Just out of curiosity...

DVS said:
I feel that complex comin' on...You missed me, WSO.

of course i missed you, you have to sign in yourself you know :)

DN what is a Macey's Parade? I don't recall ever having heard of it before.

Leslie... and there was me thinking the whole of Canada was a beautiful place. I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder... you just have to figure out how to see it... ?
The snowfall in winter is lame, and much as I hate to admit it, but something like 7 nasty hot days in the summer doesn't rate a crying fit

Plus Neil Young wrote that cool song about the area.
On a side note, talking about how many countries are represented here at Lit, I found this Internet article on how many times the people of different countries have sex in a year.

Now, I included it in whole, but I don't understand it. Either I am grossly oversexed, or the people who were talked to would rather do something else with their time.

Wait a minute...that last statement makes it seem like all I think about is sex. But, on the contrary! I do think of eating and sleeping before sex. I think a sex fiend would not care about these before. I DO have priorities, people!
Anyway, here is the sad article. Take it for what you may. BUT, my fellow Americans, if you feel the same as I do, you will go out IN SEARCH OF SEX just for the sake of SEX!

We must take a stand and retake our position at the top of the list of personal freedoms! America stands for freedom! America stands for free love and free sex. Come on, people! 138 times a year? It brings a tear to my eye.

What happened to the times when we would impale our women to the kitchen table before (or during) breakfast? Where are the couples where the husband comes home and asks "honey, what's for dinner?" then notices her in a sexy apron and crotchless panties? Leaving the dinner to simmer on the stove to make something else sizzle?

Come on, America! I thought we were the land of the free and the home of the horny!!! Well, below is the sad, sad truth, if you trust this survey. Read it and weep along with me.

From MSNBC.com...
Americans have sex an average of 138 times a year, according to a survey released Monday by condom manufacturer Durex. The British have sex more often than Americans, but are outdone by the French, Dutch, Danes and Canadians.

THE DUREX Global Sex survey revealed that the British make love an average of 149 times a year, but are surpassed by couples in France (167), the Netherlands (158), Denmark (152) and Canada (150). Those taking their love-making at a more relaxed pace included New Zealanders (135), and the Spanish, who limped in last at an annual love rate of just 121. The online survey organized by Durex polled 50,000 people worldwide. Almost four in 10 of British respondents admitted they had had unprotected sex with a new partner in the last 12 months, despite more than two-thirds believing AIDS is a serious problem in Britain.

The young are putting themselves most at risk of sexual infection, with 46 percent of British respondents aged 18-20 saying they had had sex without a condom with a new partner in the last year. Durex said it would release full details of the global survey on Tuesday.
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DVS said:
From MSNBC.com...
Americans have sex an average of 138 times a year, according to a survey released Monday by condom manufacturer Durex. The British have sex more often than Americans, but are outdone by the French, Dutch, Danes and Canadians.

A couple of years ago, there was an ice storm, that knocked out the hydro lines. Some places took as long as two weeks before power was restored. :(

There were two results of the ice storm. Anybody who did not already have a wood stove or fireplace, had one installed.

Nine months later, the hospitals were flooded with an unprecedented number of births. They were known as 'storm babies.' ;)

It does make a kind of sense. That happened in Quebec ... you know ... French-Canadians! :eek:
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okay i don't believe for a second that Kiwi's do it 135 times on average a year... i am soooooo gonna keep track on my calendar now.

mind you... we probably think about it more often than americans... does that count? ;)

i got sunburned yesterday, today i got wet! what is it with the darn weather???
fun question...

denver, colorado here

its kind of odd, it seems that the only people I ever seem to talk to are from either california, florida or pennsylvania though...

DVS said:
THE DUREX Global Sex survey revealed that the British make love an average of 149 times a year, but are surpassed by couples in France (167), the Netherlands (158), Denmark (152) and Canada (150). Those taking their love-making at a more relaxed pace included New Zealanders (135), and the Spanish, who limped in last at an annual love rate of just 121. The online survey organized by Durex polled 50,000 people worldwide. Almost four in 10 of British respondents admitted they had had unprotected sex with a new partner in the last 12 months, despite more than two-thirds believing AIDS is a serious problem in Britain.

The young are putting themselves most at risk of sexual infection, with 46 percent of British respondents aged 18-20 saying they had had sex without a condom with a new partner in the last year. Durex said it would release full details of the global survey on Tuesday.

