Just out of curiosity...

Thanks and Welcome Killswitch, hope you enjoy your stay ;)

re this DUREX survey... of course, this 135 times of sex only relates to those using DUREX condoms, right? what about the other people who are using different methods of birth control?

see i knew full well 135 times a year was way out ;)

Karmadog do you keep moving or am i getting my States mixed up now...? are you in Oklahoma or Mississippi?

low misty cloud here at the moment... 20oC (nearly 70f) not bad for 8am on a friday :)

i watched a Discovery Channel program on the zebra muscle last night. saw some beautiful parts of Ontario. :)
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MS, the OK was a reference to the bombing there. I've never been to Oklahoma. Probably because I hate the musical and fear that the residents will break into 'Surrey With the Fringe on Top'. shudders
I live right near A2. A little town halfway between A2 and The Irish Hills......I'll give ya one guess....ha.....But keep it to yourself:D
Thanks for the welcomes.......:catroar:
karmadog said:
MS, the OK was a reference to the bombing there. I've never been to Oklahoma. Probably because I hate the musical and fear that the residents will break into 'Surrey With the Fringe on Top'. shudders
Killswitch said:
Happy Thanksgiving!
Great thread WSO, and like a lot of threads on a lot of bulletin boards it has taken many twists and turns.
I havent read all the posts but clicked the last post button and of course, it has gone from an original beginning to a sorted end!!!
Well, Killswitch, the topic in this and most other threads is kind of like Missouri weather. If you don't like it, wait a few minutes...it will change. :D
saw the macy's parade for real today. Next year I'm going back to watching it from my nice warm house. The ballons were really cool, but I couldn't really see the bands or many of the floats. But I'm really glad I went. We'll see what happenned with my pictures since most of the were taken by holding a camera over my head and pointing in the direction of the parade.
wildsweetone said:
re this DUREX survey... of course, this 135 times of sex only relates to those using DUREX condoms, right? what about the other people who are using different methods of birth control?

see i knew full well 135 times a year was way out ;)
WSO, the survey was only for those who answered the questions. They did happen to be questions asked on the Durex web site, but that doesn't mean the people who answered the questions were going to or had worn their condoms.

So, the 135 times for your kiwiville people was only for the people who answered the questions. They could be the ones who used the Durex condoms, other condoms, other methods of birth control, or they could have been married people who were just having their normal fun on Saturday night with the Mrs. The only connection for them was they all answered the questions.

What you have to visualize is all of the other people in kiwiville who didn't see the questions or even go to the web site at all. These people were probably busy doing other things with their time...possibly having sex!

Yes, I agree with you that your 135 number is probably low. But, you never did answer what you thought about it when someone asked you. Do you think it is low or high?
deliciously_naughty said:
saw the macy's parade for real today. Next year I'm going back to watching it from my nice warm house. The ballons were really cool, but I couldn't really see the bands or many of the floats. But I'm really glad I went. We'll see what happenned with my pictures since most of the were taken by holding a camera over my head and pointing in the direction of the parade.
We were upset here, when Macy's went out of business. It was an old store and had been here for years and years.

Every year now, when I see the parade on TV, I still think of that. I don't really know why. I know it wasn't personal, or anything. Just a closing of a store, in our downtown.

But, our annual event of turning on the Plaza lights is just about to happen. If you don't live around here, it is quite an event.

The Plaza is the first shopping district of the country, and it is in old Spanish decor. It is very a ritzy part of town, and was very popular with the movie star set in the 1920s and 30s. I don't know why, but it was THE place to be seen, back then.

Anyway, every year on Thanksgiving evening, you don't dare go to the Plaza area. This year it is about an hour from now. It is a nightmare because of all of the traffic. Literally thousands of people show up just to see some special person throw the switch to turn them on. There is a countdown from 10, and the whole crowd counts. It is quite a deal.

It has been going on for a long, long time. This is the 73rd year, I think, since 1925?. And, there are over 80 miles of lights that all go on at the same time, and stay on every night until sometime after the first of the year.

If you ever come to Kansas City during this season, it shouldn't be missed.

If you are interested, here are some Plaza web sites.
A site of the Plaza, itself, in today's terms.

info on the task of stringing them up, every year.

Yes, we had the damn cows on our downtown streets. Somebody painted one with the Plaza lights on it.
see i knew you'd figure out the 135 thing sooner or later DVS ;)

did they take into consideration those guys who were masturbating and using condoms? (i'm sure some do) i do so love a good survey ;)

nice lights DVS... why don't they twinkle though?

now... this macy's parade DN... is it to do with the macy shop? i don't know anything about the parade... please tell me :) and i'm sure some of your photos will come out good :) :)
wildsweetone said:
...did they take into consideration those guys who were masturbating and using condoms? (i'm sure some do) i do so love a good survey ;)
What, some guys don't like to touch their own cum, you think?
wildsweetone said:

nice lights DVS... why don't they twinkle though?
I'm sure they twinkle when rubbed the right way.

wildsweetone said:
now... this macy's parade DN... is it to do with the macy shop? i don't know anything about the parade... please tell me :) and i'm sure some of your photos will come out good :) :)
You don't know of Macys? The Macys from the Christmas movie 'Miracle on 34th Street'? You have never heard of them? They are a huge department store but only sponsor the parade. But, it is one of the hugh parades we have, for sure. I am sure some of those pictures will be keepsakes. It is too bad the parade is so big that it is difficult to find a viewing spot to take good pictures.

But, the story behind a good picture is part of the memory behind the picture. It's part of the 1000 words, I guess. Even if a picture misses what the intended shot was, the trek to get the shot is part of the fun. Sort of a "you should have been there" kind of thing.

