Joe Biden Embarrassing Our Country Abroad

There is absolutely no evidence the election was in any way stolen. How many rallies did Biden even hold? At the height of Covid he did the responsible thing and kept that shit a minimum. Also there is a difference between liking Biden and knowing we can't afford a second term of Trump.

The thing we learned from Trump is this swamp is a myth. Nothing more and nothing less.

Lets say a third party could get 30% of the vote that actually makes the problem worse not better. They don't even need. Lets say the red states go red, blue states blue and a third party takes two swing states. Nobody got to 50%+. Then the House picks. Is that really what you want?
The electoral college selects the “president” actually CEO of the corporation, er, I mean country.
What would be the alternative? Leave them in peril? Sacrifice American lives - to what end?

If you were in a similar situation, would you expect your President to say, "Hell no, you stick it out and 'fight like hell!' Show them we are Americans!"

I think not. Evacuation was prudent and proper in those situations. It was not a show of weakness. The Marines showed bravery and team effort to rescue fellow Americans.
No, a real President would defend them as sovereign American territory. Oh, and Joe left 1000 Americans behind in Haiti in true Democrat fashion, ala Afghanistan.
No, a real President would defend them as sovereign American territory. Oh, and Joe left 1000 Americans behind in Haiti in true Democrat fashion, ala Afghanistan.
The President told every American to GTFO of Haiti in July of 2023.

1000 Americans made their own choices to ignore that advisory apparently.

Haiti Travel Advisory
Do not travel to Haiti due to kidnapping, crime, civil unrest, and poor health care infrastructure. On July 27, 2023, the Department of State ordered the departure of family members of U.S. government employees and non-emergency U.S. government employees. U.S. citizens in Haiti should depart Haiti as soon as possible by commercial or other privately available transportation options
The President told every American to GTFO of Haiti in July of 2023.

1000 Americans made their own choices to ignore that advisory apparently.

Haiti Travel Advisory
Yes just like the administration said about those in Afghanistan. I suppose 1000 people could have been persuaded to stick around and be cooked over street fires for dinner.:rolleyes:
Yes just like the administration said about those in Afghanistan. I suppose 1000 people could have been persuaded to stick around and be cooked over street fires for dinner.:rolleyes:
So self responsibility is not relevant to you.

Got it.
As part of the rest of the world, it is Trump that most of us are concerned about, not Biden... Biden may well die before making his full 2nd term, but Trump is so unpredictable, so unstable, he'll bring the world closer to the brink of disaster than it already is if he were to take power again. He's already shown his cards for wanting the power to dismiss anyone in the public service that disagrees with him - who is to say he wont seize power indefinitely, given he was caught saying he wants to be a dictator when he didnt think the cameras were rolling...

Biden may be an old absent minded geezer, but at least he's amicable and gets the job done (no doubt thanks to his "keepers"). Trump does not ask what he can do for his country, he asks what he can get out of his position of power.
Yes just like the administration said about those in Afghanistan. I suppose 1000 people could have been persuaded to stick around and be cooked over street fires for dinner.:rolleyes:
Remember, these would-be creative turns of phrases are never used when talking about majority-white countries. And they are always said by the ilk of the person above.

As part of the rest of the world, it is Trump that most of us are concerned about, not Biden... Biden may well die before making his full 2nd term, but Trump is so unpredictable, so unstable, he'll bring the world closer to the brink of disaster than it already is if he were to take power again. He's already shown his cards for wanting the power to dismiss anyone in the public service that disagrees with him - who is to say he wont seize power indefinitely, given he was caught saying he wants to be a dictator when he didnt think the cameras were rolling...

Biden may be an old absent minded geezer, but at least he's amicable and gets the job done (no doubt thanks to his "keepers"). Trump does not ask what he can do for his country, he asks what he can get out of his position of power.
This is exactly what I have been saying about Biden- and Trump- for years. And why most people plan to vote for Biden anyway despite his low approval ratings.
As part of the rest of the world, it is Trump that most of us are concerned about, not Biden...
I don't know why. As far as I can see, Biden has been worse for Europeans and Africans than Trump ever was. Biden's proxy war against Russia in Ukraine has caused a surge in energy bills and food bills, especially so in European and African countries. That makes Biden worse for that part of the world than Trump was. Trump actually caused more instability in domestic US politics, by unsettling the crazy liberal journalists in the big cities who are actually the paid propaganda mouthpieces of billionaires and who refuse to tell the American people the real truth.

Biden is definitely more dangerous for the peoples of Europe and Africa, except the richest warmongers in Europe and Africa.

This is exactly what I have been saying about Biden- and Trump- for years. And why most people plan to vote for Biden anyway despite his low approval ratings.
Biden is losing ground compared to 2020 with most groups, except the college educated. Trump had already gained in these groups in 2020 compared to 2016 (while doing worse among white men in 2020 compared to 2016), and that trend seems to be continuing. For Trump to win in 2024, he needs to swing states like Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, Arizona, Nevada, Maine and New Hampshire. It doesn't matter if he loses by another huge number of votes in New York City, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Philadelphia, Washington DC etc. If Trump continues to gain among non-white voters, non-college voters, and young people, or a lot of Biden's 2020 voters vote third party or stay at home, it changes everything compared to 2020.

It's not beyond the realms of possibility that the Republicans could create a new electoral coalition in 2024, of non-college voters across all races, while the Democrats get solidified more as the party of the college educated and the big coastal cities. This would be a class divide, which the US elites have strived to hide for generations. Trump has basically killed off, in stages, the old Republican Party of Reagan. Even if Trump loses in 2024, I expect this electoral trend to continue beyond Trump. There will be no going back to pre-Trump times for the GOP.
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I don't know why. As far as I can see, Biden has been worse for Europeans and Africans than Trump ever was. Biden's proxy war against Russia in Ukraine has caused a surge in energy bills and food bills, especially so in European and African countries. That makes Biden worse for that part of the world than Trump was. Trump actually caused more instability in domestic US politics, by unsettling the crazy liberal journalists in the big cities who are actually the paid propaganda mouthpieces of billionaires and who refuse to tell the American people the real truth.

Biden is definitely more dangerous for the peoples of Europe and Africa, except the richest warmongers in Europe and Africa.
I very much appreciate Biden's support for Ukraine, and wish Australia was doing more to support them against the giant bully that is Putin. Should an entire country lose its independence for the sake of energy and power bills? Do you think Russia would just walk in and give everyone a pat on the back if we were not helping Ukraine resist? There would be mass murders, more than is already happening by them fighting back.