Isolated Poetry Blurt

Someone sent me some music today that is just plain dirty! I am sure in the 60s nobody sang ' I want to fuck you like an animal I want to feel you from the inside'! Mind you there was one (and the name of it escapes me right now) about giving head!

That is one of my all time fave songs. It's called "Closer" by Nine Inch Nails

I kinda figgered you'd like that one :)


oh, and your ref to the 60's. what did ya think a lovin' spoonful was? :D

I adore you, Doll. somehow we gotta meet someday.

Omg was it really? God I am so thick! I have got a website saved somewhere about what lyrics really meant in those days I tell you I will not be singing some of those at the top of my voice again!
I have a question
What constitutes what we can write about (and post) can we say write about murder? I only ask because something shot through my mind and it was definitely murderous!
Just like the California blazes that fire up the sunset ... red, hot and lighting up the sky.
No, not just like. Out of control Wildfires are not pretty.

I have no photos today. Real life's beauty just can't be captured.
I have a question
What constitutes what we can write about (and post) can we say write about murder? I only ask because something shot through my mind and it was definitely murderous!

Well, this is a poetry and fiction site, so I would reckon you can say anything you wish, but I would steer short of an actual confession.

But then again, if it was a true confession, how would anyone of us know? muawahaha ;)

No, not just like. Out of control Wildfires are not pretty.

I have no photos today. Real life's beauty just can't be captured.
I realized that could be taken the wrong way as soon as I posted it... but hey, it was a blurt and I say let the blurt live.

I agree, wildfires aren't pretty and I send out some of my strongest hopes for rain and coolness to come out of the northwest to douse them every moment of the day.

goddamn motherfuckin' blasted hellish bastard 30 in 30 thread. Shit.

Quit speaking my name in vain.

Here, have a cookie.

You'll feel better by tomorrow.
Quit speaking my name in vain.

Here, have a cookie.

You'll feel better by tomorrow.

*grabs cookie, munches petulantly*

No no, I'm not blaming you. Just the thread. Eating my brain, dammit.
It's not your fault. Tzara dared me. But thanks for the cookie.

Dear Mom,

I can't wrap my mind around how, after 42 years, you still find ways to hurt me and piss me off that are beyond my expectations and imagination.

You really suck right now. I hope you can read that between the lines of my overly polite letter.

Dear mom
grandma is a bitch, I dont think its possible that she is related to us
please remember that I love you, I miss you, and will see you soon
one of a hundred
Dear mom
grandma is a bitch, I dont think its possible that she is related to us
please remember that I love you, I miss you, and will see you soon
one of a hundred

thanks doll. one of a hundred and one in a million.

they changed their minds on the headstone.

long story, but it's about religion. Whatta surprise.

fuck them

I mean that sincerly, I hope some day your mother gets whats comming to her
fuck them

I mean that sincerly, I hope some day your mother gets whats comming to her

A Heavenly Eternity all alone with Jehovah, since everyone else she has ever known will be damned, doomed and cast into the lake of fire.

I hope they'll be very happy together.

and yeah. fuckety. fuck fuck fuck fuck.
I'll be better real soon. Just took me by surprise, is all. Not that it should have.

*grabs cookie, munches petulantly*

No no, I'm not blaming you. Just the thread. Eating my brain, dammit.
It's not your fault. Tzara dared me. But thanks for the cookie.

I absolutely did not dare you. I just said write something every day and do not be afraid to be bad™. I mean, just because that's my personal mantra, I don't see that I should be blamed for you being fucking brilliant every day.

I think it's loststar's fault. Or Sara's. Or, maybe, yours.

I just know that I've read two poems about losing pets in the last few days and both of them made me cry, goddammit.

It's why I write about things like economics. At least then I can see the effing keyboard.
I absolutely did not dare you. I just said write something every day and do not be afraid to be bad™. I mean, just because that's my personal mantra, I don't see that I should be blamed for you being fucking brilliant every day.

I think it's loststar's fault. Or Sara's. Or, maybe, yours.

I just know that I've read two poems about losing pets in the last few days and both of them made me cry, goddammit.

It's why I write about things like economics. At least then I can see the effing keyboard.

Will you just please quit trying to get me to actually take responsibility for my own actions? I mean.

Seriously, thanks. And thanks. and well, gratitude.

and condolences to Sara. Everyone knows what it's like, but nobody ever knows what it's like for you. Or me. Or her.

Everyone knows what it's like, but nobody ever knows what it's like for you. Or me. Or her.
I have only had one pet and he went to live with my brother-in-law in midlife, where he lived a happy and slothful life.

So, in fact, I don't know what it's like, except for you and Sara telling me.

Which you both did, extremely well.

One reason why poems, you know.
I have only had one pet and he went to live with my brother-in-law in midlife, where he lived a happy and slothful life.

So, in fact, I don't know what it's like, except for you and Sara telling me.

Which you both did, extremely well.

One reason why poems, you know.

How very true.

There's a Hindu story about a woman who had a single son and no other family. At the age of seven, the son sickened and died, and she went insane, carrying his body round the village and demanding that he be brought back to life.

Eventually there was a meeting, and the townspeople decided to suggest that she visit the yogi up on the mountainside, who would advise her on bringing him back. If nothing else, it would get her out of town.

She went to the yogi and demanded that he bring back her son. He told her he could do so, but there was a complex magickal formula that would need to be created. She had to provide the main ingredient: she must get a thimbleful of mustard seeds, gathered one by one from people who had never lost anyone they loved to Death.

She went back down the mountain and traveled all over the country, but after a year she had not found even a single mustard seed to fill the thimble.

She experienced a moment of enlightenment at that point, went back to the yogi and requested teaching. She later became a famous spiritual leader herself.

Got a mustard seed?
