Let's Get This Chain On!

I'll stay with 10th

Thank you MP...now that it's not necessary I'll stay at number 10 (in Japanese "Juban"--number ten is an insult as in rated from 1[best] to 10[worst], you are number ten.) However since I'm not Japanese, I think I can live with an unintended insult which no one else recognized anyway---not that anyone else cares---

Oh dear, I think I'm having a low self esteem day?:eek:
Okay, this is the beginning of the thing

This is what I've gotten to begin the whole thing. I've tried to keep it open and easily written off of for everyone, so that no one is confined to only what I've written, but can write what they feel. There are a few suggestions that can be played off of, but they don't have to be. I put in the Cirque du Sensual bit after reading cymbidia's story again.

My vision of her is of a sophisticated, continental woman living on a riveria, french, italian, mexican, doesn't matter. I'm going to write about her introduction into the world of being a Mistress, not the dominatrix style, but the kept woman style of Mistress. Her teacher is a professor at the university. Anyway, being a mistress gives her an occupation where she can indulge in nearly every sort of sex there is and where she can travel extensively. I've used a sophisticated tone (I hope)that can be somewhat duplicated by not using many contractions. I've also included in the beginning the fact that there is poetry and prose out there about her, and that she may include it. So no one actually has to write from her perspective if they don't want to.

Anyway, here's what I got for a beginning:

Memoirs of a Lady, Chapter One - The Beginning of Sensuality

I have toyed with the notion of keeping a diary, or a journal, of what I have done, seen, or accomplished from time to time. I have put pen to paper on occasion, and certainly I have exchanged letters with lovers. Points of my life have been vastly interesting and worthy of notation, others dull as a stump. Now that I am of a certain age and find myself at loose ends during the quiet calm of these spring days, I have grown introspective. I sit in the garden oasis I have created on my veranda and stare over the vast, sometimes seething, sometimes playful ocean. Such an activity induces one to thought, and my thoughts invariably return to my past.

So I have chosen to write. Having a memoir has a certain appeal, perhaps it is merely my vanity. Perhaps it is merely to have some evidence of my existence to leave behind as I have no children. Perhaps it is merely that I have reached the time in my life where I am looking at my future through my past, and a memoir is my method of re-finding myself. Affirming my identity, if only for myself.

I am not sure how one goes about writing a memoir, I am not given to reading such things. Is it appropriate to consider the present and reflect upon the future before moving to the past? Or should I begin, "Once upon a time...?" I have no true idea, so I will simply work my way about it. Supposedly a memoir ought to be entirely written by the autobiographer, but I will include the correspondence I've had with my lovers. The letters that were written to me, and by me. There is prose that has been dedicated to me, poetry as well. Shall I include these things? Perhaps I might, perhaps not. My memoir does not have to be written by me entirely, it is my memoir. I am writing for my own gratification and I have been known to be capricious.

The question is now, where should I begin? So many things crowd to the front, things that were life altering, or stand out in my memory as special. The dominance games where I played at the darker life at the Cirque du Sensual changed me in ways I have yet to describe. My days with Mirabella in Paris where loving was covered with soft rose scented perfume and even softer skin are indelible in my mind. Of all my lovers, I miss her terribly. What of that American cowboy who taught me the joy of my body? The engaging Italian who delighted in exhibiting our sex in public, however could I forget him? Or my days frolicking in Amsterdam? Perhaps I should begin at the beginning, where I lost my virginity and discovered that sex was not a shameful act, but instead a wonderful exploration of the senses. Such innocence in my almost juvenile pantings. I still find myself smiling fondly at the thoughts of my naive and delighted virginal loving.

No, now that I think on it, the loss of my virginity was not the beginning of my sexuality. It was later, when I was at the University. There I learned the beginning of sensuality and learned to crave it, to crave all things sensual rather than simply the base act of sex. My introduction to the full eroticness of my body would be the perfect place to begin my memoir, which is really nothing more than a sordid tale of my sexual deviations, should you ask my sister. It is quite sad that people will cut themselves off from their bodies, deny themselves the most basic part of their being in an effort to be better than those around them. Perhaps a debauchery of the flesh is too overwhelming for some, but for me, it is the sensuality of my life.
Oh babes...

What a wonderful beginning you're giving us, so wistfully reminiscent yet wonderfully jaded-seeming, too. Our lady Erica seems a bit weary and inclined toward a softly quiet period of introspection, but one can tell she's not done playing yet, either, and that her libido is definitely still functioning.

There's room for everyone to write well with this story start. All directions are open.

Thank you.
Anxious, I am, and I have so loooong to wait! The beginning sounds very good, so much to say and so little ink. I'll be taking notes and suggestions for the ending as we go, so let me know if there's anything that occurs.