Oh, sorry if I spoke out of turn. I am not DN.
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its Leslie said:
If I could have it my way I would get it twice a day (but then I would likely also be to tired to write these posts hehe).
Just an observation I’ve made during my life. When a man "gets it" as often as he thinks he wants it, he tends to find excuses not to have it!!!!!!!
Well that isn't me Diane heheh.

My current routine is to jack off once a day (although this is increasingly only when my wife is not available).

But I wake up and my wife plays with it till I shoot my morning load.
At night she joins me for some mutual fucking.
And we both have to be ill or something like that to prevent us from this routine generally.

And through the day I generally tend to flirt with ladies that would likely like to give it to me as well.

No I am not gorgeously handsome either.
Some can please a person enough to live like this, and some can't. I don't know what it is about me exactly, must be something.

I also know of plenty of people that just don't care for sex (although the reasoning escapes me hehe).
A person that willingly doesn't have sex when the option might be there, does tend to mess up a survey though.

But I hesitate to claim things like this, for the same reason I tend to be doubtful of claims regarding 9 inch cocks and cum swallowing women. So I am reluctant to say that I get it on average 300 times a year or more (I am not including methods of shooting cum that dont involve my cock being stuck up a cunt in the process).
i have a feeling i am never going to get used to hearing or seeing the word 'cunt'... no matter how hard i try to think of it as just another word, for some reason it still feels odd. well, it doesn't feel odd, it feels good ;) but i meant the word. oh god i'm waffling again. somebody help me out here!!! rofl

okay back to the thread topic..


i only have about half the States of the USA covered and only one of the Provinces of Canada...

where are the Swedish, the Germans, the French? Are there no Scots here in Litland?

Well, I could almost spit and hit Missouri, if you want to call that a State I am living in. But, no, I don't actually LIVE in Missouri.

I do know lots of kinky people who live there, so it isn't a dry state or anything like that. I am sure there are some who are writers, too. But, they either don't frequent Lit, or they haven't seen your thread.

You know how surveys and polls go...if you don't see 'em, you don't do 'em.

Oooh, that sounds kinky!:D
wildsweetone said:
i have a feeling i am never going to get used to hearing or seeing the word 'cunt'...:
I could not agree with you more. Very crude! Maybe I’m a prude, but I find that word very offensive when used by men, even more so when used by other women.
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I rarely if ever use the C word. But its fairly well documented that it is probably the most disliked word that a man especially could use when refering to a woman specifically, or a womans "thingy" :p in general.
How do you feel about the word "Box" when used as the descriptive word.
I dont use the word Box, that often but I use it. Its an understood word when used in the context of sex, but it always gives me that "Honey, Im sorry go get the slick gel picture in my head" Meaning its kindof a "dry" un-sexy word.
Also, I have always found it totally sexy and a turn on to here "A" girl refer to another girl as "Chick!"

:kiss: .......Killswitch
"Bad words. That's what they told us they were, remember? 'That's a bad word.' 'Awwww.' There are no bad words. Bad thoughts. Bad Intentions. " - George Carlin

I find it interesting how I use words sometimes. For example, the word "bitch". Used by veternarians the world over. But if you call me a bitch, you could get several different reactions. It's the intent of the word when said. I have been called a bitch during an arguement. I see it as very derogatory then. I have been called a bitch by my best girl friend a number of times. But it is said as an endearment. Whats the intention of the word when used? Makes a big difference with me. "Cunt" doesn't bother me unless it is said in a derogatory way.

"I love words. I thank you for hearing my words. I want to tell you something about words that I uh, I think is important. I love..as I say, they're my work, they're my play, they're my passion. Words are all we have really. " - George Carlin
I must admit some words taste lousy on the tongue.

But I also get annoyed with authors that go out of their way with flowery words.

Flowery wordiness is like a dumping to much perfume on, it only makes the reader gag.

To write he eased his cock slowly into her moist cunt, might be to basic, but then to write, he eased the soft eagerness of his earnest manhood's head into her loving warm soft love petals is way to damn much too.

I perhaps apply the KISS principle to aggressively hehe.
if the strory involves sex, and I am not interested in getting at all fancy, then I limit the dialogue to words people would use in common speech.
its Leslie said:
To write he eased his cock slowly into her moist cunt, might be to basic, but then to write, he eased the soft eagerness of his earnest manhood's head into her loving warm soft love petals is way to damn much too.

I could not agree more than I do with that.

Shakespear it "aint".

hmm it is just a word though. i guess i need to read it more to deaden the dogma i have around it.
I don't like the word "cock" either, maybe I just don't like the letter "C"..though I do like the word "crayon" so that can't be it, who knows.?

They do read better than, he slipped his one eyed trouser snake into her dripping dna dumpster, that just sounds silly:rolleyes:

Man that was funny Ms M and as it was the first thing I read this morning, what a humourous thing to read while waking up eh.
Beautiful, small, wet, flat Netherlands here. It's too small to be any more specific as to where I'm from ;)

It's too small to be any more specific as to where I'm from

Well, I guess if you're worried about outing yourself locally. The whole concept of being outed to a whole country--in my part of the world it's difficult to wrap your mind around it! :D
PaulX35 said:
Beautiful, small, wet, flat Netherlands here. It's too small to be any more specific as to where I'm from ;)


Hi there PaulX35 :) Thanks for joining in! :)

I'll add the Netherlands to my first post, and don't worry, it's more heavily populated than many people realise. By the way do you know of Groningen? lol DON'T answer that!