Joe Biden Embarrassing Our Country Abroad

It's funny how stupid wrongway really is....

Iran reaps billions in payments by kidnapping Americans, Westerners: report​

It was their money.​

The claim is American dollars were used.
its their money
Reality is, like the money returned for the JCPOA, it was Iranian money seized through sanctions.
We should have seized it when they killed America soldiers in the field.

It was seized you dumbfuck.....

Sanctions are a legal process, so to take the "sequestered" money and use it for another purpose not defined by the original "Sanctions" would require another legal process.
Are you ever going to get tired of showing off your stupidity here wrongway?
Manual fucking tool or power fucking tool?
Thanks for bumping this thread, now I can highlight wrongways stupidity again.

It's funny how stupid wrongway really is....

The claim is American dollars were used.

Reality is, like the money returned for the JCPOA, it was Iranian money seized through sanctions.

It was seized you dumbfuck.....

Sanctions are a legal process, so to take the "sequestered" money and use it for another purpose not defined by the original "Sanctions" would require another legal process.
Are you ever going to get tired of showing off your stupidity here wrongway?
You are the one exhibiting the Dunning Kruger effect you fucking tool.

You like me! You really like me!
You’ve been going through my history.
OMG, I’m soooo flattered. I said this on Sept 10th. You didn’t have to go that far back if you wanted to say hello, especially when I said this very apt statement about and directly to you just yesterday:

“IDK. I guess you got your alt back and what you’ve been heartily doing all today is some half brained effort at catching up to all the BS takes you missed out on giving these last few months? Amirite or no?”

I’d say I was spot on.
As I watched Biden speak last night, I thought about how glad I was that he was the one speaking for the USA instead of the selfish and insular MAGA movement.

Poland also recently turned away from bigoted autocracy.
Delta Force Individuals whom Biden's communist staff allowed to be photographed will be pulled out of Israel now that they can be identified. The Biden White House is the biggest threat to American national security there is.
Delta Force Individuals whom Biden's communist staff allowed to be photographed will be pulled out of Israel now that they can be identified. The Biden White House is the biggest threat to American national security there is.
Speaking of being "outed' did you hear the news this morning? They verified accounts that one of the last official acts Trump did as President, on his last morning in office, was declassify "everything" related to the Steele Dossier. He did not specify that the names of "Russian Assets" be redacted. These were two people in Russian intelligence funneling information to the US by way of the UK.

Those assets have not been seen since the day Trump outed them, and rumor has it that Putin (a former intelligence operative himself) had given them the "Kruschev Treatment" (thrown into an incinerator...alive.
Delta Force members posing for a photo-op is the bigger story here.
I know people who have worked in sensitive areas, there are no posed/photo-op photographs of them, anywhere. Their social media have pictures of their dogs or bikes, I cannot imagine them consenting to be photographed like that except with their backs to the camera.
Over half of the time now, Joe Biden isn't even aware of where he is and that is becoming increasingly, painfully, evident and he's an embarrassment to the nation, although we do have a small vocal segment who takes great joy in embarrassing us as a nation and, ironically, those people voted for Joe...


Breitbart as a source. You'll be quoting Newsmax next.
I think all of these folks either were terrible students (likely) or slept through any class in school that talked about sourcing.

This is why I keep suggesting they stop into their local library and ask the reference librarian about their “sources.” The librarian will tell them what a pile of garbage they have and find something with fact instead of opinion driving the narrative.

As a joke I will read one of their “sources” they provide…always 4-5 paragraphs before they even find a fact since it has to weave this creative fiction to setup some sort of “own the Libs” punchline.

But, people do like these kind of works since it makes them feel the way they do. They like being lied to, even though that is one of the themes they bring up all the time that they don’t like government doing that to them.

Sad panda.
Over half of the time now, Joe Biden isn't even aware of where he is and that is becoming increasingly, painfully, evident and he's an embarrassment to the nation, although we do have a small vocal segment who takes great joy in embarrassing us as a nation and, ironically, those people voted for Joe...

You're a not very smart individual.
Over half of the time now, Joe Biden isn't even aware of where he is and that is becoming increasingly, painfully, evident and he's an embarrassment to the nation, although we do have a small vocal segment who takes great joy in embarrassing us as a nation and, ironically, those people voted for Joe...

I’m sure that you can find fault with Biden’s competence in delivering his live address last Thursday, but nobody else is.
OP claims President Biden is an embarrassment, ignores his party's failures at governing and doing their job. Hypocrisy is all they have.
So the Biden team made a mistake and they apologized for it.
I can see why Trumpies find that hard to understand, to be fair.
So when will they apologize for the countless other instance of their perfidies against the American people?
Speaking of being "outed' did you hear the news this morning? They verified accounts that one of the last official acts Trump did as President, on his last morning in office, was declassify "everything" related to the Steele Dossier. He did not specify that the names of "Russian Assets" be redacted. These were two people in Russian intelligence funneling information to the US by way of the UK.

Those assets have not been seen since the day Trump outed them, and rumor has it that Putin (a former intelligence operative himself) had given them the "Kruschev Treatment" (thrown into an incinerator...alive.
Do you have a source?

According to the Biden administration Russia is evil and needs to be destroyed.