January 2016 Challenge: See, Say, Read, Write

Late last night I listened to all the recordings again (except my own; I've heard that plenty already!), and then I listened to today's entries just now. You all sound so good and hearing you all is such a lesson in the diversity of poetry insofar as what we bring to it as readers.

You all have lovely voices (and Mags I bet yours is fine, too, though I know I won't convince you to read). Don't y'all think this reading aloud brings another dimension to these poems? There are some poems here that, to be honest, I might not have done more than skimmed were I simply reading them and yet when I hear what your voices bring to them, I see much more in the poems than I would have otherwise. It's so easy to forget that poetry is an oral (and aural) art. This challenge is really bringing that home for me.

PS Trix, you should be doing voiceovers for tv and radio. Really! I'd buy stuff based on that voice! :)
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Re: "Femme Fatale" ...

I wrote it.

It's different than many of your poems. Often, your poems are vignettes, sort of impressionist writing that evokes a mood from a particular moment -- like "Caribbean Dream" (it looks to me like you neither confirmed nor denied that you wrote that one. I searched in vain for the earlier post about it that Trix alluded to.)

But "Femme Fatale" has such a strong conceit, in the literary sense, in that final stanza, with the double metaphor of pearls and sand. And the thing with the two eyes is shocking and ambiguous -- I'm not entirely certain that I understand what you were doing there, but I'm close enough to getting it that it is very tantalizing, it creates an itch in my brain, the mark of a good poem. The first two stanzas have a similar effect.
I love this challenge so much. Listening to everyone has been so fun and interesting.

Tzara, your reading of "Ever So Gently" may have made me swoon. Lovely.

UYS, I so enjoyed your reading of "black cherry heaven". There's something in the way you say 'tart' there that just makes me happy. A funny little thing, I know, but true. Oh, and I love the poem, so well done there for the author.

Honey, there was something about your recording that made me feel like I was listening to an old radio recording, and I loved that. Really nice ambiance for me.

Thank you so much, I was afraid I wasn't going to be able to read as I've had Bronchitis for the last week and still croaking and coughing like a Traction Engine, but I loved the poem too as soon as I first read it and didn't want to lose it to anyone else!
Thank you so much, I was afraid I wasn't going to be able to read as I've had Bronchitis for the last week and still croaking and coughing like a Traction Engine, but I loved the poem too as soon as I first read it and didn't want to lose it to anyone else!

Oh goodness, I hope you're feeling well soon!

Well, thank you, but that's the poem coming through, not my reading of it.

Oh, it's very much the combination of both. :)
I've added some new readings, some with a new twist. This one features readings by four different (and excellent) readers. This one adds a new reader to a poem previously posted.

Hey. Let's go dancing in the street.

I loved the four readings on the poem hehe that was brilliant as it was a brilliant poem! Who wrote it? Todski from the deep blue yonder?

I must say I think though we could put one of those instruction manuals from nasa on how to build a space craft and Trix would make it sound good! ....(NOT that any of the poems are bad mind you !)

These poems are really great and its nice to see how they are read and seen differently ...you can tell by how they are read!
I've added some new readings, some with a new twist. This one features readings by four different (and excellent) readers.

I think my reading companions all did a beautiful job on Below the Scarred Surface. It was really interesting to hear the differences and the similarities in the readings.
I loved the four readings on the poem hehe that was brilliant as it was a brilliant poem! Who wrote it? Todski from the deep blue yonder?

I don't think Tod wrote it because he usually writes in the first person. It does strike me, however, as an homage to his poetry. I could be wrong. Perhaps it's addressed to an undisclosed celebrated poet.

Tod's had to vacate Lit a while for some reason. I hope he comes back soon and reads this. The poem and the readings of it are quite impressive.

My first guess at authorhsip is Angie; the second is Trix.
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I don't think Tod wrote it because he usually writes in the first person. It does strike me, however, as an homage to his poetry. I could be wrong. Perhaps it's addressed to an undisclosed celebrated poet.

Tod's had to vacate Lit a while for some reason. I hope he comes back soon and reads this. The poem and the readings of it are quite impressive.

My first guess at authorhsip is Angie; the second is Trix.

Heh I would guess Angie or Tzara personally but I am to new to everyone's poetry to guess correct
I don't think Tod wrote it because he usually writes in the first person. It does strike me, however, as an homage to his poetry. I could be wrong. Perhaps it's addressed to an undisclosed celebrated poet.

Tod's had to vacate Lit a while for some reason. I hope he comes back soon and reads this. The poem and the readings of it are quite impressive.

My first guess at authorhsip is Angie; the second is Trix.

Heh I would guess Angie or Tzara personally but I am to new to everyone's poetry to guess correct

Not me. :)
I don't think Tod wrote it because he usually writes in the first person. It does strike me, however, as an homage to his poetry. I could be wrong. Perhaps it's addressed to an undisclosed celebrated poet.

Tod's had to vacate Lit a while for some reason. I hope he comes back soon and reads this. The poem and the readings of it are quite impressive.

My first guess at authorhsip is Angie; the second is Trix.

Nor me...
I don't think Tod wrote it because he usually writes in the first person. It does strike me, however, as an homage to his poetry. I could be wrong. Perhaps it's addressed to an undisclosed celebrated poet.

Tod's had to vacate Lit a while for some reason. I hope he comes back soon and reads this. The poem and the readings of it are quite impressive.

My first guess at authorhsip is Angie; the second is Trix.

Nor me...

Then I'm stumped. I could risk guessing one or two others but no longer wish the embarrassment.

Great poem though.
catching up in here tomorrow, still plenty for me to listen to and guesses to tease the brain :cool:
GM, I'm enjoying your readings, and that last Phytophthora infestans in Willy's in the Sixth Grade Confused was downright sexy.

Remec, I really like your "exactly so" in the "One Love" read. It was, well, exactly so. :) Such a sweet poem, too, so well done to the author.

Angeline, you got a wistful sigh from me for your reading of those lovely, sensual memory poems.

Sinseria, that was a nice take on the Untitled poem at #5.
catch-up time :cool:

first off, i tried to listen to sinseria's recording of untitled - no.5
but this won't let me play soundcloud recordings. damn.

*goes back to see where i got up to*