Just a typical AH thread - nothing to see here

Perhaps this positivity thread and being nice to one another is needed now more than ever!! I for one try to be open minded, non judgemental, humorous, friendly... A wise woman once said to me, "Manners are the backbone of a nation..." And given some of this nations (or people's) actions the backbone is in traction!

I for one, am hoping for a sudden outbreak of peace in the world. I'm the son of two military parents and briefly served myself. So I'm quite realistic about national security and self defense. I firmly believe the good people far out weigh the bad. And even if it's just a smile or friendly wave, it can makes someone's day... So practice those random acts of kindness, be positive and let's accept one another. I wish peace, happiness, love and contentment to all. Many thanks to you Emily.
Sweet of you to say and thank you 😊 .

Pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows. The 24-hour version. 15 seconds will make you laugh. More than that, and you start to go insane.

It’s especially impressive that she held that pose after they blew up her planet. No depression here, just righteous anger in waiting and readiness to kick ass. Any parent should be proud, sibling too. Why her son wasn’t… I will never understand Star Wars writers who think the bad guys should win.