Lesbian Daddis/bois: Why we ID this way

Dustygrrl said:

ooooh Mistress, very nice indeed. Hmmm... garters... sounds fun. *giggles mischeviously*

Well.. hmmm.. no.. I wont go into what I have lol

Oh you'll find out oh and you can't tease you have to tell
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The Dreaded "N" Word...

Sam, that's a very reasonable answer to a very difficult question. Myself, I don't think I'd want a stake in the ground I couldn't pull up on that one. Things seem to change so fast sometimes.

I was a yankee in the south for a number of years, so I understand a little about being at the receiving end of some nasty biggotry. Granted, it's only an nth of what people of any racial minority must experience from time to time. But it was enough to appreciate what hate is really all about.

And before I get clobbered by 1000 irate southern belles (as much as I might like it) for portraying southerners in such a negative light let me say that the people who gave us such heartache when we were there were a clear minority of those we came to know and respect when we lived south of the mason-dixon line.

MotorCitySam said:

I am glad you asked cym, until now I never really made up my own mind how I felt.
cymbidia said:
Every human relationship we have in our lives is a power-exchange relationship, whether we know it and consent to it or are completely ignorant of that fact. So it is with words. We can clasp them to us and make them a strong part of us, as we do with our consensual power-exchange relationships, or the words can be vicious and confusing, and tear at our inner selves like knives. The choice is ours, i think.

I'm very glad that you came to the BDSM Forum, Sam. You're a valuable addition to the sum total of ideas, questions, admissions, and education that flows (sometimes chaotically) through the threads in this place.

And he's cute as all get out, too (I'll get whacked for this, but I can't resist);)

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A good-looking man, indeed, Caroline!

Could you, uh, step back a little with that cam, please?
About 4 feet or so?
And lose the shirt...anything under that shirt?
Lose that, too?

Thank you thank you thank you.
T'was definitely worth that whack.
to quote Brandon Frasier in "Blast From the Past",

"Oh my stars - a negro!"

Caroline and Sam - again, best wishes.

And Cym? Sub, eh? lol

cymbidia said:

Could you, uh, step back a little with that cam, please?
About 4 feet or so?
And lose the shirt...anything under that shirt?
Lose that, too?

monster666 said:
And Cym? Sub, eh? lol
Only to my dominant, monster, only to my dominant. I give everyone else normal warm human respect but i've offered my true submssion to only a very few in my life.
I gathered that. I was just teasing.

cymbidia said:
Only to my dominant, monster, only to my dominant. I give everyone else normal warm human respect but i've offered my true submssion to only a very few in my life.
Y'all think i'm without a humorous bone in my body, don't you?

It's just not so.
At all.
Ask R.

I laugh and tease and poke and smirk.

(I knew that monster.)
ain't yer humuris bone jist above yer femuris bone?

cymbidia said:
Y'all think i'm without a humorous bone in my body, don't you?

It's just not so.
At all.
Ask R.

I laugh and tease and poke and smirk.

(I knew that monster.)
monster666 said:
ain't yer humuris bone jist above yer femuris bone?
The himerous bone doesn't always have be above the femerous bone. Sometimes the fem can be on top, you know. T'aint against God's laws.
::Groan:: Go back to singing bad cowboy songs.

cymbidia said:
The himerous bone doesn't always have be above the femerous bone. Sometimes the fem can be on top, you know. T'aint against God's laws.
You lot are hopeless you know... you think all the disipline would keep you in order.
monster666 said:
to quote Brandon Frasier in "Blast From the Past",

"Oh my stars - a negro!"

Caroline and Sam - again, best wishes.

And Cym? Sub, eh? lol

Thank you Monster, and cym and Jen too.
Yep, my sweetie is one of "them" and I'm happy to say that at least some of the myths are true.;)
I concur. Sam, you are a hunk of man ;) . Also, I am not sure if it posted, but I'd like to add my most hearty congratulations to you, Sam, and Caroline. I wish y'all all the happiness you can stand.

Monster. Were you refering to Texans? Should I be offended?

NAH! I can't help having been born here in Austin, but I can determine who I am, and what "rules" of society I'll follow. Even though I haven't been "Yankiee'd", I've come in for my own share of the awfull stuff. I'm queer as hell, I'm pagan, I'm married, dyke-ish, and polyamarous. Didn't settle for an easy life, did I? *laughs* but honestly, I wouldn't have it any other way. Even if I could change those things about me that seem to make people see red, I wouldn't.

There's another question......what are you razzed/discriminated/hated for, and why wouldn't you change it? I don't need the answers, unless you want to share, but it is something I think all the kink-minded think about at least once in a while.