I saw the same article just before I came on here... this type of thing is happening too much with me. What's going on? Help!!
Quasimodem said:
A couple of years ago, there was an ice storm, that knocked out the hydro lines. Some places took as long as two weeks before power was restored. :(

There were two results of the ice storm. Anybody who did not already have a wood stove or fireplace, had one installed.

Nine months later, the hospitals were flooded with an unprecedented number of births. They were known as 'storm babies.' ;)

It does make a kind of sense. That happened in Quebec ... you know ... French-Canadians! :eek:
We had the same thing during the black out, on the east coast. I forget the year, but I think it was in the 70s? This wasn't a brown out, this was a total east coast black out of electrical power. If I'm correct, that would make the blackout babies in their 30s, today.

Is there somebody out there that remembers the actual date? My memory is blacking out.
Re: fun question...

soulnovicaine said:
denver, colorado here

its kind of odd, it seems that the only people I ever seem to talk to are from either california, florida or pennsylvania though...

Well, you can now add kinky Kansas to your list of people you have talked to.

OK, WSO, add me to your list. It is getting cold here, as it should be. No snow as of yet, but we almost got some yesterday. Highs in the 20s, and that is not Celsius, but Fahrenheit.
We had the same thing during the black out, on the east coast.

We had a citywide blackout here in Jacksonville that lasted for a few hours. Only time will tell whether anybody got anything accomplished or not.
DVS said:
We had the same thing during the black out, on the east coast ... I think it was in the 70s? This wasn't a brown out, this was a total east coast black out of electrical power. If I'm correct, that would make the blackout babies in their 30s, today.

Is there somebody out there that remembers the actual date? My memory is blacking out.

That was the Great Northeast Blackout of 1965, the lights went out at 4:30 P.M. and didn't get back on until the following morning. The problem turned out to be a breaker that froze open, and kept burning out lines, whenever the load was returned.

The event was immortalized three years later in the 1968 film, "Where Were You When the Lights Went Out?" starring Doris Day, Robert Morse, and Terry-Thomas.
Quasimodem said:
That was the Great Northeast Blackout of 1965, the lights went out at 4:30 P.M. and didn't get back on until the following morning. The problem turned out to be a breaker that froze open, and kept burning out lines, whenever the load was returned.

The event was immortalized three years later in the 1968 film, "Where Were You When the Lights Went Out?" starring Doris Day, Robert Morse, and Terry-Thomas.
God! Has it been that long ago? Whew!

I do remember the movie, too. Man, I was just finishing high school, smoking pot in my spare time. That was another black out, folks. Damn, those were good times!
Good Lord Q., do you maintain a source for tid bits of odd information? I recall the event, mostly because my father was still alive and working in the hydro power industry back then. Naturally, being of a generation when if things went wrong at the plant, he was one of the first to arrive on the job - without having to wait to be called in!
But the exact time the outage occurred? WOW!
Incidentally, the event had no effect at all on life in Sunny Central Oregon. I only recall being glad I had moved from New England!
Gidday soulnovicaine!
Welcome to the NutHouse ;), i hope you enjoy your Lit stay joey, oh and don't worry that everyone seems to be californian, floridanian or pennsylvanian... they're just the ones who have nothing else to do ;)


i bet Denver is stunning at this time of year *sigh*
not too shabby at least

I guess fall and winter is when colorado truly shines...

and thanks for the welcome

DVS said:
THE DUREX Global Sex survey revealed that the British make love an average of 149 times a year, but are surpassed by couples in France (167), the Netherlands (158), Denmark (152) and Canada (150). Those taking their love-making at a more relaxed pace included New Zealanders (135), and the Spanish, who limped in last at an annual love rate of just 121. The online survey organized by Durex polled 50,000 people worldwide. Almost four in 10 of British respondents admitted they had had unprotected sex with a new partner in the last 12 months, despite more than two-thirds believing AIDS is a serious problem in Britain.

Okay after day's of research i have found out how this survey was conducted. It appears it was a online survey that people responded to on the condom maker Durex's web site.

So what is one to conclude? hmm first it could be accurate or a more likely is that, and this is my opinion. That people who spend time on a condom website are there for a reason *lol* and are probably not a very good sample of the population as a whole.
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*lol* 135 is that to high or to low?:eek:

How could anyone remember? i can't even remember what i did two weeks ago...

I can see myself writing on a calender.....34....LOL , Mom what does the 34 mean?
To survey Canada I wonder if they separated the largely catholic largely sexually open Quebec from the rest of Canada.

The numbers would be a great deal higher if they surveyed just Quebec.
If you want to visit Canada AND get some while you are here, make sure you visit Quebec.

