Just out of curiosity...

wildsweetone said:
i know almost less than nothing about geography sir hugs, thanks for helping :)


most Americans know nothing about New Zealand either.

For that matter, other than North and South Island and Wellington, I don't either.

There's a website for you if you're truely interest in having a look around NZ.

I've been told that NZ is very similar to British Columbia, if you'd like to know more, please ask. I'm kinda biased though, I love it here. :)
hmm some would call that 'hell' methinks ;) thank you though dear. and yep, it's looking like heaven each year that passes.

now i know Svenskaflicka is from Sweden... where has she gone? and i swear i saw a portugese gent on the threads.... come on peoples, step forward and be counted. i don't bite!

Australia! Australia! hehehe
Sydney girl here! though I should put up my hand and scare everyone! :)

Its 11pm here nice and balmy. I live near the harbor so I enjoy the sea breeze that drifts through the apartment.

I like brie, cats, picnics and writing my stories :)
im going through a Stranger and Transport Theme at the moment much to my amusement. (tho i think ill stop at the horse and cart - that will strech my imagination to places i prefer not to open. :p )


Previously posted:
come on peoples, step forward and be counted. i don't bite!

Come on now WSO, you don't? Not even little love nips?


wahoo!!!! gidday mate across the ditch! welcome to Litland, i hope you enjoy your stay EvaApple. a transport theme eh... hmm would rather horse and cart than camel and ass ;) hmm nearly fell off a horse once, have a vague memory of seeing a close up view of a brown hairy belly...

Justin_Thyme, now that'd be telling ;)
I live in Atlanta, well 15 minutes North of Atlanta. Just moved from Stone Mountain.

The weather freakin' suck! Gray, drizzling, cold. Shit! Where's the freakin' sunshine!?
hmm several thoughts running through my mind right now... gee whizz BlackSnake it's nice to 'see' you. :)

i had thoughts of Thumbelina and maybe if she stood under that AV she would stay outa the lousy weather you're having right now. sorry, no offense meant. i have a warped sense of humour ;) i've been lacking sleep lately and my mind is now totally boggled... it's really kinda difficult to not see the AVs around here.

adding Georgia to the very first posting right now :)
Texas checking in

Yee Ha! I'm the first one in Texas to post to this thread!

South central Texas....just south of the Hill Country...one of the most beautiful areas on God's earth.

Texas...home of the Alamo.

Texas....home of the best state parks...Garner State Park, and Enchanted Rock State Natural Area

Texas...Home of the formerly great Dallas Cowboys (just haven't been the same since *remove hats, please, gentlemen* Tom Landry *you may replace your hats now* was fired by that idiot *I won't even soil my lips by saying his name* who bought the team. But hey....at least we've got David Robinson with the Spurs, and we got rid of Dennis Rodman).

Texas...almost any climate you could want.
Go west, young man...or woman....for dry, desert atmosphere if that is your thing.

Go south...more of the same, sort of.

Go to the coast for some beaches (ok, so they aren't really cool beaches like FL or HI...but they're ours!) and high humidity.

Go east for lots of greenery and tall trees...even some forests! Get lost in the Big Thicket!

Go north to the panhandle and experience Siberia, Texas-style! You know what they say about the Texas panhandle...the only thing between there and the North Pole is a barbed-wire fence, and it is down. (by the way...that is barbed-wire....properly pronounced "bob-wahr"). And in the summer, you can experience the heat of hell. Well, almost. Wichita Falls, near the Okie border, has a bike race every summer called the "Hotter'n Hell 100".

See...Texas has something for almost everyone!


edited to correct my goof....the weather! We are having gorgeous weather here in the San Antonio area this week. Highs in the mid-70's, low humidity....just wonderful!
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Seattle, Seattle

I don't think i'm the first, but it is where I am from, so hi

Home of everything the world loves, Microsoft, Starbucks, Amazon.com, Boeing, Real Networks.

You do love all those companies, don't you *LOL*

Oh yeah....if your a yachting fan, home of One World, skippered by a New Zealander if i'm not mistaken, currently getting there butts kicked in the America's cup off your lovely coast.

Seattle where it always rains and the sun never shines.....at least thats what we tell everybody, so if anyone is thinking of moving here, it really does,it does really!!!!:cool:
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From One Texan to Another

Hi, Blue Daisy!

I regard myself as a Texan, because I lived there half my life. I used to be able to say I'd lived there most of my life, but then I moved away and got older. I came up in Texas, anyway, even though I wasn't born there, and that was because my mother happened to be in Nebraska when I was born. I don't really think that anything you do in the first six weeks of life counts for all that much, and you certainly can't take the blame for where you are. I grew up in the Metro Houston area, living in Houston proper and going to school in the Pasadena school district.

I know what you mean about Texas not having cool beaches, although the further west and south you go--and the further you get away from the Mississippi Delta and its beach-spoiling silt deposits, the better they get. I've always heard Padre Island has some pretty decent beaches. Hell, even Freeport beats Galveston, although I remember some nice times in Galveston.

I have also lived in Louisiana some of my life, and its beaches are even worse. The only really nice beach in Louisiana is attached to whatever river it is you cross to get into Feliciana Parish and St. Francisville--I forget its name, (the St. Francisville River? could it be that simple?) but I used to see people sitting in beach chairs sunning themselves as I drove over the bridge. The only problem with it was that frequently there wasn't any water to go with it, but you can't have everything.
wildsweetone said:
hmm several thoughts running through my mind right now... gee whizz BlackSnake it's nice to 'see' you. :)

i had thoughts of Thumbelina and maybe if she stood under that AV she would stay outa the lousy weather you're having right now. sorry, no offense meant. i have a warped sense of humour ;) i've been lacking sleep lately and my mind is now totally boggled... it's really kinda difficult to not see the AVs around here.

adding Georgia to the very first posting right now :)

It's not a bad joke, it made me smile...thank you
Re: From One Texan to Another

SlickTony said:
Hi, Blue Daisy!