Never been to Texas - until tomorrow. I'll be in Austin for a week.

Actually, I was in Lynchburg, VA, home of Jerry Falwell and C.B. Fleet, producers of douche and enima products. Locals used to say they hoped one would at least get rid of the other. As I said, most of the people there were good people. A few were very difficult ignorant types that give rednecks everywhere a bad name, and they made things uncomfortable from time to time.

The question should be why would I change what I am because of some moron's hate or razzing? Even if it were possible, (and it's not; I was born and raised where I was born and raised) whatever I changed to some other moron would just hate that. If there is anything I have learned during my time on this rock we call earth is that there is no shortage of any kind of person you can think of here, including morons. Rather than worrying about conforming to conform, I think it's more important to find one's own balance and let the morons be damned.

To quote Robin Williams quoting Shakespear (Hamlet, I believe) in some fucked up way: "Assholes do vex me!" Not a good quote for a BDSM forum if taken literally I suppose, so let's not go there, and just take they guy for what he meant.

KestralWolfe said:
Monster. Were you refering to Texans? Should I be offended?

NAH! I can't help having been born here in Austin, but I can determine who I am, and what "rules" of society I'll follow. Even though I haven't been "Yankiee'd", I've come in for my own share of the awfull stuff. I'm queer as hell, I'm pagan, I'm married, dyke-ish, and polyamarous. Didn't settle for an easy life, did I? *laughs* but honestly, I wouldn't have it any other way. Even if I could change those things about me that seem to make people see red, I wouldn't.

There's another question......what are you razzed/discriminated/hated for, and why wouldn't you change it? I don't need the answers, unless you want to share, but it is something I think all the kink-minded think about at least once in a while.
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monster666 said:

Never been to Texas - until tomorrow. I'll be in Austin for a week.

LOL... so you are visiting our lovely part of the country in the midst of all the flooding? Welcome to Austin lol
Thank you.

I just got in a couple of hours ago. I am gonna rest up and go look for a gin joint and a steak in a little bit. Any suggestions?

Dustygrrl said:

LOL... so you are visiting our lovely part of the country in the midst of all the flooding? Welcome to Austin lol
Well, it really depends on where you are staying. Austin is pretty famous for it's Ice Houses... And places like Stubbs Barbecue.

Hmmm.. Gin... Not sure about that one. And as far as steaks go... I highly recommend Saltgrass
JenJ said:

Oh you'll find out oh and you can't tease you have to tell

*gasps* I can't even begin to imagine what that will be like.... Oh my...

Ummm.. okay.. no teasing... I'm wearing a white lace tank top with nothing beneath it and a sparkly blue thong....
Dustygrrl said:

*gasps* I can't even begin to imagine what that will be like.... Oh my...

Ummm.. okay.. no teasing... I'm wearing a white lace tank top with nothing beneath it and a sparkly blue thong....

very yummy
Oh my.
Well, I don't reckon I ought to whack Caroline too hard since she got so many nice ladies to say kind things about me.
Yes Monster, I am one of those Negroes, no sense in denying it! But I have to tell you that technically cym was not telling me what to do about the picture, she was telling Caroline, and that's OK, because that girl is a handfull!
KestralWolfe, thank you kindly for your good wishes.
I hope nobody minds if I take this back to the beginning. I liked what KestrelWolfe and Lil boi mike posted. And I am really glad to see that this site is welcoming to so much variety of lifestyles.
I was one of those tomboys too. I was always interested in sports rough games boy stuff more than anything girly. In my teenager days I tried really hard to be more femme, but it just wasnt me.
I dont own a skirt or a dress. usually you will see me in jeans and a tshirt or tamk top. Shit I even wear my leather jacket in the summertime, call it a fetish.
Sexually I love women of all kinds. I can be attracted to a cute boi, or some really girly femme (Hi caroline, you going to the party Sat?) I like playing with men, and I think its fun to play with TVs and dress them up so if you come to my house and look in my closet and see a frilly dress IT AINT MINE
Anyhoo I am glad to see this thread, very cool.
MotorCitySam said:
Oh my.
Well, I don't reckon I ought to whack Caroline too hard since she got so many nice ladies to say kind things about me.
Yes Monster, I am one of those Negroes, no sense in denying it! But I have to tell you that technically cym was not telling me what to do about the picture, she was telling Caroline, and that's OK, because that girl is a handfull!
KestralWolfe, thank you kindly for your good wishes.

But....but....I was looking forward to some good hard whacks.