January 2016 Challenge: See, Say, Read, Write

not had to time yet to listen to the pieces this'll allow me to and read/comment - sunday i'll get to it, promise! cannot wait. :rose::rose:
Wow, a veritable cornucopia - following
#6, interesting take on the only a dream tradition - perhaps mer bu tnot sure- Great reading by Tzara,

#7, AH or GP??? Another wonderful reading by Angeline!

#8, GP or AH??/ As always GM is rock solid.

#9 Alberta references make me think it might be tzara, lovely modulation by Champagne.

#10 mer?? - great reading by Sinseria
Wow, a veritable cornucopia - following
#6, interesting take on the only a dream tradition - perhaps mer bu tnot sure- Great reading by Tzara,

#7, AH or GP??? Another wonderful reading by Angeline!

#8, GP or AH??/ As always GM is rock solid.

#9 Alberta references make me think it might be tzara, lovely modulation by Champagne.

#10 mer?? - great reading by Sinseria

Neither 6 nor 10 are mine. One of these is, though. ;)
I've finally had a chance to listen to poems 5-10, and they're all so good!

GM, I really like the way you read. It just gets to me. Lovely.

Sinseria, you did a great job on Tod's piece. Really captured the essence of what he was saying there, I think.

As for Jazz Van, I'd know that "tink tink tink" anywhere, so I'm pretty sure Trix's instinct is correct about it being Tod's.

And, I'm in agreement with GM on "Farewell to the Patriarch" being Mer's. (Trix and Honey, too, I see)

I've enjoyed every poem and reading so far. Hoping to join the fray soon. :)
For amoment I thought I was in the wrong challenge thread with all the Anything But Spring entries.
I want to apologize (again) to everyone for the kind of haphazard way this challenge has worked so far. I did not anticipate how difficult it would be to keep track of everything (poems submitted for reading, who I asked to read it, etc.). I now have a spreadsheet tracking all that, so I things should start to run a bit more smoothly.

On a positive note, I am damn near ecstatic as to how well this challenge has gone so far. Great poems, great readings.

Thanks to everyone and sorry about the delays in getting some of the poems assigned for reading and up on the thread. Technical support is on it. :rolleyes:
For amoment I thought I was in the wrong challenge thread with all the Anything But Spring entries.

Tod didn't tell me until after I'd recorded that he was going to put it in for this, not that it would have been much of a mystery, but still, I would have left his name off. :rolleyes:
I want to apologize (again) to everyone for the kind of haphazard way this challenge has worked so far. I did not anticipate how difficult it would be to keep track of everything (poems submitted for reading, who I asked to read it, etc.). I now have a spreadsheet tracking all that, so I things should start to run a bit more smoothly.

On a positive note, I am damn near ecstatic as to how well this challenge has gone so far. Great poems, great readings.

Thanks to everyone and sorry about the delays in getting some of the poems assigned for reading and up on the thread. Technical support is on it. :rolleyes:
So I walked away from the computer for a bit, stupidly without saving the spreadsheet I had just created.

For some reason, perhaps because I upgraded it to Windows 10 (OK, blame Microsoft), the system won't come back up once it goes to screensaver. I had to kill and reboot. But (thank you Microsoft) Excel had saved an interim copy of the spreadsheet.

Anyway. Now backed up onto offline storage as well.
Calli, great job voicing #11, I think the reading fit the piece quite well.
As to the author, I feel like I should know. I'm waffling between GM and Tzara but am uncertain it's either.
can't listen to gm's first piece, this thing won't get the plugins. shame

mr mousse, though, played no probs, with champers' rich, playful, sublime reading. loved it :cool:

piscator! here's some bass to your voice, man :D not sure what i was expecting to hear, but it wasn't that. a sad, honest poem that acts as a metaphor for a lot about life. nice it doesn't glamourise how the bottle affects an artiste's work. clean reading, piscator, every word clear. :cool:
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can't listen to trix's soundcloud :(

but i could gm's reading of 'untitled' ... again, lots of timbre to that voice! when i read the poems first, then listen to the recording, i realise i've first ''heard'' them in my own voice (duh) and it always surprises me how different they sound when read by others. a no-brainer, of course, but it still manages to make me pull a surprised face! that poem - something so final, so sad. not yet read through this thread to avoid seeing who wrote what yet, but find this spare, elegant, and striking all at the same time, those last 2 lines killer.
untitled n.6, read by tzara

this poem blows me away

is this an angeline, a gm? it's ringing in my ears, beyond tzara's crisp recording... it

it makes my heart quiver

*returns from a re-read*
yep, this deserves much wider publication. should be submitted someplace for print.
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no.7 jazz van

there's an underlying sadness in angeline's read that makes this feel sadder than when i first read it. it's there, in the poem, but i first heard it lighter, in a more the-world-can-go-to-hell-i'm dancin'-just-now kinda emotional voice, like a denial or a pushing away. angie's reading makes me have to face the inherent sorrow in its depths. :(
Damn 13-15 are good -a Trix triumvirate trio

Worship - somehow the religiosity made me think of gm but....

Anything - tod - loved the phrase "pity is like an overzealous carpenter it takes more every time"

Listening - such rich sparseness
hehe poor Tzara ! you must be swamped! Great challenge though! let me know if there is anything I can do to help.

I am still learning you folk here so I cant judge who wrote what and who didn't ...but I must say I have read and listened to each of them ...there are some great pieces here and some very powerful ones ...11 and 13 and love the line in 12 with dream spun skies ...just to mention a few ...they are all darn good works!