January 2016 Challenge: See, Say, Read, Write

Calli, great job voicing #11, I think the reading fit the piece quite well.
As to the author, I feel like I should know. I'm waffling between GM and Tzara but am uncertain it's either.

Thank you, Trix! I'm still a bit new to recording poetry, and I was a bit nervous taking on someone else's piece. I hope the author was pleased with it, too. I don't even have the beginning of a guess about who wrote it.
I finally listened to everything posted so far and ..... damn ..... I'm just blown away.

Piscator sounds like he could do movie trailers.

I swear Trix could play Clarice Starling in an audio version of Silence of the Lambs.

You are all awesome.

And then I got brave enough to pull out an old digital recorder and practiced reading a couple of my own and OMFG YOU WILL NEVER EVER HEAR ME READ ANYTHING NOT EVEN THE INGREDIENTS ON A FUCKING CEREAL BOX!
I finally listened to everything posted so far and ..... damn ..... I'm just blown away.

Piscator sounds like he could do movie trailers.

I swear Trix could play Clarice Starling in an audio version of Silence of the Lambs.

You are all awesome.

And then I got brave enough to pull out an old digital recorder and practiced reading a couple of my own and OMFG YOU WILL NEVER EVER HEAR ME READ ANYTHING NOT EVEN THE INGREDIENTS ON A FUCKING CEREAL BOX!

LMFAO! That's quite emphatic there Mags.

Eta: Oh, and did you have to reference Silence of the Lambs, creepy ass movie, I'll stick with Steel Magnolias thank you. Well, unless I get to be the creeper, that might be fun actually :D
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Fabulous poems and wonderful reading everybody and so lovely to hear everyone's voices. I haven't heard your voices before Calli and Sin so I tell you both, that I thought you did really well on your readings.

Thank you so much! :)

Really enjoyed no.6 and Tzara's reading of it was perfect.
And I thought Trix's reading of no.15 was beautiful.

No.9, 12 and 14 full of delicious imagery to be enjoyed, that are all Tods???

Trix's reading of anything is gorgeous, isn't it? Love listening to her.

Nos. 10, 12, & 14 are all Tod's for sure. I think the "tink tink tink" of 'Jazz Van' gives that one away as being his, too. He's 'tink tink tink'ed before. I suppose it's possible that someone else is 'tink tink tink'ing, though. :)
I think hearing the pieces read so well is making it harder to guess the authors, well in some cases, lol, a couple were quite obvious :rolleyes:
Nos. 10, 12, & 14 are all Tod's for sure. I think the "tink tink tink" of 'Jazz Van' gives that one away as being his, too. He's 'tink tink tink'ed before. I suppose it's possible that someone else is 'tink tink tink'ing, though. :)

To paraphrase Julius Caesar, he tinks too much; such men are dangerous. :rolleyes:
Nos. 10, 12, & 14 are all Tod's for sure.

I read #12 to the best of my ability, but I don't feel that I really understood it. I didn't get the "She is anything but spring" line, which must be important because it is also the title of the poem, and I was quite bewildered by the final line as well.
"Caribbean Dream" is by GM.

"Femme Fatale" might be by GM. It is a hell of provocative poem, one of my favorites from this challenge. My only quibble is with how the word "drop" appears twice in one line, which seems awkward. But otherwise it hits the bullseye.
"Caribbean Dream" is by GM.

"Femme Fatale" might be by GM. It is a hell of provocative poem, one of my favorites from this challenge. My only quibble is with how the word "drop" appears twice in one line, which seems awkward. But otherwise it hits the bullseye.

Lol, you haven't kept up with the threads. Caribbean Dream isn't GM.

I'm not sure about Femme Fatale, but I'm not feeling GM in it. It has a more, hmm whimsical maybe feel to me, like Harry or Mags but I have 0 confidence that it's either of them :rolleyes:
Ok, 19 reads like a Butters piece.

Excellent reading Mer, it had a great ambient sound, as if you were in an empty amphitheater looking up at the stars speaking it to the night sky. Only quibble, the recording was LOUD, lol. I had to turn my volume down to almost nothing.
"Caribbean Dream" is by GM.

"Femme Fatale" might be by GM. It is a hell of provocative poem, one of my favorites from this challenge. My only quibble is with how the word "drop" appears twice in one line, which seems awkward. But otherwise it hits the bullseye.

Lol, you haven't kept up with the threads. Caribbean Dream isn't GM.

I'm not sure about Femme Fatale, but I'm not feeling GM in it. It has a more, hmm whimsical maybe feel to me, like Harry or Mags but I have 0 confidence that it's either of them :rolleyes:

Re: "Femme Fatale," your mudder musta sent you to acting classes when younger. Your reading of it was wonderfully catty and reminded me of Blanche in "A Streetcar Named Desire."

…After all, a woman’s charm is fifty percent illusion...

I wrote it. I'm glad you agreed to recite it.
# 18 Tinder - I'm old enough and square enough that when I first read the title, I though it was about fire starting. I've no idea which minx(?) wrote it but there are some wonderful phrases "mismatched shoe in the closet" was my favouite.

Great read Lyri - love your modulation
Re: "Femme Fatale," your mudder musta sent you to acting classes when younger. Your reading of it was wonderfully catty and reminded me of Blanche in "A Streetcar Named Desire."

…After all, a woman’s charm is fifty percent illusion...

I wrote it. I'm glad you agreed to recite it.

It was my pleasure.

And nope, no acting classes, just a knack for story telling.
# 18 Tinder - I'm old enough and square enough that when I first read the title, I though it was about fire starting. I've no idea which minx(?) wrote it but there are some wonderful phrases "mismatched shoe in the closet" was my favouite.

Great read Lyri - love your modulation

Thank you. I had a lot of fun doing that one. :)
plan on catching up with all these tomorrow, but wihout even listening to tzara's reading of no.20 it's such a wonderful piece of writing. delicious, delicious, delicious.
I love this challenge so much. Listening to everyone has been so fun and interesting.

Tzara, your reading of "Ever So Gently" may have made me swoon. Lovely.

UYS, I so enjoyed your reading of "black cherry heaven". There's something in the way you say 'tart' there that just makes me happy. A funny little thing, I know, but true. Oh, and I love the poem, so well done there for the author.

Honey, there was something about your recording that made me feel like I was listening to an old radio recording, and I loved that. Really nice ambiance for me.