I regard myself as a Texan, because I lived there half my life. I used to be able to say I'd lived there most of my life, but then I moved away and got older. I came up in Texas, anyway, even though I wasn't born there, and that was because my mother happened to be in Nebraska when I was born. I don't really think that anything you do in the first six weeks of life counts for all that much, and you certainly can't take the blame for where you are. I grew up in the Metro Houston area, living in Houston proper and going to school in the Pasadena school district.

I know what you mean about Texas not having cool beaches, although the further west and south you go--and the further you get away from the Mississippi Delta and its beach-spoiling silt deposits, the better they get. I've always heard Padre Island has some pretty decent beaches. Hell, even Freeport beats Galveston, although I remember some nice times in Galveston.

Hey Tony! Thanks for "checkin' in"! We'll count you as a Texan.

I've got a beach story (I've got a stupid story for almost everything! LOL!). When I was in high school I had a pen pal who lived in Florida. She came to visit after we graduated from high school and she had heard about Padre Island, so we went to see it. We got out of the car, she looked around and said,
"THIS is Padre Island? THIS is a beach?" LOL!

Hiya all, so nice to meet you :)

EvaApple, thanks for the grins there... camels and humping... "Was that one hump, or two, dear?" ;)
Actually I've never seen camels doing it... now you've got me thinking ;)

BlackSnake, thank you for seeing my kindly meant little giggle :) you are welcome.

Hey BlueDaisy!!! I'm not sure it's allowed eh... such a glowing report of ones own neck of the woods... ;) And you guys may have barbed wire everywheres, (so do we) but I bet you can't think of half the things we Kiwis can when it comes to Number 8 wire and inventions ;)

Gidday Ms.M Don't you do any worrying about One World, we are intending on keeping the AMERICA's CUP right here in Godzone ;)
It's got such a nice polish on it now. ;)

She came to visit after we graduated from high school and she had heard about Padre Island, so we went to see it. We got out of the car, she looked around and said,
"THIS is Padre Island? THIS is a beach?" LOL!

She's spoiled. One thing that Texas is cursed with that Florida doesn't have is beach tar. Of course Texans, most of whom had oil putting food on their table, so to speak, like to believe that there is no connection between the offshore rigs and the presence of beach tar, but I notice that Florida's governor won't allow drilling off the Florida coast and there is no beach tar, which I think is telling. Still, I suppose that even Holly Beach (in Louisiana, Cameron Parish) is better than the Spanish coast is nowadays...:eek:
Can't sit here and let all you yankee types claim better places to live than where 'Jerusalem was builded'.

I can think of only one other place equal in majesty to my home county and that would be New Zealand (so I'm told), don't know which island though.

If you didn't get it from the clue I'm speaking of Yorkshire (pronounced 'Yorksher').

The single largest, most beautiful, variegated, wet, dismal, insular, breathtaking county in England.

I'm sure my fellow literotican Brits will not be able to find any arguement against this (nor would I brook any)

"You can always tell a Yorkshireman... but not much"


My favourite bumper sticker:- "My Other Sticker Is Funny" - Victoria Wood
When I was living in the middle east one of my dearest friends was a woman from Yorkshire. She was a hoot. Her husband was a tugboat captain and her daughter's name was the same as my real name. We lost touch with each other after I returned to the states, but I wish I could find her again. Her family lived in North Humberside near Hull. I've done people searches but it's like she--and the other English people I knew back then--have dropped off the face of the earth.
gauchecritic said:
I can think of only one other place equal in majesty to my home county and that would be New Zealand (so I'm told), don't know which island though.

If you didn't get it from the clue I'm speaking of Yorkshire (pronounced 'Yorksher').

The single largest, most beautiful, variegated, wet, dismal, insular, breathtaking county in England.

My favourite bumper sticker:- "My Other Sticker Is Funny" - Victoria Wood

ahh the Yorkshire Dales hmm... i guess the county i live in has a pretty similar landscape to the dales... well it's either that or the sheep. ;)

oh... and it's not always raining here either Gauche ;)
wildsweetone said:
Hiya all, so nice to meet you :)
Hey BlueDaisy!!! I'm not sure it's allowed eh... such a glowing report of ones own neck of the woods... ;) And you guys may have barbed wire everywheres, (so do we) but I bet you can't think of half the things we Kiwis can when it comes to Number 8 wire and inventions ;)

Hey, Wildsweetone...you know, I would bet that you are right. I think all we Texans know how to do with that bob-wahr is to string it on posts and fence the land in. lol

SlickTony.....yeah, she was definitely spoiled to her Florida beaches. But I tell ya...gettin' that tar on you out at Padre Island is a major pain in the butt. But hey....I guess we gotta get the oil somehow.

About the Yorkshire Dales.....all I know about that area is from reading James Herriott's books. I LOVE his stories.

I feel that complex comin' on...You missed me, WSO.
Hee hee...only 3 days until I get to go see my first Macy's Parade in real life and not just over my tv. Then I have to go into work for a few hours (yes, on Thanksgiving...which I'm fine with since I know it's a bs holiday anyways). Can't wait to see the balloons! But brrr it's gotten cold here...had to finally pull out the full length wool trench coat.
I live in the best place in the world period end of sentence eh.

I never get hurricanes, tornados, wierd lightning storms, floods, earthquakes, heck even the wild life is boringly harmless.

The snowfall in winter is lame, and much as I hate to admit it, but something like 7 nasty hot days in the summer doesn't rate a crying fit I suppose.

Of course the scenery is not much grist for postcards.