Isolated Poetry Blurt

There are many foods good for people that are not good for dogs/animals.

An informative list:

I don't know why vegetables or rice are on that list becasue they are good for dogs especially rice if the dog has been ill. The special food actually sold by vet practices contains large amounts of rice and I have cooked it myself for a convalescent dog. Wild dogs i.e Wolves, Dingos etc get a lot of vegetative matter from what their prey have already eaten. Too much liver can give diarrhoea I know but a lot of dog treats are liver and I don't consider it deadly. One thing you should watch is giving too many large bones (cooked of course) because they bind the dog up and can cause a blockage and if liquid parrafin doesn't shift it then it's a costly operation.
One thing that's not on there and should be is the seeds from the Laburnum tree which are deadly and I know of a friends dog that actually died from eating them. I love the beauty of the Laburnum but I would never have one in my garden for this reason.
Champ pitted cherries will be fine wild dogs etc again add a lot of fruit to their diets and I used to have a dog that would steal the soft fruits from the garden before I ever got to pick them.
Sorry for waffling on but one thing I do know about is dogs!
I don't know why vegetables or rice are on that list becasue they are good for dogs especially rice if the dog has been ill. The special food actually sold by vet practices contains large amounts of rice and I have cooked it myself for a convalescent dog. Wild dogs i.e Wolves, Dingos etc get a lot of vegetative matter from what their prey have already eaten. Too much liver can give diarrhoea I know but a lot of dog treats are liver and I don't consider it deadly. One thing you should watch is giving too many large bones (cooked of course) because they bind the dog up and can cause a blockage and if liquid parrafin doesn't shift it then it's a costly operation.
One thing that's not on there and should be is the seeds from the Laburnum tree which are deadly and I know of a friends dog that actually died from eating them. I love the beauty of the Laburnum but I would never have one in my garden for this reason.
Champ pitted cherries will be fine wild dogs etc again add a lot of fruit to their diets and I used to have a dog that would steal the soft fruits from the garden before I ever got to pick them.
Sorry for waffling on but one thing I do know about is dogs!

Oh, UYS! You... No, I love you, I am so NOT going to go there...

*Switching to Anti-Perverted Thoughts mode*

WTF do you mean I don't have that mode - damn it!

(Isn't it amazing how you can have paragraphs of intelligent, helpful dialog and some smart ass will pick up on the one line that only a true perv would find funny?)
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Right that's it ........ bend over NOWWWWWWWW! You won't be sitting down again any time in the near future!!
It was a great party
Everyone was feeling Merry.

She left,
so everyone jumped for Joy.
Is that you version of the seven dwarfs were all sharing a bath and feeling happy so happy got out ......?
constant kicks
back aches
bladder bursting
so tired
morning vomit

children’s wonder
quite pride
desires shared
love eyes
little things

Two lists
equal length
unequal worth
What about these?

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my cup is overflowing
no saucer at hand,
so I watch, then feel
each drop - spreading it's inky
blackness, as the taste
of burnt sweetness
fills my mouth ....

my cup is overflowing
no saucer at hand,
so I watch, then feel
each drop - spreading it's inky
blackness, as the taste
of burnt sweetness
fills my mouth ....

Go Lord RF! I not only feel this piece - I taste it! It tastes profound.