Just a typical AH thread - nothing to see here

My positive energy today stems from the plethora of ideas running around my brain for a current series of stories I'm working on.

And I'm thankful for a good friend here who helps inspire them and let's me constantly bounce ideas off of her.

My positive energy today stems from the plethora of ideas running around my brain for a current series of stories I'm working on.

And I'm thankful for a good friend here who helps inspire them and let's me constantly bounce ideas off of her.

Well said and good luck with your stories
Back in town from a fly run to do my Dad's lawn. He won't know I did for a few hours yet, and anxious to see if he is glad I did or angry at me for doing his work. Keeping positive thoughts that he'll be pleased.

He'll probably act pissed about it but deep down secretly love you for it. 😀
I feel this is needed.

Please feel free to post pleasant things and to compliment your fellow Lit inhabitants.


There is a lot to like here at AH, but I find it especially edifying to see how quickly, and in such great numbers, people respond when someone posts requesting help with an issue, or has a question about the occasionally confusing way things work at Literotica. There is much wisdom and support here, and that is really, really great.
Oh, if acts mad, he is mad. No fake anger as motivation in my house. When he was mad he was mad, which wasn't often despite plenty of provocation by me.
Well, today I am positively thrilled that I didn't break a bone or split my head open tripping over a dolly cart at work. Didn't see it, backed right into it. 😧

And I'm thankful it's just a bruise on my arm, not a laceration or puncture.

What a lovely way to start the day. 🙄
Dad was very happy that I'd mowed the lawn. He complimented me on how well the yard looked. Then, he joked, "It was so nice I thought about watering it, but only for a moment. I'm ready for the grass to go dormant and for me not needing to fuss with it for five or six months. Maybe next year you can do the fussing, though, Dynamite ole girl."
He'll probably act pissed about it but deep down secretly love you for it. 😀
“Life is such unutterable hell, solely because it is sometimes beautiful. If we could only be miserable all the time, if there could be no such things as love or beauty or faith or hope, if I could be absolutely certain that my love would never be returned: how much more simple life would be. One could plod through the Siberian salt mines of existence without being bothered about happiness. Unfortunately the happiness is there. There is always the chance (about eight hundred and fifty to one) that another heart will come to mine. I can't help hoping, and keeping faith, and loving beauty. Quite frequently I am not so miserable as it would be wise to be.”
― T.H. White, Ghostly, Grim and Gruesome
I was misled to think I might get close to a person who was in fact an internet emotional troll. Oh well, at least I recognized the truth of the matter before things got too bad and got myself out. I can laugh now. Good. Will write soon. ;)
🎵 That's me in the corner
That's me in the spot-light
Losing my electrons
Becoming positive
And I don't know if I should do it
Oh no I've said too much
I haven't said enough🎶
(Random Electron Movement)
Great quote just to correct you slightly The Name of the Band

REM actually means Rapid Eye Movement

Named After a Pattern of Sleep. 🙂
The change to the name of the band was also part of the joke being made in the altered lyrics of their song.
A random online article claims that Dr. William Dement, an awesome name btw, and the scientist who coined the term "REM", was told by Stipe that the band was named "not after REM sleep."
The change to the name of the band was also part of the joke being made in the altered lyrics
A random online article claims that Dr. William Dement, an awesome name btw, and the scientist who coined the term "REM", was told by Stipe that the band was named "not after REM sleep."
Oh well he must have been lying to me when I met Michael lol 😆
A random online article claims that Dr. William Dement, an awesome name btw, and the scientist who coined the term "REM", was told by Stipe that the band was named "not after REM sleep."
Mr. Stipe has allegedly been very coy about that for decades, giving conflicting accounts of what it 'actually' stands for. Which was in the background of my attempt at humor.
Mr. Stipe has allegedly been very coy about that for decades, giving conflicting accounts of what it 'actually' stands for. Which was in the background of my attempt at humor.
Oh sorry is that what it was 🤣🤣🤣, must have been lost in Translation my bad 🤣🤣🤣