Re: Oh babes...

cymbidia said:
What a wonderful beginning you're giving us, so wistfully reminiscent yet wonderfully jaded-seeming, too. Our lady Erica seems a bit weary and inclined toward a softly quiet period of introspection, but one can tell she's not done playing yet, either, and that her libido is definitely still functioning.

There's room for everyone to write well with this story start. All directions are open.

Thank you.

Really marvelous work, Muff. It doesn't look like the electrodes have damaged your talent or creativity in any way. But, I'm confused, (its easy to do, I know) but it seems to me that this reads more like a preface, than a first chapter. Do we still look for Chapter One on or about May 1?
It is a preface, I'm just running it at the front of my chapter. They story has to start somewhere, I just can't start of writing "I once had sex with this guy..." or something, there has to be a beginning that everyone can work with since the beginning sets the entire tone and essential plot for the story.

I didn't include "my" part of the story here because she's going to describe her sexual awakening and that's more incidental to everyone else's writings and the tone. As long as no one objects to this, then that's the preface I will post along with my story, the beginning. After that, I fully expect the very talented Whisper to take the bit in her teeth and run with it like hellfire was nipping at her fetlocks.
Thanks, It is a very good preface. er, why are you standing on a step ladder?
Fuck! Like I don't already have enough pressure to follow that preface. If I start losing my hair over this, I'm gonna be very mad.

Great start. Makes me nervous.
KillerMuffin's Preface

Actually I love this overblown (elegantly layered), self-indulgent (romantically introspective) kind of tripe (eloquent prose). I think that's because I have such a hard time writing it myself. I usually find details in the Adverbs R Us online catalogue and go from there.

However I do not have a Hemingway fixation. (I may have been arrested for it, but those charges were never proven and later dropped.) What I have is a teleplay and theatre background--all dialogue intensive--which now in my later years I have taken to scotch-taping description in between the lines and along the margins.

Seriously KM, I love your preface. I too saw her as a jaded, world weary princess who has retired to her sanctuary to tell her story (with a fair amount of truth stretching).

Of course from our only illustration of her on the Lit home page, I also see her as an ex-ballerina who is suffering from crippling arthritis--wait a sec--nevermind I was looking at Dr Koop's homepage.

A big hug to you. Can't wait to see Chapter one. And wait til you see Cymbidia's happy face animation--Cym--I'm impressed!

[Edited by Ulyssa on 04-19-2001 at 10:20 AM]
Whispersecret said:
Fuck! Like I don't already have enough pressure to follow that preface. If I start losing my hair over this, I'm gonna be very mad.

Great start. Makes me nervous.

We have confidence in you, dear. Like KM said:

QUOTE]Originally posted by KillerMuffin
After that, I fully expect the very talented Whisper to take the bit in her teeth and run with it like hellfire was nipping at her fetlocks. [/QUOTE]

But I was wondering, wasn't the song about a pony she called Wildfire?
Samuari said:
But I was wondering, wasn't the song about a pony she called Wildfire?

We're not doing anything even sorta kinda close to bestiality, right, guys? Right? Right?
cymbidia said:
Samuari said:
But I was wondering, wasn't the song about a pony she called Wildfire?

We're not doing anything even sorta kinda close to bestiality, right, guys? Right? Right?

Just wait til you read my chapter. Heh, heh, heh.

Sooooouuuuuuiiiiiieeeee! ;)
cymbidia said:
[We're not doing anything even sorta kinda close to bestiality, right, guys? Right? Right?

Don't know that it was ever rulled out of bounds, but normally that stuff goes to the extream side, prolly should keep it out of here, but what do ya think, Laurel?
Samuari said:
Don't know that it was ever rulled out of bounds, but normally that stuff goes to the extream side, prolly should keep it out of here, but what do ya think, Laurel?

I, uh, wasn't being serious about the bestiality. ~sigh~ I really didn't think i was going to have to explain that.

Maybe i better stay away from even trying toward a bit of humor. Apparently, like playing a musical instrument, it's one of the things over on the idiot side of my savant. Too bad; most of the people that know me think i'm pretty funny. I'm the one who keeps everyone laughing, you know? Not here, though. I guess my humorous vein must reside in or begin with my facial expressions.
The problem with the printed word

The problem with the printed word is that it doesn't come with stage directions. You never quite know how a line is being delivered. (It could be vaginal it could be Caesarian.) Since we never have midwife handy to translate our printed word, we sometimes misconstrue the true meaning of a line.

For example I happened to read Deborah's "Jailbait" on a totally different site...and I took it as straight (well as straight as Deborah ever gets) you can imagine my chagrin to discover it was posted under humor and satire here at Litcom.