Oh and this comment is largely made as a result of all the surveys I have read in our National news magazine Maclean's. This is not just my opinion here (I am merely reporting on the results of numerous polls).
DVS said:
Americans have sex an average of 138 times a year, according to a survey released Monday by condom manufacturer Durex.

Everybody has been missing the most important part of the quote. As with most surveys, they are never more than ads for a product. The survey is used to draw attention to whatever product funded the survey.

In this case, if you only saw the questions after arriving on the condom manufacturer's web site, only people who go to condom web sites were involved in the survey. That is the first flaw in the survey.

The next flaw is there is no control to make sure the questions are answered truthfully. Not everyone is going to tell the truth when asked how often you have sex.

After seeing this survey as it was actually conducted, it only tells us of the 50,000 people who saw and responded to the questions, Brits who frequent condom web sites say they make love an average of 149 times a year. But, they are surpassed by couples in France (167), the Netherlands (158), Denmark (152) and Canada (150).

Now, not trying to make enemies, we go back to the question of honesty in the answers. And vanity surely has some weight in this, too. So, the people in France who go to condom web sites might be more apt to lie about when they have sex, or they may be more vane than others in the world who go to condom web sites and are asked this question.

The Durex Global Sex survey may have only revealed there are 50,000 people in the world who go to their condom web site for some reason...probably to purchase condoms...and answer survey questions.

Of these 50,000 folks, some said they were from Britain, some from France, some from New Zealand, etc. Of the people who went this far in the questionnaire, we could assume some told the truth and some didn't...maybe even in the country they said they were from.

Unfortunately, surveys are never very accurate, unless strictly controlled. So, maybe this survey shows the larger numbers are the more vane countries and the smaller numbers were the more honest countries.

All it actually does for sure is get the name Durex out there for the people of the world to see. If they were successful, the next poll they have could have 50,001 or more people answering the questions. Or, maybe 49,999 or less?

I Had a post post thought, so this is edited to add...
We should start a poll and allow everyone to lie all they want in their answers. And, because we will see who is doing the voting, we might see some rather interesting answers. Of course, some won't answer the questions because of this, but I think most would answer them BECAUSE of this.

This is just the group of people who would do this, I think.:)
Vanity? Honesty? You be the judge.
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Well I can't speak for the rest of the world, but I have sex at least twice every three days heheh.

Now that might sound incredulous, but what can I say, my wife likes me enough that I get it that often:)

If I could have it my way I would get it twice a day (but then I would likely also be to tired to write these posts hehe).
Happy Thanksgiving!
Great thread WSO, and like a lot of threads on a lot of bulletin boards it has taken many twists and turns.
I havent read all the posts but clicked the last post button and of course, it has gone from an original beginning to a sorted end!!!

Just kidding of course.....How many times a year people have sex?......useful information? Debateable. But it does serve to remind me of how lame my sex life really is. Which on this day of thanks, I am not thankful for at all!!!!:eek: :p

That being said...I am from south central lower Michigan. Its not romantic (maybe thats why my sex life stinks, yeah it must be cuz its not my fault right?) Its cold as hell today, but it is Thanksgiving and I do trully have a lot to be thankful for.

I have lived here all my life, and recently bought my first home in a very small farming community. I was raised in metro Detroit, and its a nice relaxing change for me and my family.

I am glad to have delved into writing. And I am thankful to Literotica for this outlet, and form of communication that they provide, and to those of you I hope to one day call "Friend".

Hey Killswitch, I lived in Kazoo for about ten years and grew up in Ann Arbor. Mississippi now, though. Small world, huh?

PS It's almost 60 today and the sun is shining.
Sex (and the frequency as well well as quality thereof) is like so many things.

Some people shop aggressively for a thing while others put out almost no effort.
Some expect the same ole way to produce results, while others go out of their way to obtain what they desire with every means at their disposal.

Me I am not into going to a bar for instance and hoping that the perfect woman will magically appear out of thin air.

If I was single and looking you can bet I would look every BUT a bar.

But then I have qualities that I think are rare. Not to mention I am comfortable with talking up complete strangers.

I decided I wanted a wife, and I actually spent very little effort finding what I wanted.

But I have chatted with single persons on the net and it is clear that most people just don't know how to search.
What percentage of those counted sexual encounters resulted in an orgasm that was faked :confused:

How many of the faked orgasms were of women? :rolleyes:

How many of the faked orgasms were of men? :eek:

Be Thankful if you do not fit into that statistic.