Then if its not one of those two its sugar coated ass kissing for either long term member or "newbies" to the boards to make them feel better and come back.

The only place here you can actually get a real opnion is in the "Not for the thin skinned section". Everywhere else you can pretty much take a crap, call it poetry and everyone says good job or something along those lines. THEN if you actually voice a "negative" opinion about a poem you then draw about 40 flames calling you an asshole blah blah blah..etc...etc. For example, I told a new poster here that the way she constructed her poem made it more annoying than it did help it and so on and such forth. The rest of that page and the next one or two were full of people just talking crap about "mean" people like me who ruin "it" for the new commers. If it was not about me being mean it was about the amount of poetry I have contributed, which in no way should affect the validity of my opinion.

Bottom line is you get pursectued if you even attempt to post something even remotely negative.

Sins, I remember quite well your comment on her poem. It was a very sincere one about loneliness, and you didn't give her one nice comment or any constructive crit. with kindness. I thought you were rather rude, and I told you how I felt: trying to be as nice as I could, considering.

Sins666 said:
Okay I understand "poetic license" but the license you took out in structure is more annoying than helpful. It made the whole poem far harder than it should be to read and not a one bit better.
You could've gone about it a nicer way.

The little person running around, posting in pink is a totally different story. :rolleyes:
Sins666 said:
The topic should be "How much useless/pointless bickering should be allowed in threads.". I seriously see more bickering and flamming in most of the threads here than I do actuall constructive criticism's. Then if its not one of those two its sugar coated ass kissing for either long term member or "newbies" to the boards to make them feel better and come back.

The only place here you can actually get a real opnion is in the "Not for the thin skinned section". Everywhere else you can pretty much take a crap, call it poetry and everyone says good job or something along those lines. THEN if you actually voice a "negative" opinion about a poem you then draw about 40 flames calling you an asshole blah blah blah..etc...etc. For example, I told a new poster here that the way she constructed her poem made it more annoying than it did help it and so on and such forth. *

The rest of that page and the next one or two were full of people just talking crap about "mean" people like me who ruin "it" for the new commers. If it was not about me being mean it was about the amount of poetry I have contributed, which in no way should affect the validity of my opinion.

Bottom line is you get pursectued if you even attempt to post something even remotely negative.

* A link to this thread would be helpful. It seems to me that most of the folk that post their work in here are grateful for criticism - we're all wanting to improve.

If a poem appears, draws unwanted criticism and the poet cries "foul" it is always pointed out that The Reason poems are posted is for others to read and comment on. If fair commen is not wanted it's best to submit the work with the "comment" option disabled.
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Tristesse said:
* A link to this thread would be helpful. It seems to me that most of the folk that post their work in here are grateful for criticism - we're all wanting to improve.

If a poem appears, draws unwanted criticism and the poet cries "foul" it is always pointed out that The Reason poems are posted is for others to read and comment on. If fair commen is not wanted it's best to submit the work with the "comment" option disabled.

here, t.

Sins666 said:
The topic should be "How much useless/pointless bickering should be allowed in threads.". I seriously see more bickering and flamming in most of the threads here than I do actuall constructive criticism's. Then if its not one of those two its sugar coated ass kissing for either long term member or "newbies" to the boards to make them feel better and come back.

The only place here you can actually get a real opnion is in the "Not for the thin skinned section". .

as to this, there are certain "poetry only" threads that have specific purposes that are universally honored, for the most part.

"construction" - used to post 'works in progress' that you hope to get suggestion on.

"passion" - for 'flash' poetry

"thin-skinned" - for intense critique

"perfect 10" - for short poetry, 10 words or less

"reviews"- for "new poems" posted. each day has a specific reviewer.

i'm sure i missed a few. other threads are pretty much restriction-free. some turn into fuckfests, some into brawls, some into free-for-alls.

i'm sure if you are around a while longer, Sin666, you will see that is a pretty accurate picture.

PatCarrington said:

Thanks, Pat. I remember it now. Since then I've wondered where the poet disappeared to. Was she frightened away by the fractious response? Come back

To add the Pats list of the threads restrictedt to poems........

not sure how many words. (pretty much anything goes, it seems)

12 bar blues (for the drinkers among us.)
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I apologize for not posting the thread. I was just coming back to post it.

Thanks, Pat
There's also Poem-a-Thon and Share a Poet for posting your favorite poems by the famous and almost famous, Poetry and Lyrics for, well, lyrics, and Pic-a-Thon for posting your illustrated poems.

And don't forget to check out Where Are You Published for info on literary journals and zines accepting poems for publication.