I'd write more but I am stuck down here on my hands and knees with just the keyboard on the floor in front of me, and I've got my dog's knot caught up inside me for the moment. Never scrub the floors naked within striking distance of pets.

Gawd, I hope the kids don't hurry home.

[Edited by Ulyssa on 04-20-2001 at 09:46 AM]
Re: The problem with the printed word

Ulyssa said:
I'd write more but I've got my dog's knot caught up in me and I am stuck on my hands and knees for the moment. Gawd I hope the kids don't hurry home.

That's, like, way more than we want to know about you, babes.
(The preceeding was brought to you today from the letters "S" and "H" for "sarcasm" and "humor".)
Ok... I didn't really read this whole thread, just Laurel's first post.. so forgive me if I say something stupid and off-track... I think that the name of the Literotica covergirl should be "Litetia".. a varied spelling of the most beautiful discovery in the history of Victoria's Secret, Laetitia Casta...
cymbidia said:
I, uh, wasn't being serious about the bestiality. ~sigh~ I really didn't think i was going to have to explain that.

Maybe i better stay away from even trying toward a bit of humor. Apparently, like playing a musical instrument, it's one of the things over on the idiot side of my savant. Too bad; most of the people that know me think i'm pretty funny. I'm the one who keeps everyone laughing, you know? Not here, though. I guess my humorous vein must reside in or begin with my facial expressions.

I got it, just wanted to pull yer leg, and of course Laurel's. I thought it was very funny when you posted it, and was trying to continue the joke. So I guess it was mine that wasn't funny. Wait, we are being way too serious about jokes.

<exit stage right, singing "How Much is That Dogie in the Window?">

[Edited by Samuari on 04-20-2001 at 07:51 AM]
Re: The problem with the printed word

Ulyssa said:

I'd write more but I am stuck down here on my hands and knees with just the keyboard on the floor in front of me, and I've got my dog's knot caught up inside me for the moment. Never scrub the floors naked within striking distance of pets.

Gawd, I hope the kids don't hurry home.

[Edited by Ulyssa on 04-20-2001 at 09:46 AM]

Now I know why I'm having such a hard time getting laid around here. Hell, all the dogs are fucking women. Sheeesh, what's a REAL bitch to do?

Re: Re: The problem with the printed word

Puddles The Wonder Poodle said:
Now I know why I'm having such a hard time getting laid around here. Hell, all the dogs are fucking women. Sheeesh, what's a REAL bitch to do?
Better stand in line Puddles hon; we're ALL real bitches sometimes.
(This whole divergent bitch bit is highly amusing.) ;)
KillerMuffin said:
*... and stomps off huffily*

I was looking through some of the tantric positions to see if i could find instructions for "Stomps off huffily," and I learned that not only must you purchase thigh high riding boots, but there's this prep thing you must do with the leather straps of a wooden ox-bow, a WWII Nazi iron cross and a large bottle of douching vinegar.

However the act will successfully result in a glorious and totally erotic passing out after the fourth hour! Neat huh?

[Edited by Ulyssa on 04-21-2001 at 08:18 AM]
Ulyssa said:
KillerMuffin said:
*... and stomps off huffily*
"Stomps off huffily,"
Dammit. I gotta stop buying my tantric sex books at used book stores. All the good bits are always gone... or smeary...

<exit stage right, looking for Samauri, singing loudly, "Do It To Me One More Time...Once Is Never Enough">
Jeremiah was a Bullfrog

I'm right here, dear, looking for my Three Dog Night album.
A couple of nights ago I was worried. The due date of my section of the chain story was looming over me like a guillotine. I asked Muff when her part would be done and what she was doing in it, so I could have a heads up. She showed me what she had so far, complaining that it had gone flat and she had no idea why.

I read it, made some minor suggestions, and BOOM, she was on her way again. Her part will be up and ready May 1, and I'm working on my chapter too, thanks to her preview. She and I brainstormed some ideas about what my part was going to be about, and thanks to her, I have a rough outline of what's going to happen in my section.

I'm sharing this with you because I think it would behoove everyone involved to communicate directly (through IM if possible, because it's more immediate) about their respective parts. Muff just sent me her (EXCELLENT) first draft and I can see a couple of small things that she's written that clash with what I have planned. Luckily, I'll be able to ask her to change them before the chapter is posted, and my part of the chain can go ahead as planned.

Perhaps that's what we all should do. Send the rough draft to the next person as soon as we have it, so they can have a clear idea of what precedes them in the story. This way, the story will connect perfectly.

I also think having another person to bounce ideas off is excellent. I've already offered myself to Cym for this purpose, and she's enthusiastic about it. I'd be happy to help anyone else in this way too. I'm a great brainstormer.

Or we can just brainstorm here together.

Just some ideas. What are your thoughts?